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They call me a Mockingjay - Shade - Mar 27, 2013

OOC: @Capella - There is a full moon - All welcome

Shade found himself in a backwash of a place, once more; this was where he had first found his sister again along with the psychotic wolf named Yoru. He barely ever visited this place; it brought back too many memories of the past. The past where he was in Willow Ridge, it had always been before he challenged Reed for second. It was back when he first started. He cursed silently to himself under the full moon. The swampy terrain was almost frozen from the winter weather. It looked so much different as it once had. He was always on the prowl, talking to every wolf he met about the possibility of them looking for a pack. He did not want to raise his children as he had, but he would if he needed to.

Shade wanted a good life, a better life then he once had; by now Elettra ought to know that him and Rosealia fled the pack. They had disappeared at the same time and hadn’t returned for over a month now. He no longer bore the scent of a pack and he showed no dominance. His weary bones were tired for he had traveled far that day. He could rest here. He had left Rosealia back in Red Fern Forest, her scent had already began to change and it was dangerous to have her go any close to Elettra then she already was. There was a risk that they were being tracked. He wouldn’t put it past Elettra to get revenge on them.

Shade had met another lone wolf, who if it happened, would join with them in the rise of a pack. But it seemed that every wolf was already in a pack, and he refused to take a wolf from another pack. No, he had Rose and himself, those were the only wolves taken from the pack and they had left of their own accord.

RE: They call me a Mockingjay - Hotei - Mar 27, 2013


Food or family? That was his choice. Find food for himself after checking the borders or stay inside Willow Ridge territory to keep an eye on his pack mates. Of course today each personality wanted to do different things. Hotei wanted to stay within the borders and Burn wanted to scavenge around for food. Ultimately the darker personality won out.

The scent of wolf.. Is that really the only thing we can find? Just another annoyance to avoid. Why can't there ever be a rotten carcass waiting for me out here. Kasai growled silently to himself. Luckily for Shade this Willow wolf was new and did not know the Slayers scent. Nor had he been told of Shade's betrayal by the pack either. Instead the burnt wolf only had slight interest in the loner.

Is he hunting maybe? the lighter half of Kasai's personality wanted to go meet the wolf.

Probably just loping around looking for some pack or something. It has nothing to do with me. The darker half murmured to himself even though his paws were still taking him towards the loner. A dark growl echoed from his muzzle as Kasai realized the lighter wolf within him was now controlling their body.

Soon he was able to sense that the wolf was close. His own patchy black coat blending into the shadows a bit better than the brown and black mottled wolf that he was looking for.

"Hey you out there?" He called still searching for the dark male also hidden in the shadows under the moon lit night.


RE: They call me a Mockingjay - Capella - Mar 28, 2013

Capella padded along the marsh, splashing up the water in her wake. The cool liquid felt good on her forelimb, which was still sore, but at least it was healing. Her limp was almost gone entirely, as she was now able to put most of her weight on it. Her biggest concern at this point was hunting. With her leg hurting less now, it was easier for her to give chase, but the lack of food she'd had before when her leg had been impossible to stand on left her with little to no energy left. Her already small frame had slimmed down, and her once outgoing personality had changed to one that was quiet and reserved, almost constantly calculating. She despised that side of her. She missed her carefree days, when she had her little pack. Most of all she probably missed her brother. She'd always had someone to talk to, and all of a sudden they were ripped apart and she had no one. One day she hoped she would be able to be herself again, without being constantly alert. Pella would have done anything just to feel safe again.

She wasn't entirely sure when she had realized it, but she was pretty sure that she was never going to find her family again. At least not any time soon. Of course the pup in her hoped desperately that she would meet up with them somewhere, someday. Capella was torn away from her thoughts when she noticed a new smell in the Marshes. On top of all the vegetation, creatures, and water, was another faint smell. The marsh was doing a good job of masking it, but it was one scent she knew well. There were other wolves in the area. Excitement grew in the pit of her stomach, replacing the hunger. It was apparent that these new wolves weren't related to her, but she couldn't help but be excited about being around those of her kind again. The smell grew stronger the closer she moved to them.

Capella paused when he voice hit her ears. She couldn't tell if he sounded angry or not, and it wasn't a chance she was going to take. She was also unsure whether the wolf was calling out to her, or to another wolf. Keeping low, she crept towards the voices. The moon shone bright in the sky and on the waters of the marsh. It made way for a rather peaceful scene, which provided her comfort and had her hoping that maybe this encounter wouldn't be too bad. Her eyes flew back and fourth searching for the owner of that voice, and the second wolf she knew was there somewhere.

