Ruins of Wildwood
The Wildwood breath of life - Printable Version

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breath of life - Mercury - May 09, 2013

Words. 624; Setting. Southern Wildwood; dawn.


Mercury. You are my Mercury. Eyes fluttered viciously beneath his closed lids, the cool kiss of the coming dawn feeling icy upon heated skin as it wove through the tendrils of Mercury’s fur. Restlessly, Mercury twitched in his sleep, the feverish nightmares taking hold with their bloodied claws and digging into him. “Princess,” The Huntsman whined aloud, muzzle seeking the empty air beside him, searching but finding nothing but the wall of dirt of the abandoned den he temporarily called his own. Some rational part of Mercury, that understood he was dreaming pleaded for him to awake. To put an end to the continuous nightmare that plagued his sleep night in and night out. It was the same, exactly the same. Poison. He had been her poison. Gasp ripped through the strong column of Mercury’s throat as eyelids flew open, pupils bursting wide swallowing all but a thin halo of the warm gold pools that surrounded them, before they narrowed almost viciously against the rising sun that filtered in through the mouth of his makeshift den. A violent shudder ripped through the corded muscles along the strong curve of his spine, his body aching as if he’d just fought an entire war in the course of eight hours of sleep. He had to let go. He had to let go of her. He had loved her, his Princess, was lucky enough of a man to call her his wife for that short time. Life, cruel though it was, would always keep them separated. They were two hearts that beat as one. He had meant to give his life for her that day, for their children that which grew within her. He had bought her all the time he had, had, and could only pray that Athens had taken her back to Aether, back to the safety of her father’s arms.

The band that had attacked them had picked the wrong family, and Mercury had torn them apart and slaughtered them one by one. He had shed more blood in that escapade than he had in his entire life. He could not go back, he knew. That much slaughter would have dire consequences (and they did in the shape of his nightmares); his Princess was safer with her father and step-mother. What Mercury could not understand was why his dream had him tearing apart his beloved. Perhaps because, in a way, he was. He had vowed to never leave her again, yet he had made a final decision. It had been the grand gesture, give his life for her, protect her at all costs. Sacrificing himself to buy her those crucial moments of time in which she could escape. The scrapes and tears he’d acquired had healed but his heart had not. It could not. And he was not so certain he was Isi Frostfur anymore he had donned the name Mercury, keeping his surname of ‘Frostfur’. He could not hide his heritage, for if any wolves knew the Frostfur family knew that he had the characteristic silver saddle of them. Not that he suspected anyone in Relic Lore knew anything about the Frostfur Family. That wasn’t a particularly bad thing, Mercury understood. This was his chance at attempting a new life. Not as Isi but as Mercury. Isi had died protected his beloved. It was no simpler than that.

With a grunt Mercury exited the den, rising to his full height, giving his coat a shake free of debris and dirt. It seemed, almost ironic, that he chose Southern Wildwood as his temporary home. It had been wreaked with destruction, fire it looked like, but he could see new life growing. The forest was starting anew, beginning again, just as he was.


RE: breath of life - Anastasia - May 10, 2013


i must have this! i wish i had played on wws a little longer for paige & isi! :( but ana will have to do!

<b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; color:#EC487E;">
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Whilst on her trek with Lachesis just yesterday she had begun to wonder just how a pack here would perceive them. Lachesis was young and still learning, he would be able to grow within the pack; however, she was over the age of two and couldn’t offer as much as she might have liked. Anastasia was petite, feminine, and not as burly as the men who could fight a war. If the pack had a need for a peacekeeper she could help but she wouldn’t be any help if there wasn’t any anger to resolve. There seemed very little that she could do for a pack but maybe if she toughened up a little bit she might become a decent huntress. XIX was a decent hunter so if she became good enough the two of them could do it together and not drift apart. It was an ingenius plan.

Ana exited their encampment that morning with a smile, telling her companion what she was going to go do today so that he wouldn’t worry. This was something that she was going to do on her own but she wouldn’t be gone too long. Her traveling had started south, making a detour through the Wild Cherry Orchard to avoid the Ghastly Woods, and had landed somewhere just past the stream that led to Bramble Falls (her favorite location thus far). After getting herself over the stream she turned to take a drink, tired from her long winded journey which only meant that she had more training than this to do if she was going to join her friend as a hunter.


RE: breath of life - Mercury - May 11, 2013

Words. 687 | <3! Don't mind Mercury's...strange awkwardness.

