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Thicket of Secrets Brighter Than the Sun - Printable Version

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Brighter Than the Sun - Ash - Mar 29, 2013

Set on 01/26/13. For @Eva and Nina only.


Their trip had not been too long, as they had not taken as many breaks as he had originally planned. Sister and brother had scaled among the mountains, walked over logs, and walked through forests, only to now be greeted by a border by the thickets. Lowering his muzzle he sniffed the borders before backing away from them. This was most definitely his sister’s lands, as the borders were heavily laced with her scent. Nodding towards Eva, he let out a deep rumbling call for his sister, awaiting her arrival at the borders patiently before turning back towards his other half sister. Clearing his throat, he spoke gently to her, “I must warn you…what you see might be a slight bit shocking…” His tail whisked behind him, ignoring the urge to lift it high above his back. These were no longer his lands, for he was truthfully far from them, and it made him highly uncomfortable in some ways.

Athena had made it clear though, that he was just not here for a family trip…knowing his alpha, there was always some form of business involved with everything that went on with Poison Path. He sat patiently at the borders, the small brown wolf by his side. She had more of her coloring than Nina’s, but more of his older sister’s eye than Eva’s. On their trip he had found that the female was blinded in one eye, how he had not known that had also run in the family was a mystery to him, but he also briefly realized that if Eva closed her eye and a scar developed over it, she would be almost an exact replica of Nina, save the fur. Swallowing, he waited for his scarred sister to step through the thickets, slightly anxious to get back to the mountains.


RE: Brighter Than the Sun - Eva - Apr 16, 2013

Eva had trotted after Ash as quick as her thin legs could carry her. She felt comfortable around her half-brother, he seemed to know exactly what he was doing. His steady steps, one after another, left the base of the mountain and traveled elsewhere. The environment frequently changed around them- from the dark rock beneath their paws to the moss and the fallen leaves. They chatted occasionally, a little word or comment here and there as they walked to meet Nina. Nothing substantial came out of these conversations. Eva herself felt a little hesitant for some reason. She felt something happened in Ash's past that he was wary of. That much was apparent, due to the comments her brother had first said when he met her. The Hervok found it interesting that the male seemed to have almost no doubts about her identity and believed her a few moments after speaking.

Once the two reached the border the young female slowed down and stopped besides the leader of Poison Path, panting slightly. Eva could feel that her energy was slowly being quelled over time, particularly because of the longish journey. It hadn't been as bad as the one to get to Relic Lore, but then again she had taken frequent breaks. Eva could feel that Ash felt a little pressured to return to his family as soon as possible, which was understandable. The girl wondered what would happen to her now, at this final leg of her great adventure. Would she remain with Ash, or go along with Nina? Would Nina accept her?

Ash's words caused Eva to turn to look at him, her one good eye conveying her curiosity. What could possibly be so surprising or disturbing? Feeling slightly anxious now, her good eye turned to look around the area, her gaze darting back and forth as she looked for something that seemed out of place.

RE: Brighter Than the Sun - Nina - Apr 18, 2013


She had been lounging on her side for awhile now, trying to catch her breath from a fresh run she had just pushed herself on. Such a sprint had not been something that she had pushed herself doing since her injuries and now she was trying to regain the stamina in which she had lost when she had been attacked by her brother. It was these thoughts pulsing through her head that caused her one-eyed gaze to snap up from where she was laying, licking her fur clean to look towards the borders of her territory that she was so far away from. She was slightly surprised to hear her brother’s voice calling to her from her own borders. Shaking her pelt, she lifted her muzzle towards the sky and let out her own powerful, beckoning call, letting Ash know that she was on her way. Little did she know, there was another visitor waiting for her near the borders.

