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do you know what i like? - Lillia - May 12, 2024

The silent woman looked very close to exploding. Lillia didn’t have much - if any - experience with pregnant people, but the way the little lady’s sides had expanded was almost alarming. Surely it couldn’t be much longer, now, before the pups were born.

That knowledge made Lillia feel even more protective, somehow. Made her want to do more for the woman. It was the strangest feeling, for someone who rarely lifted a paw for anyone else, to offer their services like this. Someone who had done nothing but look after themself for many months now, willingly spending time hunting for and lingering around someone else, just in case they were needed.

It probably had something to do with instinct. That was what made the most sense, in Lillia’s mind - the tawny woman was in a weakened state and, without a pack to protect her, required help. Lillia must have been giving in to her baser instincts in providing for her - that must be right.

Lillia was antsy, preparing for the inevitability of the pups being born. She was pacing, guarding, making sure nothing remotely threatening entered her companion’s space. They had no territory to patrol, so Lillia busied herself with traversing the forests that surrounded them, like a sort of shadow. Not too close - she didn’t want to smother the expectant wolf - but never too far off, either. Always within hearing range, should she be needed.

Her mind was busy, wondering what would need to be done before the pups were born. A den would be needed, surely - perhaps she could help with that? Or would that be the father’s job? Perhaps the silent wolf wouldn’t want help with it at all. And would she need more food? It would take a lot of energy to give birth, so maybe Lillia would need to make more hunting trips. She wasn’t very good at it, but she could definitely try…

She snorted a little at herself. Who would’ve thought she would find herself so worried about someone else? Someone she didn’t even know the name of. That might’ve been a good question to ask, but Lillia found that she didn’t mind not knowing. Perhaps she could even give the little lady a name, she thought with a soft chuckle to herself. If she didn’t have one already, of course.

It was probably about time she stopped her lurking and seek out the older woman, she figured. Lillia sniffed around for a minute before tracking her down, chuffing lightly when she got close.

RE: do you know what i like? - Sophrosnia - May 13, 2024


Don't you dare look out your window, darling, everything's on fire

The pregnancy had, decidedly, gotten progressively worse. She felt as if she couldn’t take a step without her belly swinging from side to side… at least the company made it bearable. Vili and Lillia had come to be slightly more than tolerable… likeable even, both in their own way. She still felt the constant apprehension that came with the idea of being a mother, but Sophrosnia had also been pushing it down at every opportunity. The night part of being mute was the fact that no one bothered to ask her how it was making her feel, because they had such a hard time communicating with her anyway. That alone was a solace.

Even now as she laid, she felt that relief. She shifted uncomfortably, her nose twitching as the litter once again decided to use her colon as their own personal punching bag, leaving a dull aching pain in the muscles that had been expanding and stretching with each passing day. Soon, she would find relief. She knew it had to be soon now… she’d never really seen another litter be brought into the world, but she had to assume this was what women felt like before they popped. She herself had found a den she was hoping to hide away in until the time came.

She was hiding away in a small cave that she’d turned into a makeshift den for the moment. It had been carved out some time ago – she assumed someone had lived there before, a pack or maybe a group of cougars or something. Either way, it was her good fortune to find it. When she heard the chuff, she’d offer one back in return, her emerald gaze peering outside of the den, the chuff meant to be inviting in return to invite Lillia in, wondering what she wanted and secretly hoping she’d brought food with her.


RE: do you know what i like? - Lillia - May 19, 2024

Lillia had made an attempt at getting food earlier - fishing, actually. Her fur was still damp with water, though she’d dried off considerably from where she’d slipped up and lost the fish. A hunter she was not, but she was trying her best and hoped that the pup’s father was doing better than she was at it. Lillia was a far better guard than she was a provider.

The little lady invited her in, and Lillia went willingly, tail swaying low behind her. The other woman’s stomach had swollen significantly since they’d met, and a crooked smile formed on the younger’s face.

“Uncomfortable?” she asked, settling down a wolf’s length away, eyes scanning over the tawny wolf. It couldn’t be easy to find a nice spot to rest when you had living beings writhing around inside of you, she figured, and part of her hoped to never have the same experience.

Still, she wanted to help, where she could. Maybe she should bring more bedding, like a pelt of some kind. That might be of some use, but of course it would require she hunt something down first.

