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Secret Woodlands Roll on - Printable Version

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Roll on - Hollow - Feb 11, 2013

(set at dusk, moon is out sun is almost gone)

Hollow yet again at the borders of the pack, had finished his rounds for the day, convinced everything was secure he set out to find a spot and relax, ease his mind. Eventually he found a spot, It was a very small opening almost as if nothing grew, just a patch of barren ground where nothing grew, Hollow settled himself in its center and looked up to see the moon pale and barely glowing but there it was. He wondered at the beauty of it, while the sky was streaked with shades of orange and blue, a few grey clouds, In all of that the moon still shone. It was a sight of pure beauty and Hollow found himself wishing Azariah were here so she could see it too.

Azariah, how he wished she were beside him right now, the beautiful white she wolf had stolen his heart, he tried not to think it, that he was just stricken by her beauty. Only it was the music in her voice, her soft words, whether happy or sad made his heart melt. Her eyes that pierced his very soul with a mere glance, her fur soft and white-gold her entirety made him want to curl up with her forever. He knew she had only said she wanted to weather the winter, but he hoped she would weather many more with him. They could have a den like the one he made that snowy day he had come to comfort her when she was down about her mentor and friend Solarra.

For the first time Hollow thought about his future, and oh how he wanted it to be with her, maybe one day he could have a pack with her, and they could have pups, pups the young wolf snorted at himself, now that was a wild thought. But he sank back into the thought of her fur pressed against his as little ones played calling them 'mama, and daddy'. It made his heart warm. Deep down he was very confused, all he had wanted was to belong, and now not only did he belong, but he was working to be a guardian, made to keep his pack from harm and he had caught the eye of a beautiful she-wolf, or rather he really hoped he had caught her eye and the same feelings stirred within her that did within him.

He would be content for the rest of his life, having Azariah and being in Secret woodlands, but he knew if they were to become mates and perhaps have pups of there own he would not be able to stay, he was sure it would be forbidden by Nina and Sloane. Or rather by Nina, Hollow had no Idea how much longer Sloane would be here as his leader before he departs to wherever it was he was going. He sighed audibly it was all very confusing, Hollow did not wish to dwell on it, rather he closed his eyes and raised his head to the dimming sky and spoke to what he thought was himself in a very worried tone "I just want her to stay with me." Why did it have to be so difficult and confusing, why couldn't she have said 'I want to join your pack forever'? Hollow continued to gaze at the moon with a heavy heart and a touch of sadness in his eyes for this was uncharted territory, and Hollow was utterly lost.

RE: Roll on - Sloane - Feb 11, 2013

Night was falling. The moon hadn't even waited for the sun to finish setting before starting it's journey into the dusky sky. Sloane always thought it rather intriguing when both the sun and the moon shared the huge expanse of the heavens. It was incongruous and sometimes the monotony of life needed a tiny shake.

Boring was not something that applied to his life lately. Copper Rock Creek disbanding, helping Nina gather a few followers, asking Narime' to be his mate, finally founding Secret Woodlands. It seemed as if his life had become an ever changing roller coaster. But he was certainly not complaining. He led a loyal pack with Nina and he thoroughly enjoyed the relationships that he was building. There was more than one wolf that he would greatly miss when the time came for him to leave.

That brought him to thoughts of his sweet Narime'. In a few short weeks he would head south to claim her as his mate and start his own pack. The thought filled him with sorrow and ecstasy at the same time, but there was no doubt where his heart lay. Firmly in the paw of a blue-eyed fae with fur like spun silver. She would soon be an adult and ready to make a home with him.

His thoughts were still on his love when the always present scent of Hollow strengthened. He changed his course to follow the boy, hoping to distract himself from thoughts of Narime' before he fled south far too early, for the mere chance to catch a glimpse of her on a hunt. He came upon Hollow, positioned in the perfect center of a small clearing, his head tipped upwards and speaking softly, "I just want her to stay with me."

Fairly sure of whom he spoke, Sloane asked nonetheless. "And who might that be, Hollow?"

