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Shroud of the Lost promise of the gods - Printable Version

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promise of the gods - Rashina - Jul 07, 2023

The Gods beckoned her. It would ever be the only reason for her to leave so suddenly. When the Gods commanded, Ra obeyed and she had much faith in them, whever they took her. Ra only hoped that @Niamh would understand and that she did not think Ra had abandoned her. She would return.

Ra's blinded eyes swirled with an opal pale array of color, as she tipped her head up to the high cloudless skies and bright sun. The day was vibrant but she did not see this. She felt the misty breeze and warmth on her pelt. Felt the foothills of rock under her feet.

Ra had been guided west and now straddled in between the land. She was between the edge of the Daybreak Peaks and the river where it arced on the outskirts of the Cedarwood Forest. Her visions showed her tumbling waters off great mountains. So much rich earth and water. She saw a community of wolves and now smelt them too. She wondered what the gods were trying to tell her.

RE: promise of the gods - Loach - Jul 07, 2023


Now Ve had gone off too.

Loach had never felt so kicked down before, even if he hardly faulted her, but he worked with what he had. @Claw and @Llinnea stayed still so he continued to romp about with them. Their skills improved each day they stayed along the river and yet still he itched to venture a bit further now. Especially just the three of them? They could clear land like no one's business.

It was why he extended his scout some today. Looked for a spot that might intrigue the cubbin'.

It would also be how he came to find the pale woman. A little taller than him but certainly no heavier for it.

You passin' through? His voice no warmer than the easy summer day.


RE: promise of the gods - Rashina - Jul 11, 2023

A voice, a bit gruff. Her head turns into that direction, eyes colorful and milky and seeing nothing. There is a small smile on her lips. Pleasant, proper, yet not overly so in friendliness. "Perhaps." She murmurs at first, harboring an air of mystery before adding, "I'm uncertain how far the gods plan to take me." She muse, turning her head up and away from where his voice had been, sniffing the air, taking in his scent and the lands around him.

"My brother goes west, often. To wolves he finds home in, by choice and not by blood." She was happy for him, in this. Though her brother was torn, she knew. It was because of her, that he was so torn. He wanted to return. He wanted travel. Hagar wanted stability. Hagar needed strong members to stay. And a few who would travel out, spread their name, find recruits and make trade. "I think the gods make to force my paw. I think I'm made to find them."

RE: promise of the gods - Loach - Jul 13, 2023


Milky eyes found him and he wondered at once what she was doing alone. He guaranteed there would be no vision in those eyes and yet he sense no others around with her.

So what, had she headed through here on a sabbatical? The idea was not fully lost upon him, some practiced things back home, but he was more...grounded, he felt. He needed no gods to tell him which way to go. He just did or he didn't.

Although she continued to speak of something...that tickled at him. Nearly made him sick with an anxiety that even dared to raise the soft hairs of nape. There's not much in the west, It was what seemed to make him fail at every turn that had seemed successful. So many wandered beyond what they had and he had not been fit to keep them, it seemed.

Who's your brother?

His toes clenched into the warm earth.


RE: promise of the gods - Rashina - Jul 14, 2023

She could not quite tell, not without seeing the way his toes pressed in the dirt. Not while not seeing the hairs along his back begin to stand on end. She thought, maybe in his voice, it seemed strained with anxiousness.

"@Clouse." She said simply, her ears perking on her skull to catch anything- everything. Maybe an uncertain shifting of his paws. Maybe a hitch in his breath.

While moments passed, she saw a group of wolves in her mind. Stronger, happier. They danced on water and light, blood from a great kill screaking their chests. "He has a group he longs to return to. Our group in the willows is small. Together, we will not struggle so. Our scouts could do such, without worry borders will not be marked and kills will be failed." Her head tilts. Maybe he is one of them for which she seeks?

RE: promise of the gods - Loach - Jul 14, 2023


He had not meant to hold his breath so long in the moments that followed. Oxygen strangled out of him for a million reasons all at once.

He knew Clouse would not have abandoned the very sister he left to help, which meant he surely frenzied out there somewhere in search for her. He had not know how seemingly bleak things had become where his beau had ran off to.

