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Thicket of Secrets Destiny Awakened... - Printable Version

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Destiny Awakened... - Azariah - Jan 21, 2013

She had traveled back with the pair, feeling comfortable, yet still curious as to why she'd been drawn to them. She also wondered at the curious flashes from her dream that had popped up when she looked into the eyes of each male for the first time. A pair a brilliant emerald eyes. In her dream the wolf had only one good eye, as one was scarred closed and then when she looked away and back the fae had two good eyes. She decided not to think about it for now, since it would make her head hurt to overthink things. Solarra always warned her to use her instincts, her gut more than trying too hard to analyze things. She was normally fairly good at it, but this was the first time she'd had to truly manage it on her own, without her mentor's wisdom to help her through it.

She came to a stop when the older male, Sloane, indicated that she should and she watched as he bade the young male, Hollow to go to the den for the time being. Her neck warmed slightly as she watched him go, remembering those first intense moments when she'd looked into his startling blue eyes. She shook her emotions away. She wasn't sure why Sloane had asked her to come, but she really wanted to meet this Nina and even the others. She had wondered on the way here, if this was where her destiny lay. With the Secret Woodlands pack. She felt right being here now, but she wasn't sure if it was her final destiny. Perhaps, if things worked out, she might at least be able to stay for a while. She kept silent though, letting Sloane take the lead, as he should.

She gave the overl-sized male a slightly uncertain, shy smile and waited for his next move. Already, she was leaning on him, glad to have her actions directed once more. It seemed to level out her emotions and she was certainly grateful to him for that.

RE: Destiny Awakened... - Sloane - Jan 21, 2013

The traveling had gone quickly and he was glad to be back, even though they had not been gone all that long, just since the wee pre-dawn hours. He had sent Hollow on to the den, so that he could call Nina and have her meet this most interesting young woman. Azariah claimed to be a Healer, well... a partially trained healer by her words. He thought that Nina would like the polite girl and perhaps they could invite her to join the pack.

She was young and somewhat small, but probably fast, but perhaps even better than hunting, she could help Nina with the health of the pack while she learned. Nina would have more responsibility as Leadess now and she would likely spread herself too thin, trying to perform both vital roles. At least that was his thinking in bringing the girl to the borders. She would not see the den or the rest of the pack without Nina's approval.

She gave him a nervous looking smile, which he returned with a reassuring one. Then, getting down to business he lifted his large cream and russet head to howl for his partner to come to him. He put a small sense of urgency in his voice for he also needed to talk to her of the hunt. They could not dally long or the herd would move on and they would miss out. He looked down at the girl who looked a bit startled at his sudden loud howl for the leadess. He gave her another reassuring smile and then both of them awaited the arrival of NIna.

RE: Destiny Awakened... - Nina - Jan 21, 2013


Ever since the official claiming of their territory, Nina had been quite happy to see how well everyone seemed to be settling into the thicket. It was relaxing, even though it was a highly secluded area, just having trees and thickets surrounding every angle that Nina would so happen to look. It sometimes proved hard moving around in the thickets, due to only having one eye. Ever sine she had found out she wouldn’t be able to open it, she had been longing for her past vision to be back, hoping that one day she would be able to look at her pack with two eyes and not one, proudly ruling over them and keeping their own happiness in her mind every passing second. She was their Queen, and they all deserved the best.

Her peaceful uneventful day took a pleasant turn when her friend called for her. There was deep urgency within his voice about something along with some allegory behind the message. Her golden body turned towards his call, letting out a soft call of her own to tell him of her soon arrival. She was set in a steady trot towards her partner, wondering what was going on so near the border. Nina’s body easily weaved through the close thickets and when she finally arrived at the scene before her, she lifted her head, her tail waving up behind her and curling over towards her back. She then approached, calm and collected before studying the young female in front of her. The golden brown healer inhaled the scent of the wolf in front of her and silently classified her as a loner…and ergot?

Her one good eye drifted back towards Sloane, nodding her head briefly to her partner before shifting back down towards the slightly smaller female. She was golden, with an unique shade of sea blue eyes. She didn’t take much time sizing up the yearling, for her emerald eye soon met back with Sloane’s amber ones. “Who is your new friend, Sloane?” Her tail swayed behind her easily, the alpha was easily getting familiar with the idea of her being on the top, though she knew she wouldn’t get used to the power and she definitely wouldn’t take advantage of it. She silently waited for Sloane’s response…or the smaller wolf’s voice to greet her.


RE: Destiny Awakened... - Azariah - Jan 21, 2013

Azariah waited quietly and patiently next to Sloane, her plush golden tail wagging softly behind her. She still felt strangely relaxed and her ears pricked forward when a soft howl answered the deep voice that had summoned it. A small thrill of excitement passed over her, perhaps for the unknown that a youthful spirit enjoys. She hadn't really planned on joining a pack, or even meeting one, but then she hadn't planned on avoiding them either.