RE: Roll on - Hollow - Feb 11, 2013

Hollow flinched at Sloane's voice, not something he usually did when the big russet wolf spoke. He had been so absorbed in his thoughts that he didn't scent nor hear Sloane's approach. A very sudden wave of heat rolled over him and he became very interested in a spot in front of his paws which shuffled uncomfortably. Desperately his mind began grasping at things to say, maybe how to get out of this, how could he possibly explain to Sloane something he didn't even know about? Sure he could come up with something, say it was a memory of his mother but he knew Sloane would see right through that lie. Especially with the look that was drawn upon the big males face as he gazed at Hollow. He already knew.

The young wolf swallowed hard, embarrassed and frustrated that he didn't know what to say. Sloane I think I'm falling for Azariah whom is supposed to only stay the winter and I don't know what to do, yeah that would work well. Hollow had no idea what the rules were and he was afraid to know, what if he had to suffer? What if they ran Azariah off because of it, words formed and tumbled unsteadily from his mouth before he could think of what he had even said. "A-Azariah, s-she's s-supposed to l-leave in the s-spring and I d-don't want her to go." The words were out and Hollow was shaking with what he didn't even know, it could have been fear, or it could have been something else. Unconsciously he had raised his head, and looked at Sloane, his eyes glistening with sadness, love, and a touch of fear,"I'll miss her"

It seemed without even knowing it he had found his inner strength, the kind that kindles love, true love, even if he didn't know it and it would take time, he had either found the key to a world of love he never knew existed, or he had found they key to a world full of pain, it was up to him, and how he would use his new found strength that would decide which world the young wolf would see.

RE: Roll on - Sloane - Feb 11, 2013

Sloane saw the small flinch of surprise that his presence had caused. Hollow had been so lost in his own world that he hadn't heard his approach. Then a myriad of emotions rolled over the younger wolf's face. He looked indecisive for long moments, before he stuttered out the truth. "A-Azariah, s-she's s-supposed to l-leave in the s-spring and I d-don't want her to go....I'll miss her" As he spoke his emotions were on his sleeve for all the world to see. He was truly in love.

Sloane felt for him, knowing better than the boy could ever imagine what it was like to be apart from the one that you love. The difference was, there was an end in sight for him and he would soon have his love by his side. Given his youth, position and the huge uncertainty of Azariah's plans, Hollow appeared to have little hope. He wasn't sure of Nina's feelings on the matter of mated pairs other than the alpha's within a pack, but he himself had nothing against it. What he wouldn't tolerate was pups borne by lesser wolves. He'd been raised traditionally and only the Alpha pair bore young. To him, love was another matter entirely though.

He looked at Hollow in all of his misery and came a bit closer, arranging his over-sized form near the younger male's own large one. With an all-too-knowing tone Sloane said, "Matters of the heart are never simple, Hollow. If they were then I think that we would not appreciated the relationships and friendships that we form. It's the ones that put you through trials to overcome that stand the test of time." He paused for a moment thinking of he and Narime'. An even better example would be Nina and Koda, but that was her story to share or not to share.

His ears flicked a few times before locking on Hollow as his golden amber gazed did. "Have you talked to her? Asked her what she wanted to do? ...Told her how you feel?" He had spent many long months pining for Narime' and not knowing if she felt the same. It was not a place that he would recommend, personally.

RE: Roll on - Hollow - Feb 11, 2013

"Matters of the heart are never simple, Hollow. If they were then I think that we would not appreciated the relationships and friendships that we form. It's the ones that put you through trials to overcome that stand the test of time." Hollow heard the truth in Sloane's words, but still he was afraid of it, he had come so far yet this feeling was overwhelming. Matters of the heart were something that Hollow had never had to deal with before. He wasn't used to feeling anything other than the deep penetrating sadness he had worked so hard to shake off with the death of his parents and siblings. Strange as it was it calmed the young male slightly and allowed him to breathe.

"Have you talked to her? Asked her what she wanted to do? ...Told her how you feel?" Hollows eyes opened wide Tell her? but what if she just said she didn't feel the same, he didn't know if he could take it but the way she had looked at him oh how it had warmed him so. He couldn't live without telling her even if Nina decided to forbid mates in the pack. At least she would know for sure how the young dark wolf felt about her. This time it just weighed his heart down more, how would he tell her? What could he even say to her, how could he even bring it up? There were so many questions rolling through his mind he hadn't noticed his head dipping lower and lower until he was staring at his paws again.

