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Fireweed Rise Let's Dance - Printable Version

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Let's Dance - Tlarx - May 30, 2012

His white paws brought him toward the field of fire; it was like a magnetic attraction. The brilliant color filled his vision, and he paused. A small grin slipped onto his muzzle, raising his deep inky lips. Closing his eyes, the man widened his nostrils, allowing the scent of the flora to flow through his mind. It was refreshing; a scent he had never experienced before. With a few steps forth, the large creature brought himself into a youthful bound, streaming through the river of flowers.

The afternoon air was hot, but not uncomfortably so. The sun shone down upon the crimson flowers, begging them to grow toward it in almost a selfish way. Black fur upon Tlarx's back absorbed the heat, making him a bit warmer than usual. The sun was surely a varlet in the rise. The wide open space did not make him uncomfortable, but he was certainly not used to it. With a swing of his head, Tlarx's ears twitched as a brown rabbit seemed to swim by in the flowers. It disappeared as quickly as it had come into his sights. Releasing a light laugh, Tlarx lay himself down, releasing a loud sigh. It was beautiful.

Let's Dance - Athena - May 30, 2012


It had been quite long since she last left her pack territory and today she felt like relaxing and enjoying herself. She was drawn towards Fireweed Rise. A place where she had first arrived at Relic Lore and met Ice and Vlarindara. This was also a place where she was caught up in a fight with Ice and Rhysis, attempting to protect her respected leader from the jaws of the pale knight. Now, she hoped that she could just relax among the flowers and bask in the sun without any interruption.

However, she wasn't the first to claim the Rise. As she came upon the flowery abyss, she caught the scent of Tlarx. Her tail gave a happy wag and she jumped upon a rock to peer out into the field of wildflowers. She spotted him laying down and mischievously thought of a devious plan. Carefully leaping down from the rock, she crept towards the down man with a smug look on her face. She planned on surprising him with a leap attack on his side. The wind was thankfully in the other direction as she crept forwards. She was about three feet away from him when she leaped from her crouched position onto his white side. In a fluid motion, she attempted to grab a hold of his ear while landing softly on his side before rolling off him. A happy play growl escaped her chest as she tumbled onto him.


Let's Dance - Tlarx - May 30, 2012

The arctic wolf lay listening to the birds singing on the edges of the rise. A small breeze blew against him, and he rested his head upon his large paws. A slight whir began within his ears as his lids remained closed for a few minutes. Sleep was pulling at him, but he did not wish to fall asleep yet. He was in an open area, and that would be a risk he was not willing to take. Allowing his ears to flutter, Tlarx listened to the world around him, but failed to hear Athena approach.

A light weight fell upon him, as well as a growl erupting in the air. With a surprised snarl, Tlarx went to roll onto his side to flip whatever attacked him off, but it left by itself. Opening his eyes quickly, he realized who it was- Athena. The snarl turned to a playful woof, and his fluffed white-gray tail began to sway back and forth like a pup's. Excitement washed over him as he leaned over, swiftly nipping at the woman's left ear. "You scared me!" He admitted, deep voice rumbling in laughter.

Let's Dance - Athena - May 30, 2012


As she landed bounced off of him, he released a surprised snarl and he attempted to roll on his side. She was already on the ground besides him, so all he tried fighting off was open air. A soft laugh escaped her maw as she watched him paw at the air like a dead bug. He must have realized then that it was her because he gave a playful bark and he began to wag his tail in excitement. Her tail too, thudded against the ground happily as he reached over to grab her ear. A playful growl and a light nip on his cheek was given before she heard his words.

She chuckled lightly and leaned back to look at him while laying down. "I was going for that. She said lightly, flashing a bright smile before looking towards the wildflowers around them. The bright reds contradicted with the light shade of green grass around them. It was truly beautiful. "This is really beautiful." She murmured quietly. After being in the mountains for so long and not seeing many flowers, this was an experience that she didn't witness all the time.


Let's Dance - Tlarx - May 31, 2012

His eyes were like chocolate drops as he looked at the river of red. It really was beautiful. Being a male, there was no chance in hell he would actually use the word to describe flowers. Blinking, his ears fluttered thoughtfully before peering back toward the ivory woman beside him "Indeed" he agreed, smiling. With his eyes still on Athena, Tlarx leaned toward her before pausing. A brilliant yellow butterfly began to skirr around them, its wings working to fling itself around. His eyes remained on Athena, though.

"I'm...glad to see you again, Athena" the gray-white man's voice was even. The sheepish smile curled slightly at his dark lips, and he looked at his paws briefly before returning his gaze to the female. He knew she was from a pack and he would not be able to see her whenever he wanted to. What pack was she from, though? He enjoyed her company so much that he did not want to be labeled as rude for asking. With these thoughts, he kept his questions locked up within him. Instead, he continued to lean forward as the butterfly took off in a random direction. Wet ebon nose nuzzled her cheek gently, and he slowly pulled his head back, eyes on hers.

Let's Dance - Athena - May 31, 2012


She stared out into the abyss of red flowers, admiring their beauty and grace. The careful breeze swept through them making them ripple like a small stream. She was unaware of Tlarx staring at her, but as he spoke she turned to smile at him. It was nice having easy, light company like this. She didn't have to worry about revealing too much about Poison Path or worrying about Swift River after her. It was almost like a relief. Hakuna matata. No worries. Just easy company.

