Ruins of Wildwood
Heartleaf Creek [SoW Drop] trouble the water - Printable Version

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[SoW Drop] trouble the water - Spirit of Wildwood - Oct 07, 2024

This is a Random Event! It is 'all welcome' to anyone, but will be archived after October 31st if not posted to.

It started out with just one stag. As its herd drank at the shore, it waded out into the cold waters until they bubbled at its flanks. The others followed gradually by twos and threes, until they each were in the current too. They gathered facing the same bank, heads high and ears forward while their glassy eyes stared.

For days.

Other animals came and went, the weather turned and battered them, but never would they move or look anywhere different. Even to drink from the very river they were rooted in. Soon enough, the inexplicable vigil would take a turn for the truly macabre - the herd would not move until one by one, they collapsed from exhaustion and dehydration into Heartleaf Creek.

RE: [SoW Drop] trouble the water - Isidore - Oct 07, 2024

It was a normal day, mostly. He'd done normal things. Seen normal things. Had normal experiences. It was a normal day.

Until it wasn't.

Isidore had only wanted a drink. He'd made his way down to the creek he'd been hanging around, humming to himself and wondering where his next meal might come from, when he spotted something... not very normal at all.

Deer, dozens of them, stood in the water, eyes glazed and bodies completely still. Issa furrowed his brows, creeping up to the bank to study the ungulates, though his cautious approach turned out to be unnecessary. No matter how close the silver wolf got, the deer didn't flee or stamp their feet or even flick their gaze toward him.

It was like he didn't exist.

He felt like he was in a trance, staring at their unseeing eyes. Eventually, one wavered, and dropped into the water, eyes still the same in death. Isidore was frozen, confused and a little frightened, watching the deer as they watched something he couldn't see.