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Hidden Grotto and here we sit - Printable Version

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and here we sit - Marsh - Aug 03, 2010

After a day or two of lingering at the bottom of the waterfall, and the large puddle it made, Marsh had decided to do some proper exploration.

To his pleasant surprise, he came across a very serene little oasis, tucked away in the rocky face that the waterfalls crashed over. It was very close to the falling water - you could never stop hearing it - but somehow it seemed private, safe. As seemed to be the case with Marsh and pretty little pockets of land like this, he happened upon it entirely by chance, and decided to remain for a while.

Besides, the little trek had made him thirsty, and what better excuse to sit down for a bit?

The view from up here was amazing, though Marsh's mind tended towards the practical rather than the artistic; he saw an opportunity to watch the world below, even though his eyes were not strong enough to see as far as he would like. All the water in the air didn't help his nose, being full of that sterile smell, though a good wind in the right direction would fix that. He was pretty sure he'd be able to sense anyone coming.

For now, he simply wanted to enjoy the water; going as deep as his elbows, he lapped at the water of the pool and played with the surface tension with his nose, his tail wagging gently behind him at the idle, childish amusement.

and here we sit - Murder - Aug 05, 2010


moonlight on my floor shining through the roof
they got the city surrounded as if i needed proof

She was a curious being, and with eyes that could see into distances that the human eye would not be able to see. With soft yellow optics that were the windows to her cold, empty soul, she let them watch what was before her as if she was watching a movie. She let it play in her head, the way the deer moved loudly through the forest, their hooves parting the leaves and the way they sniffed loudly, their noses grazing over the undergrowth and searching for edible delicacies. Murder's lips dripped with drool, her muscles aching to chase after and sink her fangs into one of the deer's delicate hides. She was impatient, yes, and as her tail twitched in anticipation, she pictured being able to finally chow down on some real prey, instead of having to gnaw on mouse bones and deer skulls that she found about the forest from past kills. Squirrels were easy to catch, but they did not fill the belly like a nice slab of venison did.

Her paws kneaded the ground, pads sifting over the dirt and feeling the soft ground beneath her. Her legs wanted to run, and with a sudden burst of speed and adrenalin she sprinted out of her hiding place, heading for the deer she had noticed earlier with a limp leg. They were surprised, and it took them a moment or two to finally kick it into gear and run away, but by then Murder was already halfway between them and where she had last been. She had underestimated the crippled one, though, and within moments the deer were out of her reach, having escaped another pair of jaws again, living to see another sunrise. She cursed quietly to herself, disappointed that she had let her prey get away from her. Licking her lips that were wet from saliva already, she let her gaze travel around the area.

Her chase had led her to a waterfall, and she could smell that of another on the wind. She just wasn't quite sure where exactly he was. With her skin tingling, she tried to seek out the source of the masculine stench, to no avail. It seemed as if she would have to call out for the other to be known to her. She did not want him to know that she was there, though, so she continued walking, slowly, every so often glancing around to try to see where he was.


i forgot my fear feel it's on the rise
buried by all of the pieces falling from the sky


and here we sit - Marsh - Aug 05, 2010

It was easy to lose track of time when you had no real commitments to keep. Marsh had dwelt for some time when his mind wandered, and he begun to consider leaving this high-up place again. Would he be able to find his way back down the winding path? Most likely; he could follow his own smell, for one. Even if he got lost, though, it would be no big tragedy.

Still, the view from up here was something else, but in order to experience it properly - with his head hanging over the edge - he had to carefully find a dry piece of rock which wasn't too close to the rushing water. It would be all too easy to slip and fall and be taken over, and though he could swim, he really didn't fancy his chances at easily surviving a trip with a waterfall. It wasn't even that tall, here, but - but still.

As he stared over the edge, the pool of water below clearly in focus (it was fascinating looking at familiar landmarks from an unfamiliar point of view) he began to realise that he was hungry, and his eyes and ears were automatically searching for potential meals. Damn, but he could see that herd in the distance, and his belly rumbled at the thought of such a beautiful feast. Alas, it would take luck of epic proportions for a wolf on his own to score such a catch, but - wait, what was happening?

