Ruins of Wildwood
Secret Woodlands Rainclouds and Rainbows - Printable Version

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Rainclouds and Rainbows - Nia - May 16, 2024

tw: Mentions of child loss/preganacy difficulties/blood loss


Nia Hervok
Side by side or miles apart


The woman was familiar with the pangs of labor. Her paws carried her swiftly through the thorns and foliage. She slipped into the den for what would be a grueling birth. Hours of panting and whining would pass with blood loss. Her head was cloudy and she was unable to catch her breath. She had done this before, but this was different. She knew in her core that something wasn't right. She had lost her last litter but it hadn't felt like this. The fear was tangible and with one last push, it was gone. A loud squeal announced the child's survival. Healthy. Nia sobbed, quickly tucking the pup to her breast while cleaning her fur. Tears sprung freely down her pale cheeks. Relief, grief, and joy. She felt weak, but for this night, they were together and all would be alright.

This had been the most difficult of her three pregnancies. Not only was she without support but her body had worked against her. There were moments she feared not being able to carry to term. In the end, they had made it through the storm. Nia watched the chubby pup adoringly. They made it. "Hello Rosemary"


Tags: @Rosemary