Removing herself from her place on the ground she shook her pelt briefly to ride it of any thorns or unwanted dust, she started making her way towards the borders, her medium sized body moving easily through the thickets surrounding her. Nothing got in her way of getting towards her sibling. But when her golden brown body made its way through the trees that guarded her borders, she raised her tail high above her back and lifted her head, her emerald eye glancing towards the wolf that Ash had brought with him. Tilting her head, she nodded towards the two of them briefly. Clearing her throat, she spoke, "Ash, it is always good to see you again…" she then looked towards her unexpected guest, "Greetings…I am Nina Reinier." Her name rolled smoothly off of her lips, her head tilting to the side as she evaluated the newcomer.

Something looked awfully familiar to Nina, but what really caught her was the yearling’s eyes. One was a striking color of emerald, a striking resemblance to her own, while the other was a clouded blue. Blind, Nina quickly realized. The girl was blind in one eye. Was this why Ash had brought her to the Woodland’s territory, so that Nina could help her? The alpha would gladly do so, but at the moment she waited for words to come out of either of their mouths. Waving her tail behind her, she watched the small brown wolf in front of her, wanting to know her story.


RE: Brighter Than the Sun - Ash - Apr 22, 2013


To be honest, the grown man did not mind his half sister’s presence. She was quiet, a trait that Ash did not mind and found that most of the Hervok clan possessed. Though, considering no one really knew about her, was a hard fact to rely on. After his comment the two had sat in silence, waiting for any sign of their sister. A strong call through the thickets let them know that she was on her way, and knowing Nina, she was probably just taking her time in getting to where Eva and Ash patiently waited. He was surprised when she made her way through her territory with such a grace that it took his breath away, and being truthful, he had almost jumped back in fear, for the golden brown female had mysteriously approached through the thorny bushes.

Dipping his head towards his sister, his monotonous voice reached out, "As it is always good to see you again sister." Remaining silent for a moment, he let Nina introduce herself to their younger sibling (though Nina did not know this yet). Now that Eva and Nina were face to face, Ash had to swallow before he could talk again; the family resemblance in their faces striking. Biting his tongue briefly, he took a deep breath and spoke again, "Nina…this is your full sister, Eva Hervok. She is from a different litter, obviously, as was sent here by your mother?" He made sure to make the question in his voice obvious and tilted his head towards Eva, as if telling his older sister to pay attention to the small girl’s reaction. Something was wrong when it came to the relationship between their family, and he was hoping that Nina would be able to enlighten him on the topic.


RE: Brighter Than the Sun - Eva - Apr 27, 2013

Eva found the silence between herself and her brother.. comfortable. There were no words needed in this situation, only silent expectation for what was to happen next. The yearling watched her brother closely as she waited for Nina to approach after she was called for. It seemed so much had happened in their dysfunctional family, and the girl wondered what experiences Ash had with his parents and even when he came to Relic Lore. She supposed that she would never ask, and perhaps would never know.

Hearing a rustle in the bushes suddenly, Eva's green eye darted over to the female wolf that emerged. She stood tall and proud, with one eye completely shut. Their similarities astounded Eva. Their fur colors were essentially the same, though Eva's were perhaps a bit darker, and each had a blind eye. Maybe it was fate that they would come together like this. Maybe Nina would be able to teach her all she knew.

As Ash began talking, Eva began reflecting in wonder on the experiences she already had. She had met three leaders of three different packs in Relic Lore within a short period of time. The quest she had been sent on was not as formidable as she had thought- the Hervok found both of her siblings with the help of the other kind wolves, whom the girl would never forget. Calm and collected, yet friendly, Cali, bouncy Narime, stern yet kind Elettra, and so many more. Both of her siblings were now leaders of their respective packs and had clearly worked hard to get past whatever had happened to each. Eva felt that their family blood was strong, and they could get through any problem. This filled her with hope and excitement for whatever would happen in the future.

Now her brother was looking at her expectantly, as if wishing her to add something. She just nodded slowly, looking up at her sister with wonder in her eyes. "Mother told me to find both of you," she said quietly, not meeting her sister's gaze.

