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Ghastly Woods Life's just a cocktail party on the street - Printable Version

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Life's just a cocktail party on the street - Tlarx - May 13, 2012


Hunger. It pulled ferociously at his stomach- it urged him to catch a creature for consumption. The muscular wolf had descended from the mountain in which he now thrived in search of a critter of the forest. A rabbit, a vole, it did not matter right now. He just needed something in his stomach, something to create energy. Heavy paws brought him through the coniferous trees, the needles on the branches tugging at his fur. Ignoring the clawing and reaching of the trees, the man hung low, listening intently for any sounds of prey.

As he continued deeper into the ghastly woods, he paused briefly to drink from a small puddle resulting from a recent rain. Deep brown eyes flickered upwards as the sound of scampering entered his small rounded ears. There was a brief flash of brown fur, and that was enough to set him off. Powerful hind limbs propelled him forward as he leaped gracefully over the puddle. For such a large wolf, he moved fluidly, body weaving throughout the trees in a lithe manner.

Jaws opened as he saw the deep brown toned fur once more. With the thrill of the hunt rattling through his bones and rippling through his muscles, he felt himself nearing the prey. Saliva began to puddle in his lower jaw as he neared, massive paws striking the ground as he pursued the creature. Leaning forth, he suddenly snapped, feeling the soft texture of fur and flesh meet his mouth. Violently, Tlarx shook his head, letting the rustic taste of blood fill his mouth. As the animal stopped struggling, he shook his head a few more times before dropping it. A groundhog. What the hell was it doing in such thick forestry? Shaking his head and almost laughing, the arctic male now lowered his head, immediately tearing into the warm flesh.


Life's just a cocktail party on the street - Ash - May 13, 2012

Today had been a wonderful day for Ash, he had a nice meal and he was currently in a holly-jolly mood. He was even hopping around like a rabbit. A fool he must look like to anyone else in the forest that was watching him. He was almost sure that small creatures were staring wide eyed at him terrified of the large male. He was landing heavily on the ground, obviously not caring if someone heard him or not. As he crashed through the undergrowth he heard thrashing. Probably just another animal scurrying around like a wild animal. Almost skipping in the direction of the noise the male was lucky enough to stop himself before colliding into the wolf in front of him. Where the hell had he come from?

In front of him sat a white wolf, his muzzle blood-stained b some creature that he was eating. Ash instantly backed away from the wolf almost tripping over his own paws. Clumsy. . .wasn't even the word to discribe what Ash was feeling right now. He might have looked like a fool but he honestly felt great. No cares in the world for once, though Finn had been on his mind, he had chose to relax for a day or to. Just to let loose and feel like himself. And at the moment he honestly felt like his day couldn't get any better. Now tilting his head to look at the wolf in front of him words gushed out of his mouth, "Apologies, sir. I was just passing through."

The male in front of him did not smell of any packs that he had heard of, so he kept his stance neutral. Now he felt bad though, he had interupted this male's meal, something he sure as hell wouldn't have been able to tolerate. The large brown brute's ears twitched in excitment as though he couldn't stop moving. His large paws shuffled beneath him as if he was nervous. . .but at the moment that wasn't the case. He just wanted to be able to move around and run, hop, skip, anything he could do that might have been active. The male's green eyes were wide, watching the white wolf in front of him cautiously.

Life's just a cocktail party on the street - Tlarx - May 13, 2012


His jaws worked the flesh as he ate, tongue savoring every inch of the sweet meat. His peaceful eating had gone interrupted by a wolf who stumbled across him, apologizing for his actions. Turning his head, Tlarx swallowed the chunk of chewed meat within his mouth. "Not a problem, mate." He said, looking back towards his dead groundhog. The white male was surprised how much he had eaten within the few moments after he killed it. He snapped his head suddenly back towards Ash, a sly grin forming on his thick muzzle.

"The hell you so hyper for?" he asked, head tilting to the right slightly. The damn wolf looked as if he had eaten some strange mushroom. There was a bounce in his step, his ears flickering about. He remained in a neutral stance, though, which pleased Tlarx. If there was any trace of dominance that Ash attempted to present, he would tell him off. The Hervok did not carry any other wolf's scent, though, and Tlarx assumed that he was a lone wolf, just as he was.

Looking back to the groundhog, he opened his jaws, ripping into the dead creature once more. Ears were raised, listening for Ash's reply. If he were to suddenly get defensive, the massive gray-white man was ready. It may have seemed he was to preoccupied with his food, but that was far from the truth.


