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Whisper Marsh Why do We Play with Fire? - Printable Version

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Why do We Play with Fire? - Apolline - Jan 15, 2023

Private for @Malien only <3


Frost and snow had completely overtaken the land. In desperation, the smallest Macieo had fled the mountain, hoping to find some cover in the lowlands. Of course, she didn’t intend to stay away for long, she just needed a break from the icy heights.

Once she made it down into the Wildwood though, she didn’t want to turn back. Before their move to the Cove, she’d hardly even left the Chasm, she hadn’t wanted to, really. Now she longed for the dense forests and bare rock of her real home, but feared seeing it empty. This, she’d reasoned, was the closest equivalent, and even with the trees bare and ground covered in snow, she wasn’t disappointed.

She found herself moving further and further from the mountain each day, travelling through mixed woods interspersed with curios, blackened stumps, appearing to have been dead for a very long time. It was all so exciting, and night seemed to come all too soon, prompting her to seek shelter in whatever nooks she could find, which were often cold and lonely, but the adventures of each day quickly overshadowed that.

Sun had set on her third night away and she was just starting to look for a good sleeping spot when distant sounds drew her attention. Noises like she’d never heard before, seemingly far away yet shockingly loud. Curious as she was, she tried to discern the direction, wandering for a bit before she cleared the tree-cover, stepping out into a vast open space, seemingly endless in the waning light. Suddenly the area was lit up in a flash of color, drawing her eyes to the sky to see a shower of multi-colored stars exploding across the heavens in a crackling chorus. “Woohw..!”

Thoughts ”Speech”


RE: Why do We Play with Fire? - Malien - Jan 15, 2023

Just pasting in the RE so I can reference it ^^'
You keep hearing loud snaps and cracks, and when you look up you see that showers of color are exploding and disappearing from the sky in the far distance.

He likes this general area: there's some mountains, there's some lakes, there's no Woya, there's peace and quiet. The willows are nice, and against better judgment he still comes back there every once in a while. No sign of what he's looking for, and he doesn't want to venture back towards the enchanting falls he had first met her at, either. Better that he never see them again, to commit them to dream-like memory along with the star.

Let them become like the snow, blown away by an errant wind.

There's wisps of ideas forming in his mind, drifting like banks of fog, in and out, shapeless; there's things he wants, and things he need, and things he think simply could be fun to try.

It's just, getting there...

That's the bit he's not sure of. So he keeps it somewhere at the bottom of his soul, waiting for the seed to grow.

He's heading northwest, under the starlight. The willows had been empty, pale as the ashes of a burned-out fire. He knows he should stop, but it's hard. He's not even sure what he wants anymore. He's not even sure what he'd do if she came back.

Probably nothing good.


Something.. happens. The occasional keen, snaps and booms, and.. it's like the northern lights, except they come, and they go. The lights cast across the wide, frozen expanse of the marsh are blue, yellow, red, green - reflected in his eyes, together with the stars. Child-like he wanders, nose up, until something else happens.

A small wolf steps out of the cover. Malien doesn't like having his angelic experience disturbed but also, who cares, exceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeept-

Once the smell hits him, he realizes it's Apple. She smells different now, of the cold, hard mountains rather than that forest of ferns and sunflowers. Had they moved? Or had she finally grown tired of her tyrant momma? Or is tyrant momma lurking in the bushes again? He comically looks left and right. Sniffs.

Seems like it's just them. (Isn't she too young to wander off alone?)

"Hey, Apple," he calls out, moving towards her in case she thought him a part of the surroundings. "Fancy seeing you this far from home."

But his eyes, his eyes are still on the sky.

RE: Why do We Play with Fire? - Apolline - Jan 19, 2023


Her eyes too were fixed on the heavens, wide as they can go, perked ears twitching with each pop and crackle. She’d never seen lights in the sky before, other than the moon and stars, a shooting one once, leaping across the black background in a trail of fire. But that was brief, blink and you’d miss it. This, this was like the sun, only blinking in all imaginable colors, over and over, and she would never grow tired of watching.

Then a sudden voice drew her back to her surroundings, which she had entirely forgotten. Her head snapped down, but against the darkness of the marsh, the lights appeared to keep flashing right in front of her eyes, obscuring her surroundings. She blinked rapidly, squinting at the shadow that seemed to materialize out of thin air. “I… Did you say…” She started, confused at this apparent stranger approaching her and using her nickname, but then another flash lit up the silver-toned wolf and Apolline’s eyes went wide; “Lien?!”

