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Thicket of Secrets Journey to Pandora - Printable Version

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Journey to Pandora - Orev - Nov 18, 2012

Late spring had ended in autumn. Time ticked for his eyes away. Some days ended sooner than expected but in the end they were all the same. Travelling through area's he had never been to but also known places that held old friends. His life as a Loner had been, lonely. Trespassing he had done several times. More than he was used to. His eyes had seen that not everywhere there was enough room for packs to grow. Rain knew that all to well, but to see same problems from time to time on different places. Wolves too stubborn to leave there old homes in order to find a better one. After many deserted with the wolves disappeared or just well hidden he would meet a friend or a stranger to spend the night with. Like a Loner, sometimes it was better to be together than alone. He couldn't say he loved the loners life. The freedom was most attractive but it left him with many weaknesses. More than he would effort for this freedom. However ever since the leaves had dropped from there trees he had not found something that looked good enough to be his home. His new home. It had to be something long lasting. The idea to run from place to place, undecided to stay or not. He hated it, the ground was unstable. You could not allies or friends when you would just go with the wind after some days.

Silver eyes glowed soft in the coming darkness. Autumn too was coming at it's end. Even if he didn't want to stay here he had to find shelter for winter would embrace him with a cold kiss. This time he held not the luxury of eating big feasts with his pack or a warm Den feeling the warmth of his neighbour. It would probably be chilly and cold. For his meals he had to do more effort than he was used to. The silver wolf bowed his head for a low branch. He was surrounded by greens and browns. Nature had played a little rough in this place. Everywhere there were branches, old tress who blocked his path, plants that took over the place. Rain tried to see further than the next tree but every time there was something what blocked his sight. The warrior had no idea what was around the next corner, it made him alert with good reasons. This place too was unknown to him. The wolves who lived here may not be as he was used to. Many things unknown and little where he could build on. Rain snorted as he walked through, when would there be some place to breath? He didn't like these close places. Less room to move. His ears twitched, there was something coming. Be it prey or predator, the large man knew it was there. Keen eyes stared into the distance, may he see a flaw in the pattern of thickets.

Journey to Pandora - Nina - Nov 19, 2012

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The bright sun was now making its grand entrance into the thickets. The thick tree foliage overhead no longer there to hide the sun from the wolves as time went on. It wouldn’t be a bad thing when winter came though, it might grant the wolves some sort of heat. The wind still whistled in every part of the thickets, blowing off the last leaves that still managed to cling to the trees. Orange, red, and yellow leaves falling on the ground in small patterns. Now that Nina had been happy enough to walk around the territory nonstop to commit every turn to memory, she was not shocked to smell her scent in the places she had already walked over so many times. It was almost foreign to her in general, she hardly noticed it.

Her golden brown paws skimmed over the area easily, avoiding the small thorns sticking out in the ground, knowing it would be a pain to have to try and pull a thorn out of her paw. Along with the fact that with what she was doing right now. . .it would be wise for her not to get injured. Her one good eye sparkled in the sunlight of day, leaving her in a light mood overall. Her ears pricked forward when she came face to face with another, obviously older than her. Raising her head slightly, she blinked in surprise. She had apparently not been paying attention to her surroundings. Her own ears twitched once before she spoke a greeting. "Hello there."

Journey to Pandora - Orev - Nov 22, 2012


Staring in the distance, it paid off. Within the pattern of the thickets there was something moving. Not branches that moved by the wind. It was what his ears had already told him. Some other animal. It was the smell what told Rain he had to deal with a other wolf. The smell, he had sensed it a couple times but not more than a thin line of scent compared to all the others. The wolf was probably just like him, a loner. For a good second he let go of the coming wolf to see the thickets around him. Though he wasn't in the best position to be in, when it came to a fight he could turn this small place in a battle cage. Those thorns would probably hurt if you fell on them..
Orev turned his eye back again. Though his brain had already calculated every optional movement when it came to a fight, Rain held his relaxed position. He wasn't in war anymore. Not every stranger would try to kill him. If there was anything he should be aware of was that he wouldn't get paranoid. A small grim appeared on his muzzle. Better not, crazy wolves where the most dangerous and annoying. He would be rather a boring old elder than a wolf in madness.

Silver eyes had spotted her. But the first time they met eyes she was just a inch, well so felt it for him, away. The brown fae was, interesting. Her mind had been obviously not paying attention to her surroundings but she did not carry a packscent. Was this woman confident enough let her guard down as a Loner? She did hold quite some scars. Especially the only one eye that held a emerald colour. He guessed that she was blind from one side. Silently he observed her. Smaller, younger by at least a year, scarred. It was not like he could see every scar or injury she had the past few months. Just, he had seen enough of them to recognize the little hidden white lines. Rain searched the one eye again. He didn't felt a thread from her so he decided to not make her one. A short nod from the head as his low voice spoke. 'Hello.'


