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The beginning....or something like it - Printable Version

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The beginning....or something like it - Aralias - May 07, 2013

Hope its okay i used my app sample post

Two peppered paws, now more sticks and dirt than paw, flew through the crisp spring air. They landed squarely atop a small field mouse, which squealed in horror at its sudden fortune. Ara bent to pick up the creature, snapping its life quickly and easily. She laid it down, staring up at the rocky terrain above her in the distance. Her paws itched to climb its dangerous slopes. Her pale eyes traveled to the top with a dreamy sense to it. They flickered in the dull evening sunlight, the pupils so small it seemed as if she didn't have eyes at all. With a sigh she returned her attention to the furriness beneath her paws. She picked up the small rodent and carried it a short distance to a moss grown tree and plopped down rather ungracefully. She chewed her meal without much enthusiasm, but food was food for the yearling and her patience to catch larger prey was worn thin.

She cleaned her paws after she finished and then stood. She had only taken a step before a noise caught her attention. Her narrow head tilted to the side as her large, grey ears took in the sound. After a moment she added the help of her nose to pinpoint it, but by then she was quite certain it was water. She followed the noise through the shadows of the trees growing above. They blew softly in the wind, rocking and creaking and whispering to Ara. She ignored their haunting calls as she came upon a quick moving stream. She bounded into it without thinking and was quickly swept off her paws. Her head plunged under and then her paws scraped rock, which gave the white woman the needed momentum to right herself. But now she was quickly swirling downstream. She paddled against the current to no use, the trees whipping by in her side view. She could feel her lungs begin to sting and her legs grow tired. Still, it posed the idea of adventure. Who knew where this water would lead her. It sparked a curiosity in the yearling that was perhaps very out of place. She stopped paddling against stream and instead let it lead her downward, spinning her around and around, occasionally sending her under, until she wasn't sure which way was which. This had grown rather dull to the pale female by the time she heard the sound of water plummeting downward. A waterfall! Ara hadn't seen one in ages and it excited her. But first she would need to avoid riding the dangerous if not deadly waterfall down. Her paws spread out like paddles as she began swimming sideways toward the bank. Her mouth held open in a tired pant, she finally felt solid ground beneath her and her sweeping ride came to an end. She pulled her soaking body from the river, water streaming off her and plastering her white coat to her sides. She shook out her coat, which puffed it up like a strange blowfish on land.

"Whew!" she breathed, panting as she followed the stream down. Her paws reached the edge of a steep cliff and she stopped, peering down over its edge. Sure enough, there was the waterfall she'd heard. She made her way down the edge, finding that she had to go all the way around to get to the bottom. When she reached the bottom, she climbed into the much stiller waters and slurped up its cool relief. Well that was fun, she thought, her eager eyes glancing up at the waterfalls top. What next?

RE: The beginning....or something like it - Semananti - May 07, 2013

(Rest assured I do it all the time, hope you don't mind if I join in?)

The fae had been wandering, knowing the pups would be born soon she took it upon herself to search even harder for food and she hadn’t had to take from the cache yet. It was one of her biggest achievements. She couldn’t help but catch a whiff of a wolf, which appeared to be around the area, she didn’t necessarily care to meet the wolf. But perhaps she could be of some use to Sema. She could tell from her scent that this wolf was female and as she made her way through the strange land, one she had never visited, she noticed something else, a fall. Not as in a fall like a dead-drop, but a waterfall.

She smiled and went to la up some of the water, well aware that she was in the view of the stranger now. “I’m Semananti Whurshire of Willow Ridge, and you are?” She spoke calmly, she had encountered many loners before, and she knew how to behave around a lady. Just like she used to know how to behave around men, but things had changed. She wasn’t going to be aggressive, though she kept her tail slightly raised to show dominance as a pack wolf over this loner. She wondered how she would respond to such display. It reminded her of the dominance display at the meeting between Kasai and Angier.

Her words had a slight twang to them, as if she had something else hidden, which of course she did. It was the great art of the assassin that made it so she always hid much about herself. She was pretending to be nice until she got a good scope on what it was this wolf was like. Perhaps she was a huntress like Tempest and the new girl Itai. Maybe, just maybe, she was looking for a pack, and if she fit, she would go back to Elettra with her and tell her of what she thought of this wolf. There was no denying the pack’s need for hunters to fill the caches and feed the pups. Most importantly to feed the pups.


