Ruins of Wildwood
Drooping Willows Those elk'll never see it coming - Printable Version

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Those elk'll never see it coming - Rosealia - Sep 20, 2012

Sorry for short post ! Low muse!
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Her paws were stepping around a Willow tree, fumbling on it's hard roots. Her head brushed it's lichen blanket softly. Her brown fur blended naturally with the bark, giving her an advantage to any sneaky wolves. But still, it didn't matter. She could easily outrun any opponents anyways. Rose had no idea why she was here and not hunting, but oh well. There were plenty of hunters on the move now. Ears falling flat on her head, she sensed eyes watching her. Although it was true: nature was always watching her; something wasn't right here. "Who goes there?" Her British accent rang throughout the forest eerily. Her eyes darted around, searching for a soul to accuse. But no one showed up, so she continued rounding the tree and looking around warily.

Those elk'll never see it coming - Navar - Sep 20, 2012

Ooc: No worries ! (:

Indeed there were eyes peering at the wary female. Amber eyes that belonged to this tan lady narrowed between the lush foilage that surrounded her. She had been wandering and sniffing the premsis when the faint sound of footsteps of another approaching reached her ears. Navar wasn't afraid, she just wasn't feeling quite up to conversation, so she slipped into the bushes to catch a glance before the other wolf spotted her. The brown lady seemed to wander around the base of the tree, a look something like concern written across her face. She called out to the emptiness but Navar did not reply. She was about to let the moment pass when she felt a twist in the pit of her stomach and she knew an obnoxious sound was about to follow. She couldn't remember the last time she ate.

Quickly she stepped from the bushes and stood before the fae, taking a moment to shake the few attached leaves from her pelt. Reganing her ground she looked over at the stranger and spoke. "The names Navar." she said, almost sluggishly. She was feeling more like a drone now days from feeding on small catches of mice and hares. Her hip bones nearly protruded at the end of her spine. She probably looked like a bum. Navar sure felt like one.

Those elk'll never see it coming - Rosealia - Sep 25, 2012

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"Sweetheart, you're starving!" Rosealia's ears perked up. Her tone showed nothing but distress for the lone wolf. That was the first thing that came out of her mouth. She let her tail lay low because she wasn't going to try to dominate someone defenseless. After all, she had been in this wolf's position only a month ago. She looked at this Navar and she smiled, concern writing a book in her eyes. "Rosealia Slayer. Huntress of Willow Ridge. At your service." She said, dipping her muzzle politely and letting her tail swish from side to side in a friendly manner. Her bright yellow orbs searched the wolf but she couldn't concentrate just staring at the runs poking out her body. She wondered if any other wolf or Willow Ridge would do the same as her, being this worried for a random lone wolf passing by. "Lets hunt. Get your some food and nonetheless, a cache or two for my pack."

Shortly after she suggested this, Rose wondered what the wolf would think about her. She looked at Navar, tilting her head. She carried a tattered tan-ish white coat, and she looking around the world through golden eyes. A medium build, but the only way to tell would be to feed her malnourished body. Rose was determined to do so, but not act like she was working with a charity case and making this wolf feel bad. Her own eyes gazed around, wondering what past this woman could possibly have. She wondered if she had endured the hardships Rose had.


Those elk'll never see it coming - Navar - Sep 28, 2012

Ooc: sorry this took forever..

Navar's ears slightly flattened towards her head. This was not an act of agression, but almost a feeling of embarrassment. She hadn't been this light since she was a yearling, and it wasn't something she was proud of. Although her bright fur still shimmered in the sunlight, it was matted in spots and looked dirtier than usual. Navar wasn't fond of being called sweetheart, but she was grateful this huntress would rather help than harm her. Pack wolves usually don't end up helping out loners, especially ones that are near starvation. A soft smile passed over her muzzle as she spoke. "I appreciate it, Miss. I could really use a hefty meal about right now." She didn't know whether it was the physical appearance of the lady or her kindness but she had a fiducial feeling about her.

Amber eyes scanned the surrounding area in search of some tell tale sign of prey. Her ears stood fully alert, even though her weight ran thin, her body was solid and muscles tensed as she prepared all the energy she could muster in attempt to nourish her body. Black nose lifted to the air, amber eyes closing as she turned her face towards the wind. There was the scent of elk not too far off, probably still unaware of their existance because they were standing downwind. Navar was glad now that she had met the fae before going any further or their chances of catching those elk would have been nonexistant. A confident smile sketched her muzzle from side to side. She loved the hunt.

