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Shroud of the Lost kill ur vibe - Printable Version

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kill ur vibe - Anatole - Sep 28, 2023


A pause.

Louder this time: "Brielle!"

It was the first time he had properly spoken since he had come to this part of Relic Lore. Anatole cleared his throat and shrugged as he traversed the forest further. His reunion with his Adelard had been brief and before either knew it, the older Gerau was off again. But, Anatole couldn't blame him. Grief had come to drown the man again, and this time it would seem that he would not resurface. For him to leave Anatole and his baby sister was another story. The yearling loathed having to be her keeper. With his agemates scattered to the wind and their parents gone, he had no other choice. Anatole had come to learn in his solitude that family was everything.

A growl thrummed from his vocal cords. Brielle. "Père a dit de ne pas aller," he coughed, "t-trop loin." Father said not to go too far. His tone was rough, gravelly at best. An ear turned to the side and he sighed. On the brink of defeat, he settled on his rump and waited. It was all he ever did these days.