It didn't take that long before a form emerged from the thickets before the pair of wolves. It was a golden brown fae with one emerald eye! The woman looked at her briefly and then looked back to her pack mate and asked who his friend was. OH! She means me! she thought with a start. Once she laid her sea blue eyes on the emerald eye of Nina? she had been stunned into continued silence. This was the wolf from her the flesh! She was grateful that the other wolf had looked away to give herself time to compose herself after the shock of seeing a dream wolf come to life.

Perhaps there was something to this destiny thing after all. What were the odds of it being a coincidence that she begin dreaming of this wolf as soon as she entered the region, then felt compelled to introduce herself the two wolves from her pack, far from their home, to be introduced to the very wolf. With her carriage, she also felt that this had to be the leadess, Nina, that Sloane had spoken of.

Deciding to answer for herself, she blinked a few times and cleared her throat softly. She kept her head and tail lowered properly, although she exuded a sense of confidence uncommon in one her age, perhaps because of her upbringing by a regal and mature Healer. Nina had asked Sloane who she was, but she had finally recovered from her shock to find her voice, although it was laced with a tone of amazement. "Ma'am. My name is Azariah. Azariah Phoenix." She gave the green eyed wolf a shy smile, but couldn't help another amazed look at her good eye as she noted the familiar scar over her right eye.

RE: Destiny Awakened... - Sloane - Jan 22, 2013


Sloane felt a wave of happiness pass over him when he heard Nina's answering call. She was not his mate, that right was reserved for his beautiful Narime', but she was his best friend and he was used to being around her. In short order, she emerged from the Thickets with a brief appraising look at Azariah and then she turned her attention towards him, inquiring of his new friend. She seemed at ease, almost as if leadership agreed with her and he was more than glad that the stressed look was mostly gone. There was still the worry for her missing mate. Hopefully, there would be good news in that department and soon.

He looked over at the girl as Nina looked towards him and he saw a look of complete disbelief on her face. After a few seconds, she seemed to get over whatever caused her amazed look and he shrugged his shoulders. it wasn't the first odd thing that she'd done or said, but none of it was troubling. The young fae collected herself enough to politely offer her name, with proper submission towards Nina, which pleased him. When she said nothing more than her name he added, "She is a student of healing as well, Nina." He hoped that his partner would easily see the potential value in the girl.


RE: Destiny Awakened... - Nina - Jan 23, 2013


To be completely truthful, Nina’s insides were burning with worry and anxiety. The news of her mate’s fall had injured her mentally and she was afraid of what was to come with the two to of them. He didn’t even remember her, or any of her pack mates…how did anyone expect her to lead when Sloane left with his mate? Without Koda by her side, she might as well have been a lost pup looking for a home. Her was her heart and soul, and she truthfully didn’t know what she was going to be able to do without him. The mask she was pulling off seemed to be working for her family though, even on the inside she knew she wouldn’t be able to keep it up for long though…there was always the breaking point. She then swallowed, a small smile gracing her features as she looked at the two wolves gathered in front of her.

When the smaller female spoke, Nina’s good eye tracked back towards her, the golden healer’s own features emotionless. The name rolled off of her ears easily, as if she had heard it before, which might have been a high possibility from where she had come from. When Sloane’s voice reached her, she briefly nodded her head towards him. She, of course, had already found out this information, by the light(though heavy for winter) herbal scent radiating off of the girl. A young girl, with such knowledge of herbs could be quite useful, especially with the new weight put on the healer’s shoulders. Perhaps she could even give Ashanti her lessons now that Nina had grown so busy.

Her tail swayed above her as she watched the other healer quietly, before she finally spoke, her words laced with power, “I am Nina Reinier…it’s a pleasure to meet you.” Her good eye then flashed over back to Sloane. What was she doing on the borders, and with Sloane on her side as well. Judging by the fading scent of Hollow, the three had come together and she had been called. She once again spoke, to both of them, “Is there any special significance towards this meeting?” Every instinct in her body was telling her to ward off this stranger and send her away, but Nina trusted Sloane and she knew that if he had brought the female to her, it was with good reason.


RE: Destiny Awakened... - Azariah - Jan 23, 2013

It took long moments for Azariah to process that the wolf from her dreams, the beautiful emerald eyed fae, was standing in front of her. She could almost hear Solarra's voice whispering in her ear, Destiny, child. Destiny... With a shiver, she acknowledged the phantom words. Destiny had led her to the right spot to meet the pack mates of this wolf, miles away from where she'd been. The sooner she accepted the track that it had put her on, the better.

Sloane pointed out that she was a healer and she had to smile to herself. Wolves, especially Healers, could always tell another. The herbal scent became infused into the fur, even after weeks and months, it was detectable. She too realized that Nina Reinier was a Healer herself. This information sparked a strong desire to get to know this woman. She seemed so strong and capable, filled with a confidence. But there was something more. An underlying sadness hidden in the guise of power. Her ears flicked farther back on her crown with concern for a wolf she didn't even know... unless you counted the dream world that was.