RE: The beginning....or something like it - Aralias - May 07, 2013

Thank you so much for joining! :D

While the young female was plenty brave and enthusiastic for adventure, the sight of an unfamiliar wolf still made her start. She glanced up at the stranger as she drank and then addressed her. Ara wasn't crazy, she could tell that this wolf had, in some way or another, dominance over her. She lifted her head from the water, cool drops dripping from her fur and puddling below her. She let her tail fall into a neutral state, not dominant, not submissive. Something about the withdrawn manor to which this Semananti spoke and held herself made the pale yearling unsure. Still, he had been spoken too, and there was no denying that Ara also stood in a reserved way. "Aralias," she said, stepping further from the pool's edge.

Somethin seemed different about this wolf. Firstly, she smelled of many wolves at once. Which, Ara guessed, was due to her being a pack wolf. But there was something else. Something about her scent that said there was something different. But Aralias couldn't quite place it and let the nagging feeling slip away. Her mind turned instead to what the acquaintance had said. The name Willow Ridge brought up questions. Surely it was her packs name, that Ara could reasonably assume, but she hadn't scented the smells that rode on this particular female anywhere around here. She sat, unsure of how to act around strangers, as she had only run into a few confrontational ones in her lifetime and found that puffing up and growling usually did the trick as most didn't wish to pick a fight.

But this female seemed almost friendly. Almost. Wrapping her kinked tail around her paws, Ara spoke again, "This Willow Ridge. It's not around here?" Her curiosity was spoked as if she was only making conversation. As if her paws didn't itch with the possibility of something new and her heart didn't thump with the rushing ideas of adventure.

RE: The beginning....or something like it - Semananti - May 07, 2013


Semananti looked at the wolf as she spoke, though not completely pleased that the wolf had not submitted, she was fine with it for now. Whether or not she would be later or not in the encounter was a different story. She shook her head at the question. "No, it’s a day or two journey from here, I’m a Scout, so I wander when I don’t have a mission from my alpha." She told the female, the name stung into her head, like she knew it from somewhere. Then she remembered that someone in her pack {birth pack} had received a similar name when she was born.

The haunting memories of her birth pack were something she preferred not to remember, so she shook it from her head. She was calm as she waited for a response. “What about you? Do you have any specific skills, perhaps as a hunter? Are you looking for a pack?” She asked the wolf, curious to get the edge on the wolf to see if maybe she went to seek out a role as hunter for a pack. She had a feeling that Madam Elettra would take her if she spoke of good hunting skills. She kept her fur flat as compared to bristling along the spine. She knew that she was around middle rank in the pack.

If she did convince this wolf to join, than she would be below Sema herself and would have to show respect for the higher rankings. Perhaps she could convince of such things with a hunt? She had caught a brief scent of elk in the area, probably the herds migrating back to the meadows and surrounding areas. This was all well, but she couldn’t help but shake that this wolf seemed to be one of good heart and pure intentions. "You hungry, I caught scent of a elk herd farther down. We could hunt, I’d have to take some back for my pack, but there would be enough for both of us.” She offered the wolf, after all, every lone wolf searched for food their entire life.


RE: The beginning....or something like it - Aralias - May 07, 2013

Ara was oblivious to the females discontent. But she wasn't going to submit to this stranger with reason. Wolves took advantage of submissive wolves. She kept a nonagressive eye contact with the female as she spoke. It seemed to the grey yearling that her place in the pack was an important one. It also seemed like an incredibly fun position too, missions and adventures and wandering. She momentarily envied the brown and grey female. Pack life for Ara had not been pleasant but this wolf seemed to like being it this pack. And her freedom obviously meant se trusted the pack not to leave her while she was out on missions.

At the question of any certain skills the first thing that came to mind was a love of adventure. But on second thought she decided against mentioning that particular trait. Instead she said, "Well I hunted with my old pack and I've fed myself as a loner." She paused, licking her lips in thought and then continued, "I can fight if I need to. I don't like it but I know how. And I know of some herbs though I've never really had the patience for it." That seemed to conclude her list of so called skills. But there was one thing that she felt the need to add for whatever reason. And that's, "But I'm willing to learn."

The conversation turned and Aralias' ears pricked up. Not only did that tiny mouse feel like ages ago, but the idea of watching this wolf in action seemed adventurous. She hasn't brought down an elk before but she's witnessed it. She wasn't too confident on her skills but she was willing to try. Nothing held her back from a little action, sitting still was boring! In fact at this moment Ara couldn't keep on the ground any longer. She pinged up, her tail hang slightly downward and then took its usual sharp turn to the left in its odd looking kink. Still her movements wer soft and graceful, if not a tad bit playful. "Sure! I'm only one wolf so you should have more than enough to take to your pack," she said. She was vaguely aware of the fact she didn't know this wolf and that she could easily take all the food. But if that ended up the case, at least it would have provided excitement for the time being.

