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Paradise Falls Who’s the Sunshine… - Printable Version

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Who’s the Sunshine… - Micaden - Mar 03, 2024


Micaden had developed an urge to wander, his lanky legs carrying him longer and longer from home on daily trips. Though, after a few instances of straying a bit too far for long enough to worry his parents, he was cautious to come home every night. As much as he enjoyed the freedom and sense of adventure, the last thin he wanted to do was cause his family undo fear.

Today it was sunset when he crossed back into the lands of Paradise Falls, the rosy light tinting his silver crown as its last rays sone through the treetops high above. He felt tired, in the comfortable way one does after a day filled with exercise and plenty of fresh air – but not quite ready to go to sleep. Instead, he sought out company, heading for the pond at the bottom of the Falls, where pack mates often gathered, a lazy swaying tail behind him.

Thoughts ”Speech”


RE: Who’s the Sunshine… - Addison - Mar 04, 2024

Against all odds, Addison was once again... sleeping. The weather had finally gotten cold enough that her father no longer allowed her to enjoy her sunning stone, waking her each time she attempted, and so she was tucked just within the pack's den as Micaden returned home. Catching her at the right point in her rhythm, she was easily stirred by the sound of his paw steps as they crunched past. She took her time in waking, stretching out her long legs and yawning widely before slowly standing and shaking the air back into her pelt. Then she trotted after him at a lazy pace.

"Hey, bro," she greeted before reaching him.

"Anything cool out there?"

It wasn't that Addy wasn't interested in what the world had to show, she just was still enthralled with her immediate surroundings. She ran out of time in the day long before making it outside the pack's territory.

RE: Who’s the Sunshine… - Micaden - Mar 26, 2024


He was surprised to find the gathering place empty, most of the pack having apparently already settled for the night or headed out on their evening errands. Shrugging his shoulders, Micaden headed to the pool for a drink, carefully stepping down the few rocks to reach the water, which was still low from the frost, the waterfall itself barely a trickle.

As he finished, the sound of approaching paws brought a smile to his face, those soft footsteps as familiar to him as the sleepy lilt of her voice. Turning around, the gangly boy faced his sister, mimicking her soft, warm tone: “Hey Dizzy, pleasant dreams?” His eyes and smile both shone with affection, honest interest in his question – He might not entirely understand how she saw their world, but he always enjoyed hearing her talk about it.

Giving his scruff a little shake, he tilted his head in thought for a moment, trying to pick out the highlight of his day’s exploration. It didn’t take long for him to settle on what he thought she would like best: “Saw some butterflies by th’ creek!” His smile grew large and goofy at the memory, it was his first time seeing the flying insects since the fall, and these ones had been especially pretty; “Blue n’ white ones.” He wished he could have shown them to his sister, but even if he could have caught one, he couldn’t possibly have brought it back alive – and neither of the kind-hearted twins would have wanted to see it dead.

Thoughts ”Speech”


RE: Who’s the Sunshine… - Addison - Apr 13, 2024

Addison's smile lifted just on one side, perhaps because the whole of it was too much effort when so drowsy, or maybe it was a smirk. She was mellow in every way, including when it came to expressing herself. Her minimalist affect could make her difficult to read, but she wasn't bothered when others didn't understand her. It simply didn't matter.

"Always," she breathed out in a content sigh, green eyes fluttering closed briefly. They popped back open when her brother mentioned butterflies.

"They're back?" her interest was clearly piqued, her whole body leaning ever so slightly forward. As though she had half a mind to run off and track them down right that moment.

"I miss the bugs..."