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Mountain of Dire For the Lost Home - Printable Version

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For the Lost Home - Narimé - Sep 05, 2012

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The mountains were veiled by clouds while the sun beat down on the rest
of the landscape. Rain had recently soaked the earth in Lore. Now during
the warmth of the past few days; fog rises in the mornings and collects into dense
clouds. These clouds just happen to cloak the mountain in a slight drizzle.
Plants hung limply on the slopes too heavy to lift themselves, and the boulderss were
slippery with lichens blooming along their faces. An eagle screaches from it's high
perch among the sharpest boulders nearer to the top of the massive mountain.

A gray wolf plodded slowly up the face of the mountain. Her coat was drenched
making her look a darker gray than her normal silvery coloration. Head held low she
climbed further and further up the mountain. The wolf was careful not to go near the
local packs boundaries. Although she had friends in the pack right now Narimé didn't want
to disturb them any by being around their borders. The young she wolf had to get away
from her own pack for a while. She was so depressed about not hearing one clue
about her father from loners and friends that the yearling had to get away from everything. If
only for a few days. Maybe being out here alone might help her get her act together.

Climbing even after she began slowing down and tiring Narimé wouldn't stop herself
until she reached the very top. Watching her stepping in front of her Narimé remembered
climbing Riddle Heights. She remembered seeing this mountain from there too, but back
then she did not ever want to try and climb it. Not when the Climb from Riddle Heights
almost killed her. However now she was more sure of herself and her footing.
Even though I still have my long legs I'm not losing my balance or being a general
klutz like I used to be. Maybe that means I'm growing up.
She felt a little warmer after
the thought passed through her mind. The yearling couldn't wait to be a full adult. Then she
would be able to help her packmates that much more.

Another hour passed. Narimé was oh so close to the top. She could see easier now
the top. It was not covered in clouds like the rest of the mountain below her. Though she
had to rest more often because of the higher altitude that the she wolf was not used to.
She had to wonder if the Poison Path pack wolves would be okay climbing this mountain.
They could probably run right up and down this mountain. Especially since they live
higher in elevation...
She thought silently while inching slowly closer and closer to her objective.

code by bryony

Theme Song (Sloane With Narimé)

For the Lost Home - Tlarx - Sep 09, 2012

The black saddled man steadily scaled the mountain, energy high due to the recent snacking on a mountain goat. A small amount of crimson blood lightly painted his lower jaw; the scent was fading from his nostrils. His tail was high as he bounded along; thoughts streamed through his head. His breathing was heavy as he neared the top. Tongue lolled from his mouth as he climbed, his muscles bulging beneath his thickening pelt. The colder seasons were soon to arrive, and it would be worse for the wolves of the mountains than for those living below them. He prepared each and every day for this; training became habit rather than optional.

An eagle's cry pierced through the air, and the man grinned as he reached the top. After a few moments of panting, his heart rate had settled to that of the norm. His eyes drifted to the sky, observing the dark clouds that hovered over the mountains. The scent of rain pressed into his nostrils, forcing the scent of goat's blood away. Now closing his eyes, Tlarx began to relax, but such would not last long.

A minute of peace passed when the brown eyes of the Poisoned leader opened. The sound of shifting rocks caught his attention. With fluid movement, the beast crept toward the disturbance, only to rest his dark eyes upon a silvery figure. She moved up the mountain at a decent pace, obviously confident to reach the top. Tlarx peeked only his head over, calling out "You there. What brings you to such heights?"


For the Lost Home - Kamota - Sep 09, 2012

(If you guys don't want Kamota in, just say so and I'll delete the post)
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Kamota was a fast wolf no doubt. He was faster then every wolf he'd ever met. But he hadn't been around other wolves since... the incident with the former pack he'd been in. For the first time ever, he hated being alone. He wanted a pack, a strong pack. A pack looking for amazing hunting skills he believed he had. Of course he actually had them. But he had no other wolf to support the fact. He was a loyal wolf that could not be willing to betray a pack. But would anyone believe him if he tried?