He could not clearly see the cause, but the deer had suddenly bolted in that familiar, instinctual fashion, and it was curious to watch, detached as he was; his own instincts were to crouch down and wait for his turn to rush forwards, but this was not his hunt, and he was far too far away to do any good. Besides, it may be anything; a pack, a big cat, a silly small cat, or -

There! The unmistakable sight of a wolf, but alone. It gave up near to the pool, the Bramble Falls, and Marsh resented the fact that the wind was working entirely against him; rather than rush up to his nose, it flowed over the edge just like the water, and his eyes were not as useful as his nose. It didn't stop him from watching, however, and it seemed as though the loner's attention was drawn to something else. Marsh's instincts were to keep out of sight, to avoid unnecessary conflict, but as he watched it seemed as though the wolf was following the trail he had before. Was it scenting him, perhaps? Why would it be curious? That was a silly question; Marsh would have done the exact same thing. What would he do, though? Wait for the loner to find the path up the cliff, up the incline, and happen upon this grotto? Go down and meet it? In the end, Marsh chose the lazy option; it was pleasant up here, if a bit of a dead-end, but he would rather be prepared. As such, he placed himself by the pool and sat, watching the very spot he had emerged, expecting - should the wolf be following his scent - for his pursuer to appear there eventually.

and here we sit - Murder - Aug 05, 2010


moonlight on my floor shining through the roof
they got the city surrounded as if i needed proof

GAH I RUINED THE POST. -_- Edited instead of posted. My bad.


i forgot my fear feel it's on the rise
buried by all of the pieces falling from the sky


and here we sit - Marsh - Aug 05, 2010

Quite spectacularly, the plan actually worked. How often did that happen?

Marsh had not been aware that the wolf had seen him, but there was an expectant wariness in the other's eyes - female, young, loner, healthy - which implied that she was just as prepared for this as Marsh. Intriguing. So she had known he would be here, and that she wasn't chasing a dead trail? Marsh supposed his scent would have been heavy (hardly a surprising thing, though, he had spent several days by these waterfalls) and her curiosity understandable. So, here he was.

The wonderful and fascinating thing was that she didn't speak.

Marsh hadn't grown up to expect talk; his mother rarely put two words together, let alone direct any at any of her offspring. His father, his siblings, they were all much the same. It seemed as though the rest of the world did not live as simply - but no, it wasn't simple, it was just different. Marsh found it easier to read intentions through the body, through his nose, than through words - and things like histories and stories and fanciful nonsense was just... nonsense. What bearing did all that have on real life?

But she didn't speak.

It felt a little uncomfortable to be sat as he was - it was easier to protect yourself standing up - but something compelled Marsh to remain as he was. He had already 'beaten' her by waiting for her, and watching her approach. He was the headlight, not the deer. Seconds passed, and she still said nothing, and Marsh felt a tickle of appreciation run down his spine. Turning his head slowly, he gave her a good, long, deliberate look, assessing this potential threat to the best of his rather excellent abilities. She had no obvious scars, which was easily explained - she was young yet - but there was something fierce about her manner, the look in her eyes, which told you not to underestimate her.

Not that Marsh made a habit of underestimating anyone. That was dangerous.

At length, he had to stand; it would not serve to properly take her in like this, he needed to be closer. Under no notion that these were his lands, he chose not to take any dominant stance, and let his tail wag loosely behind him as he approached, ears pricked and head level. He begun his wide circle around her, his nose always the closest thing to her body, and simply watched, inhaling her very being.

Who needs words to break a silence?

and here we sit - Murder - Aug 06, 2010


moonlight on my floor shining through the roof
they got the city surrounded as if i needed proof

ooc: bah well I accidentally deleted the post before xD sorry haha. Hope it doesn't matter lmao.

It was marvelous, the silence that was surrounding them with every passing second, and how neither of them chose to break it. Instead of it being an awkward, limp thing, it was full of life, spreading and letting the sound of the wild around them fill it in. Their voices were not what left their throats, and the only sound either of them made was the sound of breathing, the expansion and deflation of their chests as they heaved with the oxygen that was supplying them life. Their hearts beat as any heart should, Murder's swiftening as the male stood and circled her. This was not a game, this was real, and she had not been prepared for him surveying her as he was now. She had assumed he was going to break the silence. It was beautiful how he didn't, and as he circled her she realized that it may be okay to let her guard down.

But she didn't, and she let herself stand rigid there, being observed by this stranger. He knew not her name, and she didn't know his, and it was good to keep it like that. Names were a dangerous thing to behold and to share, and she was glad that the question of what her calling was had been kept to himself. She let her eyes follow him as he walked in the arc around her, and she considered moving, towards him. She felt the big concrete wall in her mind go down, slowly, and she wondered how this was happening, a single male and a single female, no words spoken between them but their eyes saying it all. It was dangerous, fatal to even still be standing here, she could run but it would be hard to fight off this male. He was surely stronger than she was.