When Nina asked what the meeting was about, Azariah almost laughed inwardly. 'Yes, ma'am. I've dreamed about you and you will regain your sight somehow' sayeth the crazy wolf. Somehow, she didn't think that would go over very well right now. Nina seemed on edge and she certainly didn't want to make things worse for the golden brown fae. So... how to answer? Before she even realized it, the words were out of her mouth. "I wish to seek shelter in your pack, at least for the winter, ma'am" She hadn't planned to say that, but it felt right, so she said no more and simply awaited Nina's response. And Sloane's. They had certainly not discussed anything about joining the pack.

RE: Destiny Awakened... - Sloane - Jan 23, 2013


Sloane was still getting used to the mask that Nina wore as leadess. So strong and confident. Not that she wasn't, but the harder side of her seemed to come out more and more. He wasn't sure how he felt about that. He kind of missed the sweet and slightly vulnerable fae that had befriended him so long ago. Right now, he chalked it up to the stress of leading a fledgling pack and the terrible uncertain fate of her mate. Hopefully, Koda would recover his memory and his love for this special woman and soon be by her side. She deserved happiness and Koda made her happy, plain and simple.

Nina inquired about the purpose of the meeting and before he even had a chance to try and give form to his thoughts that Azariah might be able to help her, the girl spoke herself and her words caught him slightly off guard. It was just what he'd been thinking of himself, aside from the least for the winter part. But her sudden boldness, tempered by her look of concern at Nina did surprise him. She had only said a single word on the way here from the blackberry fields and that had been a simple 'hello' to Hollow.

He said nothing, but he gave Nina a look that he knew that she would understand. Just as with Ecco, for far different reasons, he approved of this girl. His hope was that she could take some of the load off of Nina's overloaded shoulders. He would rather that the statement had not come with a caveat, but perhaps if she chose to leave later, Koda would be here and things would not be quite so stressful for his friend.


RE: Destiny Awakened... - Nina - Jan 24, 2013


Silence reigned over them for a short time period and before Sloane could utter a word, the yearling once again, spoke. Her words triggered a soft spot in her soul but the last words that hang off kept her in the same position. Just for the winter…? There would be benefits and some cons to the yearling only staying for the winter…but perhaps the Secret Woodlands would prove to be the right place for the female, she could always change her mind. Exhaustion was already starting to pull at Nina’s limbs. She had woken up early and had been working none stop since she had awoken. The new arrival only making her day slightly more busy.

Her good eye soon traveled towards Sloane, the glint in his eyes giving her the answer to her question. Her head then turned back towards Azariah and was saw the small look of concern pass over her features. Inside, the alpha was slightly taken aback, how had she known? Suspicion was creeping into her features and veins, but a new addition to their newly formed back could prove beneficial. The yearling was right though, it was rare for a yearling such as herself to survive out in the wilderness, alone, for the winter.

She then approached the girl, stance dominating as she became closer. She was much larger than the smaller girl for the time being, but in the future, this might have proved to be the opposite, she still had much growing to do. As she finally reaches the female she stares down at her, before going for her muzzle to grip it in acceptance. So far, the girl had done everything right. Shown the correct submission and been polite…this would be her final test. It would be much like the time Ruiko had gripped her muzzle firmly and yet with utmost gentleness. From that day on she had been his property, and his to rule over. Now…it was her turn.


RE: Destiny Awakened... - Azariah - Jan 24, 2013

Azariah worried slightly for many packs did not like limitations put on them, but she also wasn't sure if this was to be her final home. She would rather not make a promise and then break it. If she said that she would simply join, it would obviously infer a sense of permanence. She could not promise that right now, so she thought that she might be sent packing. Winter would be hard on her own, but she had survived thus far with only a few pounds lost for her troubles. She had nearly resigned herself to just that fate when she noted looks full of meaning that she could not read pass between Sloane and Nina.

Then the golden brown leadess turned back to her and approached. She reached her muzzle and Azariah felt a small sense of nervousness, not because she was afraid, but because this would mean that she would be a vital member of a pack once more. This time, it would not be hidden away on the outskirts in and eccentric Healers cave. Yet, she felt an incredible sense of elation for the very same reason. She looked forward to pulling her own weight and possibly learning more on healing from her leadess. Definitely towards helping her in any way that she could.

So, she submitted to the muzzle grasp gratefully, lowering her body even more, but being sure to tip her creamy muzzle up for Nina. There was a strange comfort that came with the ritual and Azariah pulled it tight into her heart. For now at least, she belonged. She wasn't the shunned runt, left for dead... useless to the pack. She was determined to prove her worth. When Nina eventually eased her grip, Azariah maintained her position and glanced towards the huge russet male by her side. He had been nothing but polite and kind, but he too was the leader of this pack and she would submit to him as well.