Ruins of Wildwood
Heartleaf Creek sat front row in my need to fall - Printable Version

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sat front row in my need to fall - Eros - Sep 14, 2024

All welcome.
Random Events: Dead Empress Backwater, a pack of coyotes has been spotted prowling around, potentially looking to challenge your pack's dominance in the area. & A recent heat wave has left the forests drier than usual.
Trigger Warning: Eros is presently suicidal. It is very probable that ideation will come up in his posts no matter the thread context.

Eros was scouting outside of the territory, trying to pin down where the recent coyote trails all stemmed from. They were as good as dead once found, having thoroughly crossed the line in their apparent attempts to encroach on Backwater territory. Unfortunately, he wasn't having much luck so far, yet he remained stubborn. Even as the wind steadily picked up and a familiar energy built within the air, heralding an oncoming storm.

It was much needed, summer apparently intending to go out with a vengeance, but that also meant it would likely be powerful, possibly even severe. They weren't strangers to twisters in this region, after all. Still, he was frustrated with his lack of progress, needed to achieve more before giving in and returning home. What if they broke through and got to @Ally?

The forest had given way to a small field, tracks winding through the sun-withered grasses. He pursued them diligently, soaking in every hint they might betray, and thus found himself thoroughly out in the open when thunder pealed sharply through the air and all out once the skies let loose. The rain fell heavy and thick, drenching him in mere moments. It's roar filled his ears and his vision became a tantrum of grays.

Eros kept his eyes open as he stopped in his own tracks and tilted his face upward. He should have felt stinging cold against his skin, the vibration of each crack of thunder moving through his body, the electricity in every breath filling his lungs. Fear or awe or thrill.

He felt nothing, as though he might as well have not been there at all.

RE: sat front row in my need to fall - Isidore - Sep 16, 2024

Storms were not Isidore's favorite weather, but with how hot things had been as of late, it was a welcome reprieve. The rain was cool and soothing on his skin, plastering silver fur to his frame. He closed his eyes and tipped his head back to enjoy the downpour, shaking off after on instinct though the rain continued to soak into his pelt.

Though there was no sun to be found, it was still a beautiful day. His mother would've enjoyed it and encouraged him and his siblings to soak it in, as well. It wasn't his favorite, but it had its place.

Still, the thunder was raucous and constant, and as much as Isidore wished to enjoy the weather, he also wasn't much in the mood to be struck by lightning. He'd been on his way to find shelter when he spotted another figure, seemingly basking in the rain. He'd no clue what was going on in the stranger's brain, or how he struggled, but Issa was a good samaritan and wasn't in the business of letting random wolves get electrocuted. Let no one say otherwise.

"Hello, there," he greeted with a swish of his tail, approaching the larger wolf with hardly a hint of hesitation in his step. "Enjoying the rain?" He kept his posture open and relaxed, hoping to convey that he was no threat to the other man.

RE: sat front row in my need to fall - Eros - Sep 19, 2024

Eros didn't really hear the words the stranger spoke, appearing as though they'd come down from a raincloud themselves. He blinked slowly at the silver smudge, another colorless streak amongst his vision. The edges of his mouth twitched, plastering on a fake smile a reflexive habit these days, but this wasn't someone he knew. This was the precedent, meaning there was no need to convince this wolf he was still Eros.

He attempted to backtrack in his head, thinking another attempt at processing would do the trick. It didn't.

"What?" he asked, though his voice didn't come out quite right the first time, so repeated louder against the rain, "What?"

Did he need something? Directions, maybe? Eros knew of where to find food and where to seek shelter, could easily point him somewhere else and send him back on his way.

RE: sat front row in my need to fall - Isidore - Sep 19, 2024

Oh, this guy was kinda out of it, huh? Or maybe Isidore hadn't spoken loud enough? Another clap of thunder sounded, booming and impossibly loud, around them. This was a very bad place for a conversation, it seemed, as much as Issa was trying to find some positive spin on it earlier. This kind of rain was better viewed from the safety of a shelter.

"It's rainin' pretty bad," he said, voice a little louder to try and combat the tempest. There was water in his eyes, blurring his vision a bit, and he blinked it away rapidly. "D'you know a good place to find shelter?"

Anything to get them out of this downpour ASAP. He didn't know what this guy's deal was, or what had him dissociating in the rain, but he couldn't just leave him out there like this.

RE: sat front row in my need to fall - Eros - Sep 19, 2024

Eros' ears pressed forward, dreading needing to ask a second time. Thankfully the other's voice came across far more clearly this time, at least relatively speaking. As he'd thought. He looked around them, trying to see through the downpour. It only took a few seconds to be sure of his answer, not really because of what he saw but because he still knew where he'd come from. He motioned with his muzzle before speaking.

"There's caves in the ground that way, you'll smell them once you're in the trees."

They had a rather particular odor, in his opinion. Faintly, he could scent it now, like breathing through cotton. Was it past the rain or in his head? His gaze had drifted away as he mused over the question. It was fairly clear that he anticipated this to be the end of the stranger's need to interact with him, and that he still had no intentions of relocating himself. Even as the darkness lit with another strike of lightning, thunder roaring after in the wake of a respectful delay.