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Iridescent Lagoon up in flames - Printable Version

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up in flames - Ava - Apr 02, 2012

(i figured i would do something fun with the random event :p anyone's welcome!)

Today had been a bad day for the Poison Path female to head out of their packlands. She had originally intended it to be a stroll but with her renewed vigor and strength she found that she couldn't help but run through the territories like the wild animal she truly was. She had left immediately at sunrise, when the sky was nothing more than cloudy. Now it was mid-day and she was in need of a rest, and what worse the sky had gone from hazy and grey to near-black. There was no sky poking from behind the clouds; instead they lay like an ominous sheet across the sky, hiding the sunlight from her. Thunder rumbled above her, announcing the start of the rain fall, as she slowed to a trot and she crossed on to the gentle slope of land before the lagoon. avA came to sit at the edge of the shore, the growl of nature ringing in her ears. She found the rainwater soothing as she rested. Amber eyes watched the sky as the blackened clouds began to flash gold behind them, a great crackling sound coming immediately after. She rose to her feet quickly. Well that was strange. Usually storms didn't advance so quick.

Then out of no where the rain began to come down in sheets. Within a minute the black female was soaked. Irritation sprung from her throat in the form of a snarl - this really wasn't how she wanted her delightful stroll to end up. But then the water at the lagoon's edge inched forward and began to touch her toes. Alarm shot through her veins. Was it really raining so hard that the lagoon was beginning to flood? She shook her head vigorously to clear the water from her eyes and looked around for shelter. Above the ridge there were a few sparse trees, but it was better than nothing. A crack of lightning broke through the sky and head started her race for cover, her heart pounding into her ribcage.

Just as she reached the tree, a great flash of yellow appeared before her. The last thing she heard was a horrifying snapping sound and suddenly her ears dulled out and there was nothing but a high-pitched ringing. avA sprang backwards and raced toward from where she came, but she couldn't see anything. She blinked rapidly, trying to clear the yellow from her eyes but she couldn't. Disoriented and short of hearing, avA felt a wild panick begin to flush through her. She supressed the stiffness in her limbs, refusing to allow fear's paralysis to come over her. Backing up she felt her paws hit the water of the lagoon. She scrunched her eyes shut furiously as the ringing in her ears began to subside, and suddenly she felt it - the intense heat upon her face. Eyes now wide open she could see what the intense yellow was - lightning had struck her to-be shelter and knocked the tree straight from its roots, setting it ablaze as it rumbled down the slope and came to a stop just about two yards from the flooding lagoon. The fire was too strong to be put out despite the pouring rain.

avA was unable to comprehend how she can't set on fire or died or something. But her situation wasn't exactly the greatest outcome either: she was stuck in between a rock and a hard place. No, fuck that - she was stuck inbetween a flooding lagoon and a burning tree. She looked around furiously, her amber-colored eyes reflecting the wild-burning fire as she tried to come up with a solution.

up in flames - Triell - Apr 02, 2012

    Glaciers melting in the dead of night.

Since the departure of sisyhR, ariaN, and anehtA lleirT had doubled his patrols often seeking out past the Swift River to figure out where they had settled. It bothered him greatly not to know where they were now, and he was hellbent on finding out, and soon. He was aware it probably for the best to leave them be rather than shoving a stick into a hornet's nest and hoping not to get stung. How could he pretend it didnt matter? It did. Though the Tainn might not claim it as war, it certianly did not mean what they had done was something to look the other way. They were enemies were they not? One had to keep them close, and he had failed to in this. Not anymore. He thought gruffly, pressing himself onward in his scouting of their winding trail.

He threw himself into his search, every ounce of him demanding he find the fugitives. The Tainn was so engrossed in his duties he thought little of the darkening sky. Until he heard an old enemy. Thunder. It quaked against his very bone, making his heart throb, and he was soon pelted by what felt like a million drops of rain breaking hard against his skin. His ears flattened, he raised his lips, and growled at the dancing bright light across the sky. "Damn you," he would mutter to Mother Nature's change of mood, and for all that she had done to him, his family. With the words his anger had poured from his lips, or most of it, and he began running away from the Drooping Willows. Trees were damned things in a storm in his mind. The darkness, and the static atmoshpere overwhelmed him, and he had bounded closer to the lagoon of all places. It was in a flash of darting light he saw a dark figure, the edge of the rising water, and suddenly the fire that sparked in the tree. On past experience of cold memories, and in self preservation he bolted toward the water. The water was his friend when it came to fire.

