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Shroud of the Lost spinning on rodeo - Printable Version

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spinning on rodeo - Avesta - Feb 09, 2023

For Sovanya <3
give me love give me fendi my balenciaga daddy

Avesta had continued to linger around the highlands, following after Loach who inspired her and made her just a bit curious. She found the entire premise of the group that hung close to each other but was not bound by rules to be fascinating, to say the least. It, however, did not make things easier when it came to the winter weather. With no real structure, she was still left to fend for herself, to hunt for herself, and winter proved to make that difficult.

She craved for that winter to end, to let up it’s strangling hold on the world around them so she might fill her belly and not worry about starvation. Her stomach growled as she prowled through the Shroud of the Lost, hoping to break through the thick fog that lingered in order to catch some scent before the prey was alerted to her presence and made a break for it… so far, she was not having much luck, resulting in an irritated growl of frustration, huffing as she plopped her rear on the ground and looked around.

God, this felt hopeless.


RE: spinning on rodeo - Sovanya - Feb 09, 2023

Sovanya, on the other paw, had just fallen into a bit of luck. She'd caught herself a hare, and been so hungry she tucked right into it on the spot rather than try to find @Enera and share. Maybe after all the meat was gone she'd feel a touch bad she hadn't thought of her sibling, but for now she could only relish in the taste of fresh, bloody meat. This living-without-a-pack thing was a lot harder than she had anticipated, and she missed her family, especially Adonya, yet... Something felt right about all of this. The struggle, the distance, the independence. Instead of being lost in a sea of seven, for the first time in her life, Sova felt like maybe there was something out here waiting just for her.

The winds were shifting, and the air smelled of an oncoming storm. Taking a pause from feasting to catch her breath, she inhaled deeply and enjoyed the electrified taste of it. More interesting than that, she realized then there was a stranger about by their scent. Her ears shot up and she surveyed the area around her while licking the blood from her muzzle, but nothing stuck out from her current vantage point. With a soft huff, she stood and grabbed hold of her kill by the gristle-strapped spine before setting off on a second hunt.

Who else was out here in the wilderness?

RE: spinning on rodeo - Avesta - Feb 09, 2023

give me love give me fendi my balenciaga daddy

Envy would linger under the surface as the winds shifted, the scent of fresh blood seeping into her nostrils as she moved towards it, a hungry look in her eyes though she would say nothing at first. The girl holding the hare between her paws and licking the blood from her muzzle was less than a year old, a child at best despite being no doubt near her first year of life, her birthday. Her stomach would growl once more as she left an ominous distance between them, her eyes boring into the girl.

She wanted what the girl had, though she did not have it in her to steal from a child such as this. It did not feel right by any means.

Finally, she would find it in herself to speak, to not appear so awkward and ominous on the outskirts. “Don’t suppose you caught more than one, did you?” She would ask, attempting to break the barrier of silence that had lingered. “Or happen to know where I could find one myself.” She would add in there, trying to show that she had no intention of trying to wrestle the meal from the girl. Loners could get quite defensive over their food, after all.


RE: spinning on rodeo - Sovanya - Feb 09, 2023

The stranger was speaking before Sovanya was able to pinpoint her, causing her hackles to rise a bit and her almond eyes to narrow as she halted. She knew better than to trust strangers blindly and felt disappointment in herself for not being the first to make their move. Still, this wolf didn't seem so bad by first impression. She smelled of practically nothing in Sova's opinion, explaining her line of questioning. The young Rayvne considered for a moment, blood from the kill betwixt her fangs dripping onto the snow at her still paws.

Once decided, she swung her muzzle to toss what was left of the carcass toward the woman.

"Take it," she instructed simply, before returning to grooming the viscera from her fur. She even let her russet haunches drop, feigning a sense of security. It would seem she'd woken up on the right side of the den today.

RE: spinning on rodeo - Avesta - Feb 09, 2023

give me love give me fendi my balenciaga daddy

She caught the expression instantly, influencing her calm nature as she made the approach as to not startle the girl further. She might be young, but that did not mean she was capable, especially against a wolf as small as Avesta herself. She only saw confusion when she tossed the carcass her way, the puzzled look on her features showing. Such kindness? It had come unexpected seeing as the girl had no idea who she was.

