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Secluded Spring Unión - Printable Version

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Unión - Nina - Apr 16, 2012

The golden brown female ran through the forest towards the borders of her pack, hopefully Treena, a wolf she had encountered, in tow. The younger female that she had met showed a common interest in joining a pack and had asked about Nina's current pack and if she could possibly join. The emerald-eyed female agreed to bring the other female to the borders and call for her leaders. Stopping far enough away from the borders she waited patiently for Treena to catch up with her. The female was a good hunter and Nina saw the potiential of a fighter in her if she was well-fed enough.

Twitching her ears she looked towards her pack's territory. What would Ruiko or Aeylen think? Would they be angry with her for bringing another wolf near their borders. The wolf had currently joined the pack and she did not wish to be kicked out if she made a mistake. Hopefully she would do this right, she would just follow Kanosak's lead from when he had helped her join.

Unión - Treena - Apr 16, 2012

Treena was risking a great deal, offering her guidance to a pack may backfire greatly. The she-wolf already understood the danger, but she was desperate for acceptance and company. She followed after the older she-wolf, her head strained forwards and her eyes wide and alert. She trusted Nina, but approaching the border was something no lone wolf was comfortable with. Her muddy paws didn’t shake with fear, nor did the cold sweat of anxiety reach her pelt. She was dominant and didn’t believe in weakness, this was her chance to prove herself. In her mouth a rabbit lay limp, hanging from the scruff and swaying in the breeze. She had caught one on the way, a gift for the pack. She seemed smug with herself. The catch was fairly large and would feed a wolf well. The blood tasted irrespirable on her tongue, she longed to eat it there. She had strong will power though, and showing off her prey would be all the more satisfying in the end. Plus, she had just eaten minutes ago, her stomach was content the way it was.

Her snout twitched, the orange tip wiggling as she let in a deep inhale. She wasn’t too tired out, even though catching two rabbits had taken some energy. She had been gifted a good nights sleep, and what a day she was having! She had felt tired before, when Nina had first approached. Now she knew her lethargic history would have to be suspended, it would be a disadvantage in her new adventure. Wolves had chased her away in the past, joining a pack was tricky business. She’d have to be on top of her game to seem appealing, to make herself a worthy pack mate. Though it was clear at her exterior she was a powerful individual, her encounter with weight loss was an unpleasant sight. Bones jabbed at her sleek fur like knifes, the muscles throughout her body more visible than attractive. A descent meal or two would serve her greatly, to return her to her former youth. Though she did not know the pack she was about to join, she had already promised them so much.

Taking a seat she gave Nina a aperçu, tail wrapping around her forepaws out of habit. She was prepared for anything. Dropping the meal from her mouth and placing it at her side, she made sure to clean away any mud from off her face and shoulders before giving Nina an encouraging nod of the head. “I do believe I am ready.”

Unión - Nina - Apr 16, 2012

With a reassuring nod at Treena, she figured now was the best time as any to call for one of her leaders. With a sharp intake of breath Nina let out a loud howl, too loud for her liking but loud none the less. The golden female wasn't a loud wolf so doing something loud was shocking for her. She could only hope that one of her leaders got the message and would arrive soon enough. Tilting her head slightly she went over what she would need in her head. Treena was an excellent hunter and with the proper training could become a potenial fighter. Think girl, what would Kanosak do!

Keep calm and be respectful, with a soft sigh Nina sat down near the borders waiting patiently for someone to arrive, "I hope you're ready." The brown female spoke to Treena softly. She wasn't going to ignore the female, but she would need to be serious.

OOC: Sorry for short post. Just wanted to get this up so I could get Aeylen or Ruiko in here.

Unión - Ruiko - Apr 18, 2012


His eyes roamed the area where Kinis’ whereabouts had last been most obvious. It hurt – the pain he felt for his missing brother was indescribable, and try as he might to focus his attention to his mate and their unborn children, Ruiko would find himself coming back to the specific area over and over, day in and day out. The patches of blood and fur were gone now – likely washed away from the rain and hoarded by birds to create nests for their young. As thankful as he was for the sight to be washed away, it only stirred on the knowledge that he had nothing left of his brother to remember him by. One day he had been here, the next he had been taken from them.

The lure of Nina’s beckoning howl stirred him from his thoughts. Licking his lips with reality swarming back to him, the Leader pushed himself up to a stand, his paws treading to the area that demanded his attention and duties. Moments passed, and as the tawny male came upon the two she-wolves, his eyes would drift from the familiar form of their healer to a stranger, his stoical mask releasing nothing to either of them. “Friend of yours, Nina?”