Wait, in his sudden fear he recalled seeing someone else moving. He hung onto that silhoute, and found himself wondering where were they? It was if the need to help someone took away his own fear, and he rapidly worked his eyes trying to see anyone in this wretched storm. Then suddenly he heard the break of wood, and saw the tree tumbling down. He bolted, the dip of the land propelling him onward. He had not been quite in the tree's path and it went tumbling past him. The Tainn saw her trapped between the raising water, and the blazing flames. Wish danger to choose? Which death to suffer? If he had anything to do with it she would not die. He found this spark of strength he could do something. He was not helpless.

"YOU!" He barked roughly, bounding quite dangerously to the roaring heat of the fire. He could not tell if she was frozen by fear, but it was evident in the flickering colors of her eyes. Who in their right mind wouldn't be scared? "Get in the water!" He screamed out, knowing that was quite frankly her only option. If to assure her or let her know what he was thinking he bounded a safer distance before throwing himself into the crashing waves. He fought hard against them, working his thick muscles against their frantic ups, and downs using the light of the fire to guide him to her best he could. It was hard not to feel insignificant in their somersaults.


up in flames - Aniu - Apr 02, 2012

She had been sheltering in a small copse of trees, napping quite contentedly until the thunder startled her awake. Leaping up to spindly legs, the under weight twig of a girl looked about with wide eyes, panting in fear as the rain began to pelt through her meagre cover she settled. The world wasn't ending. Nobody was after her. It was just a storm... She was about to settle herself again, until the loud crack left little but a ringing in her ears, so loud it had covered her yelp of fear and the blinding light left spots dancing in her vision. Not all of the wetness beneath her was from the rain. How embarrassing.

The sparks drifted slowly at first, and she was unsure if it was her worst fear or simply from her clearing vision. She smell of smoke confirmed it for her and she put her speed to good use. Bolting at high speed towards the lagoon, she didn't hear the tree she had been sheltering under falling almost on top of her, she didn't smell the giant wolf she almost ran over, and she didn't see the dark girl as she darted past at speed. Fear was a powerful motivator. She had to get in the water. Water was the only safe place for her now. Flames licked at her damp heels as she raced it to the edge of the quickly rising lagoon and launched herself into the choppy water of the lagoon.

She had learned to swim as a pup, but perhaps this hadn't been the best plan on her part. There was clear land on the other side of the lagoon.

up in flames - Ava - Apr 03, 2012

Thunder rolled through the clouds, but it was the grouse of the fire that took over her ears, its flames licking dangerously near to her nose. Ava shrunk from the lit up tree, now up to her ankles in the freezing water. Stuck between the opposites, her world seemed to come to a screeching halt. The cold seemed to freeze the fur on her back as it crawled up her legs and on to the slope of her spine, while the flickering flames came teasingly close to her face and chest; it seemed like her skin was about to bubble with how intensely the heat spread across her skin. It felt like she was stuck in time, like she could see everything at once and yet she was completely blind. The flames would have come to engulf her had it not been for a jarring voice, cutting through the smoke and flames into her ears.

Get in the water!

Suddenly Ava came alive. She could barely see his form through the wildfire, and suddenly he disappeared. Ava reared to her back paws and wheeled around, the sudden temperature change feeling like a physical smack in the face. The flames took the tip of her tail, singeing the dark fur for a moment before she crashed into the lagoon. The intensity of the situation and the wild, cold water prevented her from feeling the pain of the burn - for the moment. Ava, through all the smoke and panic, hadn't been able to see how rowdy the lagoon had become. As soon as she was chest deep in the water, a huge wave threw her under. A large lump of water lodhed itself in her throat. The dark she-wolf painfully choked it down, her strong limbs seemingly useless as she flailed toward the service. Finally her maw broke through the surface, jaws parting wide to gather as much air as she could. Her heart was pounding while her lungs felt like they had been tossed into the fire of the tree.

With her head finally above the water, she turned toward the shore. The blazing tree was no longer larger than life, yet it was still so frightening. Frantically, she searched for the voice that had called out to her earlier - where he could he have possibly gone? He hadn't been trapped with her. He could have literally turned around and walked away and been safe for life.