RE: Brighter Than the Sun - Nina - May 01, 2013


The woman waited patiently for any words to escape the lips of either one of her siblings. Finally, Ash spoke up, shock dripping into her single eye when she processed what he was saying. Dread crept into her stomach as she thought silently on what he had said. If Eva were truly her full sister then that meant that she would have been recruited by Father. Swallowing her tension, she breathed in deeply, trying to calm her racing heart as she looked towards her sibling. Twitching her ears gently, she listened to what the small female had to say. Nodding her head along with the news, she found it good information to know that their mother had sent Eva here. Otherwise, who knew what would have happened if Marcus would have found out about her. Calmly, she addressed her sister, "You should be happy she did…does Father know about you?" This was the big question that she definitely needed to know the answer to. If their father knew that they were here everything that Ash and Nina had built up would be ruined and they would have to start over once again.

Silently, she fidgeted, her emerald eye meeting Ash’s own mossy green ones. They had both went through plenty of things to get the point that they were at now. On the exterior, she remained calm though, knowing that if she met the situation in a panic that none of her decisions were to be accurate. Pursing her lips, she looked back towards her small brown sister, who was colored much like Ash, but her facial resembled more of Nina. It seemed as though Eva had definitely gained genes from both sides of the family. Flicking her ears gently, she tilted her head to the side, slightly nervous about the answer she would receive from the girl.


RE: Brighter Than the Sun - Ash - May 04, 2013

I think it's safe to say to skip Ash for a few round unless I state otherwise.


After several silent moments, Eva seemed to finally grasp that she could also speak, adding on a little of her own information. Information, that Ash happened to already know about and did not benefit from anything at all. Nina’s question did not surprise him, knowing that he too had asked the same question, but remaining silent while he waited for their sibling to answer. To be honest, Ash was here to be a witness and provide his insight when it was needed. Right now, it did not seem as though the male would need to intervene, and when the time came he would make his own proposition about the alliance that Athena had wanted to lay out for them all.

At first, Ash had been thrilled with Athena’s recommendation but then his attitude had quickly shifted back into the business-like way of things. Flicking his tail behind him to keep his patience level in control, he let his mossy green gaze linger towards his blind half sister, slightly curious as to what side of the family the blind side had come from. Perhaps fate meant for things like this to happen, he knew that of all things, Eva was quite young. He had been quite surprised to see such a small thing as herself going around on her own. The alpha had not said anything though, for he knew it would be quite rude if he did. Simply staying silent until his voice was needed he watched the two siblings conversed.


RE: Brighter Than the Sun - Eva - May 04, 2013

She had noticed that Nina had tensed when the news was first spoken to her, the same way Ash seemed to have been wary at their first meeting. And then- once again- the question about "father." Why was he so terrifying? The Hervok was glad now that she had never met him on one of her escapades, she might have met a very untimely end far too soon. If both of her strong siblings were afraid of him, the girl assumed that it was rightly so.

Eva heard Nina's question and glanced over towards Ash, wondering if he was planning on speaking. He remained silent, simply looking at the two of them while his tail twitched to and fro. The yearling wondered what he was thinking, and it wasn't the first time that she had that wish. He appeared to be so calm, collected, and formal around his two sisters and thus Eva decided it was up to her to answer the query. Both of her eyes moved to look at Nina, though of course only one could. The blue eye still fastened upon the leader's body as if it could see, though, taking the lead from Eva's good eye.

Repeating information that she had mentioned to Ash, she replied, "No, I have never met him." Eva wished she could have let out all of her pains, worries, and information about her past like water rushing through a broken dam. Something was holding her back though, the fear that she had every day: of rejection. Ash seemed somehow distant and unconnected to her with his manner of speaking and dominant-like attitude. Of course they'd had conversations together, but he just wasn't very personable. The brown female wasn't sure about Nina, either. Both of them surely had worries for their packs and families, and Eva didn't want to add another, but she didn't want to be pushed away either.

