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A Cold Breeze - Follko - Apr 19, 2012

Sunny With Clear Skies 68 degrees F

The blackish brown wolf padded softly
on the pine needle strewn ground. His brown black coat
easily hiding his form in the tall trees. The male stopped at the foot
of a large pine that had long overhanging branches with thick green needles.
With a quick reconnoiter of the tree and his own
surroundings the older wolf shook out his fur and sighed.
With gray fur encroaching around his muzzle the wolf was easily
identified as an older wolf, and his thin frame showed his

inability to catch larger food items.

The clouds had parted earlier during the day as the wolf
was traveling and now the darkening sky signaled his top at
Cedarwood Forest. The small bare area underneath the pines' overhanging
branches would make a nice place to rest for the older wolf. His
ankles ached after the short hunt a few days ago with the other loner wolf
he had encountered. So now Follko slipped quietly under the needles of
the boughs and scraped out a soft spot in the needle leaf litter.
After coming to this place Follko had smelled various wolf scents. Some
of the scents were fresher whereas others were weeks old, but this meant that he
was closing in on a well populated area of wolves. Maybe... Follko
thought, there's a pack around here. He sighed and then decided to scent
the breeze again for fresher wolf or pack scent. Unfortunately for him
the wind was blowing towards the territory markers not out from them.

Follko growled softly to himself then curled up tighter in his quick nest.
"Perhaps a little rest under the stars will refresh my spirit." He yawned showing
long healthy white daggers to the invisable spirits of the trees.


A Cold Breeze - Jaysyek - Apr 21, 2012

sorry Tabs :( I was gonna get here and I spaced it. I'm kinda all over, but here I am.

Jaysyek doing a daily patrol of the forest was nothing unusual. She may be expecting, but as much as the first it would not keep her from accomplishing daily tasks. She was aware of some other scents as she trotted along the boundaries of the hollow, like Raigo's, and Borden's. The rest were old, and faded. She softly sighed finding Elettra's. She would miss that lady, and hoped their differences wouldn't be a forever goodbye. If she thought of sad things, she would become emotionally, and she didn't need to be. She pushed past, continuing letting her nostrils brush against the dotting fauna, somethings even the grass, and pine needs beneath her paws.

Other than Jedd she had not encountered a loner for some time. She half figured they may not be so desperate to find homes now that it was spring. It was going to be another usual, ordinary day. Until this new scent of a strange male skidded past her nose. Her pale gray dusted ears would alter back, her eyes quickly taking in each rock, leaf, and speck of dirt. She was tense these days, and her muscles bunched with that tension. It wasn't because she was afraid. She felt it best to be alert, at the ready to expect anything. Whether a friendly rogue, or a foul brute.

A swish of her tail she immediately sought out the scent, her hackles partially raised in her weariness. She half wished someone else was doing this, but it was really her responsibility regardless. It was her job to protect the hsien that was Grizzly Hollow. With black flaring nostrils she searched around both cedar and pine trees, suspicious this one was hiding. Who she discovered surprised her. A sleep silver man who appeared older than she. Her ears cupping forward, her face became more curious then worried. He was asleep, and not much of a threat far as she could tell when her mismatched eyes took his figure in. He looked even older by his lack of meat, and she half thought he could have been dead. It was this thought that scared her, and pushed her to speak. "Sir?" She would ask in her strong tone, standing a couple feet infront of his bed.

A Cold Breeze - Follko - Apr 22, 2012

OOC: Its ok ;)

The wood frogs were singing throughout the night in Cedarwood Forest
as Follko rested. The frogs chorus had lulled him to sleep in the early hours
of the night. Follkos little nest in the pine needles kept the elder comfy and cozy.
Only the rise and fall of his dark chest gave away that life was still within this wolf.

Follkos' body twitched and his eyes flickered half lidded when the she wolf spoke.
"What the hell?!" Follko looked at the she wolf, curiousity and worry in her glimmering
"Don't you young pups know to let a sleeping wolf lie?" Follko growled slowly baring
his fangs in annoyance. He lifted himself off the ground into a sitting position and
looked hard at the female.
His orange eyes looked over her strong young white frame and confusion rolled over his face.
This female is holding herself higher than regular female loners. He pondered
silently to himself. Then he suddenly smelled the scents rolling off of her.
A mixture of many wolves which meant she was in a pack, and by her stature a
higher ranking she wolf too.
Follko shook himself and growled at his stupidness. He shouldn't have
sounded so rude before.
"Please forgive me for my rudeness miss..." Follko lowered his body and tail in submission
but left his head at her height. He wasn't about to give up his pride.
"May I ask you what you name is? Or would you like to know mine first?" He huffed
while averting his gaze to be more submissive.