Unión - Nina - Apr 19, 2012

Moments past when Nina was almost positive that one of her leaders wouldn't come, and that was when she started to doubt herself, but was quickly assured when her male leader, Ruiko, stepped out of the shadows. The brown female instantly lowered her head, pinned her ears, and tucked her tail underneath her as a sign of submission to her leader. She was the lowest ranking in the pack meaning that she would need to show more submission to her leaders. The face her leader showed her revealed nothing to her, and his words were not reasurring.

Speaking softly but strongly to her leader she said, "Yes, Ruiko, her name is Treena, we were thinking that she may be able to be a part of Copper Rock Creek pack. She is a phenomanal hunter and with proper training can people a potiental guardian." Nina relayed the facts that she had just spoken back in her head. It sounded good enough and she kept her ears slightly pricked awaiting her male leaders repsonse. She knew that if he refused than she would have to be right by his side; she knew she wouldn't second guess him.

Unión - Treena - Apr 21, 2012

Treena was getting uncomfortable. Her fur started to rise, but she held it down. She looked over her shoulder continuously, debating an escape plan. She wasn’t trusting of the new male wolf. She even started questioning Nina. Her head strained forward, ears pinned to her head, tense and stiff-legged. Her eyes scanned over his large body, the muscles under his fur. She couldn’t compete. She shifted her weight continuously, paws aching. She remembered her father, but he was smaller than Ruiko. She wasn’t prepared for the anxiety coming over her.

She used her forepaw to push the rabbit unsurely towards the dominant male, eyes clouding over in fear. “I caught this, for the pack.” She pulled back. She was watching him, making sure he made no sudden moves. She was on the edge of attacking. Her fur was now bristling, her teeth slightly showing defensively. She was crossing the line, too unused to other wolves to act herself around two of them. Her tail wasn’t between her legs, but it was sticking straight out, as stiff as a branch. Her shoulder blades were pushed forward, pressing against her fragile skin warningly.

Unión - Ruiko - Apr 21, 2012


At his presence, Nina lowered her muzzle and tail, drawing forward the male as he bent his muzzle down to lick her gently between the ears in acceptance to her. He knew only a little about her, but she seemed to spend much of her time building the pack for the better, especially with her collection of herbs and plants she used for healing. While Kanosak and Volkan had both been given some basics by Elettra, the she-wolf from Grizzly Hollow, they were still very inexperienced, and Ruiko was grateful to have a wolf of such knowledge among his ranks.

Ruiko listened to Nina, though his gaze slid back over to the stranger she had brought home. The defensive rise of her hackles stirred his figure straighter, and as her lips pulled back to reveal her teeth. His own lips mirrored her action then, and stiff legged and raised to his full height, the dominant male stalked forward, unimpressed with her threatening stance. “Your gift is appreciated but your attitude isn’t,” he warned lowly, his tail giving a lash as he allowed the she-wolf one last chance to submit.. else he’d chase her off his land with something to remember him by.

Unión - Treena - Apr 21, 2012

Treena didn’t back down. Glaring into the eyes of the towering male she found it hard to do anything but submit. It wasn’t like her to rebel. Yet, there she was, refusing to look away from his stare. The unease pulsing in her veins was growing. He was so large, so much stronger than she. Being so close to the border with a dominant male snarling back into her face, it was like multiple claws digging into her flesh, pushing her farther off the edge. Being alone for so long had made her forget her place, the life of a loner gave her free range, she could take on the world, and even though deep down she knew she couldn’t, it was already too late. She needed a harsh lesson, someone to put her back into reality. This was going to be it.

Meeting Nina was different. The she-wolf was her size, careful to approach her properly, with a different attitude. This male was an alpha. He had no need to be gentle with the loner. He made her uncomfortable with his structure alone, the muscles and the sharpness of his teeth. She felt threatened, and trapped by the border of his pack. She didn’t think of Nina now, the trust the she-wolf had placed upon her. If she had thought of the she-wolf, things might have been different. She may have stopped herself then, said a goodbye and raced off into the forest before causing any more trouble. Nina had been nothing but nice to the loner, offered up help, and loyalty. It was all Treena now. She raised her spine, her dusty brown and speckled black fur moving in the breeze. Her shuffling stopped, her mouth clenched shut and a deep growl echoed deep in her chest. Her golden eyes were tinted with malice, narrowed like daggers

She turned like a snake, her body snapping with fierce reflexives. She didn’t touch his body, her teeth only cut through the air. She was acting in fear, her aggression had built up and she wanted to escape. The alpha was so much bigger than her, the fact she snapped her jaws in his direction was almost impossible to comprehend. She couldn't leave a single scar on his pelt. He could tear her to shreds. Another mistake was that she didn’t run instantly, but hesitated a second before realizing what she had done. That second gave him all the time in the world for his teeth to invade her body.

