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Poison Path Volatile - Printable Version

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Volatile - Naira - Apr 05, 2012

After the meeting...


Someday you'll find me...

The tawny wolf stalked in circles about an out of place boulder not far from their den, frequent growls and muttered snarls and curses escaping her chest, more than a warning that her pack mates should steer clear. A scene of utter destruction surrounded her, no untouched vegetation existed surrounding her route. Bushes had been decimated, branches and root being crushed into the earth beneath her paws. There was only one exception when she was in such a foul mood. Everyone had a dark side and it was now hers decided to rear its ugly head. Rhysis had never seen her like this, but she didn't care what he thought about it. Nobody could be nice all the time.

Someone had opened their fucking mouth and now she was stuck. Not only confined to pack lands but to the den-site no less (although that was in part to her unaccompanied venture to the Willows. She was stupid enough to let herself get caught). She was furious, not at her love for enforcing the order, she could understand it was for the safety of her burden... Their heirs... But at her pack for not having enough common sense to hold their fucking tongues. It was evident when Fallen arrived with an offering, but now it was so much worse. She should have found the leak and stamped it out then. Perhaps she should just rip all their tongues out. That would solve their blabber mouth problems.

Not usually one for violent actions or angry thoughts, the leaderess didn't bat an eyelid at her sudden change in mood. She had experienced these feelings before, but never so intense. Her maternal instincts were in overdrive. Every threat was personal, and she would deal with it however she had to to keep her little family safe.

This would stop now.

As far as she was concerned they could all burn for putting her babies in danger. She wanted to rip every one of their fucking throats out. After all they had been through, they should know better. She had it in her mind to strip all ranks and leave them all as lowest until they proved their worth and loyalty. Founding members or not. She had no time for the disloyal... How ironic.

She wanted to run. To burn her pent up energy and leave this nightmare situation behind, along with the traitor, whoever it may be. She couldn't sleep. She couldn't function now having an inkling of the danger they were in. It made her sick to her stomach, and she wanted to punish them all for their stupidity. She had never been so volatile.

Caught beneath the landslide...


Volatile - Rhysis - Apr 06, 2012

She had slipped off from the meeting. Her usually bright aurora had changed to something dark, festering and quite similar to his own. As she had left, he’d heard the tearing of branches, of flora being dessicrated as she took out her foul mood upon the landscape instead of him for a change. He gave her that space. He gave her time to arrange her thoughts before he went looking for her. He knew she would be alright, that she would sort herself out in the end and eventually find her cheerful place once more; but that didn’t mean he wasn’t concerned for her. Stress wasn’t good for the pups, that much he knew if little else and it fell upon him it seemed to sooth her sooner rather than later.

A little time had passed. He had remained at the meeting point whilst the others had vanished one by one, his message having rung loudly. He had no doubts they would talk about it all, but he had stated from the start that they would never be normal, never be a “goodie goodie” place to live. Life was going to be tough for them, not only in the area they had chosen to live being riddled with danger and harsh landscapes, but in the way that they functioned and that they worked. Anyone who didn’t like it knew where the exit was...

With a snort to himself, he skipped down from the podium he had placed himself upon at the meeting and wound his way through the forest to their own little den site. There, he saw the silvery female pacing, back and forth outside of the entrance. It appeared she had lost little of the steam she was chugging despite the time he had given her. Silently, he slipped from the shadows and walked up to her, blocking her path as she had once done to him by placing his rear upon the ground. As she turned and grew closer, he said nothing but met her eyes. If she wanted to talk, he would listen, if she wanted to scream, he would listen, if she simply wanted to walk away, he would follow. For now, she needed to vent in any form she felt necessary and it was his job to be the wolf she could vent at. He could take it. He took everything life threw at him and whilst it would one day explode within him, he could handle it for now.

Volatile - Naira - Apr 06, 2012


And you, you can be mean. And I, I'll drink all the time...

Her circular route was interrupted by the one wolf that was welcome to do so. He had given her enough time to burn off the worst of her rage, not just at the disloyalty of those who they had offered a home and protection to, but the disrespect. Perhaps she had simply been too nice, too lenient. It wouldn't happen again. She was still struggling to wrap her head around being a leader. It had never been a position she aspired to, but now, she had to assert herself for the sake of her young.