A Cold Breeze - Jaysyek - Apr 22, 2012

The "young soul" must have spent the night in the forest, and she couldn't help but wonder if he was aware how close to her home he was. Watching a sleeping wolf did not give anyone much to go off of. When he awoke, quite surprised to see her, she would have to decide how she would react. Would she be quick to anger or merely take a step back letting the man wake up more fully before letting her mind contemplate what kind of a wolf he was. She chose the later. Though when he would growl, and bare his teeth her white muzzle would crinkle revealing a single sharp canine in warning. She would not be ripped into, she had not really disturbed him. It was not early, early morning, but certainly time to wake up if he was to seize the day.

When pushed himself upward she offered him more space, letting her pale mask become smooth once more. Her eyes,however, she did not take off of him. She patiently stood, letting him take her him making his own assumptions, and ponders about her. She had woken him up after all, and it was the way the game was played. Two strangers taking as much unspoken information as possible.

Another growl, her ears twisted back ready to sound her own if he was going to continue being grumpy. She had great patience, she did, and remained silent. He could be one of those who needed more sleep. Once he took in the situation at hand, possible grasping who she was he muttered an apology moving his body into a lowered position. This was good sign, and her taunt muscles were quite so seeing it. Though she was not sure if his questions were very polite. Some how it brought an odd smile to her face, a brow raised in question. Everyone would soon learn she was not the usual kind of leader. "I woke you, so how about we call it even?" She stated first, the end of her tail sweeping out behind her while she also resided to her haunches. "As for names I have no trouble sharing mine, nor letting you keep yours if you wish." She rolled her medium shoulders, truly not caring what it was he would decide. If he was harmless, and not interested in joining she had other things she could do. She had woken him, and would give him her time. "So, I'm Jaysyek Lyall, leader of Grizzly Hollow."

A Cold Breeze - Follko - Apr 23, 2012


Follko took in the white she wolfs' words silently. He closed
his orange eyes in thought while he sat on the crude nest of pine needles.
"Excuse me young one I did not realize that you were the leader of a pack." He
lowered his head just a slight bit and set his ears flat. Now the male felt
that he was very obtuse. He couldn't believe that this she wolf in front of him
was an alpha.
Maybe her packs' territory is fairly close... He opened his flaming eyes
and stared at the ground in front of his paws.
"My name is Follko Theizkei, and I think you can tell by my body that I
can no longer hunt well enough for myself." Follko nodded slowly while still avoiding
Jaysyek's alluring blue and gold eyes.
The older wolf scented the air again wondering if he could catch the scent of
The white womens packmates. Older mixed scents of wolves finally reached his nose
after a slightly stronger burst of wind came from Grizzly Hollow.
"Now I see, I did not know I was so close to your pack. I am truely sorry for bothering you."
He finally looked to her eyes with a more apologetic look. "But I am looking for
some wolves who wouldn't mind taking in a scruffy old bag like me." He he twitched his
ears and layed back down in front of the female. She seemed to have a good patient
personality. To be able to take his hot headedness for so long and not try shredding him.
A better personality than some other wolves he'd met. Respect for this alpha began to
kindle for Follko.
"I guess I could help teach your pups the rules and stuff if you really want me to
contribute in some way." He took his gaze of the she wolf and looked up at the sky.


A Cold Breeze - Jaysyek - Apr 25, 2012

She half chuckled at being called a young one. She didn't feel like one, and would soon reach her fourth birthday. She wasn't about to be critical, nor insult him. He was older than her and earning her respect to a degree. It wasn't she was impressed easily, it was more like a window of opportunity. Anyone with half a mind to have manners, acting the gentleman or a lady stood a chance to be in her good graces.

His vivid orange eyes remained lowered, and he kindly introduced himself. She'd put his name to memory hoping it might be one she would need to remember, rather than displace like some others before. Her silver tinted crown would nod thoughtfully at his true words. He was skinny, likely from the harsh cold hands of winter. This might be seen as weakness, and older starving wolf. Jaysyek saw a survivor with strength...someone who could endure. A half placed smile found it's way to her soft mouth. "You are close, but more on the other end of things," she confirmed. The den was located more in the center of the territory, but definitely in the more northern part of the claimed forest. If he had continued with his grumpy attitude she might have been unhappy..for now it was not the biggest deal.

Good naturally she laughed, not sure if he was trying to play the pathetic and sorry card or if he merely was this way. "Hmm, we could. We do expect everyone to pull their own weight at least," was her reasonable answer. She felt he wouldn't be a burden, he had made it through winter, and seemed in good health regardless of his weight. Her smile broadened at his offering. She took a moment to collect her thoughts.

"Follko, there will be pups come spring and another teacher would be grand to have around if you feel you have the patience," she began, her eyes lit with the promise of the future. "But you would be at the bottom of the pack, able to work your way up."

A Cold Breeze - Follko - Apr 25, 2012


"Bottoms fine ma'am." Follko smiled with his pearly white
daggers shining and dipped his fine head further to the alpha. Then
he stood back up keeping himself low and looked toward the thick trees that
hid Jaysyeks pack somewhere deep inside. He wondered silently how many
wolves made up the pack and if any of them were as respectful as this lady.
At least I've got a place to stay now. He thought silently and thanked
whatever gods or spirits that there may be.
"It's good not to be, well... alone anymore." He finally spoke up after the long pause.