"How? What do I say?" He said almost silently, after a moment he realized he had barely whispered the words and there was no chance that Sloane had heard it clearly. Raising his head to meet Sloane's eyes again he asked a second time "What do I tell her? What if she doesn't feel the same?" Thoughts of the golden she wolf had been nagging at his mind so much so he had forgotten park of being in a pack was companionship and that he could seek out advice, it was a calming feeling to finally talk to someone about it. Hollow waited with baited breath hoping Sloane could offer him something he would understand and be able to do.

RE: Roll on - Sloane - Feb 12, 2013

As the winter breeze blew through their little clearing Sloane listened to the questions that plagued young Hollow. He had to smile to himself because it could have been him talking not so very long ago, wondering if a certain silver fae felt the same about him as he did for her. Hollow's advantage was that he would not have to wait many months and travel across more than half the length of the Lore to find out. His heart was right here with him, just a den away.

Sloane gave him a moment to compose himself after letting his fears pour out. The younger male now looked at him expectantly, with such hope and faith in his eyes that the big wolf felt honored that Hollow thought so much of his opinion. He was older and he though himself fairly wise, but he too was new at all of this. He had found his love a titch later in life, but Narime' was the first and only wolf to ever possess his heart. He wondered if it were like that with Hollow and Azariah. It appeared as if they did, the instant draw had seemed to be there from the first moment, so it was possible. He had loved Narime' from their first moonlit night by the Lagoon.

He smiled calmly at the young man, trying to organize his thoughts before speaking. The last thing that he wanted to do was make it worse. "Hollow, you have an opportunity that I was not provided. Azariah is here for you to see, talk to, get to know. Spend time with her and if the feeling is there for both of you, you'll know it." He remembered not being able to look away from Nari's beautiful blue eyes and the zing that traveled through his body whenever even their fur would touch. He had often brushed pelt with Nina and had even briefly nuzzled Ashanti recently to comfort her. Neither fae affected him in the least, but Narime'... she was like a wonderful addiction.

The russet male suggested, "When the opportunity arises, ask her if she wants to stay and let her know that you want her to. The words will come when you need them. Trust me!" How he wished that he and Narime' had had the opportunity. They soon would though. A beautiful smile lit the huge wolf's face at the thought of her by his side.

RE: Roll on - Hollow - Feb 12, 2013

Hollow was calmed at last by Sloane's words but as the big russet wolf tapered off he saw a wide, interesting looking smile light up his face. It became almost acutely obvious that his mind had left for the moment. It struck Hollow that of course Sloane was not staying with Secret Woodlands, but it hadn't occurred to him that Sloane had someone to go to, he had thought Sloane just had maybe another pack or something he had to do. But the judging by their conversation and the look that was currently stuck on his alphas face, Hollow was pretty sure that he had a mate to go to, he wouldn't ask, though if Sloane wished to tell him he would. Seeing the large alpha wear a look like that made Hollow feel that much closer to him, he was seeing that he was not the only one to feel this before, though Sloane had clearly made it past this near paralyzing uncertainty.

The last thing Sloane had said, "When the opportunity arises, ask her if she wants to stay and let her know that you want her to. The words will come when you need them. Trust me!", that was not so easy, what if the opportunity never arose, or she left before he got a chance to say 'don't go'. Hollow shook his broad head visibly no he shouldn't think like that it would only make things harder, even though spring was just around that corner and she could be leaving in just moons. I'll know he told himself. the young dark wolf's eyes focused again on Sloane, whom seemed to still be smiling and spoke, hoping his alpha wasn't too deep in thought to hear. "Thank you Sloane." he had no idea what else to say now he himself was beginning to get lost in thought imagining himself telling Azariah that he would miss her, and her beautiful golden head turning to him and saying, 'I'm not going anywhere Hollow'. It made him melt inside and his face began to mirror that of his alpha, an outsider who might see would think they had eaten bad food.

RE: Roll on - Sloane - Feb 13, 2013

The big russet wolf was indeed lost in thought, dreaming of his silver beauty. When Hollow's heartfelt, "Thank you Sloane." broke the silence he chided himself for his brief lapse. He gave the boy a smile, knowing that it was much easier said than done, but he felt sure that Hollow would find a way to share his feelings for the girl. He felt honored that Hollow had shared his feelings with him and the urge to share his own story became strong.