Suddenly Ava's body collided with another's in the water. A high-pitched yelp of fright escaped her - which she would deny ever happened if confronted about it - and she splashed her legs furiously to try and take control of her body against the water once more after she had been pushed from equilibrium. She snorted, shaking her head so the droplets of water would come away from her eyes and blinked rapidly until the creature she had hit came into focus: it was a pair of vivid yellow eyes, attached to a teeny, grey female - it could not have been her deep, booming voice that rang out through the flames and forced her back into her mind. "Where did you come from?!" She exclaimed, taking a moment to regain her self control. "Sorry, I don't know what's happening, but we need to swim that way," she cried out, looking toward a further shore. Safety. Survival. Life. All so close, if not for the wildly crashing waters of the storm-upset lagoon.

Her legs screamed for her to go, head for the land, but her mind was in turmoil. She looked past the small wolf she had just verbally assualted, trying desperately to tread the violenr waters. Ava needed to figure out if the other wolf, the one who had called to her, was out there still. She struggled with words for a minute, unsure how to address him, but then urgency took over her vocal chords and she screamed, "Where are you?!" The shriek of her voice rang across the blackened sky, so if he was around, he would surely hear it.

up in flames - Triell - Apr 04, 2012

    I think everything will be alright.

His past nightmares were trying to grip him just as the very dark water lapped at his body, threatning to pull him under. He worked his thick appendages, concentrating on the sylph. If he could distract himself, and ignore his fear maybe he wouldn't die in this place, this way. He was hardly making progess to the she-wolf he saw her break from the hypnotising flames, and enter the thrashing depths. She went blended in with the shadow, and Triell wondered could he really save her? He saw no other option, and put out his moment of pesimisam. He would save her....he had too.

In a single moment he saw her across the way trying to swim against the fray. A large rolling way pushed against him, and he was hidden behind it, cast farther out of the lagoon. Keeping his head, he continued paddling, knowing he was making some kind of progress. It was probably best he was not getting a full dose of the smoke. He soared close to the soar with the help of another wave he saw another pull the lady beneath. Damn. He counted his strokes in his mind, much how he had taught Kinis to do. He was trying to see a trace if she had met it above water when a yelp rose amongst the distant rumble. Stupid rain should be putting the fire out, he thought miserably. He had a target now, and was almost there. It was no longer two wolves in the water but three. He could not make out the words upon the water, not until she had screamed wondering where he was. He raised his head letting out a short woof, followed by a howl. He could see them outlined by the blazing flames. He pushed his tired form harder, soon coming steady near their soaked forms.

"Ready?" He asked, shifting his bright topaz toned eyes from one sylph to the next. "If you stay together, hanging on to each other I think we can make it over there." He pointed to the shore closest to them that was no consumed by fire. After that they'd have to find somewhere safe from the rising water, and biting flames. "Hey," he barked, "don't look at the that, just keep lookin' at me," he half grinned, but treaded the water coming in contact with theirs forms. "Hang on then," he said, ready for another crashing wave, when he thought they were secure he started to swim to "safe land".


up in flames - Aniu - Apr 05, 2012

Where did she come from? What sort of question was that at a time like this? Her mind was all over the place, she had been so terrified she had pissed herself, but all evidence had been quickly washed away when she launched herself into the water. Better to piss yourself than be struck by lightening...Where do you come from? a small voice in her head questioned as she continued to battle against the feral water. Her mother? The dark pack of her birth? Yukon? The mountains? or did the girl mean more recently? From the small group of trees that started the blaze? This was no time to be getting distracted.

Suddenly out of nowhere a dark apparition arrived. She almost drowned at the sight of him. What was Chulyin doing here? He had sworn to stay back and protect their parents... if he was here...

But the wolf wasn't her brother, as became evident as soon as his mouth opened and relief washed over her small body so quickly that her head sunk beneath the water and she emerged spluttering for air. It would appear this wolf was however, very similar to her brother in his want to help everyone he encountered. Just like all of her siblings really, and it made her heart yearn for those she was seeking even more.

Paddling closer to the other two wolves, no longer caring if they chose to eat her or not, as long as they got her away from the fire before they did.

up in flames - Ava - Apr 05, 2012

(lmfao, I love Ani...)