Slowing as she finally came up to her dark mate, she moved close and pushed her muzzle under his chin and she settled in front of him, sitting close and breathing his scent deeply. It settled what was left of her anger but it didn't lift her dark mood. "I just want to rip all their tongues out to ensure it doesn't happen again." she admitted darkly. She could tell him anything. She doubted he would judge her. She still couldn't bare to sit still, even with his scent calming her nerves.

So fucking disrespectful. Where did they grow up? With a pack of fucking dogs?" she growled, practically spitting the last word venomously but quietly under her breath so only he could hear. She looked up to the stars and made up her mind. "Run with me?" She questioned her love. It had felt like forever since they had simply enjoyed each others company without enduring an argument to begin with. She didn't want to be alone with her dark mood lest she act on her thoughts and maim or kill them all.

'Cause we're lovers, and that is a fact...


Volatile - Rhysis - Apr 06, 2012

He said nothing. He didn’t need to say anything as she told him her burdens. He put them away, put them with his own and let them fester for now. Of course she was concerned, their greatest weapon had been secrecy but already they were being gossiped about. He didn’t know who had disclosed their location, or how the word had spread so quickly, but he was going to find the source and plug it. They were so far away from the world that wolves like Fallen couldn’t just accidently find them, though he didn’t realise he may have just followed Athena’s scent. He knew nothing about him, or the affection he and Athena might share.
He breathed in her scent deeply as she spoke, his eyes remained opened and alert as they cast out into the shadows around them. Beneath the moon his grey eyes flickered a beautiful ice blue, his handsome face looked more radiant than usual. He might have been vain, but nothing compared to the beauty of the female who sat at his chest.

Her let her shout, spit and talk as darkly as she wished. She might not have realised it, but Rhysis knew there was something more to her cheery exterior. Everyone had a dark side just waiting to break out. He wasn’t sure whether to feel proud or ashamed of himself for discovering hers. However he didn’t think anything less of her, in fact he felt more for her, that she could drop herself and be so open, to bare to him to speak in such a way even she might surprise herself with.

As she asked him to run, he simply nodded and rose to his four paws. He would do as she commanded, like the love sick fool that he was he would follow her orders blindly tonight, just to allow her to breathe with him. ”Only if you can keep up with me...” he said in a teasing tone as he gave a nip to her silkly ear. He chose not to comment on her weight at that point, though she looked no different; Kanosak’s warning of calling a female fat rang loudly in his ears and he’d be a fool to say such a thing to her.

With nothing more to say he sprang into a run, though his strides were not as full as if he ran on his own, he wanted to stay at her side. Not just for this run, but forever. He would always match himself to her... no matter how fast, slow or still she wanted to be.

Volatile - Naira - Apr 06, 2012


Though nothing will keep us together...

Gold and silver fur tangled and danced with black as her tall mate rose to all fours. He truly was beautiful, and he was hers. A fierce possessiveness overcame her as she too rose. The challenge in his tease put a smile on her face, but the smouldering fire of rage was still in her eyes. He had a small headstart but she quickly lengthened her stides to pace at his side comfortably. Despite his best efforts, she had spent days traipsing the territory and her muscles had quickly acclimatised.

Finally deciding to put his challenge to the test, the tawny woman lengthened her strides, silver tints flashing more brilliantly than the gold in the moonlight. She didn't need to see the ground beneath her feet. This land spoke to her now, pulsed beneath her paws and sung to her soul. What had initially been a desolate bare landscape had transformed before her eyes into the perfect place for her and theirs.

She knew there was a small clearing ahead and she suppressed the smile that threatened to tear her face in half. As soon as her paws hit the earth her entire posture changed. She spun around to face her mate and put her head down, ears flat. A small grin crossing her face. Would he dance a pretty dance with her tonight?

As if to test her luck she darted forward, snapping playfully at the air by his shoulder before darting back. Her rear waving for a moment to show her harmless intentions before settling back into her defensive stance. It was all up to him now.

We can steal time, just for one day...


