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Willow Ridge the magician - Printable Version

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the magician - Niamh - Mar 19, 2023

@Rashina ! <3


Niamh danced in a clearing that cloudy morning. The barren branches of the willow trees swayed with her as a chilled breeze ruffled them to life.

She swept in motions that would better fit an entertainer than a traveling soothsayer. For she had seen every role in her life, she had kissed each line in Snake's Ravine and had become stronger for it. Fitter for the world beyond.

Even when the spring gripped her and turned her into a beacon for the scavengers. None could come near, here. None would threaten her when she had pledged herself as a number. But numbers still had names, still held feelings. Numbers meant magic in ways beyond what the common folk thought.

Which is why she danced down a scented trail, fit to find one more of these numbers and know their face like the back of her paw.


RE: the magician - Rashina - Mar 19, 2023

And the scent, this shrouded morning, would draw the young woman into the direction of Ra. She danced on light feet, but the blind mystic would not see it. Only hear the rythmn of her footfalls as she draw nearer.

"New life has come to the Ridge." Her words broke out into the chilly air, as Ra laid to rest under one of the many barron willow trees. She was often seen like this, lounging under them.

Clouse had come and now, this new woman. Finally, life was stirring into the otherwise quiet and desolate land that was Willow Ridge.

RE: the magician - Niamh - Mar 19, 2023


A pale woman with eyeliner like the divine!

Niamh only stopped her dancing so she could peer. Her lips peeled into a soft smile for a moment. This one spoke in a manner that seemed familiar, homey.

It is the way of spring, to bring forth new beginnings and close old ends. She spun once more like a ballerina unable to rest before her final show. Then she sunk, lowly to lay upon her side on the cold ground. It did not bother her to not be seen by those clouded eyes. Power could lie in words more than the physical form.

What other new life may come?

A riddle talker she became, prepared to map the Ridge's life through this eyelined woman.


RE: the magician - Rashina - Mar 20, 2023

She spun again, her feet sliding and kicking over dirt. Then she lay, her fall to the earth did not seem heavy. By her footing too, Ra thought her to be a light woman. Whether tall and thin like herself or small and petite figure, Ra had yet to know.

A question then. Ra's lips purse. "I do not know." She paused in thought, deciding to tell or not. It would be obvious if the woman stayed long enough. "The children's parents still remain, but they do not call eachother husband and wife." Still, they had grown their pups as mother and father. This, and Hagar was the only male in the ranks that was not blood. There was little choice, should the Alpha not wish to seek elsewhere outside of the land.

"What is the name of this dancer, who lays with me?"

RE: the magician - Niamh - Mar 20, 2023


And once more she found confirmation that Hagar was not a man for lies.

She had danced in the way of children's play with him and he had said the same too. Now a woman who seemed nothing like him confirmed again. Which also had revealed that this one would not be the lead woman. Not the one he had told her of.

She had found a good man to make debts with.

Niamh. She purred warmly as her tail softly tapped against the earth. But I am more than a dancer you see. It was the not-husband man who brought me here. Her eyes glinted with warm intrigued and she allowed it to slip into her voice too. She would hide no pleasure from one who spoke so freely.

I am a trader from the south and I have come to bolster this Willow Ridge. Or what remained of it, what there would be in the coming weeks of springs arrival perhaps. What is the name of the one with eyes like the divine?


RE: the magician - Rashina - Mar 20, 2023

She spoke of Hagar with a warmth, one which Rashina took into herself. If Avella did not wish Hagar for herself, someone else may be willing to claim him as their own. It would not be Ra. She did not think of men in this romantic way. He seeded strong and healthy children, this is all she knew.

She said that she was a trader from the south but in her time here, had decided to stay. For how long, it seemed uncertain. What interested the blind woman most, however, was when she spoke of the divine.

Ra smiled shyly to her kind words on behalf of her eyes. "I am Ra." She leans in the direction of the woman then, her small front teeth showing as she grins with a pleasure. "You speak of the Gods?
I am what they call 'seer', but you will learn here that these are not spiritual lands."
A bit of a frown then, as she pulls her head back close to herself. Her nose wrinkles and she gives a little snort in protest to those ignorant to the divine in these lands. "I think I might return to my home before, where my visions are of much use."

RE: the magician - Niamh - Mar 20, 2023


Ra, divinetouched she became in the mind of Niamh.

Bearkissed first. Now Divinetouched. She had begun to collect the crew and she knew there could not be many more. Not if the numbers had truly been as small and frail as they had sounded. Enough to come calling the aid of a trader dancing on hot spring winds.

Yet a frown came upon her. So soon! They had only just met and this one discussed going back to a homeland. Niamh understood greatly, but found she did not wish this. Not for either one of.

Do you tell me they do not listen to the words of a seer here? No one comes to council with you when things are in such a dark hour already? Perhaps what occurred here was the hand of the divine then, to wring out those who had a blessing and ignored it. A seer! And none wished to use her visions!

There was a girlish protective flare that licked like acid inside her stomach.


RE: the magician - Rashina - Mar 20, 2023

Ra's face mimicks Niamh's, though she cannot see it. Her frown deepened and brows furrowed together. "I think they listen, but they do not understand. Their faith lies within, only. They do not open themselves to something far greater then themselves."

"They do not pray. They do not dance and sing and rejoice under the Moon's light. They do not make offerings to the land they take from!" Ra is ahead of herself, her passion coming to egnite, to join the festering acid in Niamh's gut.

"I have heard much a suffering those within this Wildwood have endured in the past and us here more recent, with a horrible drought and long winter. I admit, I have been weak and ill and have not had the strength to teach as well as I should have."

Ra takes some of the blame unto herself, for not teaching them the error of their ways more sternly. She had spoken to @Hagar of the Gods and their signs. She had taught Eve of The Gods of Old. But the winter had been harsh and with their little pack, Ra's body had nearly turned against her. She was ever greatful now with the pups learning to hunt on their own and her brother, Clouse, having decided to stay for a time.

RE: the magician - Niamh - Mar 20, 2023


They had not come to understand and now they paid the price. It was not the way she had wanted it to be, not for any. Yet if one forsook enough and enough...

To not even dance or sing? No rejoice? Misery sounded self-imposed. Still she had coaxed Bearkissed into dancing through the meadows with her like two newborn fawns prancing. So he had proven capable, but perhaps the belief lacked. Perhaps these northern lands were just as she had heard whispers of.

It only meant she had been destined to be here. Faced with a sister of faith.

You are only this way for things beyond you. A sneer crept over her features. The blame cannot be worn like furs. She offered a small paw closer within reach, even if it might not be seen perhaps the movement could be heard. Felt in the budding electric magic that sparked between them.

Let us work together now for a greater good. Even if they may not listen to the seer and the soothsayer, hm? I will restore you like a shrine! And now her voice lifted in laughter warmer than the cold air around them.


RE: the magician - Rashina - Mar 22, 2023

Niamh, the woman of the southern sun, made to sooth Ra's worries, quelch the fear of doubt within her heart. The dainty paw shifts closer into Ra's direction and Ra lifts her own paw to place it onto the woman's. She feels the static prickle in her paw. Felt the shiver down her spine despite the growing warmth she felt.

"Yes, help me to make these lands whole again." She breathes in the woman deeply, a full smile on her features. A Seer was little without its believers, just like a shrine that Niamh spoke of. "Together." Ra felt there was little good she could do, as she was now... but perhaps, with Naimh, a turn of events would come to them for the better.

Ra did not know if she would stay, but at least felt at ease in knowing that should she go, she would not be leaving the family empty-pawed. The southern soothsayer had come to save them all.