Journey to Pandora - Nina - Nov 22, 2012

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After her short greeting, she had another one returned back at her. He was so closely in front of her, Nina had to back up a few steps, careful not to step on any of the thorns. Upon closer inspection Nina saw a few scars covering the male’s body…she didn’t stare though, for she knew the concept would be rude enough. Her green eye then reverted back to his gray ones, curiosity filling her own gaze. She had not seen him around before, not even in the time she had spent in the thickets. She knew, just about, every scent that surrounded the whole area and his…was certainly not including. An introduction was in order, "I am Nina Reinier. It‘s a pleasure…to meet you."

Her tail wagged behind her slightly as she stared at him. He was much larger than she was, and probably had a year on her…considering how scarce Kashikoi had been…this wolf might not be too bad of a wolf to have in her pack. She was already trying to sort out the way ranks were to be ordered out, and confusion struck the strings within her core. Age was a terrible fate for the young female…for otherwise she would have ranked all the wolves by loyalty, but it seemed for awhile that couldn’t be the case. Ears twitching she waited to hear his deep voice speak again.

Journey to Pandora - Orev - Nov 22, 2012


Orev had always been a big guy. Other than his brothers and sisters who where two heads smaller than him. Took after his grandfather was him often told. The silver wolf had never really gave more thought to the phrase. He had never the change to meet his grandfather so it was like a stranger to him. The only thing they shared was a bloodline.
Because of his size and his scarred body he would regulary scare the hell out of wolves. Rain didn't sense any fear coming from the woman, however she did step back. A twitch of his tail but he didn't move. A light voice came out of her muzzle. A short introduction. Nina Reinier, a pleasure to meet him. Well, for now let's throw the fighting scene out of the way. Miss Reinier,' he nodded his head again, tasting the new name on his tongue. From this moment on the brown woman named Nina Reinier would be engraved in his mind to never be forgotten.

Good sided, friendly, didn't look like a wolf who held a loner's life without having enough friends. It was still a vague picture he tried to make in his mind. Sketching, modelling and adjusting till he would have a 90% accurate database for this wolf. It would take time but he was pretty addictive at some point. The victorious sweet moment you see that you were right after all, a moment that could turn out to be bitter sweet, but still sweet.
'I'm known as Orév Rain. Please call me Rain, Miss Reinier.' Silver as steel his eyes looked down on her. He was still neutral sided, he didn't know which place he had owned in his first second impressions. Old? Maybe he had yet to be labelled in her mind. A little smile rose his mood, though that smile was not shown in his outer appearance.


Journey to Pandora - Nina - Nov 22, 2012

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The hard core on the outside of the male didn’t take her long to get used to. She was already used to males greeting her in this term within the pack…and she had done so many times within the pack boundaries. Her green eyes watched him, searching his eyes for any sort of emotion. He seemed cold…but just as she knew within herself there could be a small cub within there, just waiting to burst with colors. When she heard her name fluttered from his mouth it brought a small flutter within her stomach…it had been the first time anyone had called her by her mate’s final name. It brought a longing within her to go see him again, but willed it within herself to stay near the others. One of her ears swiveled back slightly, just in case another called her if they were in need of assistance.

Every time she moved the light would catch her body and make it seem like her golden pelt was glowing. Her tail wagged behind her in an easy manner when his voice reached her ears yet again. Nodding her head she spoke in a light voice, "Of course. Please call me Nina." A small, kind smile lit up her features her ears twitching in an easy manner. "If you don‘t mind me asking, what brings you to Relic Lore?" The question was thrown out casually, trying to gather in more information on the male and why he had brought himself to the sacred lands.

Journey to Pandora - Orev - Nov 22, 2012

Tsk really Rain don't be such a mister know-it-all x)


It was autumn but the light of day that broke through the thickets shone upon them. Rather said on Reinier. The light flickered on and off but every time it would hit the fae she looked like she was made from gold. Glowing with a warm yellow shine around her body. Rain never looked much at outer appearance. Just now he saw Miss Reinier was quiet the beauty, something he had not seen earlier. His eyes reflected the soft glow but did not change from emotion.
Nina, did she really want him to call by her first name? Well it was not like Miss Reinier was like him. One word came in bold letters in his mind: Friendly.
'As you please-' his mind got stuck for a second. '-Nina.' He licked his lips as if he tasted something new. Miss Nina was rather bold in her manners. Probably just normal in this land. He should get used to it from today on. It was a nice change, but he still preferred that the female called him by his last name. Not out of old habits but because none would call him by first name without permission. A little smile appeared on her face. His silver eyes softened a bit. His inside smile getting bigger, as he thought the good woman. Slowly the picture became less vague. It was still blurry but it wasn't as bad as first. Though this was just one side, he could not wait to see the other sides the golden woman held.