RE: They call me a Mockingjay - Shade - Mar 29, 2013

Though Shade had left the Willow’s for good, he knew all his former packmates scent by name. The scent of the Ridge was upon a wolf in the area, but he couldn’t tell the name. It must have been a new recruit. She snarled at the male as he came into view. His tail rose above his back out of habit. He had been a high ranking of the Willow’s for a while. He wondered if this was one of the hunters, if Elettra had sent wolf after them. ”Did Elettra finally break, did sending a wolf to hunt me down?” He questioned the male, though he had no idea that this man knew nothing of him. He was glad his mate was safely across the lore from here.

The former leader of the guardian tranche was no longer on Cloud 9 as he had once been. His eyes furrowed in anger and his mind reeling with crazy and psychotic thoughts about his former alpha. He just saw her as a crazy, stuck-up, snotty bitch. It was partly true, but he would go on and believe all these insane plots against him and his mate. The former pack leader had no scent other than lone wolf, however he still felt the need to challenge this male and what he was doing here. The large wolf would not be easy to defeat necessarily. As soon as he got an answer, he decided he would attack the wolf. The wolf brought up emotional scars he did not want to deal with, so he would give the wolf physical scars.

He failed to recognize the scent of another wolf in the area. He was so angry he just focused on the male with the Ridge scent in front of him. He was no longer loyal to Willow Ridge and he knew it. Did this wolf know it too?

RE: They call me a Mockingjay - Hotei - Mar 31, 2013


When the snarls came Kasai stopped in his tracks. His lips turned upwards returning the gesture to whomever may see it. Why the hell would a loner want to fight? Unless they don't mind getting injured and having problems hunting later. He growled darkly then heard the angry voice. It spoke of Elettra, and of her hunting the stranger down.

Now why would she do that unless he's angered her in some way? He slyly slipped quietly towards the voice until he finally spotted him. That murky coat bristling, with his tail high above his back. Kasai briefly thought of alerting the rest of the pack about this guy with a howl but instead the lighter personality tried to speak with the wolf.

"I mean you no harm stranger. You are no where near Elettra's lands. Though I am curious as to how you know her." He looked over the wolf. A healthy wolf at that especially for a loner. It would be no easy fight. Besides wolves that healthy had probably just left a pack recently. Perhaps that is how he knows of Elettra...but I will not assume things here. Kasai lowered his head and tail keeping his glance averted to show submission. Though this land was neutral he wanted the male to calm down in the least.


RE: They call me a Mockingjay - Capella - Apr 02, 2013

She could now see a large male who was likely the owner of the voice she heard. It was apparent to her at this point that he wasn't looking for her, but she was still unsure if he knew of her presence or not. When the male walked toward the sound of the second voice he walked right out of her line of vision. Mustering up her courage, Capella crept quietly toward the edge of the vegetation. From this new spot she could clearly see the two males, and if they were to look closely, they would probably be able to see her as well. Unfortunately her curiosity was getting the best of her, and the prospect of finding other wolves to be around was just too enticing to pass up.

Although no pack would be able to replace the one she came from, there would be no better protection for her out here than what another pack could offer her. Not only was it instinctual, but it was plain common sense. Her chances of survival would increase, as would her comfort level. The problem now would be the actual act of joining. She had never witnessed another wolf join a pack, nor had she ever joined one herself. She figured at some point her instincts would take over, but what she was supposed to say was beyond her. There was also a chance that these wolves would kill her on sight, or run her off. The first option didn't seem plausible to her though, as they hadn't killed each other yet.

Her thoughts now consisted of when to make her move. She would have liked to just get it over with, but she was afraid of catching their misplaced anger and losing her chance. For now she figured she would just wait, watch, and see how this played out. Unless she was discovered before they were finished.

RE: They call me a Mockingjay - Shade - Apr 02, 2013

Shade looked angry, calming at the males words. So Elettra had not told anyone of his escapes. "I know I am not near Elettra's lands. They use to be my own as well, sometimes I regret what I did, sometimes I glorify over it. I left from my position as head guardian, and leader of Willow Ridge. I use to diligently guard the borders, but I wanted to be with my mate, I wanted to arise a family of my own and under the rule of Elettra I could not do so. So I left, I would have assumed that she realized, 3 weeks of one of her huntresses and the other alpha being gone that she would have went to hunt us down." Shade told the male, if it was true and he would not harm the man, then he had to tell him. But he kept his true intentions vague. "I know the borders by heart and I steer clear from them, I have no interest in going near them." He was a bit splenetic at the moment, weary of any sign of the Willow's.