Unión - Nina - Apr 21, 2012

The nervousness she had felt slipped slightly away as Ruiko licked her between the ears in acceptance, but it all soon came back when she glanced over at her friend, Treena was standing there, hackles raised and teeth bared, the opposite way that she had approached Nina. The female watched with scared eyes as Ruiko spoke to the female, and Treena's nerves must have gotten to her, for she didn't back down. She continued to stare at Ruiko like he was the devil and that he was a danger to her, which he very much could be, but what Treena did next shocked Nina, she snapped at him, in the face.

WIth a small growl the small female launched herself by her leader's side, her sweet nature long forgotten as she snarled at Treena her hackled raised and canines bared. She knew this is what she would have to do if Treena did anything to her leader and she knew that she wouldn't regret it. This was her place as a wolf, to protect her pack and remain loyal, which was exactly what she was going to do. The NIna that Treena and Ruiko had met weren't here anymore, that was healer Nina, and now she was the defender.

The golden brown female glared at Treena her stare as sharp as daggers. She wouldn't let the other female get away with snapping at her leader, but she wouldn't do anything unless she acted again or Ruiko said otherwise. She wouldn't go beyond her ranking doing what she was not authorized to do. The snarl that came out of Nina's mouth echoed throughout the area, and she made sure that it was obvious that she wasn't the quite wolf she always was, she did have a dark side, one that could bite, and bite back hard.

Unión - Aeylen - Apr 22, 2012

May I?

The blooming days of spring seemed to run together now, in the wake of her brother-in-law's disturbing disappearance. A wilderness once touched by the spirited presences of the family who'd come to call the location ' home,' Copper Rock Creek had been broken, and the effects of trauma that the pack had come to endure resonated at every bend.

It absolutely broke her down - watching quietly as, day in and day out, Ruiko grieved in relative silence. In addition, the pack's numbers had somehow dwindled, adding to the pressures she'd entertained since becoming a proud, expecting mother. A sense of guilt pulsed through her veins. Thanks to the collective efforts of her family members, the leadess remained well fed as the little souls in her growing belly now stirred. But she was hungry, starving for companionship and the need to fulfil her desire to mantle a dynasty to last for generations.

This thought alone was on her mind lately, and so she trailed Ruiko this day, hoping, at least, to extend her support while acquiring some comfort for her own.

Eventually, the tawny shewolf would find a fresh trail, the sultry scent filling her lungs like a breath of fresh air, and soft, honey-hued eyes would fall upon the group in the distance. Ruiko was clearly recognizable, like the copper stones against the dark pebbles of the creek bed, accompanied by the pack newest addition, Nina. A third wolf stood before the King of the Creek wolves; a female, tawny not somewhat unlike herself, obviously emaciated as was apparent from the short distance that hid Aeylen as she onlooked. An ear would flicker forward while the other, trained, listened to the air at her back as she attampted to catch some of their words. In a moment things looked to took a dangerous turn, and the show of posture between the Tainn and the stranger would have sent a chill down her spine, were she in a lighter mood. From her objective perspective, it was clear that the rogue was frightened, overshadowed by Ruiko's intimidating physique and gestures. The flicker of a smile played on her lips briefly at the thought before her expression faded to stone - to her, Ruiko was a gentle giant, but to those who didn't know the man, he was what nightmares are made of.

A distant growl abruptly silenced her thoughts as her weight and ears snapped forward to lay gaze to the female's defensive advance on her mate. The adrenaline rushed through her body as fast as her strides pulled her closer to them all in a furious sprint. She was not going to tolerate a shred of violence now, in the wake of Kinis' disapperance and while her pregnancy was full fledged. A deep snarl lulled in the alpha's throat as she slid rigidly, tactfully into the midst of the matter.

"Enough!" Her words were firm, the resolve of her tone carrying the iron assertion that was, truly, one of her better qualities. She would display her menacing canines immediately to the unknown female as her plush tail fell into position high above her back, eyes locking fiercely to frightened gaze of the wayfarer before falling upon Ruiko. She was certain that he would kill the female if he chose, but the last thing that she would allow to happen here was further bloodshed. Not today.