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New Blood... - Cali - Feb 13, 2013


Cali lifted her head and called out to the leaders, her voice strong and beautiful, summoning @Corinna and her partner to the borders. She herself was thoroughly intrigued by this wolf, she had to admit. If he and the royalty of Swift River got along then perhaps their family would have one more sturdy pillar to shore it up and make is strong once more. Although she had not been born to Swift River, she felt more loyalty to them then she had to her birth pack. She loved her family of course, but she had faded into the background there. Lost to all but her baby sister, Jessie it seemed.

Until Grayson had noticed her and won her heart. They had attempted to start their own fledgling pack with pups on the way when tragedy struck and smote her love and her unborn pups from her. She had been but a shell of a wolf when Swift River had taken her in and made her whole. They gave her a purpose, a reason to live once more... a reason to want to live. Everything that the pack had been through had put great chinks in the armor of a fierce and strong family.

They would rebuild and hopefully there would be pups in the spring, though they would not be Tainns, to give them hope and to help them grow. Those precious pups, the next generation of River Royalty, would need more warriors to protect them and nurture them. New blood. Perhaps Orev Rain would be one of those warriors. Only time would tell she thought as she patiently awaited the presence of her alphas.


RE: New Blood... - Kisla - Feb 14, 2013


One cinnamon ear flippantly shifted to the sound of the howl, stirring the she-wolf to push herself up from the task at hand – dirt crumbling from her muzzle which had been buried in a hole only moments before. The rabbit she had given chase to earlier had found an escape route in the soil of the earth, and too stubborn to simply give up, the pale tawny girl had been attempting to dig her way in after it in hopes of it being a shallower hole.

Of course, there was no luck to be had, and with disgruntled intrigue settling over her at Cali’s beckon, the girl pushed herself away, giving her thick pelt a shake. Lifting a paw to scuff some of the dirt from the slender muzzle, Kisla was soon plodding in the direction of her fellow pack mate, her green eyes staring stoically ahead.

It took her a few moments, but she found the ivory girl on the pack borders. Dipping herself slightly lower in lieu of the customs of hierarchy, Kisla stole forward to place a greeting lick to Cali’s chin, though her eyes fell upon the other wolf and she instantly halted in her tracks. Her eyes narrowing, she looked to her comrade with question; was this just another wolf they would take in to feed, only to be abandoned come spring?

RE: New Blood... - Orev - Feb 16, 2013

As she tilted her head a strong call came out in the open. Silently he listened to Cali howling for her Queen. The last minutes he had been very silent. It was not the nerves that were breaking his social side, Rain tried and imagine. What kind of wolf would he face if the call was replied. It was hard for him to get a clear picture, most of the time he would first investigate before diving into the deep. Though he had a good feeling from Cali he didn't know much about Swift River. Better to say nothing, the white woman had not told him much about her home. Him being a stranger stumbled upon their borders, Rain had not expected to get the whole riddle story about their past. It would have been nice to know at least a little something, but no he would face the unknown for now.

Waiting for a strong adult entering the scenes, someone from who you could say ''that's the alpha,'' Orev had everything expected than this. A tawny female showed up, following her with his silver gaze he took an observant look. The little one was obviously a yearling, looking at the green eyes he looked back at Cali. Green eyes seemed to be favoured in this area. Watching the girl closely as she interacted with Cali it was Orev who tried to obtain a little more information. As he guessed this should be offspring form the King and Queen. From the outside look he wildly guessed one of her parents possessed the green eyes, or someone in the family should cause the colour was not so common. Saying from her length she would not be a large female but she would outgrow a small wolf so medium sized somewhere around that. He couldn't say her parent's would be the same size but he tried to sketch a little image so he would not be found by surprise.
Done with his little observing he gave a small nod to the yearling. The words the green eyes spoke towards Cali didn't slip his eyes. It was strange, he had never seen such before. At least that was what his mind was telling him. Rain wondered which conversation was held between their eyes, as the language was very much foreign for him. Throwing a questionable look at Cali. Was there something he did not know ?


