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Giant's Demise What's This? - Printable Version

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What's This? - Luca - Jan 29, 2023

Quote:Luca- A shooting star flies overhead and you're left with the following prompt: A celebratory balloon has drifted into the wilds of Relic Lore and is now caught in brush. What is this bright, shiny thing?!
All Welcome, February 3rd


The small wolf walked slowly across the snow laden trunk, toes spreading with each gingerly step. He'd never seen trees of such monstrous size and so many were strewn about carelessly. Brown eyes scanned around himself with a curiosity to what had happened years prior. He drew in a slow deep breath taking in the various scents of this strange wooded land. Eyelids closing as he relished in the peaceful moment.

As Luca's coffee colored orbs reopened something in the distance caught his attention. His head cocked to the side. Meticulously he treaded over the trunk, jumping down to a lower one, and then the ground. The object glistened in the sunlight momentarily before the cloudy overcast consumed the break in the sky. His brows knitted together tightly. He recalled memories of fish scales but nothing more that was as shiny. The young Denahi slowed his trot into a cautious walk as he drew near, nose twitching, muscles tightening. His posture was not overly tense merely heedful. When at last he'd reached the bush and could see the item appeared to be of no immediate threat, Luca carefully reached forward to pick at it with his front teeth. He pulled back gently in attempt to free the object so he could inspect it.


RE: What's This? - Siyet - Jan 31, 2023

Siyet was enjoying the the sunshine and cool breeze that surrounded her. She couldn't help but feel a little giddy today. Some of the recent events and conversations she had had filled her full of bliss. Her life was definitely in a good place. She was walking through the trees, and brush when she saw a movement in the brush in front of her. Walking across her path was another person. Seemingly attentive, and possible worried about something. She was curious and hoped that there was no danger to the other person. She decided to follow to make sure.

Upon further investigation this person was someone she had heard about that recently started roaming around the area. Concerned for the this person, she called out to them.

"Hey! Is everything alright? You looked worried about something."

She did keep her distance a bit, just to make sure not to spook them or anything.

RE: What's This? - Luca - Feb 05, 2023

OOC: Hey, unless Flair specifically mentioned him in a thread, Siyet wouldn't have knowledge of Luca. :)


Luca pulled back tensely, muscles coiling underneath his thick pelt as he played a game of tug of war with the bush. The item came loose but not without a few rips in the material. "Hey! Is everything alright? You looked worried about something." He turned towards the voice and blinked mindlessly at the wolf. They looked so similar to his family. The male was taken back by the sight of this stranger. He'd seen another pale coated wolf, Insome, but she had not been another artic. His heart panged at the familiarity and he longed for his little brothers. There was an awkward silence before he finally responded, "I didn't know what I was looking at." He explained, his mouth full and his voice muffled. He sat the balloon down, sniffing it. Unfamiliar scents that he'd never taken in before filled his nostrils. "Do you know what it is? Smells funny." Luca's posture was neutral but he cared not to wag his tail or offer much of a greeting, his attention occupied by this strange new thing before them.


RE: What's This? - Siyet - Feb 21, 2023

The new wolf was very interesting, familiar, it was something she hadn't seen in quite a while. This was filling her full of emotion she hadn't felt in a while. She hadn't really longed for home after finding a new one with Jethro, then another new one recently. She immediately felt her instincts to protect this one kick in.

The other one was tugging at a strange object, and asked in Siyet knew what it was. Unfortunately she didn't know. It was as benign to her as it was the other person.

"I'm afraid I don't know what it is. But it certainly looks interesting."

She inched closer to the other person and this mysterious object, smelling the air to try and get a hint as to what it might be. She didn't recognize the scent. This worried her a little as things that were unfamiliar always had the potential to be dangerous. Moving closer to the object, she kept ready to back away in case it did something unexpected.

RE: What's This? - Luca - Feb 22, 2023


The woman also didn't know what they were looking at. Admittedly he was bummed by this, he had hoped to gain some understanding. Slowly with soft gentle movement he nosed it towards her. His eyes softening as they met hers, his tail finally wagging. "I'm Luca."He offered with a pained smile. She looked so much like the family he longed to be reunited with, but he did not wish to return to their harsh homeland. Losing Inari...even though time had scarred over the emotion wound, it still stung. Others had fallen to starvation, but it was her that was etched deepest into his mind. Nature could be cruel and unrelenting.

