Ruins of Wildwood
Kingsfall Bringing every girl and boy baskets full of Easter joy - Printable Version

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Bringing every girl and boy baskets full of Easter joy - Spirit of Wildwood - Mar 30, 2023

This is a surprise Easter Prompt! It is welcome to all players, this will be SoW's first and only prompt, feel free to interact with it as you would like.

[dohtml]In the heart of Kingsfall forest lived a chicken named Cluck. She was small and unassuming, but possessed a heart full of bravery and wit. Cluck had lived in the forest for all of her life, and had grown accustomed to the dangers that lurked around every corner. Wolves were a common sight in Kingsfall, and Cluck knew better than to let her guard down around them.

One day, as Cluck was wandering through the forest in search of food, she stumbled upon a small clearing. At the center of the clearing stood a large tree, this seemed like a good place to store her things! So she set to work gathering food and water, leaving small piles of berries and nuts at the base of the tree. Then on top she left one long white feather marking it as hers. Off to gather more![/dohtml]