“Are you certain?” She would ask, the caution appearing on her features as if trying to figure out what hidden motive could remain. Perhaps she would want something in return or something… nothing was ever this year, from what she had learned. She had swindled before and there was always a catch in a situation like this.


RE: spinning on rodeo - Sovanya - Feb 16, 2023

The stranger reacted with surprise, and Sova couldn't help the crooked little smile that appeared on her muzzle as she took to licking her paws clean of crimson stains. She even let her long-lashed eyes close, the picture of confidence; for now.

Are you certain?

She regarded the other girl coolly.

"You clearly need it more," was the simple answer, not even needed to be given in a smug tone. Her face said it all. It was the truth, too! She wasn't just being bitchy. Sova had Enera, and this girl was obviously lacking such an advantage.

RE: spinning on rodeo - Avesta - Feb 22, 2023

give me love give me fendi my balenciaga daddy

Avesta still wondered what the catch was… but hearing that smug tone really did give her all she needed. Her nose twitched, a moment of hesitation lingering as she debated turning her nose to it… but then her stomach growled again and it reminded her of how hungry she was.

She cleared her throat, shaking her head regardless as she nudged it along. “I’m travelling with a group. I will be fine.” Perhaps Loach could help her take down something a little larger than the creature the young girl had tried to offer. “You’re young, probably still growing a bit, yeah? You need it more than me.” There was no doubt in her voice from that.

She hadn’t really met the others, but she’d heard they were cool and at least seen them around. “What are you doing all the way out here by yourself? There aren’t any packs out near here that I know of.” And she looked far too young to be travelling by herself.


RE: spinning on rodeo - Sovanya - Feb 22, 2023

Just like that, the food was turned down. Whatever. Sovanya would just eat it herself then, though maybe not now while this girl was around to see it. Irritation began to prickle in her stomach at the other's words, and she found a rising need to prove something to the stranger. Or maybe it was to herself?

Her eyes narrowed as the wolf claimed allegiance with others, each breath telling her otherwise. That Sova's nose might be mistaken was of course not an option to her.

"Liar," she stated clearly, tone almost scornful in its temper. The assumptions on Sovanya's own situation were ignored, the younger wolf choosing to keep the conversation on the other instead.

"You don't smell like anyone but yourself. What's your problem, huh? Gotta show up a kid?"

RE: spinning on rodeo - Avesta - Feb 22, 2023

give me love give me fendi my balenciaga daddy

Avesta could not help but raise an eyebrow at Sovanya as she accused her of being a liar, accusing her of being shown up by a kid and that was why she needed to lie about it. Why, she’d never! “Listen here you little twit face, I said no. Get over it. God, did your parents raise you to talk back like that?” She had no idea the nerves she might hit with that one. She’d never lived in a world where wolves hadn’t had their parents. It was just the way of things in her old pack.

So at least she could put her foot down on this, set the record straight before she had her name dragged through the snow and ice and for what? Because she didn’t want a little kid to starve? “I said no because you need it more. You’re still a pup, and that means your body is still growing, so you need more food.” God, she was just trying to do something nice!


RE: spinning on rodeo - Sovanya - Feb 22, 2023

Sovanya was quite pleased with herself to have inspired such a reaction. Her ears twitched at the name thrown her way, a new one for sure and less offensive than other insults her own siblings had conjured up, and she might have even giggled at it. Except while the other seemed a touch outraged, she wasn't exactly flustered. She had her own points to make and Sova didn't like any of them. Her brown eyes narrowed dangerously, tail rising slowly behind her until it was level with the rest of her spine.

"My parents raised me not to take shit from anyone," she bit back, a scowl etching deeply into her muzzle. Even the fabled Rhaegara and the stories she'd passed down through Enera had taught her as much. Of course, it could be argued that Sovanya started all of this, but it'd be difficult to convince her of that. All she'd done was offer this girl a meal, and gotten dissed for being younger in return. Fuck that.

"I'll take your fat ass right now, you think I'm so little."

A step was taken forward, proving her willingness to tussle with the adult.