The memory was more like a dream, a day when the sun had come down to earth for a curious pup to examine. And where a lesson was learned about befriending strangers – or had it been? As he stood there now before her, all she felt was excitement.

”Speech" Thoughts


RE: Why do We Play with Fire? - Malien - Jan 19, 2023

It seems to take her a moment to place him, and though he feels the briefest flash of annoyance at that he can't fault her. It had been some time, and surely much had changed in her life, new memories forming over the old ones. If it wasn't for her scent he might not have recognized her instantly as well- she had grown. A lot.

But then the dots connect, and Malien favors her with a toothy grin and a happy wag of his tail. "Mmmh," he confirms, momentarily bringing his attention down from the colorful sky to watch her for a moment. "Gosh, you've grown so much. Look at you!" Then- he sobers, somewhat. "I hope you didn't get in trouble with your mother last time."

RE: Why do We Play with Fire? - Apolline - Mar 23, 2023

I'm sorry this was left to sit for so long, I've been really struggling with her :/ Would still love to continue though, if you do.


Another explosion of color painted the sky, and her gaze was momentarily drawn back heavenwards, but now her attention was torn. Silver fur shimmering in the flashes of different color, Malien seemed, if possible, even more intriguing to the young girl than the first time they met.

She smiled shyly back at him, giggling nervously at his words, which made heat rise in her cheeks. It was awfully nice to be noticed, not just another pup among a host of siblings and cousins. Woya did her best, but there was still only so much time to split between the children, never mind her other duties, and with her father off somewhere with her brothers, Apple was rather susceptible to the older man’s attention.

Still his question made her frown a little, thinking back to that afternoon and trying to remember her mothers exact words. It was mostly lost in a haze of emotion, her own feelings about the encounter and ensuing reprimand sticking much better than the lesson itself. Looking back up at another burst of color, she pursed her lips, answering in a light tone: “Not really.” She shrugged, looking at him with another girlish smile; “She was mostly just scared I guess.”

”Speech" Thoughts


RE: Why do We Play with Fire? - Malien - May 08, 2023

No worries! I've been quite low on time myself for the past few months, but I hope it'll get a bit better now.

Those things in the sky- what are they? When she gazes skywards he can't help but do the same again, enchanted by the flashes of green and red, the sparks of silver, and the cinders gently floating down like falling stars... winking out, one by one. Some are accompanied by a muted, distant keening, barely visible before pop-ing into a bright burst.

He can see why she'd want to watch them. And he can't help but wish Artyom was here to watch them with him. Would he even believe it if Malien told him about it? It sounded ridiculous - flashes of color in the night sky, like somebody turning on and off very local northern lights.

He's not sure he can survive the idea of Arty thinking him a liar, so he'll probably not tell.

Those who are young and lonely are among the easiest to manipulate, but really, outside of being in her good graces there's nothing he wants from her. Sure, he'd like to get back at Woya one way or another, but he has no concrete plans, or even ideas for one. It would be nice to get Apple to leave her, but Malien has no place to offer her to stay instead. "I'm glad," he responds, as if he hadn't been baiting Woya into losing her cool the entire time. He's not entirely sure he believes her, though, but he won't press. "She does seem a very protective mother."

Understatement of the century, or what? He looks up as more auroras bloom on the dark sky, silver tail giving a thoughtful little twitch. "But enough about her. You're very far away from that ferny forest." Statement or question, second try.

RE: Why do We Play with Fire? - Apolline - Jun 11, 2023


If she could have read his wandering thoughts, no doubt her jealousy would flare, that his attention was not on her alone. But as it was, she felt every bit in the limelight, with only the small distraction of the colorful lights to pull both their eyes, now and then. Her analytical side wanted to know what they were - each colorful explosion unique, from the blend of hues to the way the starbursts scattered and faded against the night sky – but for now, her curiosity was focused on Malien, hanging on his every word.

His comment about Woya’s protectiveness made the teenager grimace, clearly showing how she felt about her mother’s attempts at looking out for her. It all seemed rather pointless now, in any case, and if there was one thing to appreciate about the move to the Cove, it was how much easier it had become to slip away, unnoticed among so many other pack mates.

And, as if reading her mind, the silver man then asked about her home, prompting a frown from Apolline. “We left,” She answered, tight-voiced; “Went to live on the mountain.” There was clear poison in her voice, eyes rolling to further underline her distaste; Maman thought it’d be nice to spend some time with our cousins.” From her tone, it was very clear what she thought of that idea too – all in all, the picture of a disgruntled teenager.

”Speech" Thoughts
