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Thicket of Secrets Someones getting hurt by the Burn - Printable Version

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Someones getting hurt by the Burn - Hotei - Jul 04, 2012

Note: This is set before Hotei meets with Torla.


The shadow pressed itself against the ground as it hurtled through the trees.
The gothic form nimbly lept over moss covered logs and hidden springs as it
raced through the mottled forest. Bright yellow eyes dialated fully begin to contract as the beast
struggled with his emotions. Snarls radiated from his jaws as he fended off the memories
of his past. No one is left. I'm the only Tainn now. And I'm not worthy of Relic-Lores safety.
Not when I left my pack to burn alive. Burn, burn, burn to dust.
He snarled to himself
and slowed his pace to a slow lope. Burn ignored that need which egged him closer
to his old home. That need which threw his calm composure to the flames. That need
to see his dead family and plead for forgivness. I don't need forgiveness. No one else
tried to help me when the fire began to burn. Not even Torla. To hell with them all.

A mouse caught the wolf's attention as it tried to skitter away out of his path. The black
creature flung himself at the tiny animal willing to tear its guts out and destroy it just to
take out his anger. However the little mouse ducked under a fallen tree just before
Burn could reach it.
"I need something to take my mind off things. Either that or Somebody to tear into."
He growled quietly as he stood over the log listening to the mouses squeeking disappear
into the underbrush. He never was any good at hunting small stuff.

As the tree's swayed letting in minute amounts of diminishing sunlight the wolf stared
into the darkness of the forest.Another wolf was near. He was not dumb, so Burn kept
quiet as he waited for the pathetic creature to come out. If the wolf was smart enough
it would leave him alone, but if he remembered Relic-lore correctly. The dark wolf
knew that pussy-footed mongrels who sought nothing but peace lay around every corner.


Someones getting hurt by the Burn - Jessie - Jul 06, 2012


Everything seemed to be extremely calming in the land of Relic Lore. Nothing seemed to be going wrong at the moment, and the calming breeze whispered to many animals along the land. Nothing was out of place at the moment and it was calm. She had traveled a while away from Swift River to come out into the lands, in hopes that she could look at more of the lands. Relic Lore was a wide community and those of who she had met were quite polite. Her tail curled naturally as she examined the lands that she had just entered. It was nice here, and thickets covered the land quite well, giving off the impression of everything being mysterious.

The peaceful silence was then broken by an angry snarl. Her ears pricked towards the sound and slight worry crept its way into Jessie’s pelt. It could possibly be Brenton. . .would he actually come against her wishes? She wanted him to stay safe and though Relic Lore was a safe land, she hadn’t wanted to take the chance. Her small eyes scanned the area and her paws immediately started towards where she had heard the snarl. She was curious as to what could have made another wolf so angry, for there could have been plenty of things.

And so when she got towards the wolf, she immediately approached him. No fear, submission, or dominance was shown. She was just a simple wolf, who was neutral. She was no where near her pack borders and for that, she wouldn’t do anything out of the ordinary. Her head tilted slightly as she took in the wolf and she called out to him, “Hello there.


Someones getting hurt by the Burn - Hotei - Jul 07, 2012


The dark wolf eyed the stranger with his trademark Tainn yellow eyes.
His coat bristled slightly as the female spoke."Hello there."
His face went from an angry snarl to a serious watchful one. He didn't growl
at the female. It was stupid to do such a thing, but if she happened to rub him the
wrong way he wouldn't stop himself from showing aggression.

"What do you want?" He spoke calmy and quietly watching the female with
suspicious eyes. She probably had heard him before. So why was she greeting
a wolf who's obviouslynot in a good mood. He stayed quiet just watching.
He didn't need to use words much. He didn't want to use words much.
I hope she doesn't turn out to be an annoying bitch. He truely
didn't mind the thought of a fight right now, but he knew that getting an injury
whiles't living alone was almost always fatal. Since wolves couldn't hunt if
they're too badly injured. So he kept himself in check.