Life's just a cocktail party on the street - Ash - May 13, 2012

The male in front of him even went as far as telling him it was alright. Who the hell was this guy anyway? He seemed cool enough apparently. Why was Ash hyper? Why was he hyper he didn't know. A wicked grin crossed the male's face his green eyes seeming to dart everywhere while the other male ate. "Honeslty, I don't know. I guess I just wanted a day off from everything. Though I do feel quite carefree at the moment." Ash's grin seemed to light up his face as he started to dance around.

Getting onto his hind paws he jumped in the air before landing roughly on the ground and taking his seat in front of this other wolf. Opening his mouth he spoke again, "I'm Ash Hervok. Nice to meet you, man." The words came out of Ash's mouth quickly a small laugh escaping his enormous mouth. Smiling at the wolf in front of him he cocked his head curiously, wondering if the male was new or not.

Life's just a cocktail party on the street - Tlarx - May 13, 2012


Tlarx smiled lazily, his blood stained muzzle now finished digging into the groundhog. There was a bit of it left, but he was just too content to finish it off. Looking toward Ash, he nodded his large head. "Pleasure is all mine, Ash. I'm Tlarx...Tlarx Everfall." With a quick twitch of his tail, the man was on his heavy weighted paws again. Eyes still on the male in front of him, Tlarx swooped his head downward, picking up the remains of the brown furred creature within his powerful jaws. Jerking his head forth, he tossed the groundhog towards Ash. "If you want, you can finish that up. I'm as stuffed as a damn bear before hibernation." With these words, the Everfall released a laugh, shaking his head at his statement.

He stepped forward towards Ash, ears perking forward as he did so. "I'm assumin' you're a loner too, eh mate? I find it's best that way. I hate gettin' caught up in family shit." He rolled his eyes lightly, looking towards the sky. Why did he even bother? It was covered by the coniferous trees, their thick green needled branches blocking out the massive ball of fire within the blue sky. Sighing ever so lightly, he began to knead the earth with his paws before glancing back at Ash.


Life's just a cocktail party on the street - Treena - May 14, 2012

Treena was on a journey to find Ash. Her golden muzzle was to the ground at times, inhaling, desperate eyes pleading for some sign of the male. The brute’s company was something she missed, something she wanted to have today. She hated being alone, knowing what it was like around other wolves was still fresh in her mind, making loneliness intolerable. Paranoid he had vanished, forgot about her and decided to find Nina, or worse, left Relic Lore, made the wolf even shakier. It wasn’t long before she turned her lean torso, ears folding back to hear his deep voice, smell his scent. It was like a weight was off her shoulders. She closed her eyes and let out a deep exhale, relaxing in the moment. Her tongue peaked out from the corner of her mouth, panting once or twice as she took off in his direction. She hadn’t expected him to be so close, what a coincidence! Following the sound of his voice, she finally spotted both males. Both were extremely large. Like trees their heads seemed to go on forever. She strained her neck up, slightly intimidated. It was almost impossible to keep her concentration. Ash seemed to have no intention of staying still.

The silver muscular male was eating, something that made Treena more anxious. The last thing you did was bother a male of that size at lunch time. Yet, she couldn’t keep her composer. Letting go, she raced towards Ash with a wagging tail and a sparkling smile, nearly toppling him over as she lightly grabbed his fur in playful affection. “I was looking for you.”

She admitted, freezing to look over Tlarx. She couldn’t tell if this was a good time or not, narrowed eyes skimming over his muscles, searching for a sign of aggression. One could not be found, and with Ash here Treena knew the two would be able to take on the brown eyed wolf if need be. Her head swayed from Ash to Tlarx, feeling small and breakable between the two. She kept her tail down, not in fear, but to prove she was no danger. She didn’t want to be a threat, or seem tense. Her soft eyes blazed, like a forest fire as she took him in, her fragile face scrunched in confusion. It was almost cute how each emotion crossed her expression without her knowing, fear, confusion, curiosity, interest, and now, back to confusion. It was like a book, the words plastered on her forehead as she thought them. It even cuter how she tried to hide it.

