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Wild Cherry Orchard It's always something - Printable Version

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It's always something - Cessair - Jul 29, 2012

Everything was going well for once. Cessair had been enjoying her explorations without a single disturbance from any sort of strange apparition for a considerable space of time. Although she still had no clue as to the whereabouts of her brother, the simple belief that he was alive and thriving somewhere was enough for her. It would be too much to find only his lifeless body, should he actually be dead, so the little wolf decided to stop searching for him. If he found her, great; but if not, she had found a friend or two now, and would always be able to have the memories of her brother with her. The decision was finally made; Cessair would stay in this land.

Now she had only to decide if she wanted to join a pack and, if so, when. The constant security of a pack, and sense of purpose and worth, would no doubt be a blessing. On the other hand, it would be difficult to give up the aimless and thrilling travelling that she had long become accustomed to. Cessair quickly dismissed the constant babble of her thoughts, determining to address the issue later. For now, she wanted to enjoy the scenery of the territory she wandered into. No scent of pack borders barred her way, but instead a succulent sweetness that could come only from fruit graced the area. Medium sized trees made up the majority of this open forest. Every branch seemed laden with lush green leaves and bright red adornments. Cherries.

After a while, Cessair gave up trying to step between the cherries that rested on the ground, and instead marched right through them. Her paws quickly grew red with the juice, but it didn't bother her. After all, she enjoyed the aroma it left, and it would be a pleasure to lick of the sweet flavor later. Thus, she continued on, and only stopped occasionally to pick a fresh cherry from the ground or off a low branch for a snack. Her mouth filled with the distinct sweetness of the fruit, and her ears tuned to nothing but the sound of the gentle breeze rustling the leaves, Cessair trotted along in a sort of trance, totally enchanted with the novelty of the location.

It wasn't until Cessair neared the edge of the cherry forest that she detected an unfamiliar scent. Curiosity led her onward, and she was quite unaware that the source of the scent might yield danger. A small form soon came into view, and it took the brown wolf a moment to identify that it was a young cougar. The creature looked to be nothing but a helpless cub. While she wasn't about to run from something so young, it occurred to Cessair that where there was young, an angry mother was likely nearby. Sampling the scents drifting by, though, she smelled no other cougar.

Was this cub all alone? Surely, it must have a mother somewhere. She stared at the cub, which was playing with a butterfly and didn't seem to have noticed her, in indecision for several moments. If it was alone, she wanted to help it, but then again, she wouldn't know how. Plus, there was always the risk that the mother was indeed nearby and watching. Cessair eventually decided it was better safe then sorry, and quietly stalked off in the opposite direction. When she thought she was far enough that she wouldn't be noticed, she turned dead south and ran for several minutes, only stopping when she had reached the southern edge of the cherry forest.

It's always something - Shadowstorm - Aug 10, 2012

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Shadowstorm had been on her way,wandering around. How was she to prove her worth to the pack if Nina wouldn't let her hunt or fight. IT was her that managed to fight Athena with a injured leg, her that had traveld across Relic Lore to find out about her leg being broken. But yet, she couldn't be mad at Nina. Nina was kind, sweet and brilliant at healing. So Shadowstorm knew it was in her legs best intrest not to hunt or fight. Yet, a familiar scent came into her senses. "Cessair?" "She asked, stepping out of some bushes. Ice wasn't around thank god. If he was, he'd wanna fight. He loathed the male. She asked, walking without injury now.]"Is that really you?"

Shadowstorm paused. She hadn't seen Cessair since Ghastly Woods. That was forever ago. IT made an odd flashback of the night the wolves attacked and killed her parents. The wolves, they had raided, threatened to kill her. She shivered.
(Sorry, it's really short)

It's always something - Cessair - Aug 11, 2012

The young wolf sat in an awkward position, attempting to lick the cherry juice off of her paws. She was completely absorbed in the task, the image of the innocent cougar cub absently floating through her mind. Normally, a situation of danger -- like a possible attack from a mother cougar defending her cub -- would have set off one of Cessair's nightmare flashback things, but she reflected with satisfaction that this time no such threat presented itself. Locating a nearby patch of lavender was still a necessary just-in-case measure, though, so the creamy wolf finished grooming herself and got up to sniff around. The first whiff of scent that found its way to her nose was not the herb, however, but rather that of a familiar wolf.

"Cessair?" "Shadowstorm? Yes, yes it's me! Hi!" Cessair bounded forward, following her nose until she spotted the ebony black wolf. When she was sure she was visible herself, and close enough to chat easily, she stopped and stood, her tail swishing rapidly back and forth. The last time they met was rather tense, but this time Cessair was quite sure that she was the only wolf around here at the moment besides Shadowstorm. Hopefully the blue-eyed wolf would remain in her friendlier personality while they talked this time, but if she switched to the other one for whatever reason, Cessair would act as submissive as she could to quell any irritation.

