Ruins of Wildwood
Iridescent Lagoon Where the F__k am I?!? - Printable Version

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Where the F__k am I?!? - Anne - Oct 09, 2012

Of course I shouldn't have moved from that place Terra growled after scraping open her soft pads on a rough rock. I should have stayed where they left me, then maybe some others would have come and found me! But NOOOOOooo I had to go and try to find a road or something. The she wolf felt like she was going to cry. She had been wandering around for days in the god awful wilderness looking for any trace of human scent. However all the young wolf could see was the vast expanse of dangerous mind boggling wilderness.
" I want to go home! I want my nice warm den with my fake bear, and my pebble food. I should have never said that I hated pebble food!" The gray and tan wolf whined continuously while she plodded along with bleeding paw pads.
After a few minutes of silence Terra began to occupy herself by playing I spy and naming the trees as they passed by.
"That is a Pinus strobus, a white pine. It had five needles in each bundle." She looked to her left and spotted another scraggly looking coniferous tree.
"And that is a Scrub Pine. A Pinus virginiana. It has only four needles per cluster." The young woman gazed up at the tall scrub pine counting the needle clusters just to be sure of her identification of it. Her warm chocolate brown eyes gazed through the dark shapes of her fur mask as if she had glasses on.
"Of course I know all of this stuff but what the hell does knowing a tree do to help me find food or drink?!" She growled at herself while padding along the slow winding trail. Terra had realized that the trail she was on was indeed a game trail, but once again she had no clue how to hunt. Plus just the thought of eating from a dead animal repulsed her. I don't think I could even bear killing the poor thing in the first place.. She thought quietly and stopped her whining.
A whispy thing caught her attention from the corner of her eye. Looking at the thing Terra realized that it was the drooping leaves of some tree.
"Oh that's a black willow tree! Salix nigra! That tree grows only in wet places..." At first the young wolf didn't realize what she had just said. Wet places...WATER! A few moments later the tan females eyes widened. "Water!" She was so thirsty, and water was one of those things that she was looking for. Food water and shelter. Maybe I can find shelter near the water.. The woman bounded through the thicket and came abrutly upon the waters edge. Tripping forwards the girl caught herself with front legs sinking into the mud at the waters edge.
"Just doing a random gravity check there.. No tripping.." She told herself then looked up at the gorgeous scene. The lagoon was spotted with bits of long grasses and cattails. The last late crickets of autumn called out from their places around the lagoon. The frogs were already silent readying themselves for the harsh winter to come.
Huh.. It's nice out here. She said quickly then dipped her head and began slurping up the water. The young wolf was parched from the long month of traveling around in circles lost. She'd found water only sparingly from puddles and such until now.

Where the F__k am I?!? - Jessie - Oct 21, 2012

Hope you don't mind me joining. <3 The thread looked lonely.

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Roughened paws slammed against the ground in a fury as they raced towards their prey. The speed, was one of a small wolf’s, with shoulder muscles rippling as they were pushed forward. Adrenaline coursed through the young girl’s veins when she finally left, her powerful jaws crushing a rabbit’s wide pipe, killing it instantly. Warm blood coursed its way down her muzzle when she looked up, her emerald eyes alert and ready for another hunt, but she knew the rabbit would be enough for the moment.

She had wandered quite far today, letting her paws take her wherever they wished, but she knew she would have to return to Swift River soon, she wasn’t sure how long Corinna would appreciate her absence, considering the recent miss happening with Indru. She wanted to be there for her female alpha, but was curious as to how she was going to do that when the two weren’t close. The best thing Jessie had been able to think of was to stay close, allowing herself some freedom, and hunting for the pack.

Her newly caught rabbit hung firmly in her jaws as she padded towards the lagoon. This was where she had met Jade, and truthfully, the female was highly certain she hadn’t seen the female since. Her tail curled around her body left and right as she made her way forward, her ears pricked and tail wagging. When she finally made it to where the lagoon was, she set the rabbit down and washed her muzzle. She wasn’t one who liked to have blood all over her, it just wasn’t good hygiene.

Her peaceful reunion with the lagoon was interrupted by thrashing through the trees in bushes. A small loner made her way to the water, lapping up the water like there was no tomorrow. It almost looked like as if she were crazed, losing her mind in the wilderness, Relic Lore. The gray female’s fur fluffed out to keep herself warm as she called out to the other female, “Hello there, miss. Are you lost?” Her voice was kind a brief, some tension having leaved her after her long awaited hunt. The female looked starved, and it made Jess want to give the rabbit she had caught to her. . .she would definitely see how things turned out.

Where the F__k am I?!? - Anne - Nov 03, 2012

OOC: It was Lonely. <3


The cool caress of water down her desert dry throat. It was like heaven for those few moments at the waters edge. However her heaven was about to be disrupted. A voice calling out to her made the poor female jump. When she landed her front paws slid into the cold water further causing the wolf to startle quickly backwards onto her haunches. Her brown eyes were glued onto the form in front of her. Terra's hackles were raised. Nothing, absolutely nothing was going to eat her today. Not even another wolf would catch her and gobble her up.

