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Stonewatch Timbers Matters of the Heart - Printable Version

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Matters of the Heart - Luca - Jul 29, 2023

RE: Fires on the Horizon


Luca had hardly stopped to take a break since the fire had encroached on Moon Meadow. His leave had been hasty, with brief goodbyes to his brothers. They would be fine, they'd proven themselves capable of caring for one another. As for the pack they were large in numbers. @Enera however, might have a child. A pup that might be his...or not. The thought of harm coming to either had spurred him on throughout his journey. He was returning to the Lore despite the bitter taste the land left in his mouth. He had nowhere with strong ties anymore, anyhow. The Meadow pack had been nice, but he'd not once felt content, tormented with the thoughts of his potential of being a deadbeat dad.

The muscular man stalked through the trees, coming to where he'd last smelt his Snowdrop...and him. He had no name for the male, but even months later he could feel his temper rising. For a moment he considered throwing in the towel and letting them be. The strong smell of smoke brought him back to the harsh reality that he might be needed. Regardless of this mystery man. He growled to himself grumpily as brown eyes scanned the area. He lifted his muzzle to the grey skies and let out a long call to summon anyone who might be in the area.



RE: Matters of the Heart - Jadon - Aug 03, 2023

-hope you don't mind if i nab this one

This place was at least a little bit more inviting than the hellscape from which he’d finally found his way out. The scents of fire and smoke were prevalent here, but at least the forest helped to dissipate it somewhat. Compared to out there, it felt like he could actually breathe in again without coughing; a sensation the loner didn’t think he’d ever been so happy to have back.

For now, he was simply happy to be out of the wind, and to be somewhat sheltered against the weather.  

As few wolves as he’d seen thus far, it came as a surprise to hear a call suddenly split through the environment. A summons - though intriguingly, not for anyone in particular. Not particularly close, but Jadon altered his course anyway. If someone was calling, that must mean they needed something.

Perhaps he could help. It wasn’t as if he had anything better to do anyway.

The wanderer didn’t offer a call in return, didn’t speak as he grew closer, and could detect traces of wolf amidst everything else. He did, however, make sure to move through the forest loudly enough that his presence could be detected by the stranger so as not to surprise them.

RE: Matters of the Heart - Luca - Aug 04, 2023

Always happy to thread with you!


Pale muzzle lowered from the sky, and he looked around himself for an answer. Content to wait and find out if anyone would come or not he sat back on his haunches. He had time. All he had anymore was time. He possessed nothing else but time, as fleeting as it could be. He didn't belong anywhere. Except for the icy home he'd come from and stubbornly refused to return to. He didn't want to, but the exact reasoning of why he couldn't quite place.

His head swiveled in the direction of approaching paws. His dark-tipped ears pressed forward as he eagerly awaited his potential company. He could only hope it would be Enera, and his search would be cut short. He sniffed the air to confirm but was met with a stranger's scent. He sighed. This wasn't going to be an easy task.

The grumpy man forced a smile ahead of time, hoping to look friendly. He remained seated, his tail wagging, waiting for them to come into his field of vision. Prematurely, he offered a soft chuff in greeting to whoever had cared to answer him. Hopefully, they'd know something, and even if not he'd thank them for taking time out of their day.



RE: Matters of the Heart - Jadon - Aug 04, 2023

Eventually, thanks to scents and a chuff offered in greeting, Jadon was able to spot the other amidst the forest. A male, smaller in height but sturdy in build appeared to have been the source of the call. Thankfully, he did not seem to be harmed or facing any sort of immediate threat. He also appeared friendly. He was seated, tail waving, a smile fixed on his countenance.

Tail waving lazily, Jadon mirrored the smile with a tiny, albeit brief one of his own, followed by a respectful dip of his head as he came to rest a dozen or so paces before the other.

Tipping his head inquisitively, Jadon hoped that gesture, along with his eyes, would pose the question that he could not ask with words. Why did you call? Can I help?

RE: Matters of the Heart - Luca - Oct 15, 2023

Luca nodded his head respectfully in response to Jadon's own gesture. He kept his forced smile as the other seemed to ask what he'd called for. "I'm not sure if you've met her, but I'm looking for a woman by the name Enera." He didn't beat around the bush, "Cream fur, lovely green eyes, and kind. She might be traveling...with pups." He hesitated at the last part. For starters, he didn't want to put them at risk if a small family were to exist, and for seconds said pups could be sired by him. Or that other male...the one he'd smelt when he first tried to find her. A bitterness washed over him and he did his best to shove it deep down into the pit of his emotions so it wouldn't show.

