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Stormcloud Moor disturbed - Printable Version

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disturbed - Haunt - Mar 03, 2023

for @Sovanya
Random Event: Snowmaggedon! A foot of snow has fallen overnight!


Haunt skittered through new lands like a paper bag. They rolled along wherever the harsh winter breeze carried them. Today they hoped it carried them somewhere warm.

A foot of snow had fallen and they had to do everything they could to travel through it. The Moor had become an angry tundra overnight, Haunt had been an unfortunate victim of it. Covered in a heavy dusting of snow that they had awoken with upon their back. A quick shake had dissolved most of it into the air, yet they collected more that fell in their travels.

Orange eyes fluttered feverishly as they scanned the white, snowy horizon. They thought they spotted something ahead and already they began to cower lowly.


RE: disturbed - Sovanya - Mar 03, 2023

Sovanya had taken a hit to her pride, but she was learning from it. More guarded, more calculating and certainly not about to let herself fall to hubris again. When she thought she smelled a stranger amongst all this fresh powder, the girl still sought to investigate, but in a far more predatory fashion. She stalked along the gray expanse and used the drifts to hide her tawny coat as best she could lest another get the jump on her.

Something moved, and she thought she saw a flash of orange eyes. Sova froze, her own peach sights focused hard on that spot, willing the other to show themself again. Maybe it had been a trick of the light...

No. There was a difference there, the subtlest changes of shade that didn't match the natural falling of light and shadow. Sovanya grit her fangs and stepped forward, revealing her own self with a tall, assertive stance and tail high while curled toward her back. She let out a bark, demanding the other acknowledge her in return if not show themself outright.

RE: disturbed - Haunt - Mar 03, 2023


A tickle in the back of their brain became a loud alarm. Frightened by the tall child's sudden appearance. All teeth and bark! Their tail flushed up against their underside. Tightly pressed against a soft belly, a fragile belly! Haunt did not want to become some hungry wolf's meal in a hard time.

They whined lowly, gaze averted. Every classic sign of submission that they could give, this girl would receive.

No eat, no eat, no eat. A mind that looped their plea on repeat until a soft tremble had taken over their body. No more than bones! No eat, no eat!


RE: disturbed - Sovanya - Mar 03, 2023

That flash of orange again as eyes widened in fear finally dispelled the illusion outright. Sova could make the other out now, even as that vivid gaze dodge away and out of sight again. Their outline against the snow looked properly cowed, and Sovanya couldn't help but feel immense satisfaction at that. It was much better than Avesta's belligerence.

So she dared to walk closer. She still watched for signs the other might try something fast, but for as long as the stranger appeared submissive the young Rayvne's confidence would be bolstered. Stopping a few paces away, enough distance to still be safe for them both, she eyed the other over. Better able to take in the details of their form, how thin and ghostly they were.

"What're you creepin' around for?" she demanded to know; nevermind she'd been the one slinking about.

RE: disturbed - Haunt - Mar 03, 2023



" creep." They begged softly, voice wavered uneasy in their throat. Haunt would be no harm! Haunt would never 'creep' again if it meant this girl was not mean! "Only travel. Find food. Find shelter." They dared a glance towards the girl's legs with a nervous flutter of their gaze. Mortified, even if distance remained between them!

Haunt knew that even this young girl could easily take them! There was the want to lower herself further, but the thick pile of snow on the ground kept them from doing so. Lest the girl think that Haunt tried to hide!


RE: disturbed - Sovanya - Mar 03, 2023

Sovanya's muzzle crinkled as the other finally spoke, though with distaste or humor was probably difficult for anyone else to tell. This wolf immediately set themself apart with their pitiful words and the warbled timber they were spoken in. They were ridiculous, pathetic, and something about Sova absolutely adored it.

Like a child dragging home a stray, she decided with absolute certainty that this wolf was now hers.

"Yeah. You don't look like you have any," she commented callously, lips beginning to curl in a smarmy smile.

"I do, though."

The grin grew, until her longteeth were poking out deviously.

"Ya want some?"

RE: disturbed - Haunt - Mar 03, 2023


And all at once, Haunt accepted the bait.

It seemed logical that a young girl would have a home, a cache of well stocked food. Children often meant groups and Haunt understood that they could be the lowly underbelly of the group. That they could be a good lowest and accept whatever, for protection and food.

Their teeth chattered with a soft excitement before their voice escaped.

Yes. Haunt want. You give? Haunt shrunk, lower and lower. Practically submerged in the thick snowfield by now. They could beg. They could play the dangerous game of being told to jump and all they would ask is how high.


RE: disturbed - Sovanya - Mar 03, 2023

It was clear they wanted as much, even before they voiced it. That tail that was arched over her back was now wagging. Lacking all resistance was not something Sovanya was used to, and it was all but guaranteed she would squander this boon rather than properly taking advantage of it. Of course, what more could be expected of a child given so much power? Her mind was still awhirl with all she might try and get this wolf to do to stay in her good graces, foolishly assuming such a balance could be everlasting instead of quickly burned away.

"That's your name? Haunt?"

She liked it, nice and spooky. Perfectly befitting the whisp of a wolf before her. Her eyes narrowed wickedly.

"I can, if Haunt is good. Nothing comes for free, right?"

RE: disturbed - Haunt - Mar 03, 2023


Yes! That was them! Haunt!

Yes. Haunt. Their head quickly bobbed for a moment before it resumed a low hanging position. Their gaze remained on a snowy patch between them. Paws hidden beneath. They wondered what the claws on such a strong girl looked like. Sharp! Scary! Haunt decided swiftly that if they never knew, it was better.

Haunt good. Promise be good. They muttered softly, squirmed through the snow with the belly becoming a sweeper. They wanted to reach a place closer to the young girl. So that Haunt could properly cower at the young girl's paws and become nothing more than a puddle of submissive goop at her feet.

Not free. They understood. They knew the harsh ways of the world.


RE: disturbed - Sovanya - Mar 05, 2023

The other wriggled closer, reminding her of some sort of scuttling insect. It made her giggle, her pale paws stomping with an excitement she hadn't felt in a long time. Things had been far harder than Sova would ever admit to, and little Haunt was managing to be a spot of sunshine in this unusual exchange. Tail now a blur it whipped back and forth so fast, she beamed down at her new companion.

It didn't occur to her that @Enera might not be too happy with her bringing back a stranger, especially after the incident with @Avesta. She also wasn't considering that she really wasn't as well off as she liked to appear, and her ability to keep Haunt with them would all depend on what exactly the other wolf's standards were.

"Okay. Then first... you gotta play hide-and-seek with me. Then we'll go eat."

At least for this, she already had what she was promising. There was meat she had hunted with her sister stored for the two of them to return to. Haunt wouldn't take all that much, right?