"There are elk about mile upwind. Are you up for that?" she said to the lady. A hint of challenge in her voice. She couldn't help that. It was just in her nature.

Those elk'll never see it coming - Rosealia - Oct 03, 2012

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Rose watched as Navar's ears plopped flat on her head. The British wolf simply smiled sheepishly and dipped her head. It wasn't a problem for her to feed this loner at all. It made her feel proud inside to be a helpful paw. "No kidding," she muttered in agreement towards her newly found acquaintance. Eyes glinting in a flash of sun, the brown wolf grimaced and then made herself focus on finding food. As soon as she raised her muzzle into the crisp air did the rusty tan and white wolf look over at her and throw her a classic challenge, "There are elk about mile upwind. Are you up for that?" She had said. There was no hint of hesitation in Rose's reply, it was teeming with equal challenge, "The real question is: are you?" She barked, wondering just how much hunting power this wolf could have.

She laughed to herself and studied the wold before her swiftly. If full fed, a she'd have a lean medium build but she'd surely and fairly not be as fast as Rose. Also, much stronger than rose and just as enduring. They would make a perfect team for the hunting field. Sure of their teamwork, Rose stepped up to lead the way. She whiffed the air and followed the scent. They were really far up for Navar and Rose had time to talk about their hunting strategy before they arrived at the herd.

"Any ideas?" The woman piped, glancing at Navar. She ran her bright pink tongue along her watering lips. She was thinking about sinking her fangs into the flank of a cow elk. That would come soon. As for Navar, she was sure any type of food would satisfy her mouth right now. Anything that will fill her gnawing stomach would do the trick. At least, that's what it felt like when Rose was doing work for her family while her mother was going crazy. But as a lone wolf in Relic Lore, she had no problems facing hunger by eating small meals and traveling fast. It most likely wasn't the same for Navar.


Those elk'll never see it coming - Navar - Oct 08, 2012

"The real question is: are you?" She barked

Navar didn't know much about this wolf, but she could catch the same challenging tone in her voice.. and she liked that. Finally! Something worth while doing here. She had to control the grin that was clearly trying to plaster itself across her muzzle. One tooth slipped from under her muzzle as she met eyes with the fae. She could see her quickly glancing her over, possibly thinking that she wouldn't be of much help in her famished state. She had a habit of assuming the worst. This thought only gnawed at her competitive side and pushed her only to work harder.

It had been quite awhile since she had hunt with another wolf, and she almost forgot the tricks between a single two wolves hunting. Before the thought of her brother, Orrin, creeped inside her head she turned to the lady."I don't know these parts well, but the wind is blowing in our favor.." she paused for a moment to think. She didn't think she had the stamina to keep up in a long distance run, her strength would have to be her saving grace."We can travel up together. When we reach the herd I'll move to the front. Get 'em started with a good spook and I'll come in from the side..we shouldn't have a problem picking one off!" she barked. Her tail swooped at the grasses behind her in excitement. This was her niche. This is what she loves.

The light fae was sure they would make a good team. Clearly Navar wasn't in the best physical shape, but her will was strongest during the hunt. This would be a piece of cake. A piece of delicious, bloody, elk cake.

Those elk'll never see it coming - Rosealia - Oct 13, 2012

Yes, the wind was blowing in their utmost favor. Rose would have to agree. "We can travel up together. When we reach the herd I'll move to the front. Get 'em started with a good spook and I'll come in from the side..we shouldn't have a problem picking one off!" Navar had barked with a lot of energy. It was good to see the pretty tan wolf so exhilarant about this hunt. After all, who wouldn't be excited to get their first meal in days? Rose nodded, taking in every word the young woman the younger wolf said. She couldn't come up with a better plan, so she simple agreed. "Good idea." She complimented. Her eyes sparkled as she lead the way towards the herd she smelled.
Instead of coming across a fat elk cake, they came across a herd of Fallow Deer. The buck actually had spots, something that surprised Rose. But the one that stood out was an albino one, a fawn, prancing around carelessly where anything could jump out and snatch it. But there was also a sick smell from another mother who was limping. Her yellow orbs eyed Navar. "Which one do you think...?" They were both good candidates, yet she had no idea what Navar was in the mood for. A fawn would be a quick kill, but a small one in Rose's opinion. A mother would be a little more challenging, but it was heavy and delicious. She, herself, couldn't decide.

