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Willow Ridge Ground rules - Printable Version

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Ground rules - Avella - Mar 02, 2022

This is Willow Ridges first pack meeting. It is Mandatory for all members however if for some  RL reason your wolf cannot make it something can be worked out. This takes place early morning.

@Scully @Moore @Alarick @Queenie

Spring was upon them and this worried the new leader. She was well aware of how things could quickly get out of hand. She'd seen it before plenty of times and didn't want it to happen to her pack when they had only just started. She worried that if they did it would be the downfall of what she'd worked so hard for. The last thing Avella wanted to do was lead her pack with an iron paw but she felt she needed to lay down some ground rules about what to expect this spring. That was what she was worried about for the time being. She was open to reassessment once the pack had been established for awhile.

The masked woman made her way to the Ridge where she'd decided to make her announcement from. It was time they all knew amd understood her rules. So she raised her muzzle to the clear sky and called for her packmates to join her once more. She had something very important to tell them amd she wanted to do it soon. There wasn't time to waste.

RE: Ground rules - Scully - Mar 02, 2022

Uh oh. Scully couldn't help the thought that echoed along within his skull as his sister's call reached him. Was this it? He hoped not, but the timing foreshadowed otherwise. Almost reluctantly, he pulled himself up off the ground where he'd been resting within the Ridge's cavern and exited, stepping into the morning sunshine. Avella stood at the edge of the Ridge, clearly waiting for the pack to assemble. He walked to her side and gave her shoulder a nudge with his muzzle, quietly saying hello while his tail wagged amicably.

RE: Ground rules - Hagar - Mar 02, 2022

Hagar was not far, getting a drink from the stream that fed both the pack and it's willows. When he heard Avella's summons, he licked his lips and pulled away from the water's edge. It was clear she was back at the den, and obediently he went in that direction, stout legs taking him quickly through the woods. When he arrived, he did not crest the Ridge just yet, instead looking up from below up at his alpha and her sibling. He waited patiently, those mossy eyes hovering on her features to find out what it was she wanted of them.

RE: Ground rules - Alarick - Mar 02, 2022

The call for a meeting was clear and present, something Alarick was quick to respond to. He was thankful that his normal routines of scouting and tracking had not carried him too far just yet, as that meant the trek back to where the meeting had been called was not a terribly long one. Avella, Scully, and Hagar were already present - with the sibling duo taking a place higher up on the ridge.

Alarick approached them reverentially, taking care not to position himself on higher ground than they, or to carry himself in a manner that suggested anything aside from deference to the two. He was not completely sure, but he had a fair idea of why this meeting was called and what it was intended to address. And if it was what he thought it was, neither of the two had to worry about anything from him.