Miss Nina spoke again. 'My home didn't need me anymore so I decided to take my own path.' Indeed his home didn't need Rain anymore, but only because it was no more. Well for now his answer would do, till he might get closer to her and decided to entrust her more information about Orev Rain. He let his gaze wander around for a bit. The situation would let him do so, just out of habit he held her in the corner of his eyes. 'So that is what the land is called. Relic Lore.' Interesting but not valuable. Seemed like he had to hunt it down. 'It seems that there is quite some interest in this land-' It was more a statement, with so many scents you couldn't say otherwise. '-Are there many loners here, like us? I'm pretty sure there are packs, though they are not seeking their home in the thickets.' His silver gaze landed upon Miss Nina. 'Am I right?' The first time he let a charming smile shine on his face. However it was nothing warm like Nina's, just the smile of him knowing he was at the right end.


Journey to Pandora - Nina - Nov 22, 2012

OOC: Sorry it is so short. My head is pounding.

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Her tail wagged easily behind her as she spoke to him…for once she could have a normal conversation with another, not having to put any edge into her stance, as if she were glowing in happiness. Her one good emerald eye observed the large male silently, her head tilting up to get a better look at his face. Looking up to others had not been something she had to do for awhile. Her eats twitched repeatedly with his words, carefully paying attention to everything he said. After his small speech she saw a small smile light up his features, and soon a large smile covered Nina’s face. Even though it hadn’t been as warm as it could have been at least she had gotten his facial expressions to change! Happiness was radiating off of her in heavy waves.

The statement about the many scents reigning in the area brought a happy little flutter in her stomach. She was happy to hear that some of her friends had stayed within the territory. Opening her mouth, her soft voice echoed in her own thoughts, "Yes…many loners here. I‘m in the process of creating my pack…and the plan is to settle here. We are almost ready to form!" In her voice, a new tone of voice sang. Confidence and love for her family reigned over her voice, her tail wagging slightly faster, almost snagging on a near by thorn bush. She knew better though and so she kept her happiness to a minimum.

Journey to Pandora - Orev - Nov 22, 2012


Wow, it that was a bit.. surprising? The surprise was of course not seen for the outsiders but still, why would she be that happy? It wasn't like had done something big or anything. Just a business smile he used often. The smile someone had when they tried to get close to you in order to get a piece of meat. That sneaky smile that was only used as purpose to reach a goal. Well, there were indeed some stupid females who would fall for that. Even males.. But Miss Nina didn't look stupid. Not at all, there was intelligence in that one green eye. Not the kind of ''I think I'm smart.'' but the more live experience logical thinking kind. Or was he now reflecting himself on her? No, that was not the point. His eyes had never been troubled by such petty things.
Orev cut the stream of thoughts off. He was thinking crap and he knew it. Cutting it of before it would effect more of his thinking and reset. A fast cold flicker appeared in his eyes as it faded away again.

Miss Nina was talking. Still, looked like she found him nice enough to rattle against. That should be a good point. Getting some allies in unknown domain was never wrong. Especially cause she looked like she lived here for quiet some while. Her scents mixed well with that of her environment. Finally the soft voice gave him some more useful information. Not that it was bad to listen to some chatter but he wasn't as interested in those things. Though he listened well, he always would. Just because if there was just a hair of info he could filter out of the crap he would give that effort. Besides wolves who listened well would hear more than those who talked much. Creating her own pack putted Nina in a whole new light. So she was a leading type, it wasn't the first thing he would search behind her. Puzzling he tried to put the new fact in it's place. 'Do the other packs not fulfil your needs or morals? Leading a pack is though.' He spoke from experience. He was not a pack leader but he had led a army of wolves. Wolves who where not always as loyal and forgiving as pack members were. 'It looks like you're confident. Good, keep that attitude and be selfish.' It was hard. He gave advise to someone who he didn't know. Would she do something with his advice? 'Selfish in pack sense.' He explained to be sure. No a selfish leader was most annoying to work with.


Journey to Pandora - Nina - Nov 22, 2012

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With her family now in mind, Nina’s overtones became much more serious. Her face now held no emotion within it, this male had switched the tone of conversation to something that she was protecting and he could not touch them. It was as if he had reached inside her and turned off her emotion switch. The transaction only took only a few seconds tops. Her tail slowed to a stop behind her, and the amount of blinks she would take in a minute would decrease, and her good eye sharpening, much more aware of her senses than she had been previously. With the question aimed at her, the golden brown fae’s head would raise slightly, the reasons behind her creating a pack swelling within her, yet, she was unsure of whether or not she wanted to tell him or not.

Her tail curled up near her back as she stared up at the male. Clenching her jaw, she found no harm in telling the male about the past…it was the past for a reason, right? Before she spoke, the male spoke again, his voice reaching her ears. His advice was rooted to her core, but even she knew that it was going to be hard to be a selfish leader. She was not selfish in the first place and she was leading her family, not slaves. All she could do was nod her head. Now she answered his other reply, "My former alpha‘s deserted us. I am keeping our family together…with some others that have joined us." Her green eye was cold now, staring aimlessly into his gray ones.