She lifted her nose toward the way Sema had come from and sure enough, the faint scent of elk reached her dark nose. She gave Sema a quick grin and then headed that way, dropping her tail down a notch as she passed the older female. She trotted away from the waterfall, its rustling noise fading of in the distance. She glanced back after a moment to see if the other wolf was following, slowing down a bit to offer her the lead if she desired.

RE: The beginning....or something like it - Semananti - May 07, 2013

[Looks like Sema is trying to recruit Aralias! XD]

Sema grinned as the wolf agreed to her demands, and the request for a hunt was accepted. She also learned much more about the wolf, knowing that she was a good hunter was a good sign, so was the willingness to learn. It was a wolf she would definitely bring back to Elettra to serve. The wolf was an image of everything good and just so she remained calm. There was no reason to be on alert, other than the anger of maybe the wolf not submitting, though she saw that as courage. It was the courage to stand up for herself against a wolf, a pack wolf.

She led the way towards where she had picked up the scent, her eyes filled with much questioning and wisdom. She wanted to ask the wolf more about herself, but anything more would be rude and disrespectful. Her tail lowered, accepting the wolf would not take her dominance and submit. She had her tail in a neutral position too so as to ease a bit of tension that might have been in the air. One last thought came into her mind. She reminds me of myself when I was younger. She thought, though knew that was only half true. This wolf was obviously not trained in the art of killing nor stealth.

Her eyes shut as she breathed in the scents, the elk had moved, but they could move up and catch up with them. It might lead out of the Bramble Falls, but it was food and food was good. She licked her licks with anticipation. “Alright, so the elk are just ahead, how about we catch up to them. I’ll be a bit farther down the line and you start to chase one of the elk. Preferably a smaller one, it might be easier to take down with just the two of us. Then I’ll cut it off and we’ll finish it and divide the meat.” She told the loner her game plan. It was perfect in her opinion because she had done several 2 wolf hunts. Loners could join together to get food after all.

Sema also kept a close eye out for the traitors. They were lone wolves now and one of them was pregnant or had pups. Whichever, this shade wolf would no doubt be searching for food and this food was under property to the Ridge, except the part that went to the loner. She knew what she could do when she got back. She was going to challenge Tempest for her place in the pack. She was going to win too.


RE: The beginning....or something like it - Aralias - May 07, 2013

:D how do I join the pack? Do I make a joining thread on the pack board?

They two wolves didn't travel long before the female came up with a well planned idea. Ara paused to listen carefully to the plan. It seemed solid to her she nodded her understanding. She picked up her pace, loping quietly over the unfamiliar terrain. She occasionally glanced back at Semananti, more grateful for her unexpected company than she let on to. After a short distance she bounced to a halt and raised her snout to the wind. She could smell them now, close, probably behind the small clump of bushes. She glanced back at Sema and then crept to the bushes and peered over them. It was a smaller herd but with plenty good animals in it. They were grazing calmly, unaware of certain unfortune.

Ara jerked her head I their direction, mentioning to her hunting partner that she was ready for their plan. Then she started out around the outskirts of the herd, her body low to the groud an her legs propelling her forward in a very fast stalk. When she was nearly around the herd and at the point where chasing an elk would lead it in Sema's general direction but not trample her should they stampede, she halted. Her tail dropped low and her gaze grew intense as she narrowed in on a smaller female grazing a short distance from the rest. Though she had never before seperateing or hunted such a large prey, the sense of adventure left her paws dancing across the ground in anticipation. The elk were starting to get nervous, seeming to sense her and she waited just a second longer.

Then she lunged, her throat let out a growl and the elk scattered. The female stumbled, trying to follow her herd. They were much larger up close and alive and Ara felt a moment of doubt as she put herself between the terrified elk and the herd. But she didn't let it show but for a second. Then she pushed forward and to her delight the female spun and took off. It wasn't exactly in Sema's direction but Ara hoped it was close enough. She kept at its heels, careful not to get kicked. It seemed impossible to actually bring the animal down. But that was why made the hunt so fun. Speeding up, Ara matched the elks pace. Now all she could do was hope that her hiring partner was ready. She thought of maybe howling to let her know but at this point she was just avoiding being stepped on. This is fun! Aralias thought, ready to take her place on the elks throat once Sema did whatever it was that Sena would do.