Life's just a cocktail party on the street - Ash - May 14, 2012

The male was comforted by the fact that the male in front of him could relate to what he was going through and he instantly let out a deep laugh. And that was when his little friend came. His little Treena. He smelt her as soon as she ran into his side. He didn't even budge as the light weight bumped into his side. Smiling at Treena he bent down and licked her forehead instantly glad to see her. He did however step protectivly in front of the female. It wasn't that he didn't trust the male, he just didn't want him near Treena. Looked like his overprotectiveness was taking over. Bending down he murmured in Treena's ear quietly, "Well than I'm glad you found me." He winked at Treena showing her that he was as happy to see her as she was him.

Glancing back over at the male he spoke politely, "It's nice to meet you. This is Treena." His head bent down so for his nose to touch her forehead, yet another protective gesture. He knew that she would probably give him hell later for doing this but he couldn't help it. His protective instinct over Treena was driving him from his cheerful self to his instant serious self. Had this male just offered his food? "Well thank you. Treena, why don't you eat something?" The male nuzzled her towards the small meal a hopeful look in his green eyes.

Life's just a cocktail party on the street - Tlarx - May 14, 2012


Tlarx's ears flattened defensively at the sudden appearance of Treena. She seemed to spawn from nowhere, cuddling up to Ash's side, oh so happy to see him. He blinked, raising a brow, before speaking "Hello." It was simple, but what else was he to say? The large man stood like a figure made of snow, his deep chocolate eyes watching the two before him. Suddenly smirking with mischief, he raised his tail "Mates?" the man's voice questioned. Really, he did not care, but curiosity poked at him like a hot brand.

As Ash offered this new female the food that Tlarx had offered him, he stifled back an angry growl. That was not hers to eat, but whatever. With a loud grunt, the beast turned away from the two, nose to the ground. He licked at a minuscule puddle, testing the cool liquid with his coral toned tongue. His tongue retreated into his mouth, and he raised his head back upwards. Looking at the two, he stood, waiting to see what they were to do.


Life's just a cocktail party on the street - Treena - May 14, 2012

Treena did not stray from Ash’s side. Feeling safe was hard to accomplished, and shielded by the broad male gave her that feeling. She peeked around his side, golden muzzle peeking through the embrace. She was unsure if she should accept the meal or not, instead she stayed sheltered in the warmth of the male’s sturdy coat. She wasn’t sure she could move, had she even wanted the kill. Watching Tlarx Treena felt the need to stand defensively around Ash, but what protection would she be? The question meant nothing as she slowly wrapped around the brick wall of fur, a mocking smile upwards as she replaced the tom’s role as body guard. Puffing out her fur she attempted to look as large as possible, fully accepting the big-bad-wolf character. Paws heavily planted on the ground she knew it would take quite some power to knock her over. Yet, Ash was capable.

When the white wolf turned around Treena became agitated with fury, both with him and the question. Had she not have the bond she did with Ash she’d have thought the question awkward, maybe stood in shock and embarrassment. Now, she took it as a joke, a smile playing on the corners of her mouth. Still, she thought awhile on it. Mates? Ash was loving, strong, protective, and he was trusting. The word felt weird in her head, Ash did fit the role of a mate. For someone else. Treena wasn't ready for a mate, and Ash had shown no signs leading to that direction. “Seems that way does it?”

She debated fooling him for a second, starting a lie that said her big brother figure was her lover. The thought sent her into shrilling laughter. “Ash is a little protective, now isn’t he?” The words felt ironic, figuring it was now her who was puffed out like a killer Pomeranian to guard him. “He’s just a close friend.”

Life's just a cocktail party on the street - Ash - May 14, 2012

The male cocked his eyebrow at the male at his question. Mates? No, they were just close friends. Almost siblings it would seem but Ash kept the harsh comment he was thinking out of his head as Treena strode around him right into the direction of the other male. What the hell was she doing? She seemed pretty pissed though. Pricking his ears to hear what little Treena had to say a smug smile pulled on his lips. Her words brought a smirk on his face. She was toying with the male in front of him but the next words she said brought a large laugh to him. Protective? Hah, definitely. Just a close friend, definitely. Smiling at Treena he laughed and flicked his tail.

His hopes of havng a peaceful day just went out the window though. He smirked and stood next to Treena his loud voice booming, "Though if you have your eyes on her I can gladly tell you that you can't have her." Though they were just friends he was still being serious. He was protective of Treena and he wouldn't let anyone have her no matter what happened. Though they probably wouldn't ever become mates Finn crossed his mind, but he instantly shoved her away. They hadn't spoken in who knew how long, they had only talked once and he knew he would eventually have to move on.