Ruins of Wildwood
Cedarwood Forest Nowhere to go, I'm out on my own - Printable Version

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Nowhere to go, I'm out on my own - Llinnea - Jan 08, 2023


Llinnea hadn't expected to be out here on her own. She'd thought she would have had Asmund with her, her bror by her side to face the world. She'd never have believed it if someone told her her bror hated her, blamed her for Mor's death, would refuse to come out with her.

Blamed her like she did herself.

She couldn't let herself be sad. She wouldn't. He was just a jerk who couldn't see reason. He was too busy being scared, while she was ready to take control. That was fine. She could do this by herself, even if the snow was deeper and the nights harsher than she'd expected. She missed the warmth of the others at night. She tried not to; she couldn't go back. Not now.

She had things to do. So she forged on, pushing through the snow, and trying to ignore the hunger gnawing at her belly.


RE: Nowhere to go, I'm out on my own - Loach - Jan 09, 2023


He missed the ocean.

Not that the forest was bad, but it was not the same as the bluffs. The whipping winds along the edge of the earth, the salt-tinged air. Damn. He missed the ocean. Fiercely, horribly. He wondered why Walleye had ever left it behind in the first place. Although the same could be said for himself. Had he really left just to go chase the whispers of his old man?


What he hadn't expected was to stumble upon a kid. All alone, smelling like nothing but the fresh snow and the woods around them. Seemed an odd time to begin the expedition into independence. When the world was coldest and darkest. Loach did not have many soft points in him, especially not for children, but he was a nosy one.

You on a...mission, cubbin'? Hunting or somethin'?


RE: Nowhere to go, I'm out on my own - Llinnea - Jan 09, 2023


At first the dark shape looming against the white sent a shot of panic through her, visions of her life ending in teeth and blood dancing in her eyes and Asmund's voice echoing in her mind. She was ready to try to run, though there was little hope of reaching safety with the snow to hinder her. Her prints would betray her even if she managed to escape the monster anyway.

Then the man spoke and Llinnea was brought back to reality. Not the monster's voice, and he spoke in the Other language, the one the other Backwater wolves had taught her. She paused and looked at him, wary. The last time she'd met a stranger, her Mor had died and taken everything else with her. Not that she had much choice now, and she was tired of being afraid.

"Nei... no hunting," she said, addressing the only thing she understood with her limited vocabulary. As if reawakened by the thought of food, however, her stomach rumbled loudly.


RE: Nowhere to go, I'm out on my own - Loach - Jan 09, 2023


She spoke a little odd and all at once he regretted his choice of engaging with her. Especially as she declared she wasn't hunting. Then what on earth did she have reason to be out here alone?

A brow raised softly at the soft sound of rumbling that seemed to localize from within her. Yeah? Guess you just wanna starve then, huh? Cruel, but not meant maliciously so. He had every intention of testing her, of seeing if there was any reason why she would be out here. Children were stubborn. He had been the image of a child like that, but he had never been so stubborn as to mark out in the dead of winter.

I can leave you to starve and do...whatever you're doing. Had he been human, a hand would have been fixed on his hip from his tone alone.


RE: Nowhere to go, I'm out on my own - Llinnea - Jan 09, 2023


Llinnea scowled at the man. Just because she wasn't hunting didn't mean she wasn't hungry. He was just being mean, and she'd had enough of that for a lifetime. She didn't have the words to tell him off, or fully understand his jibes other than his tone. Weren't adults supposed to be better than that?

She hmphed. "Fine." It was intended to be both her typical retort and a statement that she was fine; she would find something to eat in this endless wasteland eventually. She turned to walk away, ready to be done with this stranger even though he was the first interaction she'd had since her argument with Asmund.

Since she said those awful things and stormed away...


RE: Nowhere to go, I'm out on my own - Loach - Jan 09, 2023


A brat.

The test had revealed that much to him. Although maybe he had also skewed the results with the way he had spoken. Whatever. Not his problem. He had discovered what he had looked for.

Alright. He huffed back at her. Slowly trailed after her. So you're prepared for what comes with starving? The hunger pangs, the slowness and tiredness, the inability to do much of anything... Grim, but he felt justified in his eyes. Just here to prepare the bullheaded girl for what laid ahead of her if she truly had nobody to go back to. Maybe, in a cruel thought, this attitude had booted her out into the cold.

God, had he always been such an asshole?


RE: Nowhere to go, I'm out on my own - Llinnea - Jan 09, 2023


Llinnea trudged on, the snow nearly reaching her chest at her small stature, and was annoyed to find the man following her. He continued talking, and this time these words were familiar ones. Threats of what she was facing if she continued like this. She hadn't eaten since the day she left; she was very hungry. Is that what this man wanted?

She stopped and turned back to the man. "Yes?" she snapped. "I do not know how to hunt." There. Would that satisfy him? She didn't know how to hunt, she didn't know what she was doing out here, expecting to survive and fight and get strong. Maybe Asmund had been right, that she was a fool for coming out here.


RE: Nowhere to go, I'm out on my own - Loach - Jan 12, 2023


She cracked under pressure and Loach found the truth within. A child, probably scared, out here alone. Which left the grand question of Where are you parents? that he did not particularly feel like asking. Mainly because he imagined it would open an emotional door he did not feel equipped to handle.

You willing to learn? A brow cocked lazily above orange eyes.

But he was already prepared to stalk off, down a less taken trail through the forest. He figured that if something wasn't walking through, then something might be sleeping in a den. That would be an easier catch, and a fine thing for a lesson.


RE: Nowhere to go, I'm out on my own - Llinnea - Jan 12, 2023


Despite the kindness offered to her and her family at the time of her birth, Llinnea had not expected to find it in strangers. He had destroyed that for her, instilling a suspicion in everyone she met. This particular man wasn't even pretending to be kind, but perhaps his tone was what gave her pause. He had spoken with honeyed words, sweetness dripping from his lips in a familiar language as he talked a naive child into bringing her mor's murderer to her. Into nearly bringing her own death upon herself.

Llinnea stopped and looked at the man as he gave his offer and narrowed her eyes briefly. He might kill her. She would die if she didn't eat. If he was genuinely willing to teach her... She followed, giving a small sigh of defeat. "Greit," she said.


RE: Nowhere to go, I'm out on my own - Loach - Jan 12, 2023


He said nothing more. Either she came with and earned her keep, or he went off to feed himself. She could only be a part of his roving if she kept up the pace.

Thankfully, for the both of them, it would not be very long before he spotted black-tipped ears of a white hare. Breeding season for them dictated this place might be booming with them come spring and summer. Alas, he was only focused on keeping his belly full now. He also figured a hare wouldn't be so complex for a new hunter to learn.

He gestured her closer, and his voice dropped into a soft whisper. Hares are a staple of hunting. You get one, you feed yourself for the day. A long, tall black-tipped hare ear flipped at his voice. No matter how soft he spoke. Usually where one is, others are, but we'll take it slow for now. You good to chase, cubbin'?
