Ruins of Wildwood
Sacred Grove Meeting the Giant - Printable Version

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Meeting the Giant - Cali - May 21, 2012

Cali was finishing up a rabbit that she had just caught moments before. It was a light breakfast before she headed out for the morning's patrol. Most of her aches had faded away from her spar with Marsh and she only felt the occasional twinge from the wound on her left shoulder. Idly she wondered if it would leave a scar. Perhaps. Somehow it seemed strangely appropriate that her first real scar come from her teacher. It would never let her forget her first lesson and likely all subsequent lessons from there on.

Finished with her impromptu meal the white fae headed towards the river for a refreshing drink and the beginning of her regular patrol. She had steered clear of Corrina for the time being, favoring the task of patrolling and remarking their territory. She hoped that by making herself scarce and proving herself useful that she might one day win over the heavily pregnant leadess. It was at least worth a try and it kept her busy, gave her a purpose. If Corinna would allow it, she would stay closer to the den once the pups had arrived and be an extra set of paws to protect the precious life blood of the pack.

The only wolves of the pack that she had met were the leaders Indru and Corinna and the second and third males, Marsh and Ice. All of the encounters had been brief, save Marsh whom she had sparred with. There were others yet to meet and she truly hoped that she would run across them soon. She knew that there were several adult males and one female that she had yet to encounter, not to mention last years brood of pups. All in good time, she supposed, deciding not to belabor the issue. With a sigh and actions that were growing into a ritual the white female began walking the border and scanning the area for any intruders or troubles, occasionally adding fresh scent to reinforce the border of the River Pack.