RE: New Blood... - Ice - Feb 17, 2013

you do not know who is your friend

or who is your enemy

until the ICE breaks.
It was a call which he normally would've answered, but in an entirely different fashion. Ice had always been one of the wolves who stalked the borders, who shoved his nose up against every loner who came, who investigated when someone brought home a new one — but he had never answered it as a leader, as the patriarch of Swift River.. as someone who could decide the fate and future of others, on whose broad shoulders the decision lay. He had been no stranger to letting Indru, or Marsh, know what he thought of someone else, but would that be enough now? Would he let his own inclination towards distrust rule him? In some ways, Swift River was weak, turning in upon itself in pain, balling up tight. In other ways, they were strong, overcoming hardships. Growling lightly under his breath, Ice stared up at the sky, before sighing. White smoke drifted out of his mouth, rising up, before fading out. Brief, meaningless.

Sturdy legs carried the large male through the snow. Exhilaration and fear mingled in his blood, and he kept hoping that when he got to Cali, Corinna would already be there, that he would get some help in this first judgment... But nose and eyes told him that wasn't the case, and the River male blew out a sigh. Just to be strong and trust yourself then, Ice, he told himself, and drank in what he saw. Cali, of course, with a large white male by her side, and Kisla, frozen at the spot. Ice's ears swiveled once, listening, before focusing forward, and for the first time ever in a border encounter, he did not shrink down beside his fellow pack mates. Instead, he raised his head, and his tail, stood tall. It felt both odd and natural all at once.

Coming up behind Kisla he touched his nose to her hip by way of greeting. None of them had had it easy the past year, but Kisla seemed to have suffered more than all the others for some reason, and he didn't know what he could do — all he'd done had just backfired one way or another. Gently he tried to give her ears a comforting lick before moving over to Cali and Orev. The stranger looked quite a lot like Ice himself, from the near-white coat to the gray eyes. Reaching out his head, he bumped his nose against the top of Cali's before looking at her questioningly, waiting for her to introduce this (if Ice might say so) handsome stranger.. or for the handsome stranger to introduce himself.
.ice aesir

RE: New Blood... - Jessie - Feb 17, 2013

She had been looking for a hunt within the heavy snow, it seemed now a days she was always doing something, trying to get the picture of Rissa's dead body out of her head. The disgusting, twisted form that Jessie had found her in and the white glistening of her skull when the able had pushed away. And then there was always all the blood that had followed and the disgusting, sickly scent that had accompanied it. It was when she had finally found the scent trail to a rabbit when a call from her sister alarmed through the forest. There was probably no luck in her finding that rabbit now, and so Jessie quietly made her way through the familiar territory, taking the turns she needed to take to get to the area in which the call had sounded. It was clearly near the borders and Jess knew little of why. There had already been the rank challenge for Marsh's spot and Ice had respectably won, leaving the Swiftpaw another position lower than he. For most of her time with the River wolves the two had been equals and then when he had left, Ice had risen and Jess had stayed, but now knowing that she was further below him now made her uncomfortable. The right thing to do would he to challenge the next wolf, but unfortunately, that would was her sister. It would have been disrespectful, but at the same time she just wanted to be able to be comfortable with the rankings, and right now, she was definitely not.

When she arrived at the border, many had already arrived. There was Cali, and then another male, along with Kisla and Ice. Her legs pushed forward, her muscular shoulders flexing with each step she took to stand near their new alpha. Her nostrils flared at the loner male in front of her, emerald eyes gleaming, but no emotions held within them. Gently, she nudged Ice's shoulder, his large form causing no serious need for submission, as he was already larger than she. Her tail swayed behind her, evaluating the large man in front of them all. For now, she did not bother flashing her fangs as she stood next to Ice curious as to how he would handle his first loner as an alpha.

RE: New Blood... - Corinna - Feb 18, 2013


Gone Tomorrow

It had been a long time since a stranger had managed to find their way to the Swift River borders, or at least, there did not seem to be a constant stream of them like there had been in previous months. Or maybe she had just been the one slacking her duties as leader and not approaching the borders to investigate the calls of lone wolves. The truth was Corinna was content with her family as it was - the less of them there were, the smaller the chance they would leave one another in the dust. They were all tired of it, and yet, new blood could help shake them out of their melancholy. So it was with an air of apprehension that Corinna rerouted herself from her walk through the snow covered woods to answer Cali's call.

There was already a small army gathered when Corinna arrived. A glance was spared for each of her pack mates, holding for a moment longer on Kisla. A nod of approval was given, and as she stepped forward, she took care to rub Kisla's shoulder with her own. But her attention was focused once more, this time on the stranger among the familiar smell of River wolves. With a familiar confidence, Corinna stepped up beside Ice, her head and tail lifting instinctively. It was strange, to stand even with him, although she had never enforced their distinctive places in the hierarchy before. It was just a reminder though, of how much things had changed.