Kamota was somewhere. It appeared to be a mountain. He continued up, his breathing became harder as he adjusted to the higher altitude of air. Less oxygen meant making every breathe could. He was raised on the Rockies near the Canada and United States borders. He could handle this. He'd handled it before hadn't he? Yes, he'd thrived there until the pack turned to chaos. It still haunted his dreams. Memories. Nightmares. Everything he did was haunted by the fact that he'd lef this best friend and his pack behind.

Kamota's stamina pushed him further to move. He was becoming more nimble, more quick. Agile. Whatever anyone else called it. He knew the mountains would be dangerous. But a pack of strong wolves lived in high altitudes. He was looking for a strong pack. He was looking for a pack that could handle intruders with ease.

He was now scenting two other wolves. Both reeked of pack. "Hello? Who's there in the mountains?" He asked, his words confusing even for Kamota himself. Then he heard a voice, he was sure it was not directed at him though. "You there. What brings you to such heights?"


For the Lost Home - Narimé - Sep 09, 2012

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Her balance was faulted after hearing another loud voice to her left. She tripped
on a rock and fell forward. Scrabbling to her feet Narimé twisted her head to look for
the wolf who'd spoken first. She was oo embarassed. I had to go and faceplant dammit!
She paused seeing a large white wolf looking at her. The young girl
heard him speak, "You there. What brings you to such heights?" . The voice was
wrong from the first one she'd heard and tripped to. Were there two wolves? She
glanced around and spotted another wolf farther down the mountain below the white man.
Oh I really don't feel like heading back down after getting so close to the top!! She looked
over the two wolves. The first one who startled her was a rusty gray wolf, the second was
the handsome white wolf.

Wait a minute... She focused on the white male. His coat. It was white, but he also had
black fur running down his back to his tail. Energy sparked through the silvery wolfs fur and she
began to get very excited. Narimé forgot to answer his question as she scrabbled down the
mountain towards him. As she got closer she noticed more about his form. He was a large wolf
just as large as she remembered him being, but she also remembered how starved he'd been.
How could her father have gotten all his wait back? It was too short a time for that
to have happened.

She slowed down as she neared the second lighter male. Her excited heart was now
plummeting back down into depression. Her father had amber eyes. The eyes she was
staring into now were brown. Stopping a few feet from him Narimé examined the large white
male. He looked so much like her father had used to. She couldn't help herself... Tears
began to fall from the young she wolfs eyes.
"I'm sorry.." She shook her head trying to stop crying, but more tears came. Plus she
began hiccuping.."Why am I crying in front of someone I don't even know!" She growled
and crumpled onto the ground before the white wolf. The young woman was near defeat.
"My hopeless idea to find father. What stupidity!" She cried on the ground unable to
look up at the male. She must look foolish right now infront of two strangers.

Theme Song (Sloane With Narimé)
code by bryony

For the Lost Home - Tlarx - Sep 09, 2012

The young woman began to dash up toward him, her eyes lit like sparklers on the fourth of July. Watching her carefully, he paused when she did, her eyes peering into his. Suddenly, her own purple hued irises were flooded by tears- tears that flowed like a river. Leaning back, Tlarx took a few steps backward, listening as the silvery wolf began to apologize. He shook his head, frowning a bit as he did so. "Do not apologize; there is no need. I only assume I look like your father?" Turning his head, he peered at another nearby wolf. It seemed more brethren were getting curious about the mountains.

Looking back to Narimé, the large white-gray man sighed. "You've been looking for a while, I can tell. Please, calm down. There is no need for crying." His ears pinned back for a moment as he watched the wolf crumble into pieces before him. So many emotions recently! Is that what the mountains had become- a magnet for drama? Cocking his head, his eyes glanced back toward the mottled wolf near them.

"Hello" He greeted simply, dipping his head toward the man. "I'm Tlarx, alpha of Poison Path."