She turned back to watch the rippling of the wildflowers and didn't notice him leaning towards her. However, she did see out of the corner of her eyes, the bright yellow butterfly spreading it's wings and tried to skirr away from them. She laughed lightly and watched as the butterfly fluttered around them gracefully. The rumble of Tlarx's voice besides her made her flicker her eyes back towards him. A light smile flashed onto her face and she watched him looked down at his paws. It didn't seem like her regretted saying those words, but it seemed like he couldn't believe he really said them. He looked back up then and unexpectedly nuzzled the side of her cheek.

Her smile got wider as she looked at him. "I'm glad to see you too." Thoughts and feelings swirled around her head and she had trouble distinguishing them all apart. Excitement, confusion, sadness, happiness, perhaps even love? All these bombarded her brain almost giving her a headache. She never felt these feelings before. They were foreign to her. She had no idea on what to do. Should she nuzzle him back or turn away? She had once experienced a slight connection with Fallen, but he had deserted her. Would Tlarx desert her too? She was confused, but she knew she felt something for him. She never thought of it as love at first sight and it wasn't for her at least. The first time they met, he had saved her life from a cougar attack. He helped her hunt down a goat to feed herself and her family. She was in his debt. And she did not like having debts to repay.

However, she didn't care about that right now. She wanted to throw away all her doubts and concerns. She leaned forwards and nuzzled him back, stopping to lightly lick at the base of his ear. She snuggled closer towards him and laid her head on his paws.


Let's Dance - Tlarx - May 31, 2012

What was her pack? Where in the mountains did she live? No, no. Shoo away those thoughts. If he did have stronger feelings for her than he thought, though, he would have to know. With the confusing thoughts running rampant through his mind, Tlarx almost cursed aloud at himself but bit his tongue. Athena nuzzled him and licked behind his ear, which made even more emotion shoot up through him.

Her touch was soft; kind. He felt his grin grow wider at her nuzzling. She laid her head down upon his paws, and Tlarx froze. The lovely woman was on him. He felt about as giddy as a boy in junior high school. Tail wagging frivolously now, he lowered his head, chin gently touching the top of her white head as he spoke "Haven't had any more run ins with cougars, have ya?" His voice was teasing as he spoke, his eyes looking down upon her. He could just barely see her eyes from where his head rested lightly upon hers. He did not know how he felt about Athena. She was a lovely woman, yes, very lovely... and she had a good personality to boot. He felt fire throw itself through him as she lay upon his massive paws. What was he feeling?

Let's Dance - Athena - May 31, 2012


She had no fear now. No fear of being deserted. No fear of doing something wrong. She did not care anymore. In order to live life to the fullest, you had to live in the moment, right. That philosophy conquered her mind. She no more doubts or concerns. She was only filled with the happy emotion that for so long deserted her. Her father ripped that feeling away from her, but now he couldn’t destroy her life again. She had finally killed her demon. The demon that was her father’s voice in her head, telling her she couldn’t live, nobody would love her, all she was was a nobody. A nobody that was a failure. Now she knew she wasn’t a nobody. She did live; she was living and breathing to prove it. Her family of poisoned wolves loved her and she knew now that she was not a failure. He was the failure. He failed to ruin her life. What now.

For some reason, Tlarx’s simple company brought all these thoughts and feelings to the surface, making her realize many things. His smooth voice enveloped around her ears and she softly laughed. “No, I think they know not to mess with me now. Since you’ve become my guardian.” Her voice copying the teasing gestures of his. What she said was true. Since the attack, she hadn’t seen any mountain cats around. She would have to thank him later. “Haven’t had any more run ins with owls or awkward wolves, have you?” She said teasing again. She lifted her head off his paws to look at him with a sweet smile on her face.


Let's Dance - Tlarx - May 31, 2012

Her voice rang through his ears like a sweet melody. He wanted to curl himself around her, covering her pale pelt with his own. He wanted to listen to the songs of the birds with her; watch the deer graze and lope about. He wanted to watch the clouds slowly drift by in the sky, he wanted to- wait, what? What was this he was feeling? Tlarx had rarely gotten to talk to many females in his pack; he was always too busy doing pack duties. Since he had saved Athena, his world seemed different. He was glad he came to these lands.

The black backed man could not believe his next sentence, but it slipped out after a light laugh "I'll always be your guardian." He wanted to bite his own damn tongue off. Had he really just said that? How would the lovely small lady react? Ears lowering for a moment, he felt his face grow hot before he forced a nervous smile onto his muzzle "No, fortunately". The man answered her question, but his mind was on what he had said before.

Let's Dance - Athena - May 31, 2012


She didn't really expect the next thing to come out of her male companion. She didn't have magical powers where she could hear people's thoughts before they say them. So, when he said it, she seemed as surpised as he was. However, she adored what he said. What was even more adorable was when he shied away and flatted his ears in bashfulness. She laughed lightly, nudged him on the cheek lovingly, "Good, you can be my knight in shining armor." She said sweetly, licking his muzzle lightly before pulling back.

She then looked down at her paws for a second and glanced at Tlarx's side. Although he was buff and in good condition for a loner, she could still see his ribs protruding slightly. She once looked like that before she had joined Swift River, then Poison Path, but looking at him reminded her of the hard times of loner life. Looking back up at him with sad filled eyes, "You should come back home with me." She said in a pleading tone. Rhysis would love his stature and Naira would love his sweet and kind personality. He could live with her in Poison Path and not have to worry about catching another meal. "My leaders would love you." Standing up suddenly, she wagged her tail in the air at the excitement of just seeing him well feed and loved by her family. Please, Tlarx? I want you to come home with me and share all the things I love there." She said, pleading again.