Looking over her acquaintance briefly, Cessair noticed that the black female was a bit healthier. The injury she was suffering from when they last met must have stopped troubling her. It seemed both of them had been healed in some way or another since then. Friendliness sparkled in the younger wolf's eyes as she spoke. "How have you been?"

It's always something - Shadowstorm - Aug 11, 2012

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"Shadowstorm? Yes it's me! Hi!" She heard and smiled. "Hi! I'v been fine. Turns out my leg was broken. But a nice wolf named Nina and a few other's of her pack took me in despite my bad side of me hissing rude remarks at them. How have you been?" She said, her tail wagging. Shadowstorm knew Cessair wasn't one for fight, she had nothing to worry about. Shadowstorm wasn't supposed to hunt or fight. She couldn't smell ICe nearby so she was good to go. Green light. "The only thing is I've been having these wierd flashbacks of my brother and my own pasts. It's really creepy." She added.

Please not flashbacks, please no flashbacks! She begged. Just to her luck, a flashback percieved her. Shadowstorm descends from a small, unknown line of wolves with some odder beliefs. Her father and mother always taught her to be a lone wolf, to never join a pack. They made her believe that packs were not noble. That pack members were too weak to live by themselves and that they needed other wolves who were the same as them to live. She grew up determined to not disgrace her parents who were killed by a small group of wolves, not a pack, just a small group of lone wolves. She believeed her brother, Shade, to be dead, but he is out there, looking for her and never ceasing the search. Then she found him.


It's always something - Cessair - Aug 11, 2012

Cessair excitedly listened to what the black wolf had to say. A broken leg was a very major problem, but she was glad to hear that it was better. Her ears flicked in recognition upon hearing a familiar name, and again on hearing a familiar problem. Once Shadowstorm finished, the puppy-ish girl promptly sat down, ready to conduct a serious session of therapy. Okay, maybe not so serious, but at least she had a lot to talk about.

"Hey, I know Nina! She taught me about some healing herbs not very long ago. She also helped me get rid of my flashbacks! Although my flashbacks were also kind of like nightmares, and I saw them when I was awake too..." The little wolf shut herself up when she noticed that the normally icy blue eyes seemed somewhat glazed over. Was she having a flashback right then? Is that what she looked like when she had flashbacks? Cessair could only hope that the black wolf's visions weren't as terrifying as her own. With velvety nose in the air, she darted off to the right, keeping the still not-so-present Shadowstorm in sight, to locate a patch of lavender.

She was only gone a few moments before she trotted back to Shadowstorm with a crop of herbs hanging from her jaw. The blue-eyed lady still seemed distant, so Cessair timidly held the fragrant purple flowers under her nose. Hopefully, Shadowstorm would inhale the calming scent and return from her alternate reality. Still holding the lavender, Cessair managed to utter a few words through her teeth. "Shadowstorm, hello? Please come back?"

It's always something - Shadowstorm - Aug 11, 2012

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"Really? You know Nina! She's a nice and caring wolf. I reget ever being rude to her. It's kinda a wierd story actually. I was on the borders, hunting, not on the territory yet. But a wolf named Sloane showed up and Nina had followed. Nina notice a slight twist in my ankle. She said she could help, knowing me, I said a rude remark about her making things up to make me look weak. Then a third wolf, a second in fact, named Kashiko comes in, I say I';ll leave, I turn and SNAP! My leg snaps in half. I tried to get up and go away countless times. Still never worked. Nina fixed me up and her leader said I could stay till I was healed. He also said that later, if I proved my worth. I could join. It's hard to prove ones worth though." She said after returning to reality.

"Anything intersting happen afte rI left you two in Ghastly Woods?" Shadowstorm asked. The lavender scent had returned her to the real world. But she felt like she was drifting back. NO! NO! NO! Stay here. Talk to Cessair. Stay here. Talk to Cessair. Stay here. Talk to Cessair.. Everything rushing through her head. She kept repeating it until it was etched into her mind. Stay here. Talk to Cessair. Stay here. Talk to Cessair.


It's always something - Cessair - Aug 12, 2012

Happy to get away from her own thoughts for a while, Cessair listened attentively to the older wolf. She cringed when Shadowstorm described how her leg broke, imitating what must have been a very sickening snap. Still, she was glad to hear that Nina had fixed her right up. The healing wolf rose higher and higher in her regard -- she must be a veritable miracle-worker! Cessair was very glad to have Nina's friendship.