For the Lost Home - Kamota - Sep 09, 2012

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Kamota dipped his head respectfully to the male. "I am Kamota Laylani, lone wolf who is just looking for a home.." He said kindly. This other wolf kind of reminded Kamota of himself when he left his home. It had been a cold winter night, it was purely to hide his tracks as he left. His parents loved him, yes, but they paid no attention to him. Therefore, he figured it was his time to make his way into the world. He was always the smallest of the litter. He'd even come across a pack, but chaos at a rise for power, a fight he was sucked into, it all made him leave his best friend. His pack, family. His pack had been his new family. Somehow, these wolves reminded him of his best friend and his former alpha male. Odd how things work out. He looked to the fae.

"There is no need to cry, I too cried a lot. I miss my father, mother and siblings too. But alas, they do not miss me, no, I'll bet your father loved you and would want you to continue forward, strong and proud in spite of him not being with you." Kamota said kindly, he was not good at comforting other wolves, no, he sucked at it. Kamota himself considered himself to be a fast runner, and that he was like a phoenix in some ways, he rose from the ashes that he was always smoledered in by his true family, he rose to be in a pack, but yet again, the ashes covered him, now, he would rise up here.


For the Lost Home - Narimé - Sep 10, 2012

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Narimé looked up again as her fathers doppleganger spoke.
His voice was just as comforting as her own fathers had been. She wished
so much that it was Sibo standing before her not this stranger. Still, whoever this man
was. She was grateful that he wasn't angry at her for her utter lack of control over
the emotions that ran through the young she wolf right now.

"My..My name is Narimé Lagina.." She sniffed and turned her head to look
down at the other male too. He had just as gentle words for her as the fine white man had.
She flicked her ears in greeting to both wolves while still trying to stop the flow of tears.
It was hard. So hard. She had been bottling up this sadness for a long time now. Even
though Narimé had spoken to her packmates about her father she never told them how
worried and scared she was that she would not find him. In her mind the girl remembered
how she'd always been bright and cheerful, had always seen the silver lining about her
fathers disappearance. Now Narimé was finally shedding the tears that she wished she had
shed so many times before. The silvery she wolf was depressed, but having the two
kind males near and hearing their words was making her feel better about it.

The grayish girl heard the white male speak again, this time directed to the
other loner. His name is Tlarx? So this is the male that my friends had spoken of? She
remembered how Chantille and Follko had both spoken about this wolf matching her fathers
description. Well.. I guess I finally get to meet him then.. Though I didn't want to be
meeting him like this, all teary eyed and shit..
the young she wolf sniffled again and
tried drying off her eyes on her front leg.

"I'm sorry sir.. But yeah.. You look like you could be da's twin. Other than
your eyes anyway.."
She spoke softly to this Tlarx wolf. Then she remembered
him saying that he was the alpha of Poison Path pack. Oh gosh.. An alpha caught me
looking so weak... Fuck it.. I don't care.. he's nice anyway.
She was regaining her
always see the silver lining type of mood.

"Thank you.. Both of you.." She sat up and dipped her head to both wolves.
From what Kamota had said he'd been through something like what she'd gone through.
She was happy that there seemed to be lots of wolves in Lore who could relate to her.
That meant that there were lots of wolves that she could talk to and maybe make friends with.
"Umm.. Tlarx? I didn't mean to bother you near your territory... I will leave soon after
I get to the top if that's okay."
She looked up at his brown eyes with her bluish purple
ones, "When I leave.. Maybe.. Or.. I don't know if I can ask you this but. Can I go to your
border and meet with a few friends?"
She realized that her request was really stupid.
So she tried to explain a bit.
"When I was a loner I met with three of you packs wolves. Treena, Ava, and one
of my best friends Chantille. I... I really need to talk with a friend.. If it's okay.."
trailed off. This is stupid. He would never allow such a thing. He was an alpha who
had to protect his borders.

Tears welled in her eyes again..Why won't they go away?