Fixing the lone wolf with her critical gaze, Corinna did not remain silent. A low growl was heard, slipping through her lips as she stared. Her posture and behavior made her message intensely clear - get down.


RE: New Blood... - Cali - Feb 18, 2013


Kisla was the first one to arrive and Cali smiled at the young woman. She was growing into such a lovely fae, but she had been through so much in her short life. Yet she survived, as did all of the River wolves with loyalty and determination in their hearts. They young princess submitted properly to her rank and Cali smiled briefly at the girl, giving her a look of encouragement when she looked askance at the stranger. She would have to spend more time with Kisla and get to know her better. Cali spent so much time on the borders that she had not properly developed relationships with many of her pack mates, much as she loved them. She would definitely have to change that.

It didn't take long for Ice to arrive and Cali couldn't help but admire the new alpha as he arrived in all his pride and glory. They had had their differences in the past, but now it was a new day and when he approached, he swiped at Kisla's ears in a comforting manner and bumped his muzzle to the topside of her own. In respect to his rank, she lowered her white plume a bit as it had been raised quite high for Orev's benefit and licked his chin before he drew away. He then gave she and Orev an expectant look, waiting in stoic silence.

As she opened her mouth to speak, she prayed that her instincts about this Ice look-a-like were spot on and he would be a valuable addition to the pack. Tipping her head in Orev's direction, even as she shifted closer to her pack mates Cali said, "This is Orev Rain. After talking with him a bit, further from the borders, he has asked for your presence." She left it at that. Rain could plead his own case if he wished. She was still unsure of his plan as he had not been like most loners who were actively seeking a pack to call home. Yet, she hoped that the enigmatic man would stay.

Soon more River wolves arrived. The next was her own sister, Jessie and she gave her a small smile even as her sister ignored her in favor of the large leader. She felt sadness well up in her at the distance that seemed to grow between them even as they dwelt within the same pack. Cali resolved to seek her out soon and see if she had done something wrong to upset her beloved baby sister.

In short order, Corinna arrived, greeting each River wolf with her eyes. Cali dipped her head respectfully as Corinna's bright green eyes met her own emerald pair. It was good to see life back in her leadess and that life showed itself in the form of a low growl. Not a word was said, yet her message was clear. If Orev valued his hide, he had better submit to the River Queen instantly. The snowy fae waited anxiously to see what he would do. If this went badly it would be her fault for bringing him here.


RE: New Blood... - Orev - Feb 20, 2013

His silver eyes took on the situation as it was right now. Quite some wolves had gathered around him and if he was not Orev Rain he may have felt intimidated by the amount of members. Was this their way of scanning through the wolves who wanted to join, or was he just the rare loner who decided to ask for the Leaders. He was not sure but he just watched the coming stream of River wolves.

Right after the come of the yearling with the green eyes, a man entered the scene. Turning his silver head, he found a pair of eyes who could be his. Well that was a surprise. Orev took the new wolf in as he approached them. So he assumed this male was the King. It was hard to not see the big similarities they shared. Did his mother bare a brother upon this world without his knowing? Silently he watched the male interact with his members while Rain all could do was observing. It was funny, if that was the right word for this situation. The silver loner had never seen someone who looked so much like himself. Like looking at a lake that mirrored his own face. The childish side of him wanted to play seek the differences but he would keep his composure. His adult-side, but he couldn't help but wonder how this King looked like from the inside.

His head dipped to lower himself from the large male. Something was moving, the silver flashed to the side and he saw a other wolf approaching them. The fae was a smaller sized Cali that held more colour in her fur than her sister. It was not hard for him to see the bond between the two woman's as their eyes held the same colour. This began to grow interesting but he was still a loner and he knew. Even without the shown fangs of the little fae. Rain wanted to snort at the shown fangs but he kept it in his head. He had no rights here by this land so he had to behave to his stands. Instead his silver eyes simply met the emerald with an neural look in them before smelling a other wolf.

The Queen was medium sized. Other than her partner who seemed to be around the same size as his. Putting his large body a bit down to adjust, it was hard, you could not shrink into a littler animal than he originally was. So he just showed his manners while he could still somewhat look down on the Queen. He wanted to start his introduction, seeing no other was showing up, when Cali took his opportunity. The corner of his mouth tweaked slightly up hearing her words.

