Ruins of Wildwood
Paradise Falls Not So Smart Decisions - Printable Version

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Not So Smart Decisions - Indigo - Oct 10, 2024

OOC: Random Event Indigo, a rogue pronghorn is tangled in a low-lying shrub, but it looks like he still has plenty of fight in him.; @Constantin

Indigo raised her head when she heard a crash and a bleat from the nearby undergrowth. She hadn't had much interaction with the larger animals that roamed Paradise Falls, but she recognized the sound of some sort of deer. She followed it until she came to the thing rustling in the bush.

It was... something. Definitely unfamiliar. She backed up and stared from a distance at the deer-thing. It struggled against the hold of the branches it was caught in. It had tangled itself up good in its kicking, but now snorted and shook its head upon seeing her. She took careful note of the horns jutting dangerously from its head. Indi would steer clear of those if she got any closer.

Indigo considered running off and getting her dad. This thing was trapped though. She could try it herself. She had grown a good bit, and she'd had some experiencing hunting mice after she wandered off. This couldn't be too hard; the not-quite-a-deer was trapped after all. It was practically already in her mouth. She bowed down and readied herself to go up against the thing tangled in the bush. How hard could it be?