He had one intention, with him being calmed down, he caught a scent, a new scent. He turned to see who was there and he was curious. "Hello?" He asked in the direction of the scent. He kept his stance the same as it had been. There was no sense of challenge at the male in front of him now. "Shade Slayer's the name." He told the male as he turned back, expecting the third wolf to join the party. He wouldn't rip the Ridge wolf's throat out in front of witnesses. He was safe for now.

RE: They call me a Mockingjay - Hotei - Apr 04, 2013


Kasai growled darkly as Shade spoke of his situation. He left Elettra's pack of his own accord. The black wolf wasn't sure how he was supposed to react to that statement. His assumptions being correct only made the burnt man more wary of the mottled loner. Just because he used to guard the borders and used to be leader doesn't mean a damn thing now.. He still left the pack, betrayed the pack.

Hotei wanted to jump at the man and teach him a lesson. Burn for once was the one being calm and thoughtful. We did the same didn't we? Leave our pack? He is the same as us.. The darker half simmered down Hotei's anger. Outwardly the black wolf had his eyes close and his muscles tense as the burnt male decided what to do.

"Well I'm leaving... Do whatever the hell you want. I won't hurt you unless you come near the borders. Or unless Lady Elettra decides that she wants your pelt lining her den floor. Until then, have a nice day." Before the male could retort back the black wolf turned and began loping away. He had no business with a traitor. If anything he was headed back to tell the willow leader who he'd just met.

Or maybe I'll just do another round of patrols... Burn huffed quietly to himself as he disappeared once more into the shadow filled night. They didn't even care about the she wolf that was lurking, hiding as she watched Shade and themselves interaction. A female too scared to step forward and speak was useless to a pack who needed wolves to protect pups.

(Exit Kasai) Without even saying his name.. Rude wolfy..


RE: They call me a Mockingjay - Capella - Apr 07, 2013

When the male called out to her, she stood up. It was obvious now that there was no point in hiding. Not to mention that the exchange between the two seemed to be ending anyways. She could see the black male turn away, leaving the other male standing alone in front of her. Careful to keep her distance Capella walked few steps before finally crouching down with her tail held tight to her underbelly. She wasn't entirely sure how many wolves were to be in this males pack, but the scent of another wolf clung tightly to his fur. That meant that there was at least one, likely his mate. At this point some of her uncertainty had vanished. Consciousness overridden by instinct. A small whine left her mouth, and she looked up at the male. Body language, asking the question she couldn't form with words.

This may not be the only chance she will ever have to join a pack, but to her it would probably be the most important. It was the first big decision she'd made on her own, without the family she once had to fall back on. With them she had been happy to follow their wishes, adhere to their every whim. With them she had been a sheep. Now this was an independent decision, and she couldn't be more thrilled with herself. Regardless of this male's reaction, Capella was going to be alright and this was a new realization for her. She would be able to live, to take care of herself, to find a pack. Though she craved pack life, if he refused her, this wouldn't be the end of her world. This was an entirely new mentality for her, and she had to admit that she really liked it.

RE: They call me a Mockingjay - Shade - Apr 08, 2013

Shade looked as the female came out in front of her. His head was tilted to the side as a question formed on his mouth, the body posture said it all, and she had put a few things together when she had heard the line about him building up his own family. She wanted it, and she would be accepted once he had a name for her. ”I’m Shade Slayer, do you have a name you’d feel comfortable of me calling you by? I assume that you overheard that scuffle and you know about my attempting to arise a new pack?” He said, his body posture responding to hers, if that was truly her question, and she had put two and two together, then he answered yes. If that was not her intention he was making a fool of himself.

As of the moment he was demimonde, he had no pack to call home and no title to talk about. He was barren and he knew it, it was strange after over 6 months in a pack varying between ranks of third highest ranked male and lead male. He needed to work it all up to rise again and so he would. He had his tail lax for now, but his head was held high with pride. “If it’s a family you seek, my mate and I would love to have you. We have another male who is returning to us once he finds his sister and he had a great lead to her last I checked.” He told her, hoping to sell her onto the pack with that statement. “I can take you straight to where he would claim the pack if we were successful and I can introduce you to her, her name is Rosealia.” He finished the sentence.