Volatile - Rhysis - Apr 07, 2012

His legs roared with the pace, blood pumped through his veins with force and he felt so alive. He enjoyed running, more than anything else. He could run for hours, across any terrain and it was only then that he felt truly alive. The ground beneath his pads was alive, thrumming with energy as they glided across it, graceful, silent and beautiful. Their run was soothing, for him at least. As the wind caressed his skin, ruffled his fur, stung his eyes, a small smile fell across his lips. Running with her, it just felt so right; as if it had been something he had been missing his entire life.

The pair broke free from the confines of their little forest and out into a small clearing. As the terrain changed from earth to grass, the sounds of their thundering paws altered to a less hollow sound. The grassy floor soaked up their weight, and he had been about to kick it up a notch when he caught his female grinning. An extra burst threw her in his path and he slammed on the breaks to avoid a collision.

She darted forward, nipping at him with the grin still upon her beautiful face before she stepped backwards and bowed to the floor. It was a sign to play, to enjoy life and their time together, but Rhysis being the mess that he was just didn’t understand the gesture. He had never “played”. He knew what it was, but not how to do it. Catching his breath, he tilted his head and took a few steps backwards. Feeling utterly ridiculous, he lowered himself to copy her stance, chest just above the floor, rear in the air though no wagging tail. He didn’t move for a moment, simply stood there, unsure of what he was expected to do here. It was an unsettling feeling, something he didn’t enjoy as he waited for something more to happen, for something to come alive within him and take over as it had before... but it appeared that instinct wasn’t going to help him here- play was a natural part of wolf life, but having never experienced it he simply didn’t know what to do. ”I... I don’t get it.” he said with a sigh, before he stood up again and stepped out of the play position. ”Sorry.”

Volatile - Naira - Apr 07, 2012


I will be queen, and you, you will be king...

How could he not get it? Refusing to allow him to be defeated by the strangeness of it all she darted forward again and attempted to nip at his flank. "You over think it." she explained with a giggle. "Just. Let. Go." With her last word she spun on her heel again racing towards the lake and out of their territory, challenging him to stop her from leaving the safety of their home. It really wasn't that much different to sparring, just with less painful bites. Perhaps that was the way to get him into it? He hadn't really seen her fight yet and she had enough anger to burn.

The downhill slope to the water had her barreling at an almost unstoppable pace and seeing a perfectly place boulder she joyfully leapt up onto its top and effortlessly launched herself into the cold waters of their life-source, her laughter resonating off the mountains that surrounded them. Her head dipped below the surface before she managed to find her way back up. She began to paddle her way back to the shore. Bad mood almost forgotten with the fun they were having. There was no need for serious conversation tonight. All had been said at the meeting. This night was now for them.

Though nothing will drive them away...


Volatile - Rhysis - Apr 09, 2012

Does Rhysis remind you of Sheldon from Big Bang Theory sometimes? xD

He stood vigilant as she once more came forward and nipped at him before she ran back to her original position. Honestly, what a waste of energy. She wanted him to let go, that was obvious but there was some things he just couldn’t do. Running, yes. Laughing once in a blue moon, yes. Play? No. Play made no sense to him. It wasn’t logical. Nothing about it made sense. It was a waste of energy, served no other purpose then to irritate someone else, there was no space in his life for it.
With that, she ran. He was almost grateful that she had given up her attempts at getting him to run and jump, nip and giggle. Running was something he could do and whilst it was still a waste of energy, it was something he was willing to waste it on.

He let her take the lead, following her steps effortlessly as his own stride as shortened to keep at the rear. Their speed increased with the decrease of the land, until they were almost atop a cluster of stone. Gracefully, his female glided up onto the top of the boulders and thrust herself from them into a freefall into the icy water. Momentary panic consumed his as she dipped beneath the surface. He clambered up the rocks hastily after her and released a breath he had been holding when he saw her surface once more. With a laugh and a smile, she paddled back to the shore and he climbed back down the small height to greet her upon the shore. With a bump of his nose to her cheek he then shook his head. ”You’re so carefree. So happy. I cannot understand what you see in a grump like me.” he said, half teasing to his tone but utter seriousness in his speech.