A light breeze made his fur tingle. The coldness of the wind breathed a chill
over his unfurred scars. With a glance at the stars Burn stood as a statue
in front of the female. Just waiting. Just waiting for something.


Someones getting hurt by the Burn - Jessie - Jul 11, 2012

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When she spoke he looked pretty mad, but she ignored the feeling. Apparently fears of him being injured went out the forest though. . .for when she took him in a while longer she saw that he was in good enough shape for a lone wolf. She could smell no scent of blood and Jess was pleased to see that he wasn’t injured. But when he spoke it seemed as though he wasn’t happy to see her. . .not happy at all. As he stared at her, it was as if he could see through her soul and take it from her, leaving her useless. . .but she would not allow him to take her soul away. . .for it was hers.

Her voice held an edge of respect in it, for his weariness of her pleased her highly, “I apologize, sir. I heard a snarl and came to see if you were alright, out of concern. I’m Jessie.” She didn’t figure that sucking up to the male would do her much good, so she simply stayed quite, her emerald eyes watching him closely. He was large. . .much larger than her and black, with beautiful, yet strange yellow eyes. It didn’t go past her to tell that he was thin, but he was healthy and it was expected that a lone wolf, such as himself would be thin. But she didn’t want to turn him the wrong way by asking about it. She simply waited for his reply.

Someones getting hurt by the Burn - Hotei - Jul 11, 2012


Well at least this female has brains... He scoffed at her while
taking in her words. Burn was pleased that she was keeping her distance.
He didn't want to prolongue this meeting if he wasn't meeting a wolf who
wouldn't want to fight. Wiping all anger from his face he continued to stare at her
judging her weight and body type. She seemed to be well enough fed, but small and fast
for hunting. It would be easy to keep enough weight on with that type of build. A hunters
build. So what are you gonna do now eh little chick. The black male stood rigidly.

"My name's Hotei Tainn, but you can call me Burn." He snarled out "Burn" leaving
one of his sharp canines peering out from under his upper lip. His tiny snarl was
accompanied by a raised tail and head as he looked her over.

He remembered females like this one. The only females he could get along with
outside of relic-lore. Maybe it was because every other wolf was looking for a fight
out there. Everyone except for the smaller wolves who seemed to know their place,
and kept themselves safe by following the bigger brutes around.

He waited silently. Still gazing into her dazed orbs. Wondering silently whether
she would flee or try to be more friendly again. He'd had enough with females
fawning over him.


Someones getting hurt by the Burn - Jessie - Jul 12, 2012

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The male no longer looked angry, which gave her some piece of mind, but she still remained calm and held her distance. And his name came with a snarl at the end of it. If it weren’t for the wind blowing at her fur, she was sure that her pelt would have been blown back by the large snarl. It echoed through the small forest and Jessie’s own ears twitched at the large sound. The raise of his head and tail was what put her off. Here, in no ones territory, both of them should have been equals. And he was trying to put her in her own place. . .which neither of them had. . .a place.

She swallowed before raising her own head to meet his gaze. It was not challenging but it was telling him that she wasn’t the right female to mess with. She had fighting techniques. Though they were not all that great, she had speed on her side and he was quite large, which meant that he probably had more strength than speed, which would be a plus for her. She could run almost as fast as rabbits, dodging things from this male wouldn’t be a problem.

Her voice rang clearing towards him, making it clear that she would not be treated lowly, “It is a pleasure to meet you, Burn.”

Someones getting hurt by the Burn - Hotei - Jul 12, 2012

Just because Hotei doesn't want her to follow doesn't mean I don't :P I promise he won't hurt her. ;)


Burn watched the female quietly after she spoke. Her words coming
out with an edge to them. At least she had a spine. He would respect that.
Keeping his dominant stance he began to stalk around to the females side.
Then he began to pad away. He had no use for a silly female today.
Unless he was to fuck with her. Mess with her head or something.
But her previous niceness threw his uncontrolled anger out the window. So
now the black male decided to just leave the female be. He hoped she
wouldn't follow him, but doubted that she would leave him alone now.