Shadowstorm made a good point when she stated that it would be difficult to prove her worth to the pack. After thinking on that a moment, the young wolf figured there really wasn't much one could do. One would have to be a really good fighter, something Cessair was not in the least interested in; or a really good hunter, another weakness of the yearling's; or have some other unique skill. Hopefully, the black wolf had at least one of these abilities, but Cessair was confident that Shadowstorm could do it. That is, if she really wanted to join a pack. This was an issue the brown girl was still debating. If Cessair did decide to join a pack, she would have to figure out something that would make her a desirable addition to its ranks.

But enough thinking about herself. Observing Shadowstorm again, she noticed a slight air of urgency arise and assumed from personal experience that the older lady was about to slip out of reality again. While Cessair was prepared to pick up the lavender again, she knew that communicating would be the best remedy while Shadowstorm was still present. "After you left, Ice and I made our way out of that terrifying forest and raided a field of blackberries. I then went north and visited Nina, and she taught me about some herbs. Besides that, I saw a lone cougar cub back over there somewhere," Here she pointed behind her with her muzzle to indicate the cherry forest in general behind her, "and then you showed up!" The young wolf's coppery eyes still shone with happiness from meeting up with her acquaintance again.

It's always something - Shadowstorm - Aug 12, 2012

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Shadowstorm listened. "After you left, Ice and I made our way out of that terrifying forest and raided a field of blackberries. I then went north and visited Nina, and she taught me about some herbs. Besides that, I saw a lone cougar cub back over there somewhere," Cessair pointed behind her with her muzzle to indicate the cherry forest in general behind her, "and then you showed up!" It seemed that she'd been on quite an adventure. "It's always nice to see a friendly face around. I have to admit, I'm only traveling because I heard my brother Shade, whom I thought to be dead, is in Relic Lore, staying down near Hush MEadow. So I was going to see if the rumor was ture. I want to apologize again for my behavior in Ghastly Woods. Wasn't sure what got into me. But it seems like you've had quite the adventure yourself. I kinda miss the days of wandering aimlessly, without having to hunt or fight."

Her brother Shade was supposedly staying with another pack. Perhaps he was injured or he joined a pack himself. But Shadowstorm was proud of him for turning his back on the life teachings they were given about packs being weak. Shadowstorm was sure he was in good paws. But she wanted to see her brother. She thought back, what if he didn't want to see her. What if she was just like Nina's brother. What if he wanted to kill Shadowstorm. No, Shade wouldn't do that. "o anything else exciting happen since I left Cessair?" She asked.


It's always something - Cessair - Aug 13, 2012

Cessair launched into a new session of reflection when she heard about Shadowstorm going to meet up with her lost brother. She was reminded of her own brother; how she was still yet to find him. Maybe she should leave to keep looking for him, although she really wanted to stay in the Lore. Then again, Shadowstorm's brother had found his way here, so why couldn't her own? Closing her eyes, the brown wolf took a moment to make a quick decision. Ultimately, it would be best to stay here. There was always the chance that her brother was dead after all, and she would be able to prosper here without him if she needed to. So she would stay, but there was still no harm in asking around for him.

Reopening her eyes and wagging her tail, with an excitedly inquisitive expression on her face from her idea, Cessair launched into speech. "Nothing else besides what I've described already has happened since we last met, really. But anyway, you say you're going to meet up with your brother? I have a lost brother too! Except I still don't know where he is, if he's alive... But maybe you've seen him? He's my age, and he has a muscular build and a grey and white coat. His name is Rowan." The energetic girl paused for a second, not paying attention to whether Shadowstorm could understand her rapidly spoken words. "Hey, how long was your brother missing before you heard about where he was? Maybe I can still find my brother!" Now finally finished, the somewhat disheveled yearling thought over her little monologue. She realized that maybe she'd hit the black wolf with too many questions at once, and dipped her head down, putting on a sheepish grin in apology.

It's always something - Shadowstorm - Aug 13, 2012

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"Nothing else besides what I've described already has happened since we last met, really. But anyway, you say you're going to meet up with your brother? I have a lost brother too! Except I still don't know where he is, if he's alive... But maybe you've seen him? He's my age, and he has a muscular build and a grey and white coat. His name is Rowan. Hey, how long was your brother missing before you heard about where he was? Maybe I can still find my brother!" So many questions for her to answer. "It's been five years since I lost him, I haven't seen Rowan, buit I promise to keep a look out for him. I am going to see him, I was told he's down near Hush Meadow and the Drooping Willows."

She was an apologetic look on the fae. "Don't worry about it. I'm old, but a few questions don't phase me that much. She joked, was Cessair all right? She seemed a bit distant now. More distant then when they first met. When they first met she was retreating for a bush and trying to stop a fight of course. But now, they were casually talking with each other. It was nice to see a friendly face. But she was more of a distant one. Like her brother's. She cannot remember the look Cessair had when they first met. Shadowstorm figured it must be her being old and cranky. Shadowstorm thought herself to be lsoing it a bit because of age.