Volatile - Naira - Apr 11, 2012



And the guns shot above our heads...

Hauling herself from the water and ensuring a good amount of the water dripping from her coat had a chance to sink into her mates, she waited until he pulled alongside to shake violently, sending the water flying in every direction. His question, asked as a statement would have sounded like a joke to any other. But she knew better.

An absent minded shrug passed her shoulders as she darted further away from the water, lest he try to throw her back in. Looking back with a smile and starlight in her eyes she didn't feel like having a serious conversation now, but it was bound to happen eventually. Her conversation with Triell niggled at the back of her mind, and she knew she would have to face questioning him about it sooner or later, but for now, she was enjoying the night too much.

She hadn't chosen to fall in love with him, but when he wasn't around she couldn't stop thinking of him, when he wasn't there it felt like part of herself was missing. Something had urged him to push her from the beaver dam, and to step in when Valiant came at her, and she often wondered if he would do the same for anyone else. Something deep down told her he probably wouldn't have. "I think it's bigger than that." she answered cryptically with a small smile. Her mother had always told her you couldn't choose who you fell in love with.

Other similarities flashed through her mind. Her mother saved her father from a polar bear attack, they were different wolves entirely, her father was from Yukon and her mother was a stark white arctic with mismatched eyes. They had fought a lot to start with, but they loved each other. It would seem the Kannannaq's were an accident prone bunch regardless of gender. Or perhaps it was just her line of it?

There was no denying that she loved the wolf in front of her. She saw past the gruff exterior, past the leader he was meant to be, and she only saw the light in him, where others only seemed to see darkness. Perhaps that was why she had been sent here? By no means a religious wolf, Naira did believe in fate.

Somewhere between being infuriated and indebted she had fallen in love. Their first encounter was normal enough but why had he left her alone to the leftovers? "You left me the leftovers, even though you clearly needed them yourself. You pushed me off a dam and stepped in when Valiant pushed his luck. Would you have done that for anyone else? What made me so different?" There was a teasing light in her golden eyes. They were a puzzle for sure. Perhaps it was best to not go poking holes in their design.

And we kissed as though nothing could fall...


Volatile - Rhysis - Apr 12, 2012

Is this before or after she meets Triell/Elda? <3

Droplets of water flew from her soaked body to his, grumbling he said nothing but waited until she had moved on to shake himself off. Honestly, he was so grumpy and practical jokes were an irritant rather than amusing. Still, she was enjoying herself and as long as she was here, happy and in good health that was all he could hope for.

The light she saw in him was blind; she knew nothing of him deep down, only that he cared for her and that he was here for her. He was too afraid to bare himself open like that to her. He knew that she would tell him anything. She would open herself up to him and lay there naked for him to judge... but he could never do that. If she truly knew the thoughts he had, the things he had seen and done, he was certain she wouldn’t be here now, splashing him with water and laughing at his sour personality. She certainly wouldn’t sit there singing his praises. If only she knew.

Her own question intrigued him. In all honesty, he had never considered the reasons why he felt like he did towards her, he had gone with instinct all along and decided to keep his mind out of the decision to be with her, else the two would bicker. He didn’t want to dwell too deep into it, all she needed to know was that he was here for her, no matter who or what she was. Obviously that wasn’t going to go down well with her and as much as he cared for her, he couldn’t lie to her. Sure, he could keep things secret, but lying was another issue altogether. ”You are everything I am not, but that I should be. ” came his somewhat cryptic answer. Perhaps it was not the most romantic of responses but what else could he say.
I don’t know. I wanted to own you and now I do. No, he was certain that would go down like a lead balloon. Obviously there was more to it than that. Perhaps the feelings of dominance, pride when she looked at him, of lust when her scent was near was just instinct, but he was certain his mind would have more to say on the matter should he ever want to hear its opinion. He’d never win the internal war between body and mind; were he of average intelligence then maybe the two would get along, but in a world where instinct overruled logic, he was outnumbered.

Something niggled him then, to change the subject and not dwell on the emotions that she seemed to want to express. ”I met Ani the other day.” he said simply, as if it were just the most casual news he had ever heard.