After a few minutes he stopped and looked back over his
shoulder. The anger had drained out of him and left him feeling empty.
He cared not if other wolves would see he, nor if someone was to follow him.
Right now he had to just keep moving. Heading farther south for some god damn
stupid reason. Hotei wanted to see if anyone from his family was left, but Burn could
care less about them. All dishonorable wolves who'd run for their lives instead
of trying to help their packmates out of the fire. Of course he cursed at himself for this too.
Which was another reason he didn't want to go back. Simply because Hotei felt like
he was unworthy of seeing even his dead family's graves. Unworthy of seeing any family
who might have survived.

So he continued walking along tail still held high but his head now
held low. Piercing yellow eyes flashed in the darkness of the shadows.


Someones getting hurt by the Burn - Jessie - Jul 13, 2012

OOC: So sorry it is short and that it sucks. <3

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He didn’t seem angry with his response and that made Jessie’s heart beat slightly lift. He respected that of her, something that would have gotten her kicked if she were to do that to others. She now felt like she had an equal and that she was, indeed, strong. He was soon making his way towards her, but soon curved around her, some of his midnight fur brushing against her shoulder, making her shiver. Perhaps he wanted to be left alone, but Jessie wouldn’t have it. She felt a pull towards this male, he almost reminded her of someone she might have known in the past.

Her own muscles flexed beneath her pelt as her paws swiftly followed in Burn’s footsteps, her emerald eyes light and curious. He seemed to be a respectable man, but she couldn’t place her paw on why. . .but she did know that she wanted to know more about him. She kept a respectable distance from him while pulling up next to him, his burns and scars obvious on his pelt. Her eyes refused to linger on them though. . .for it would have been rude, but they soon traveled up to his piercing yellow eyes.

Someones getting hurt by the Burn - Hotei - Jul 17, 2012


Burn ignored the female as she followed. He didn't particularly
care that she was following him. At least she had the sense to keep
quiet. Or else he would surely snap at her. When they both paused on the
hill he didn't even glance at her; though he felt her fur sweep against his own.
He started padding along again ever consious of the female near him.

Perhaps I can use this opportunity to hunt. I could get a good meal
working together with this she wolf.
He flicked his gaze to hers and
then back to the path again. They were already walking on a game trail
and Hotei could smell the old scent of deer which had traversed the trail earlier
that day. Now the black fellow began to purposely sniff around the trail
searching for that one fresh deer scent. If they were lucky he might find one.

Picking up his regal head he stopped in his tracks and turned to set
his gaze upon the female again. Her sparkling eyes betraying curiosity in him.
"If you want to hunt with me then help me search for a fresh scent of deer." He spoke
quietly in a deep low tone then turned his body back to the trail and began trotting
along searching for anything larger than a rabbit. For he was sure if they caught a meal
she would not let him have it for himself. Plus since she might help him she would be
allowed by wolf rules to partake in the flesh after the deer fell.


Someones getting hurt by the Burn - Jessie - Jul 17, 2012

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Unexpectedly the young girl’s nose bumped with the larger male’s when he turned towards her. She ducked her head briefly in apology from the short contact before she listened to his words without hesitation. A hunt. . .? Well that sure sounded pleasant. With a small smile to herself she scented the air quickly, the old scent of deer floated towards her nostrils. Hunting and tracking were skills she had owned when she had been around the age of one.

Her nose went to the ground and she instantly and unconsciously took the lead ahead of them. Her paws moved swiftly beneath her and her body and nose did the work for her. She weaved through bushes and trees before coming to the fresh scent of deer. Almost, as if mechanically, her head snapped up and her emerald eyes searched the area, and sure enough three yearlings stood in the clearing, grazing. Her head turned back to Burn, her eyes searching for him. He would choose their meal for this day.