RE: The beginning....or something like it - Semananti - May 09, 2013

(You go to the territory the pack is in [ex. Willow Ridge is in the Drooping Willows] and you put up the thread. If you want, when Sema attempts to recruit her, she could come with Sema to the willows, if not just find a pack that would suit her and have her join, make sure to mention your at the borders, though it really depends on which pack it is. I know a few aren't so keen for loners on their borders)

[Quick note, for it to count under skills at a hunt, 8 posts need to be focused on the hunt [we have 5 as of this post] and it must be 15 relies over all]

Sema watched as the wolf started off her plan; she was calm as she had waited. She was good with group hunts, just not necessarily hunting solo. It was harder to chase a rabbit alone than it was to chase an elk in a group of two or more. Therefore there were expections to her poor hunting. The elk was starting to drive near her and she got nervous. When the elk reached around her area, she leapt out and bit tow hard as she grasped the leg of the animal. It was shocked by the sudden appearance of Sema and Sema saw this as an opportunity for Ara to leap at the elk and take it out compared to when it started to focus more on what had happened.

She knew that Artemis was blessing her with a skilled hunting partner, and she knew what she wanted to do. When this hunt was over, Sema wanted to invite Ara to come with her to the Willow Ridge borders to become a pack member, or course the female could always decline, but she saw no reason for a lone wolf to continue on like this. Not to mention she would need help to get the elk back before it started to decompose. She closed her eyes; the elk was still struggling as it started to grasp the situation at hand and control itself better. So Sema bit down as hard as she could, and she waited for the right moment for a killing blow.

She felt confident that this wolf would be a good match for the Ridge wolves, and the Ridge needed more hunters, with only one official hunter and another under prospect of being a hunter, she could and would vouch for Ara if she chose to follow her to the borders.


RE: The beginning....or something like it - Aralias - May 09, 2013

Okay, thanks. If she wanted to think about it and wander over there in a few days to join, would the offer still stand or would she have a harder time joining? I see Willow Ridge seems sort of hard to join? Cuz, I'd like her to wander and meet some loners first. :)

And okay XD

(May 08, 2013, 03:09 AM)Aralias Wrote:  [dohtml]

While the pale yearling had never actually participated in a pack hunt, she was ready, and grateful, for when Sema leaped out on the unseuspecting elk. She saw her hunting partners swift movement to the elks leg and for a moment was in awe of her quick and strong hunting moves; no hesitation. She certainly had run into a very skilled hunter. She was suddenly curious about this nearly stranger. She knew so little about her and the pack she called hers. For a moment it made her envious of Sema and her pack life. It hadn't been too long that she was a loner, and her previous pack life hadn't been a bad time. But there was still the prickly rememberance of how her pack life ended.

The elk moved forward, seeming to start thinking of an escape route. She flung herself forward, grasping onto the creatures throat. It lifted her momentarily and then her grey specked paws reached the ground and she put on her brakes. As Sema had guessed, the smaller sized deer did come down rather easily with the two of them working together. It struggled to the ground, cyring out once. Ara bit down on her neck but couldn't seem to get the elk to the ground, her reletively small size compared to the elk and her lack of knowledge about where to bite exactly, left the female struggling on the elks neck. It wasn't for lack of try, for she thomped down several times along it's neck, hoping to hit something fatel. It reminded her of how little her pack actually prepared her. They never had bothered much with Ara, who was always just considered the troublemaker who would end up the the stomach of a cougar. But Ara would prove them wrong!

Just not right now. To her shame she found, while the elk was now struggling on the ground like a fish out of water, she couldn't seem to still the creature. Her eyes turned to look at Sema with an almost sad 'help' look. She hoped she would understand. Next time she would know better. She would learn how to kill an elk now and her knowledge would help her later. Her mind even wandered to the thought of taking down the large males, thinking how their horns would be even tastier from one of the creatures she took down. But first, she had to learn how to take this one down. She was glad that she wasn't here alone in this situation and that a skilled hunter be in her presence to help her.

we're bulletproof


until we bleed out


RE: The beginning....or something like it - Semananti - May 09, 2013

(Not really hard, but I see your point, I'm sure Sema would still help her a lot)


Sema saw the female struggling to kill the elk as she bit on its leg. She let go of the leg and quickly aimed for the elk’s neck, she bit hard just above the base near the location of the windpipe. She bit down as hard as she could, hoping that the combined efforts would kill the elk and allow them to take the elk home to go to the pack with food for the cache. She smiled a bit as she felt the elk neck starting to give way from the pressure; it was perfect for her plan. She hoped that the wolf would take her up on her offer, or at least think about it, because she might actually enjoy the company of this she-wolf. Only time could tell.

She flicked her tail in annoyance as the elk struggled beneath them. She gave a small tail signal for her to bite down, it would kill the elk and they could both divide it up and go off in separate ways, or back to the Ridge together. It depended how all this played out; and she hoped for the best. Her eyes blazed in fury that the elk wasn’t down yet and she felt the blood in her mouth, it made her even hungrier. She knew she had to wait, Elettra and her pups would need this food and she refused to take it from them. Then she thought about Elettra, was it wise to have this she-wolf try to join with pups about?