Thoughts rushed around Follkos' head like a flood. Thoughts about his
parents and his old family's pack. How he had been so annoyed by the
other wolves and by being bossed around. Then a memory of freezing water
rushing into his mouth, nose, and ears made the older wolf shiver.
That particular memory was after he had left his home pack and was a rough
tough loner. During his second year of freedom he had fallen through the
ice and almost drowned. Luckily the current moved him downstream
where the water was only two inches deep. The only reason he had not died
that day was because he had washed up on that shallow area of river and while purging,
choking, and coughing water up he had managed to pull himself out.
Honestly Follko never knew how he managed to survive the cold after that, but he had.
With a sigh he wondered if that barnburner story would be interesting
enough to tell his new packmates. The dark wolf shook himself free of his memories and
glanced at the white she wolf.
"We going anywhere?" He inquired to the white alpha then waited for
her decision on whether they were going
someplace or not. He didn't feel tired anymore so Follko decided that he would
just follow her wherever she went unless she asked him not to.


A Cold Breeze - Jaysyek - Apr 25, 2012

That is kinda an older one where Follko wouldn't have been in GH. We are gonna have a new one if you look in are pack forum you can mention ideas. :)

His answer gave her more confidence he would take his place with gratitude rather than bitterness. All the better for everyone, and if he choose to stay or rise he could. "Very well, we could always use a peace keeper of sorts," and she softly chuckled. That wasn't the half of it, but she left the hint he'd be welcome to rise to the challenge. She was not failing exactly, but could use more help in the area. Licking her chops she shifted her limbs, stretching to a taller stand, before relaxing. She was ready to move to the den, but not in a huge hurry to drag him there. He may have questions, and she rather be the one to give him answer. Her pale mask smoothed, mostly thoughtful. The lone life was not fit for wolf kind. "Yes, loneliness is a slow killer."

She momentarily let her eyes linger from him, looking up into the arms of the trees. The weather was particularly nice today, and sun bathing seemed like a nice idea. She did need to save what energy she could, and half pondered where Elettra might settle. She would deeply miss not having her this year. She was doubtful she would want to take part in this birth, with these puppies. Then they were still friends, she told herself. Surely they would see each other again.

Her white eyelashes swept against her eyes, when the more dark silverly gentleman moved. "We should take you to the den site. I can show you the pack caches, and a trail to the creek nearby." She started in the direction pausing only for a moment for him to walk beside her. "Soon, I plan to hold a pack meeting. Our pack has had a lot of changes, and if you have any questions don't hesitate to ask me." She looked to him them, before turning her head in the direction of home.

A Cold Breeze - Follko - Apr 25, 2012

Kay thanks.

"Peace keeper?" Follko snorted at that. If anything he was the sort to
start things with other wolves. Especially wolves who didn't know their place.
He chuckled softly and began to follow his alpha. She had started to take him
up a trail then stopped so that he could walk with her.
"Don't worry I'm coming..." He padded nearer to her wondering if she thought that he was
not of strong spirit. He would definately prove her wrong eventually.
"Just a question then." He huffed silently, "Has there been any other loners
who have come here before me?" He wondered if that other male had come this way.
The bastard; maybe he would get a chance to screw with old country boy again.
The birds, mainly warblars, flitted through the trees singing their lovely songs.
The bright green buds and leaves of Spring grew fat on the sun and recent rainstorms.

Complete and total brain fart. I can't think of anything else to write at the moment. Sorry for the short post!

A Cold Breeze - Jaysyek - Apr 28, 2012

no worries it happens.

It would take no effort by his words, nor the sound that followed to see he did not think that of himself. Too bad, would be her thought. She was curious if he merely was not good at keeping the peace, or he was one of those who needed reasoned with not to make an argument into heated battle. She hoped for the first, but wondered if she should assume he was the second. "Hmm, I should tell you that's my job then and I do not tolerate fights and arguments without cause," she warned in a tone she had not used in his company. She was aware time to time wolves might not get along, disagree, or want to move up in rank. A pack was suppose to be united, a team. Even Elettra had put aside her strains to hunt, and protect. She said nothing further on the matter, letting him think about what she'd said. She did not do well when others took advantage of her kind, and forgiving nature. It turned her into something fierce, no one saw nor expected a lot of the time.

Her mood brightened, when he took notice she was waiting for him. She shrugs her shoulders at his comment,"I rather have someone walk beside me that at my heels," she offers for explanation. Either way she continues back to the hollow with her senses alert. She hears the question, but does not falter in step. "Some time ago a wolf named Jedd was temporarily accepted. He didn't care for his last pack, and I said he should figure out if he likes this one before making anything permanent." She saw no harm in sharing this, it wasn't like he wouldn't see him around, and the question may have just been a curious one. Something of a hint how hard it was to get into the Hollow, or if anyone else was new.