"Sta....stay away!" she snarled at the female obviously frightened out of her mind. Canis lupus. the gray wolf. Wild wolves have been known to kill other wolves who stray onto their territory. They work together as a pack to take down their prey...but.. where's the rest of her pack?! Am I already surrounded?Terra twisted her head this way and that trying to see Jessie's pack mates. The poor girl thought that they were going to kill her and leave her carcass to the crows.

It took the gray and russet female a few minutes to realize that Jessie was alone, but even so she was terrified that the wolf in front of her would turn savage and slash open her throat. Brown eyes stayed glued on Jessie while she finally stood up and began backing away slowly. I'm not going to be killed, I'm not food, don't kill me savage lupus, don't hurt me..

"I..I'm not lost.. just a ...little .well.....not in the right place." She fumbled for words answering the gray and white wolfs question only so that she wouldn't get angry with Terra and eat her. I won't turn my back and run, then it will pounce on Terra,just keep backing away slowly...that's right.. she continued to distance herself from the amazon female. The young wolf had no clue how to read the physical language of wolves, like how Jessie was in a neutral stance that should have meant that Terra was in no harm. No, Terra had not learnt the fundamentals of being a wolf from her parents, for her parents too were hand raised by the tall mammals. The animals that walked on their back legs only. All Terra knew was that she wasn't a dog, but that she wasn't a wild wolf either, she was a pet. She didn't need to know wolf speak.

Where the F__k am I?!? - Jessie - Nov 05, 2012

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The reaction she received to her question completely shocked her, and it sent her sitting on her rump in a careful movement. What had she done to startle the female, did she still have blood on her face? Jessie’s concerned eyes watched her as she continued to distance herself from the gray female. She was surely not a threat. . .so why was she being treated like one? Her head tilted to the side, her ears perked forward as the female spoke, "I‘m not gonna hurt you, ya‘know? I‘m not a bear." Her words were soft and kind, but held small amusement within them. She was so tiny and this wolf thought that Jessie could hurt her. It was quite a funny topic if she thought about it enough. The female in front of her reminded her of Jade. . .though perhaps Jade had been a little bit more. . .non-anxious.

She took the silence as a key to introduce herself to the female in front of her. "I am Jessie Swiftpaw! It‘s nice to meet you." She stared at the girl in front of her. She looked half starved, as if she had been avoiding meat since arriving in Relic Lore, and Jessie wanted to offer up her prey but promptly decided not too. The pups needed the prey. . .but so did this female in front of her. Winter would be coming soon and the pups would need to the food. . .but so would this female. Her differing decisions warred over in her mind, and she finally resulted into just sitting there and staring blankly at the girl.

Where the F__k am I?!? - Tempest - Nov 13, 2012

Elettra had given her a time limit to return and join Willow Ridge. That left little time for side trips and yet she found herself going back west to the lagoon where she and Guiness had spent some time. Something told her to come back, while her good sense told her that she was wasting precious time. Tempest had learned to listen to her instincts though. They had never led her wrong, so back to the lagoon she trotted.

As she approached, her large russet head came up. There were two wolves there already. A small black and white fae and another that appeared about the same size, but younger and terrified looking. The voice of the older one trying to reassure the younger carried to her on the wind. She didn't want to startle either of these wolves, but this was the perfect opportunity to try and gain some information about her brother. Perhaps one of these young ladies knew of her missing brother...

Seeing the obvious fear on the younger fae's face, Tempest attempted to minimize her size to look less threatening as she exited the trees, but Thorbens were just plain large and the effort was a lost cause. She was farther from the water than either of them, but had managed to end up between the two, so she had to swivel her head to address them both politely. "Good morning, ladies! I am Tempest." Her voice was soft and friendly, despite her size.

Where the F__k am I?!? - Anne - Nov 16, 2012

"You are n.. not gonna huh.. hurt me?" the girls ears flicked forward but her body stayed in place unsure of the situation. Wild wolves.. the wild wolf is talking with me.. why though? Is she trying to trick me so she can get closer and eat me? Terra straightened herself and tried to look calmer but her fur continued to bristle a bit. She couldn't trust this female even if the gray woman sounded like she was nice.
All of the sudden another wolf came out of the thicket. Her appearance shattered Anne's confidence and the young she wolf backed up again snarling at both the wolves to stay away.
She noted the new womans low posture but had no clue what that meant. Maybe she was hurt? Or maybe she's getting ready to charge at me! Terra instinctually lowered herself so low that her belly was practically laying on the ground. Again the young wolf didn't know that this was a submissive behavior. In fact she didn't even know why her body had moved the way it did. Anne backed up some more into the water letting her back side get wet. A wet butt was better than a being ripped apart.
The second female spoke a greeting to Terra and the first grayish wolf that had shown up. Anne shook frightened that these two were working together. They wanted to kill her! That's right speak nicely try to get close to me then BAM! They jump me and I'm a carcass floating down stream!
"You're not going to eat me! Go away!" She snarled at them while continuing to back up further into the water. Her haunches were fully into the chilly lagoon.