Squinting against the smoke she tried to find the howl's source, though in the dark and the trashing waves almost anything looked like another wolf to her. But suddenly he appeared through the storm, taking over the situation. For once in her life instead of feeling belittled she felt relieved. She had always known she would die another day, until that moment right then when she had been surrounded on all sides by danger. Now she was willing to throw her entire life in the other's hands (regardless of whether he wanted it or not) because damn it, she was terrified and did not want to die! Doing her best to drown her fear with logic, she stared at the male as he spoke, repeating every word of his in her head. Stay together. Hang on. Make it over there. Don't look at the scary thing. Look at me. Hang on. Sounds reasonable.

Ava turned and began to swim, once again running straight into the other wolf. She had entirely forgotten about her existance since she hadn't made a sound since Ava's initial discovery of her, besides her occasional attempts to drown herself, but over the crackling fire and the distant thunder and the roaring waves she couldn't hear the female's sputtery breaths at all. Ava kept her body close to the smaller female's now, in case she decided to head under the waves for good. She dark she-wolf was so stressed out she felt as though she might have a psychotic break at any moment, but she wasn't going to watch this wolf die or else she'd definitely lose it.

Staring straight ahead toward the safe land was incredibly difficult when the waves were constantly jumping in front of her face. For every few paces she managed to swim, something would come and knock her back halfway or toss her under or try to spin her around and get off course. Her dark legs were fighting with all their might to remain above the surface and toward the right way, all the while she kept looking back to make sure the grey female and the ephebe who had saved them were still there. Fatigue and smoke blurred her vision. Half the time she had no idea if she was even going the right way at all. All she could do was keep dragging herself forward. Eventually, she would reach land. Ava could've sworn she was hallucinating the occasional gust of torrid storm wind that brought with it the scent of wet earth, but she preferred to hope it was real and she was going the right way. After what seemed like years, her paws scraped the bottom of the lagoon. The feeling nearly stopped her heart, both from fear and relief.

To remain dignity she pulled herself from the water, walking a few yards up shore. Well, walking was a flattering way to put it. What Ava was actually doing could be better described as hauling her sorry ass pitifully away from the water. There was so little strength left that her knuckles dragged against the wet ground when she attempted to pick her feet up. When she was far enough away from the terrorizing waters she slowly lowered herself to the ground, gritting her teeth as her muscles screamed, until she was laying on her belly. Then she let her body completely fall apart, her long legs splayed out in front of her and her dark head resting on one cheek between her shoulders.

Her chest hurt as she struggled between panting and controlling her breathing to get deep breaths into her lungs and calm her heart. Her tired eyes would remain on the other two. There were words to say and thanks to be given, but first she needed to make sure she hadn't died on the way over.

up in flames - Triell - Apr 10, 2012

sorry guys i'm suckishly slow over here. Aniu is very cute. Powerplay, but I can change it. And Ver you put {word } [/ word] around the word of the day. It'll change colors to be counted. :)[dohtml]
    Come morning light, we'll be safe and sound.

The dark and silver lady was quite terrorized by the sight of him. He was both puzzled, and hurt. She looked like she'd seen a ghost or something. He tried to assume he had surprised her. She seem more collected by his tones, she scared him when she started to go under. She came to before he could grab her, and he had his own relief when she swam a little closer. She was such a little wolf he did not want her to drown. The ldy coated in pure black did well to hang close to the other, and togetherthey worked their way to shore.

It was the longest swim of his life.

Each small progress was taken with no effort by the crashing waves. the Tainn pushed onward trying to be the one steady thing in the chaos. At times he'd grab the small wolf's rough to keep her from going under. He let Ava be in the front, but was no less worried over her. She blended in much like he did into the deadly midnight depths. She was hard to keep track of while. When she'd fall beneath the water he would swim a little quicker tosoon see her rise above the tamertault. Somehow they all continued, and he kept urging the smaller lady onward. He could see the shore just barely, and it was the beckon of hope.

Many a time the smoke threatned to bind him with his own fear. The fire that had taken his parents life often played in the back of his mind, his nostrils taking on the feel of dried partchlement. It was knowing he had to get the ladies to safety that had he keep his head. He'd be damned if he was going to drown. He'd preffer his murderer to be something other than water.