She opened her maw, almost as if to speak, but instead of words coming out her tongue exited, sliding between her bottom two canine teeth and hanging limply in the air, her breath quiet. Her hunt had left her vulnerable, whether this male was going to take advantage of that or not was up to him. She would run at the first sign of danger, leave the area and flee from the grasps of his gaping jaws. Her mouth curled almost into a smile as she watched him, and she wondered if his words would break the air in the next few seconds. Did he find this tranquility as beautiful and magnificent as she did? It was majestic in an odd way, the tendrils of silence filling in her ears and making the world turn. Words were not needed. Their bodies said it all, and would continue to communicate whether or not anyone else realized it or not. This new bond, between the strangers, it was so different from a bond between any other wolf. It was new, it was exciting, it was beautiful.


i forgot my fear feel it's on the rise
buried by all of the pieces falling from the sky


and here we sit - Marsh - Aug 06, 2010

Oh my god, I have done that so many times D: It's no big problem, just a pain in the ass for you haha. By the way, are you setting this before or after Murder has any contact with the Tainn family/Honijo? Just need to know 'cause if she's met any of them, Marsh'll smell them on her - unless it's been days, I suppose.

Love her, by the way.

The beautiful silence continued, and Marsh found himself slipping into almost nostalgic times. It had easily been years since an encounter had been as easy as this.

He saw the shifts in her weight, the way she followed him with her eyes and ears. Sensible, of course; he would expect nothing less. She submitted to his investigations, offering no resistance whilst displaying no obvious vulnerability; he would make sure not to abuse this sense of trust. She almost seemed to relax under the scrutiny, and such calmness was certainly appreciated. He put her to memory, this fascinating creature, and eventually finished his slow circle, coming to a stop in front of her once more. He couldn't decide if he recognised any of the scents on her body; he had been in this place too long now, the stench of loners and the distant packlands drifted to him from all directions and they were all vaguely familiar. Maybe it was time to move on - or maybe it wasn't, for this exact reason. When was the last time he had felt so comfortable in a region? He had a good thing going with these waterfalls.

He had an unusually good thing going with this silent female, too, and there was one smell on her that intoxicated his mind. Her hunt had been unsuccessful - Marsh had witnessed as much - but that told him so much. She was alone - she was lesser - and she was hungry.

He shared every trait.

Together, they were one step towards a whole.

Watching her eyes, he rumbled in his throat, tilting his head slightly, inviting her, daring her. He would not hunt with just any young bitch. She must be deemed useful - worthy was not the right word, though close. He would not expend valuable energy unless he believed that two wolves could succeed in pretending to be a whole pack's worth. She was young, but there was no stupidity or weakness in her. That evidence wasn't enough. She would have to be tested.

Hesitating a moment, to try and put her off guard, he suddenly snapped at her muzzle before leaping back. His 'attack' was without might; it was merely to initiate the sparring, and even if he made contact it would cause no serious hurt. Head low, he looked ready to fight - but his teeth were not bared, and his tail was still gently, if infrequently, wagging. He'd cast his hook - would she bite?

and here we sit - Murder - Aug 06, 2010


moonlight on my floor shining through the roof
they got the city surrounded as if i needed proof

ooc: It can be set before, because I think if it were after she would be a part of MP? Depending on how that thread goes. This thread is awesome, by the way xD I love it.

While the day was wasting away above them, it didn't mind the lack of verbal communication between the two strangers. In fact, the day just kept going by, the sun continuing on its course through the sky like it had for years before, when there had never been wolves, when it had just been stars and planets and moons. Murder knew not of these times, she knew nothing but since when she was born, her father, the mother that she could barely remember, who had been so weak and frail that she did nothing to stop her mate taking her only remaining daughter away from her on a journey that would make her who she was today. Regret had no regrets, his name did not spark any of the emotion within hiim, and even when he had seen his daughter run off in horror as she took note of the female that he had begun to court, he had felt nothing. She was sure of it.