Where the F__k am I?!? - Jessie - Nov 21, 2012

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Her kind eyes watched the female in front of her as she nodded her head. What kind of silly question was she asking? Of course Jessie wasn’t going to hurt it, it wasn’t like to small wolf could do much damage in the first place. She was made for hunting, not fighting other wolves that she had no reason to fight. Her tail wagged behind her slightly, but it seemed the calmness she had earned for the other female was shattered when another appeared. When the gray female looked over at the other, recognition dawned on her face, before it quickly seeped into confusion. This wolf looked so much like Sloane…but the wolf was female, and certainly not Sloane. The eyes, fur…everything looked exactly like Sloane…well, for the most part.

Jessie’s ears twitched when she heard she name and she politely dipped her head before repeating her name, "Greetings! I am Jessie!" Her tail wagged behind her before she fitted her gaze back on the lone wolf. A small frown punctured her face. Her voice rang out again, filled with ease, much like a mother would a daughter to try and calm the younger wolf, "It‘s okay. We are not going to hurt you. I promise. Would you like some food?" Jessie stepped forward slightly, setting the rabbit down and nosing it forward, before quickly stepping away to show that she was no threat. Concern flashed in Jessie’s eyes before she took a quick glance over at Tempest.


Where the F__k am I?!? - Tempest - Nov 21, 2012

Tempest was taken aback when the younger wolf's demeanor changed to that of terrified panic. She had heard the small fae reassure her as she had approach, but apparently her presence had indeed pushed her over the edge. Now she had backed herself half way into the chilly lagoon and her words plain shocked Tempest. "You're not going to eat me! Go away!" Eat her? Seriously? What had this poor girl been through that she thought they would eat her?

Her paw lifted as she leaned back, putting a bit more distance between her and the scared girl, trying to ease her mind. She glanced at the other fae, also younger than her, as she tried to comfort to poor thing and met her emerald green eyes with her own bright amber ones, mirroring her concern. She gave a small smile and nodded toward the black and white fae, pleased when she offered food to the other one. She had nothing to offer, but would have done the same if she had anything.

She turned her russet head back towards the young woman in the water and confirmed, "Of course we won't hurt you. We each just wanted to say hello. I'm terribly sorry if I frightened you!" She gave her an apologetic look and a small smile. Then she prompted, "That water must be freezing. Why don't you come out and enjoy the gift from Jessie here." As she spoke she took a few small steps backwards to encourage her to come forward, at least out of the water.

Where the F__k am I?!? - Anne - Nov 25, 2012


Her amygdaliform shaped eyes darted between the two females calming words. Terra Anne would not trust them. No.. She focused on the long claws that adorned each female wolfs paws. Terrified she looked down at her own claws. They were short after being clipped by humans. So the only things she could use to defend herself were her fangs. God they're going to kill me... Anne watched as one she wolf deposited a small brownish furry thing on the ground and offered it to her.

Disgusted Terra looked at it to determine what species of creature the savage wolf was trying to give her.

"A...ehhh..ewww..Lepus americanus.. poor thing.." Her first words came between various faces of disgust while the last two words were whispered. Anne remembered seeing these rabbits frolicking along outside of her enclosure back home. She loved to watch their dances in the spring time.

Her stomach ignored her disgusted feelings and growled almost shifting her entire body. However Terra shook her head and slipped to the left out of the water and onto the bank. The water was cold. It was far better to run away from danger when you can actually feel your legs. The young she wolf kept herself away from the two females by stepping sideways along the bank. Pausing the girl looked at the two females slghtly curious as to why they hadn't surged forward together to tear her apart yet. Maybe they were playing with her.


Where the F__k am I?!? - Jessie - Nov 28, 2012

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When she had finally set her eyes back on the lone wolf, confusion flickered through her eyes when she spoke. What had she just said? The scientific meaning meant nothing to Jessie and now all she could do was dumbly stare at the other. Had she been talking about the juicy rabbit she had caught? The gray female’s jaw dropped slightly as she looked between the rabbit and the young lady was finally starting to get tired of the other wolf’s banter. Though it did seem as though the other was truly terrified by them…but all Jessie could do was stifle a growl as she lay down, her legs stretching outwards, a position many wolves used when they were laying down or napping. She was going to explain a small lesson to this other younger wolf.

Clearing her throat, she finally spoke, "Alright…listen up. I don‘t know where you are from but here is a bit of advice. If you don‘t eat, you are going to die. We‘re not going to eat you or anything…otherwise we would have done so quite awhile ago. We could easily both take you down without second thought…but we didn‘t. So eat the rabbit." Her tail flicked irritably behind her as she spoke, a sign that she was tired with sugar coating the female with calming her down. She said it straight up, her voice holding slight disdain, showing how she was now completely bored with the other female.
