Ruins of Wildwood
Cedarwood Forest am i not skanky enough for you? - Printable Version

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am i not skanky enough for you? - France - Aug 06, 2010

She was pretty hot... right? Right?! With her frustration bubbling, France slapped the muddy puddle of water she'd wandered upon, sloshing the liquid across the forest floor and accidentally causing it to dribble all over her chest. She pouted, her coat of crème now a darker shade of brown, that wasn't going to be easily fixed by a simple lick or two. Previously she'd been intently staring at her reflection, quietly arguing to herself about the reasons why she'd been chased and assault away from her previous life. Maybe it was because she was ugly; at least that was one reason that she'd come across and had to stumble on and feel a yeuk of truth in. Although in truth she was quite lovely to the eyes, even if she could not see it herself.

But now she was sure it was because she was an incompetent nerdfaced loser who bathed themselves in dirty water. Cause who would ever want someone like that around? Certainly not her pack, and probably not any other pack around these parts. Her head sunk a degree lower.


am i not skanky enough for you? - Ruiko - Aug 07, 2010


Ruiko avoided the pack more often since his run in with Indru – the brothers had always fought over dominance, but never before had Indru pulled rank above him because of a petty disagreement that got completely out of hand. Disgusted that his brother expected him to agree with everything he said because he was a notch above in the hierarchy, the tawny male had to take a step back from the situation.

That left him in the forest today – a very near opposite of where the pack was at Swift River. His paws stealthily carried him, maneuvering his pace every so often to avoid the patches of wet mud and puddles. He came to the forest very little, exploration was not a top priority for the immense male, and yet as he trailed down a small path he found himself almost regretting keeping away for so long now. Scenery was lost upon him, but there was something relaxing about this area.

Caught up in his thoughts, it was a small surprise to him when the scent of a stranger filtered his senses and drew him from his reveries. Glancing up sharply, his bright gold eyes fell upon a lightly pelted she-wolf, her fur stained slightly with the mud of the forest. “You got some..” Trailing off, Ruiko lifted a paw slightly, prodding it in the direction of her chest. Just in case she had missed the blotch of mud there.

am i not skanky enough for you? - France - Aug 07, 2010

”I ain't blind, uh, numb... or stupid.” She retorted, her tone surprisingly sharp as she whipped her head up to catch sight of the stranger. Pursing her lips at him, her brows furrowed some as she surveyed their current surroundings. They seemed to be alone, for the most part. But his scent was heavy of a land that was unknown to her and it made her somewhat suspicious. Not enough to sharply effect her opinion of him, but enough to cock her ears forward in a new alert stance.

Eyeballing him in momentary thought, her mind distracted, had caused her mouth to pop open, her tongue idly picking at one of her teeth. ”They call me France.” Who was they? Well, he'd have to find out on his own.


am i not skanky enough for you? - Ruiko - Aug 09, 2010


His presence was greeted by a sharp retort – one that left little confidence that they were true at the casual ‘ain’t’ and ‘um.’ The she-wolf had glanced up quickly to him and her brows instantly clouded. The large male said nothing to any of this, the only emotion offered was the gentle lift of his wolfish brows as the girl stood before him, her mouth agape momentarily and her nerves clearly frayed. He was suddenly regretting not having turned the opposite direction of her when he had first become aware of her presence.

Biting the urge to retort that he didn’t truly care what others called her, the tawny male recalled Indru disappointment with him for not being more accepting of lone wolves, which was now only seeming to bother him now that he was the gerant of the pack. With a brisk glance cast across her creamy white fur, Ruiko decided to indulge his brother, even if he was not here to witness it. “Ruiko.”