RE: do you know what i like? - Sophrosnia - May 22, 2024


Don't you dare look out your window, darling, everything's on fire

There was a silent but pained smile on her features towards the woman as she settled in beside her, asking if she was uncomfortable. She offered a light chuff and a nod of her head to show ‘yes’. Lillia had figured out faster than most that yes and no questions were the easiest way to communicate with Sophrosnia, and for that she had to give the woman props.

She shifted, nudging lightly at her belly, as if it would make the child stop kicking her insides or using her bladder as a toy but also to point to the root cause of all her discomfort. She had a feeling Lillia already knew, but she made an effort to communicate as efficiently as she could given the way her vocal chords rejected the idea of creating a sound. She’d spoken, to herself in private, but around others it was as if her throat tightened up.

Perhaps it was a medical condition, but she had yet to meet a healer who could figure out there was something wrong so she doubted it.

She would shift again, wincing as she did it. Sophrosnia was not accustomed to such pain, and in many ways it was miserable… and yet, a part of her also knew that it was with a purpose, and that soon she’d be corralling children.


RE: do you know what i like? - Lillia - May 27, 2024

They were a good match, Lillia figured, with the little lady’s inability or unwillingness to speak - though she was leaning more toward the former - and Lillia’s intense training to study body language and expression. It was more practice, spending time with the quiet one, but she’d found that she genuinely just enjoyed her company more than anything else.

How strange. She’d gone so long without companionship, and the first wolf she’d met her was someone she could get along with.

A noise of sympathy left her at the confirmation, and a smile crept onto her maw. “I’ll bet. They’re probably jumping all over your insides,” she said with a badly-suppressed shudder. Pregnancy seemed… awful, judging by how much discomfort showed on the other woman’s face. Not to mention the whole giving birth process, and the inability to move freely.

Lillia would have to be in a much more comfortable position in life to want to undertake such a burden, if she ever made that choice. The little lady was very brave to do this all with just herself and the man Lillia had yet to speak to directly.

“I can go back out later to get you something to eat,” she said, illustrating her plans. “But I wanted to ask - I haven’t been around many pregnant wolves before, but I know that they need dens. Do you want me to dig one for you?” For some reason, her face warmed at the thought - embarrassment and awkwardness and something else, perhaps. Lillia was hardly the type to go out of her way for others, but this was a dire situation. “Maybe I can get your guy in on it.” It was a tacked-on addition, but she’d do it alone if she must.

RE: do you know what i like? - Sophrosnia - May 30, 2024


Don't you dare look out your window, darling, everything's on fire

She was so grateful to have stumbled across someone who could understand her. She knew Vili tried, when he was around, but he lacked the full depth of understanding of what she tried to communicate. She could hardly blame him, or any of them. She knew wolves to be social creatures who spoke to one another, and she was an oddity because of her lack of vocal communication. Her silence was powerful, she knew that, but it could hinder her. Particularly when it came to important conversations that she ought to be having with the father of her children.

When the woman was able to pinpoint exactly what Soph was trying to communicate, she felt relief course through her body, offering an emphatic nod in response to show that the woman was correct in her assumption that they were jumping about. She’d even had a few close calls to soiling the den she’d chosen to reside in for the time being. While she knew a mess was inevitable once the pups arrived, she did not want to ruin it all before they even were ready to be born. A part of her remained ornery like that, constantly grooming and picking at herself, expecting a lack of energy to do so later.

Upon the mention of food, she felt her stomach grumble and offered her a grateful smile and a gentle nudge to her shoulder to show her appreciation. The fact that the woman had continued to stick around and travel with her had brought her a great deal of relief, especially later on. Between her and Vili, it had made the pregnancy much easier.

But when she spoke about dens, Soph’s brow furrowed in confusion and she tilted her head to the side with a frown. It showed just how little she knew about the changes that were coming to her own body. She would slowly nod, but it was clear that she didn’t fully understand. She didn’t know much about birth, or how difficult the weeks after it would be.


RE: do you know what i like? - Lillia - Jun 06, 2024

The rumbling in the little lady's belly made an inexplicable stab of guilt go through Lillia's. It was a strange dynamic - herself, the silent wolf, and the silent wolf's shadow, - but she cared a good deal for the smaller wolf, and she hardly knew why. Maybe she just wanted someone to care for. Maybe she needed companionship. Maybe it was something she hadn't even considered yet.