I know him. Clouse, He divulged no information of their actual relationship. It was not his place to announce it so loudly before family. Besides, no titles, right? I bet he's running around looking for you right now. His tongue slid out to lick along his lips for but a moment. Uncertain what she had really come hunting them down for.

Numbers? Meat?

It's my gang here, in the west, but we're a bit smaller these days too. Let them lay down their cards before one another then and he'd keep only Clouse close to his heart. So what're ya suggesting, Miss...?


RE: promise of the gods - Rashina - Jul 14, 2023

A heavy breath had escaped him, one which he must have been holding. He knew Clouse, then. Then, he confirms it with words. This was good. The gods had guided her path well!

"I'm sure that he is." She agreed. She did not have the want to be gone for long, though her moments were so very slow and careful. She would attempt to follow the familiar scents back- the smell of the lagoon, then the meadow and from there call for those of Willow Ridge to guide her the rest of the way. Ra had always relied on the help of others and if need be, would seek out help earlier on if she were to think she was off track.

Then, the man before her informs, that not only was he a part of the western wolves, but he is the one which the group in the west followed as lead. She would have to play her cards right and carefully.

"Ra." She gives when his question trails off. "I think it would be in our best interest to combine forces. We would be strong together. Be pack before the next winter." This of course was not her decision to make. It was that of himself and Hagar. Ra could only follow the path the gods showed her, offer her suggestion and go from there. She was not lead herself. "If this cannot be agreed, then perhaps allies to help one another where the other is weak." This would be a harder suggestion, as they would be at a distance from one another. Their borders still separate and needing separate attention. Their direct connection to one another severed. At least, if anything, they could hunt the herds together on middle grounds. And, for themselves of personal interest, would still split Clouse attention between them.

RE: promise of the gods - Loach - Jul 14, 2023


She reminded him of the woman back home. Direct with her wants and worming about as a diplomatic ambassador. He was impressed, even if he bloomed with deep concern for this whole situation.

No matter her strength socially, she still was a blind woman far from her group.

Are you leading your gang in the willows, Ra? He hummed with considerate tones. It seemed a mighty fine order to come out here and strike up the idea of merging if she was not the one slotted to lead. If ya ain't, I gotta meet the one who is before I do anything. Gotta speak with my own gang too. We aren't like...most groups. It felt important to air it out first. He had no interest in merging if all everyone would find was dissatisfaction with his lackluster leadership. Not to mention if someone else wanted to absorb his river and his cubbin'. It would not sit proper with him.

But I'm always open to offering fishin' and huntin' together. Mine gotta eat and so do yours.


RE: promise of the gods - Rashina - Jul 14, 2023

"No." Her answer was direct, sharp. Though her head remained high and she did not show an ounce of concern by this. It was true, Hagar was father of most of what there was of the Willow wolves. He was lead and Niamh, mother. It was Ra's concern which drove her and so, she spoke it. "Though I wish my family to survive. No, thrive. No one will stop me from this. We have struggled far too long and have lost much." And there would be no one which would stop her.

She did this for her family, in hopes that they will find the happiness they had been missing. That Clouse would have happiness again, with his group again. That Niamh would not stress and she and Ra could find laughter once more. That Hagar would not be run ragged to the bone. Her gods certainly would have not steered her wrong.

When he is finished with speaking of getting with his group, of speaking with Hagar and even still hunting and fishing together, Ra nods, her opal eyes dancing with color. "Our willows are east, beyond the lagoon." She directs. Maybe, with Clouse going back and forth, this man already knew. "I hope to hear from you soon, then...?" Now her words trail off this time, leaving room for his own introduction.

RE: promise of the gods - Loach - Jul 14, 2023


For a moment, he wished to hear yes. Maybe so that matters could be sorted out here and now. So that Clouse did not run himself ragged living two lives. One in the willows and one at the split.

Yet it wouldn't be and he'd have to go hunt down a leader himself it seemed.

Loach, And he stiffened some with concern. Unable to simply chuck the woman out into the wilds on her own and hope she made it home. How fun it would be to explain it if she didn't. Will you let me walk ya to the lagoon, Ra? There's room for her to decline, certainly, but perhaps the concern shined in his voice.

Clouse would likely drown him in the river if Ra did not come home.