Theme Song (Sloane With Narimé)
code by bryony

For the Lost Home - Tlarx - Sep 14, 2012


The brown eyes of the man locked onto the young woman; the tears were still within her eyes after she had asked him a rather daring question. Smiling softly, something within Tlarx told him he could believe and trust her. Lifting his head upward, he nodded before speaking. "Of course you may, miss Lagina." The smile was still upon his thick muzzle; a warm and gentle grin. Taking in a breath, he turned his head toward Kamota, a wolf who seemed quite compassionate... or so he thought. First impressions are everything, and so far, this wolf was not on his shit list.

"Kamota." He said the wolf's own name toward him before obtaining a rather thoughtful look about him. With a flick of his tail, he took a step forward, nose twitching as a cool breeze blew between the three wolves. "Are you by chance seeking a pack? You may venture back to the borders with us, if you'd like." The offer was bold and generous. I was not often Tlarx was in such a giving mood. Things were going well for Poison Path so far... what reason had he to be in a bad mood? None.


For the Lost Home - Kamota - Sep 14, 2012

Bridget, I got Kamota's joining thread up if ya wanna chack it out, Ava's the only PP wolf present as of yet
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Kamota nodded to Tlarx, he'd have to keep Poison Path in mind. "Might I ask where your pack is located Tlarx? It's just I prefer higher altitudes 'cause of where I'm from, the Canadian Rockies, have you heard of them? They're far, far from here. But they're mountains, high altitudes." He asked, a very important question, no decision could be made until they he had a location, he preferred higher up areas, like the mountains, even valleys at points in time.

He looked at Narimé, she looked a bit uncomfortable with his presence. Her tears swelling up in her eyes again, this was a hard time for her he'd bet. He took a small step back in respect, she lost her father, her father may not be dead, but she was alone. With a pack, but not Poison Path. No, Tlarx and Narimé smelled different, also Narimé had mentioned that she wanted to talk to a few of her friends in his pack, meaning she wasn't in the pack. Then she wouldn't have had to ask permission.

Kamota had always been one to observe then talk. His plan, identify, think, plan, attack. He lived by his motto. It saved his life more then once. He knew what had to be done. He had to join a pack, and share his knowledge, strategy, his planning with others. Only then would he truly be a pack wolf. He'd be able to speak without speaking. Almost like they're thoughts are connected, but it's really they all base it off the same thing. Identify stances and the problem, any weaknesses and strengths that can be identifies. Think up a few solutions to the advantages and disadvantages. Plan out his steps, not allowing defeat. Then he would attack. He knew, always let the opponent attack first.


For the Lost Home - Narimé - Sep 18, 2012

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Narimé's tail wagged after Tlarx spoke. I can't believe he's gonna let me see
She choked a bit on her tears and smiled happily. The girl had not met such
a nice alpha yet in this land. Heck, she'd only met two alphas and they were her own.
Narimé felt like she barely knew her own alpha's even if she would defend them fully, but
Tlarx was even acting like her father would have. At least how he would have acted
back in their old pack. He was generous and understanding just like Tlarx.

Growling quietly at herself for continuously crying Narimé listened to Kamotas words
while she wiped her tears off in her shoulder fur. Looking back to Tlarx she wondered if he
would allow Kamota to follow too. At least my eyes are drying up again.. She still couldn't
get over how much Tlarx was like her father both physically and personality wise.

Waiting for the two adults to finish. Narimé sat up still sitting to the side
of Tlarx and began grooming herself so that she wouldn't look so gruff
in front of the Poison Path alpha. Plus she didn't want Chantille to know that she was
crying. Knowing the loving white female would probably try to take her in for the night
to get her to feel better or something. Narimé smiled inwardly. Personally she liked the idea
of staying for a night to chat with Chantille and get spoiled by the motherly she wolf. It was
the first time in a long time that Narimé had felt something like a mothers love whenever
she was around Chantille. The girl craved that sort of attention, but she knew that she would
have to leave almost as soon as her greetings were over. It wasn't right her being there.
Plus the silver she wolf would feel like she was intruding on the other pack if she stayed
talking for too long.

I hope she's doing well.. Narimé imagined her friend sitting on a sunny
rock someplace snuggling up with her packmates.

Theme Song (Sloane With Narimé)
code by bryony