Paws eventually felt the crunch of sand, and the gulp of mud. He continued making himself move despite his body's protest.At last Ava made it to the land, and Triell did his best to help the other stranger walk the rest of the way. He ignored the voilent trembles of his legs, and coughed a couple good times to try to clear his lungs of both water and smoke. He hated his nostrils were tinged with it, but they were upwind of the fire now. He gently smiled at the timid lady, and then took a look around making sure they were safe for a minte or two of rest. The lagoon wasn't threatning to rise as badly here, and the fire would soon be put out by the rain or other rushing waters. They really were okay. He felt like he had not slept in weeks with the forces that had struck against him. He hobbled a little farther from the water, making sure he was being followed. He too would collaspe in the cool sand, trying to collect his ragged breaths. What a night.


up in flames - Aniu - Apr 12, 2012

She was helped to the other side by the large black male and she begun to wonder if this was all just another one of those terrible dreams and that Chulyin was here in spirit at least helping her through it. Once her paws could finally reach the bottom however, it was obvious that none of this had been a dream and she had very nearly been struck by lightening, burned in a fire and drowned in a lagoon... Well they say all bad things come in threes. With that realisation and the recognition there were three wolves gathered her very shaky legs that were threatening to give way in the shallows granted her one last burst of energy to propel her a short way up the bank, safe from the rising choppy waters and a small bubble of a hysterical giggle made its way from her mouth.

Her chest heaved as she tried to take in the air she had been lacking between fits of hysterics and she knew for sure they would think her insane now. Perhaps she wasn’t far from it. Shivering as a cool spring breeze picked up and caressed its way through her damp fur. ”Th-thanks.” she said disjointedly to the two wolves she had collided with in the water. ”A-a-aniu... Just Ani is fine.” she said with a small smile, curling on herself tightly. Either she was cold from the water or going into shock.

up in flames - Ava - Apr 12, 2012

(Thanks :3)

All the feeling in her body had left her, as though the raging waters had stolen it from her the same way it tried to steal her into its depths as well. She was entirely exhausted; heaving the breaths she needed to live almost felt as if they would kill her. When she coughed all she tasted was water and smoke, which mixed and felt like sludge in her mouth. She was almost certain her lungs and throat were coated in the disgusting mixture and she might as well just give up now because there was no living through the dirtiness on her insides. But then she opened her eyes (she hadn't even noticed when she'd closed them, honestly) and peered over her surroundings: the dark, stormy sky and the harsh pelting rain, the angry lagoon and the two wolves nearby, and somewhere across the waters, a flickering orange light. From here it didn't look so scary, but from here she couldn't feel or hear its wrath either. She shuddered involuntary, wincing from the pain of her muscle movement. Ava attempted to ease her spirits by cracking a joke to herself: oh, you'll be feeling this tomorrow. Then it dawned on her she'd probably be feeling it the next day. And the next. And probably several days after that as well. The joke wasn't so funny anymore.

Her ears picked up on the smaller female's hysteria, but she was honestly too tired to feel strange by it. In fact, she could barely hear it; to her it just sounded like a macaronic cacophony in her ears. Ava felt much like she wasn't even in reality any more. This was some alternate universe where she felt only like she half-existed in her body, barely comprehending anything but the soreness of her body. Just as she considered how surreal the moment was did Ava grow angry with herself. Ugh, everything hurt and they almost died but for goodness' sake, she had to be stronger than this! She gave her head a ferocious shake, droplets of water flying from her dampened fur, and forced her eyes to focus. Now she could see clearly the shape of the dark male, exhausted just as she was and laying in the sand, and the peculiar grey female that was having some kind of conniption.

Luckily, she managed to curl herself up and speak before Ava had to consider some form of preventative action. The girl's words were hard to hear, but she couldn't figure out if she was just talking quietly or if her ears were full of water too. Catching the name, Aniu, she made a conscious effort to remember it, though honestly she was so tired she might forget entirely. Following the female's words, she cleared her throat (an action which was both disgusting and painful) and coughed, "Ava." It was much more difficult than she anticipated it to be and honestly, she almost laughed at the damn fact. The dark she-wolf loved to talk, but at that very moment she just loathed it with all of her being. If she could've she would have run to the edge of the water and rinsed her mouth until all the smoke came off her teeth and tongue, but Ava was far from having the ability to run anywhere right now. Instead she cringed, having to bear it.

Her amber gaze sought out the dark male once more, a little curiousity burning in their depths. He had been the most calm of the three, and certainly wasn't having a fit when they pulled themselves from the water. "We have you to thank," Ava said as loudly as she could, "And I owe you my life." That would make him the second black male she did... she was really going to have to work on that.