He wasn't sure if it was 'appropriate', but he couldn't think of a good reason not to. Hollow respected him and Sloane doubted that would change easily. Suddenly, he wanted to tell someone about Narime'. He hesitated to talk about her right now with Nina, knowing that things were in limbo with her own mate and his leaving would be a great upheaval should Koda not be by her side by then.

Shifting, so that he better faced Hollow he decided to give him more of his own story. "I'm sure that you remember at the first meeting that I mentioned only being leader for a limited time. There was more than one reason for that. Nina's mate, Koda will be joining her soon and I will step down for him, so that she may rule with her love by her side." He paused for a moment, giving the young man a moment to think on Nina's coming happiness and then he continued. "I too have a special someone waiting for me. Her name is Narime'. Not so very long ago, just before our founding in fact, I still wondered how she felt about me, so I really do know how you feel, Hollow."

RE: Roll on - Hollow - Feb 13, 2013

Sloane opened up and began to tell the young wolf the truth of why it was he was leaving. Hollow felt a little rush of pride at his own guess being so close, and the fact that Sloane trusted him with this information. The young wolf however was happy for Nina's coming happiness and the prospect of a new alpha, though he hoped he would be as good as Sloane. For a split second Hollow was tempted to ask if he could go with him. But he knew if he left, he would have betrayed Nina by swearing his allegiance and then betraying the trust she would put in him. But the second thought to squash that moment was the thought of leaving Azariah, and Hollow knew that his heart would never be the same if he just left.

However the young wolf still wished to meet Sloane's love just because in years to come having an ally such as the big russet wolf would be nothing but good for him. Sloane would forever be someone Hollow would seek out when he needed advice. The young male knew that once he took his mate they would be starting a pack as that was that was the way, and if he wanted to keep his friend he would need to know his mate as well. Hollow suddenly began to feel a tug at Sloane, to share the biggest secret he held in his life to the day.

"Sloane thank you for telling me all of this" he began. Silence began to stretch before the dark wolf would form his next words and send them into the cold night air. It was very hard to explain Hollow had gotten his last name from a seer, soothsayer, Azariah had called them. For the boy didn't know his own last name, Blackfur was bestowed by the seer whom had helped him with a hunt, she had given him the name so that rouges did not murder him thinking he was a bastard child. Hollow decided to make it as simple as he could Sloane would be able to figure out what he meant he was surely smart enough. "Sloane there's one more problem, If Azariah does feel the same, I don't have anything to offer her. Nothing real anyways," He briefly recalled he never spoken his 'last name' to Nina, nor had he to Sloane.

RE: Roll on - Sloane - Feb 16, 2013

Sloane felt pleased that he had given Hollow some measure of reassurance. There had not been a fae to catch his fancy in his birth pack, as he was barely a yearling when the attack had occurred. He did remember his uncle @Jacob and older siblings like Guiness always giving him advice on the right thing to do. The most honorable way to act to make the Thorben line proud. He felt a pang of sadness thinking about his old family, but it didn't last long as he now had a new family and a mate waiting for him. To top it all off, he had reunited with Tempest and Guiness so he was NOT the last of his line and this made him more that happy.

Pulling himself back to the present and the young man at before him, he saw that there was still more troubling him by the look on his face and the worry in his blue eyes. He heard Hollow's words ...If Azariah does feel the same, I don't have anything to offer her... and he had to keep himself from laughing and unintentionally hurting the young man's feelings. He did give him a knowing smile though before he answered. This time the words came easily for it was clear as day that Hollow had nothing to fear. He nudged him almost playfully on the shoulder and said plainly. "Hollow, you have plenty to offer. You don't need to be the leader of a pack to make a fae happy. Just be yourself and that will be enough. You are a good wolf with a kind heart and loads of devotion and Azariah is a smart enough girl to know that!" He ended with a small sure nod of his head, reinforcing the rightness of his words.

Despite whatever were to happen between the two yearlings, Sloane felt that Hollow needed to know his worth. He seemed to think that he had little, but he had more than enough. He had a good heart and he was loyal and diligent. Had he not already pledged himself to Nina, he was exactly the type of wolf that Sloane would want looking out for his own family in his pack-to-be. Sloane took heart in the fact that all of that determination and devotion would be devoted to Nina and hers.