Those elk'll never see it coming - Navar - Nov 12, 2012

Ooc: sorry this took so long! I got married, then went on vacation.. then was put inactive :P So, here goes! (:

A pang of electricity slowly drummed through the fae's body. Her hair was nearly standing on end with the amount of anticipation she was feelng. She needed to remain calm on the outside while approaching the prey; she didn't want to give them away with such an advantage in their paws. Making sure to slow her pace and breath calmer, they quietly stopped at the edge of the clearing, and she was slightly dissapointed. There were no elk at all, but mere deer. At this point food was food and beggers can't be choosers. Eyes scanned over the herd, noticing the lame mother and her odd fawn prancing about carelessly. A toothy grin spread across her muzzle, whites slightly yellowed with age. She closed her mouth with a pant as she felt the saliva slowly rolling. So much for being a lady.

Looking over to Rose, she tilted her head the direction of the mother."That fawn is too small, and I don't think I could keep up with the buck," she admitted sheepishly. "Let's settle for the mother. If you startle her it will be even harder for her to catch her balance and move quickly.." she said, starting off to the right side of the herd. Turning back she quietly spoke."I'll move to the side.. you bring up the back and spook 'em. We can meet the doe in the middle.." she said. "I'll be ready when you are". That was the last she said before quickly, but quietly padding off into the cover of the willows to the right.

She slunk through the grasses and trees, her foot falls almost completely unaudible. This was a feat for a wolf of her size, but at this point in her life weight was lacking. Her fur color didn't make it easy to blend in, her tanish white fur making it almost impossible to hide in the shadows. For this reason she kept herself in the light passing through the trees, but low to the ground. It appeared to give the mirage of golden grass swaying in the light breeze. Gold eyes focused, narrowed, and stopped on the mother doe as the wolf halted and sunk her claws into the ground. The fur along her spine bristled with anxiousness. She could no longer see Rose, but could see the line of grass where they had seperated; almost diagonally from where Navar was now. Navar waited, watched the grass intently, ready to take off when Rose deemed the moment worthy.

Those elk'll never see it coming - Rosealia - Nov 13, 2012

Congrats on everything :D

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Rose stopped to crouch in the grass. Her pretty, toffee colored fur earthily blended. As for Navar, they would have to pray that her whites wouldn't be showing in the daylight. As she listened for her hunting partner's response, she sized up their probabilities. The team would probably catch any one of them. Her amber eyes shone with hunger. She could feel it in the pit of her stomach. "That fawn is too small, and I don't think I could keep up with the buck. Let's settle for the mother. If you startle her it will be even harder for her to catch her balance and move quickly..I'll move to the side.. you bring up the back and spook 'em. We can meet the doe in the middle..I'll be ready when you are."

That was when Rosealia was left alone as Navar headed for the north-eastern side of the herd. She couldn't see her partner, who seemed to be blending well. Her eyes averted to the herd, and she felt her paws tingle. The mother was perfectly calm. She gave it a few seconds, and then let Navar get ready. This would be their meal ticket. Now! The she-wolf crawled towards the mother, really super careful not to be noticed by the other deer up ahead. Then, she let out a high-pitched bark. That sent the whole herd running, but the mother was the slowest because of the odd-looking fawn she had to keep up with. Go Navar! The brown-hued wolf thought, hoping she would be in time to make the killing blows.


Those elk'll never see it coming - Navar - Nov 13, 2012

Ooc: Thanks !

Thu-dud. Thu-dud. Thu-dud.. her heart drummed against her chest.

If it wasn't for common sense she would have thought you could hear it outside her body. She waited for the moment. Her mind played out scenarios of what could possibly happen. Before she could arrange her thoughts a high pitched bark cut through the air like a knife, sending the deer scrambling for a moment. Using all the force from her hind legs, she threw herself forward, shredding through the grass like a blade. Front paws hit the ground, quickly followed by the rear and she was off. Dirt flung from her foot steps as she ran forward heading directly for the mother doe. The rest of the herd was running directly towards Navar, jutting off in different directions and into the grasses. The mother and fawn ran in different directions and she appeard as if her body wanted to follow the herd but her mind reached for her child.

The doe's feet faltered for a moment and Navar full body slammed into the doe, their feet entwining. Her jaws clamped down on the doe's neck and she had a sure grip. The mother struggled and grunted, flailing her other three strong limbs. One caught Navar in the side and she yelped but dare not let go. The deer was fighting for her life to run after her fawn. Growls emitted from her throat she she gained her balance and dug into the Earth in the opposite direction. She could feel her breath catching. "Ro-seee.." she tried to call out, but it was stifled by the amount of fur in her jowls.