He pulled himself back into the present, "I agree...and very shiny." Interesting was a word for it. Smelled strange, looked strange, didn't seem dangerous, and it intrigued him. "What do you suppose we do with it?" He asked her, starring down at the silver balloon. The stranger drew closer, and he paid attention to her body language, she seemed stiff. Like she was ready to run at any given moment. "I don't think it can hurt us." He offered encouragingly, once again nudging it towards her this time with a playful smirk.


RE: What's This? - Siyet - Feb 28, 2023

Siyet continued to ponder the origins of this strange object. While she was doing so the other introduced themself, so Siyet though it appropriate to do the same.

"I am Siyet, it is a pleasure to meet you. Even if it is under these circumstances."

She chuckled slightly. The situation was definitely an odd one.

Luca asked what they should do with the object, as it didn't look dangerous.

Siyet thought about this for a moment and began to open her mouth to speak but changed her mind. She really had no idea what to do with this weird thing. Maybe it was something that could be useful? Maybe it just seemed harmless and could potentially be very dangerous. There really was no way of knowing. Ultimately the best decision may be to leave it alone. However, Luca seemed very interested in the object and wanted to explore it more. Siyet really wasn't sure but decided that it should probably be investigated.

"Well, I think that we should inspect it a bit further, see what it is made of. Who knows what this thing can do. It could potentially help us in some way."

RE: What's This? - Luca - Mar 04, 2023


Luca chuckled, "These circumstances?" He asked playfully with a smug smile. He listened to her, staring down at the shiny thing, "I'm not sure it could be useful." He picked the strange item up between his front teeth, the broken string dangling.

He stood still for a long moment pondering how they should go about inspecting the item. Eventually he sat it back down, placing a small paw firmly on the plastic. He tugged back forcefully, tearing a piece a way in a strip. He stuck his muzzle into the opening to take a sniff. The balloon tightened around his maw, forming to his nose as breathed in the scent. The strange thing was attacking him! Luca jumped back startled and shook his head wildly.


RE: What's This? - Siyet - Mar 11, 2023

Siyet watched as Luca started to investigate the device a little more. She watched with cautious eyes and listed to his words saying that it may not be useful. It was not too long after this that the device sprung like a trap and soon Luca was stuck and Siyet sprung into action.

She jumped forward and used her teeth to try and rip the strange device to get Luca Free. "Luca are you okay? Hold on, I am going to help you get out of there!" She tried to keep her voice calm as she said this as to not make him panic more. She tore more and more into the device. She could see that the device was starting to come free from him between Siyet ripping at it, and Luca shaking around.

Siyet could tell that there was just a little more away from freeing Luca, she severely hoped that he wouldn't face any injury from this whole fiasco.

RE: What's This? - Luca - Mar 11, 2023

tw: M just in case


The man thoughtlessly continued to flail, desperate to get free. His lungs cried out for air. His nostrils burned. His eyes were watery. His vision began to blur. She was saying something to him, but it didn't register, Luca was in a state of mind that didn't allow him to concentrate on anything but the ballon attempting to suffocate him.

He could feel teeth scraping along his muzzle, the plastic tearing away, and yet he couldn't bother to hold still so she could remove it. No, he was frightened. The small wolf kept thrashing until finally one of Siyvet's attempts succeeded in freeing him. Luca stood there, wide-eyed, sides heaving. He gasped for air all the while coughing. The faintest bit of blood dribbled from a scratch, but aside from that he was unharmed.

After what felt like hours, but had been mere minutes, he was able to catch his breath. He looked at her worriedly, "Are you alright?" Not considering her personal space the man inspected her face for injury, "Did it bite you?" He asked while checking her over. He stepped back after a moment, Thank you...for saving me..." His narrowed eyes fell on the ballon, "We should destroy it, so no one else gets hurt." His normally gentle tenor voice held a dark note to it.



RE: What's This? - Siyet - Mar 11, 2023

Finally, Luca was free. Siyet was huffing a little bit from all the chaos that ensued. She was glad that Luca was out, and to her surprise he first asked if she was okay.

"Yes, I am okay. Thank you. It didn't get me at all thankfully. I'm just glad you're okay. I was worried for a bit."

With this she showed a smile at him while she continued to regain her breath as he thanked her. He also suggested that the device be destroyed in case someone else were to be in this predicament.

"You know, at first I was more curious about this device however, I believe you are right. It would be terrible if someone were to get stuck like you did without anyone to help them. So...Yes lets be rid of it."

Siyet was a little saddened that they couldn't observe the device a little more as she truly was curious. It would be irresponsible though if someone were caught in it. So this was probably the best plan of action.