Regardless of the reasoning, Lillia felt bad, being a piss-poor provider. To think that she'd wanted to lead one day, not too long ago... she had a lot of work to do before she would be ready to lead anyone.

Confusion colored the tawny wolf's face and Lillia's brows rose a bit. Dens, she thought, were a basic necessity for pregnant wolves. While the confusion was clear, Lillia wasn't sure exactly why her companion was confused in the first place - because she wasn't sure why she would need a den, or because she didn't expect Lillia to want to dig one for her.

Lillia wasn't all that sure why herself, but she knew that it was a thing that they would need, for whatever reason.

"I can dig one for you," she said, instead of questioning. "I'll drag the other guy in, too. It'll be a bonding experience, or something." She hadn't talked to him much, if at all. Maybe this would be a good way to get to know him.

Bright eyes flicked back over to the pregnant wolf, and she offered her a smile. "You wanna stay inside today, or are you in the mood to walk a little?" It would probably be a good idea to keep up with at least some activity, she figured. Muscle mass and all that. Exercise was a good thing, if the little lady could manage it.

RE: do you know what i like? - Sophrosnia - Jun 08, 2024


Don't you dare look out your window, darling, everything's on fire

They were a strange bunch, even as an insider to the group she knew that. The connection between herself and Vili had been unintentional, and with their communication barrier it caused them to echo around each other, constantly in each other’s gravity but never quite close. She had no idea if that would change once their children were born… in all honesty, a part of her was still convinced that Vili was going to attempt to steal away in the dead of night with the children after they were born. The further she got into the pregnancy, the more confident she became she’d tear him limb from limb if he tried.

As Lillia rose a brow, it became apparent to the woman that she knew something that Soph did not… that this was some kind of societal standard. She had never known, being the only child and only litter of her parents. Nastia had told her bits and pieces, enough birds and bees to get by, but never about the specifics that went into pregnancy. She offered to dig her one and she felt some measure of relief flood her chest. Lillia seemed to know more than she could, and she felt as though she could trust the woman enough to be a support and staple, even if she wasn’t entirely sure why the woman wanted to be around.

It reminded her much of Isla, of the dance they had done silently, inquisitive of each other without ever quite getting answers. At the mention of staying inside of walking, she paused, a contemplative look on her face before she decided to push to her paws with a wince, her belly beginning to hang low from the weight of the children inside. She offered a nod, a soft grunt sound which, to this point, might be the most Lillia had ever heard from her.


RE: do you know what i like? - Lillia - Jun 08, 2024

In truth, Lillia wasn't sure why she was sticking around either. She told herself it was probably some instinctive urge to protect - and that was likely true at first. Then she told herself it was because the little lady was interesting, and that was also true. But now there was something more tying her here that she wasn't quite as familiar with. It was something she had only felt with biological family in the past, as she'd never met anyone outside her circle that she liked well enough to be loyal to.

But that's what it was, right? Loyalty?

Of course, she would rather bite her tongue than say it out loud. The notion that she was genuinely growing attached... it was bizarre. But what other reason could she have for wanting to stick around? What benefit did it give her, outside of companionship?

The expectant wolf stood up and Lillia offered a small smile at the little sound that escaped her. "You can make noise," she said aloud, studying the woman. She wondered what could've happened before to make her so quiet, but Lillia figured there was a reason for it.

Slowly, she began to walk, matching her companion's pace. "I forgot to ask, but do you have a name?" she questioned, tipping her head to the side. "You don't have to say it. I just wanted to know if you had one."

RE: do you know what i like? - Sophrosnia - Jun 17, 2024


Don't you dare look out your window, darling, everything's on fire

Sophrosnia was not new to the interest of others. Many over the years had found themselves mystified by her, seeking answers in the form of observations made. She offered a gentle hum once again, wincing from it as she stated what Soph felt was obvious. She could make noise, yes. Many seemed to find themselves shocked by that, and she supposed a part of her could understand… the other part of her felt amused by it, as if everyone thought she might be completely inept because she did not speak.

To be fully honest, a part of her had felt that way for a long time with her affliction.

At her question, she wound nod. She wasn’t certain she could say it if she wanted… perhaps a nickname, Soph or Nia which were shorter, but her name was ironically a mouthful even for those who could speak open and freely themselves… much less her.

She would blink a few times at her companion, a silent question under the surface that she wasn’t sure how to ask. Why? It was one question she seldom got an answer to, because it was difficult to communicate without simply stating the word.