Her mind brought her back to the present, and to the male who had settled before her once more. He looked mischevious, and there was a growl rising in his throat. It was not threatening, though, and it confused her slightly as to why he was making the sound in the first place. What was he up to? He could have very well been ready to attack her all along, and just getting her guard down with the silence could have been a devious plot to get her calm so he could kill her. She lifted her lip in the starts of a snarl, but before she could release any sound he leapt out and snapped at her muzzle. She pulled her face back a few centimeters milliseconds before he was able to make contact with her flesh, hearing his jaws snap together unsuccessfully gave her a satisfaction that brought a smile promptly onto her young face. This action would only result in him getting terminated if he tried anything further. When she saw his tail wagging, though, she realized that this was merely a game. How odd, a male that had to be at least two years her senior trying to play a game with her. He had to be playing for something.

As he pulled away, Murder stepped forward, not letting there to be much space between their faces, this spar would not last long but she was sure it was going to be fun. She would not try to hurt hiim, for she saw that he had respected the trust she had given him with letting her guard down a bit, and she felt that she could allow him to trust her a bit, as well. They were still strangers, the two of them, but there was already a connection there that wasn't before, and while the connection was slender and breakable still, there was nothing hovering over the string waiting to snap it. No, this connection would only grow stronger. He seemed like the kind of being that she could eventually trust with everything, a fatherly figure that would not mind the sparring between them and the lack of voices. Murder grinned, and side-stepped, diving for his shoulder in a playful manner. Released from her throat was the starts of the snarl she had wanted to let go earlier, but in the sound of a pup-like growl, the sounds that a wolf made when they were playing. Quick on her feet and with a different guard up, she shut her eyes and hoped that her aim had remained true.


i forgot my fear feel it's on the rise
buried by all of the pieces falling from the sky


and here we sit - Marsh - Aug 06, 2010

She understood. It was time to get a little more serious.

Speed was on her side, but only due to her youth. Speed was valuable, but rarely the crux of any battle, Marsh found. Still, it couldn't hurt to show that he could move - reading her, his every sense tuned into her actions, he saw her lunge and twisted himself out of her way, much like she had pulled from his own testing jaws. His body was a little creaky; he hadn't had to use it like this in several days, his muscles crying out in surprise. He hadn't fed in several days, and this was using his valuable energy reserves - but, we would hope, to a good cause. An unprepared wolf was a dead wolf, and he forced himself to act, to tap into his instincts, think about nothing but be aware of all.

Her playful snarl was exciting, and in response he offered his own - though it was more gutteral, raw, real. If he had no already established that this was not serious, it may have easily been taken wrongly. It was borne from his hunger and consequent eagerness to feed - and this bitch here was a means to an end. It drew out and became his own kind of playful noise, one he used as a soundtrack to the game. Aware of the minimal danger, Marsh was keen to get this... a little closer - and so he rushed her, intent to get their teeth in each others faces, their bodies right up in the same space. He was older, but not necessarily that much bigger, but it still had a slim chance of bowling her over, or simply pushing her back towards the flat wall of a large boulder. He snapped relentlessly at the air around her face, clearly more for show than anything, though would hardly stop himself from grazing her ears or cheek should it happen. Was she strong, was she brave, was she alive?

and here we sit - Murder - Aug 06, 2010


moonlight on my floor shining through the roof
they got the city surrounded as if i needed proof was fun. She was surpised that she thought so, Murder didn't find many things fun, but this was definitely up there. It had been a long time since she was able to enjoy herself this much, and while she may have been hungry and had her hopes down from the failed hunt, she enjoyed the company of this male, oddly, and while there were no words exchanged between them that didn't matter. What mattered was that they were both enjoying themselves (she hoped he was, it certainly seemed like it, a little spar would lighten anyone's mood), and that her hopes had been lifted. If the two worked this out, whatever it was, a little play, they could hunt together! The deer herd must not have gone far, and she assumed that he had seen them run off after she had chased them, and would be able to point them in the right direction as to where they were now.

He bit at the air around her face, his jaws clicking together numerous times but that didn't stop him from continuing to nip around her. Several times he caught the fur of her cheek, pulling it out of her face and she watched it fall in small wisps to the ground. He bit down on her ear, tugging at it and tearing a small wound, she could feel the warm blood trickle down it. She backed up, knowing that she was being cornered against the boulder behind her. She snarled, louder this time, more dangerous. If he wanted to actually hurt her in this, she would hurt him, too. As he snapped, she moved her face around to his neck, trying to get her fangs around part of his skin. If she succeeded, she would not bite down hard, but only enough to show him that she was not incapable. She growled with a false anger, kicking it into gear and leaping back at him, not wanting to get pushed further against the wall.


i forgot my fear feel it's on the rise
buried by all of the pieces falling from the sky