RE: Matters of the Heart - Jadon - Oct 19, 2023

The man was polite, but quick to get to the point. To be expected, given his call. He was clearly on a mission, the details of which were quickly divulged. A woman, Enera, white fur, green eyes.. might be with pups.

Jadon was fairly certain he could piece together what was happening here. It was one of two things. This man was either potentially the father to Enera’s possible children or, perhaps, her sibling. The former implied something the wanderer didn’t like, and it was a bit of a challenge to maintain a neutral expression. But after a breath, his gaze softened. He did feel for the man.

He wasn’t in any position to judge the actions of others, either, and he would try not to assume based on limited knowledge. Jadon dipped his gaze down a little and gave his head an apologetic shake. He wished he could’ve been of help.

RE: Matters of the Heart - Luca - Oct 24, 2023


Luca studied the hardening and softening of the stranger's gaze, wondering what judgment would befall him. Would this man prosecute him just as Jethro had? Or worse, withhold knowledge if he held onto any. He could only sit and wait in silence. The man didn't speak, but after a moment shook his head. The grey man nodded in understanding. Perhaps this wolf was mute, and even if he'd seen her, would have only provided a partial story.

"Thank you for your time." He said with a smile that showed more hurt than sincerity. The muscular male rose to his paws to make his departure. Only stopping with a thought, his head twisting over his shoulder, " this isn't a waste for either of us...we could hunt together?" He made the offer, standing between two looming trees.


RE: Matters of the Heart - Jadon - Oct 25, 2023

The other man thanked Jadon for his time even though he hadn’t been able to do anything to help. It was wholly undeserved, and once more the lanky wanderer felt a stab of empathy for the stranger across from him. Here this man was, out here on a quest, trying to find someone so he could help them.

The stranger seemed prepared to leave at that, likely to resume his journey. Instead though, he paused, proposing a hunt. Jadon offered him a single nod, though his mind hadn’t yet departed from the previous subject.

Considering the stranger’s intent, it had to be okay, right? Jadon closed his eyes tightly for a few seconds, and when he opened them again, he was more sure of himself. He took in a deep breath.

”Your… name?” He managed to inquire in a soft, strained, raspy voice. ”If.. I see her?” He'd need to know it to pass on to Enera, should he happen to cross paths with her in the future.

RE: Matters of the Heart - Luca - Oct 25, 2023

Luca found himself softly smiling at the nod. A good meal could send him back on his way refreshed, and of course, help his company. He watched in confusion as the other shut his eyes. He seemed...nervous? The man was shocked to hear the other's croaky voice, but his smile grew. So he could talk. A friendly smirk crossed his features, his soft brown eyes twinkling, "Luca." The stranger surely wasn't withholding information. It seemed sharing his words was something he didn't often choose to do, and for whatever reason, Luca felt honored. It gave him some small hope that Enera would be found.

He turned sniffing the air, catching on the wind the faint scent of deer. "May I know yours?" He asked while pondering whether or not the pair could take down larger prey together. He himself was a muscular wolf, but deer usually required three or more for a successful takedown. He opted to leave that up to his company, waving his muzzle in the direction of the scent trail, "Deer, you think we could take one?"

RE: Matters of the Heart - Jadon - Oct 25, 2023

Jadon felt the tiniest of smiles starting to cross his countenance, though he quickly stopped it. This wasn’t about him. Luca - the wanderer filed the name away in his memory, hoping to commit it there in case he should ever happen to meet Enera.

He’d again bow his head apologetically to the other, and give it a shake as Luca inquired about his name. To share that would be crossing a line. Jadon knew that was a sin his faith would not permit. He couldn’t risk that.  

”I.. cannot,” he’d answer in that same raspy tone. ”I may only speak to help others. Such is.. my punishment.” That was the price to be paid for his sins if he ever wanted to earn forgiveness. He was aware the other man might find that odd, or maybe even laughable, which was fine. But Jadon would abide by it.

The suggestion of a hunt was met with a shrug, although there was a light in his eyes that displayed a willingness to try. Maybe. It’d be hard, for two of them. But perhaps if they were able to track down one that was sick or injured, they’d have a chance.