RE: Brighter Than the Sun - Nina - May 06, 2013

Alanna, you may skip Ash this round. :)


Silence reigned over the family, while Eva silently stared at her, perhaps waiting for Ash to butt in on something. Smiling slightly, she was pleased with the answer that finally slid of out her sister’s lips. Nodding her head, she breathed a sigh of relief, her voice running smoothly towards her, "That is a very good thing. You should be highly thankful, sister. Marcus is not a good man…why don’t you settle down and let me tell you a story." Nodding towards the ground beneath them, the Queen of the Thickets took her own seat within her Throne, looking out towards both of her kin, nodding briefly towards Ash, hoping to give him the comfort he would need for the story that was about to burst from her lips. The story of her own history, why she was here, and even why Ash was here. Both of the family members took a seat, Ash taking a spot further away from the rest of them, but his position still screaming Guard. Such a good Guardian he was, certainly fitting the role to a plus!

Turning her single eye back towards the small brown Hervok, she started her story. "Back where we grew up, I had been born, about a year before you to be exact. Our mother had bred with Ash’s father, Marcus, alpha of the Hervok line," she paused letting this information sink in. When they thought about it now, both siblings high up in rank, alphas of their packs, surely he would have been proud of them…if only he had not wanted all the power to himself. Taking a deep breath, she continued, "When I was old enough to comprehend what Father was saying, he came to bring me to his pack, as Livinka, our mother, was not part of his pack. I…I refused, saying I would rather travel on my own and not be a part of his pack. Never, had our father ever had another wolf refuse him, especially not his own daughter. In a fury, he left, feeling that I would change my mind soon enough." She then stopped once again, taking a moment to steady her thoughts.

Never had she ever told her story to anyone within the Lore…but Eva deserved to know, she needed to know why she was here, "Mother sent me off and along the way I met Tenekis, a kind man who taught me the arts of healing. For about a year and a half I was under his studies, taking in everything he had to offer me. Soon, he had died and I found myself stumbling into the Lore, figuring I was safe and not knowing that Marcus had sent an assassin, Ash, to find and kill me." Nina then mentions towards their half sibling. Being born in the same year as him and cursed them both, perhaps Ash more than any of the duo. He had been lied to and that was worse than anything. Trying not to lose her train of thought, she continued on, "After awhile, Ash had found me, and almost killed me, had it not been for Koda, my mate, who had saved me. This scar on me eye…this was given to me by Ash." She pauses again, taking longer this time to stabilize her brain before starting again, "When Ash found out I had not been killed, he had found me…well no, I had found him again. My last name had been changed, as I had taken on the name of my mate, breaking the oath given by Father. Finally, Ash was able to leave me in peace and over the months we have grown quite close." Exhaling quickly, she watched her sister, eager to see her reaction to the story she had just let loose.


RE: Brighter Than the Sun - Eva - May 18, 2013

Eva glanced over at Ash again, but he seemed content to allow the conversation to take its course. Feeling slightly uncomfortable, the female wolf followed Nina's lead and sat down on the grass beneath her feet. It seemed Nina had some kind of story to tell. She started it with a sentence that the Hervok could have guessed from the reactions of both of her siblings. Perhaps it was a good thing, now, that she had never happened upon him on her adventures to go discover his identity. That could have ended badly for both mother and herself.

The girl watched Nina, her eyes growing large as the story continued. When the leader mentioned Ash attempting to kill her, Eva's good eye glanced over at her brother in alarm. How could this be true? How could her brother hurt his sister like that and blind her? The girl had full faith that Ash did this for a reason, one he obviously did not believe later on, but it was still frightening.

Soon the story had come to an end, and the brown wolf did not know quite what to think. It was some tale, certainly, and Eva was happy that the two made up and were now friendly after all that had happened. She decided that Nina was definitely a good leader for her pack, if there was any doubt already. She seemed to have gone through so much to be exactly where she was, and Eva felt pride for her new sister. "Does father know Ash failed?" Eva asked quietly.