He took a good inhale of air before he began his own talking. After all he was the only man who was called Rain and he could not let Cali talk on his behalf. 'As stated I'm Orev Rain. Though I prefer to be called Rain for time being. I came from the north and recently entered the Lore.' His eyes lingered from River to River wolf, showing him the proud he felt for his name and the confidence he held in his heart. 'When I met your borders I encountered Cali. We talked and I was quite.. fascinated. We talked about our homes and with that this pack was mentioned.' He let his voice fade, thinking about his words before speaking out loud. Flattering, dazzling words were left out. His words would be straight to the point. 'A home is a nice thing to have. However that's not what I seek. I'm looking for a new purpose. If your pack holds this for me I would, of course give something in return.' This time he only looked at the King and Queen of the River. Even if they held a nice shelter and good food it was nothing he wished for. Those things were just tools to keep you living, giving it depth and meaning was a whole other measure. Something you could not reach by yourself. So was this the pack he could serve till Raven would call for him?


RE: New Blood... - Kisla - Feb 26, 2013


She felt his gaze on her as she stared at Cali – waiting for some silent affirmation that the she-wolf was indeed crazy enough to attempt to let another stranger into their lives. She bristled then, her eyes finally drifting from her pack mate to settle upon him, noting the grey of his gaze and giving way to no welcome. Unable to even force a smile to her lips to the male, she simply blinked, waiting to hear the outcome of what would only prove to be another ‘loyalist’ to the pack that would skip off without a second thought.

She felt the gentlest of touches to her hip, and without thought she felt her body lean to the brief embrace. Her eyes sought the side features of Ice, never once staring the newfound Leader to his eyes. She had only a moment when he cast her a comforting kiss to her ears to welcome him properly, and tipping her muzzle up, the girl bumped her nose beneath his chin in appreciation and submission.

Jessie came to the call as well, though she did not captivate Kisla’s attention the way her mother did. The soothing gesture given by Corinna brought the comfort of being a cub once more in her mother’s embrace, and leaning her muzzle forward to bury in the silver fur of her mother’s neck, she inhaled sharply before Corinna continued forward to stand by Ice. Corinna stood then – her posture risen in dominance that was so natural to her, and the low growl swept relief over the young girl. Corinna, battered and bruised, would still allow no one to walk all over her.

RE: New Blood... - Ice - Mar 20, 2013

Sorrysorry. <3

you do not know who is your friend

or who is your enemy

until the ICE breaks.
There was something deeply satisfying about Kisla's returned greeting, the simple gesture of acceptance as the top of her nose brushed against his lower jaw. Of all the River wolves, she was the one he never really knew how to act around, the one he always thought he somehow upset in one way or another, but for now at least, something was good between them. Something was simple, as it should be, and he treasured the moment, knowing that surely things would be awkward again in the future, as it always turned out to be where the pair of them was involved — but then he could, at least, have this memory to help him keep faith and hope alive.

Cali greeted him in much the same fashion, introducing the stranger as Orev Rain as Jessie came up beside him. He didn't take his eyes off the stranger, but leaned in a little closer to the small female to acknowledge her before standing up straight again, tail and head high. From the corner of his eye he saw Corinna come up on his other side, standing chest by chest with him — shorter, but no less imposing.. no less forgiving. She settled for a more aggressive approach than he, and he wondered if he was stupid, to have just stared at him impassively. Had he been blinded by their similar appearances? Or just stupid, as usual? A twitch ran along his lips and they pulled back slightly, suggesting that he'd better drop low or both leaders would be displeased.

Ice saw the shift in this Rain's body, a little hunch to his back, and some part of him wanted to tell the male that even large wolves could skulk — after all, Ice had spent a lot of time in Swift River skulking around for Corinna's benefit. Words would not win their respect, and for a moment he felt quite much like Marsh in that it just annoyed him. Stiffening, Ice let a growl rumble deep in his chest, and his twitching lips peeled back further, baring his arsenal of thick fangs. There was something disrespectful in Rain's casual lowering, not enough gravity, not enough sincerity — what was he, a freeloader who thought he could get away without effort? Letting the growl rise into a snarl Ice lunged forward a step, ears forward and tail high, the message Corinna had sent reinforced by the simple lurch forward: get down, or get out. Ice wanted to see him on his back in the snow or not at all.
.ice aesir