It was time to bury what once was, Mercury knew. He was Mercury Frostfur. Isi was dead, and so should his memories, his grievances and his love. Mercury carried the consequences of the carnage and slaughter that he had wreaked upon those who had claimed him as ‘Prisoner’ for he had been the one to wreak it, for in truth, part of Isi (likely the part that had been Isi) had died the day he’d been separated for good from Phoebe. Letting go was much harder than it should have been. If every part of the man that once was, was dead then why was it so damn hard? Perhaps because though he was changed, he was still the same, too. It was horribly confusing and Mercury made a point to live in the second, day by day, and not contemplate things suchly. Being a minuteman was easier than tackling both the torrid past, that which he without a doubt yearned for, and the dark, unforeseeable future. Mercury had never been afraid of the unknown, had went on plenty of dangerous and disastrous adventures in his youth, though with age and maturity had come a nagging tick of weariness and caution. Despite what he had thought in his ignorant and vain and foolish youth he was not immortal. He could bleed, he could die.

Large paws made easy work of the blackened earth beneath them, crossing the distance to the stream he had discovered upon his arrival a few days ago, making a hard plan of his day how a soldier might. Drink. Hunt. Eat. Explore. Gather intel on nearby packs, if possible. Hunt. Bathe. Sleep, with a few altercations in between, amendments made to get a couple more drink stops, factor in conversations with lone wolves he might stumble across in his explorations. The routine was easy enough to slip into, like breathing it became second nature to Mercury, who no longer needed to repeat it to himself. Stopping only when he reached the stream, muzzle bent, lips just barely skimming the surface of the water only to feel his head rise and whip upstream as a faint wind blew an unknown scent his way. Hackles dusted with the characteristic silver saddle of his heritage bristled with unease as golden eyes studied of her what he could see. She was ivory, like him, though her size remained unknown. It was hard to tell such a thing from the distance apart they were. She carried the scent of another, a male, upon her, but the barren and scarred landscape did not let much places for another wolf to hide and Mercury deduced, after scanning for a few heartbeats, that she was momentarily alone. Though this worked to soothe the needling in Mercury, he did not relax the bristles that had formed along his spine. Ears perked to alert status as he ignored her, for the moment, and lapped at the cool water, debating all the while, if he should just mind his own business or see if she could provide that intel on local packs that he desired.

Fine whiskers covered with crisp droplets of water dripping from his chin and splashing to his broad chest and scarred earth beneath him he altered his original course and began to walk upstream, chuffing, the noise carried effortlessly, to alert her to his presence, in the off chance that she had not noticed him at first. With the distance closing between them rather quickly, un-helped by his long strides; Mercury paused when he felt he was close enough, but still left a more than comfortable distance between them. “Would you happen to have any information on the local packs?” Mercury inquired in his deep, gruff baritone, unsure of what else to say. While he supposed he could have started with his name, with a proper introduction of himself he could not deny that it would have felt awkward to him. Not that, starting out with a question to a stranger wasn’t awkward as it was. His time out of packs had made his socialization skills awful rusty.


RE: breath of life - Anastasia - May 11, 2013


<b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; color:#EC487E;">
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Anastasia had quite the lookout in regards to time, finding that the future was bright though unpredictable. There would always be tough times, this she was sure, but that didn’t mean that it was necessarily bleak. It wasn’t about where you were going but those that you met along the way—like XIX. If not for him she probably would have passed Relic Lore completely and wound up right back where she started. The pale yearling certainly made her feel very comfortable about herself and provided the light at the end of the tunnel. They would find their own salvation.

Whilst she cleaned herself up and lay time to rest her beating heart, she gazed up at the falls only to notice that another had arrived to drink as well. She wasn’t sure if he had noticed her yet but even if he had, all Ana did was smile to no one but herself before figuring that silence would be alright. Once she managed to put her tongue back to the water, however, he seemed to find the desire to speak directly to her. Unfortunately, she was probably just as clueless as he was. <b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; color:#3F7240;">“Hello,” she smiled kindly towards him before referring to his question, <b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; color:#3F7240;">“I’m afraid that I don’t have much info to offer you. I know of a pack named Willow Ridge somewhere south of here but I haven’t been here very long.”

Anastasia had been here perhaps a week and the only wolf she had met that gave information about a pack had been rather unsatisfactory. She had been vague and didn’t seem to want to help out a stranger who was looking for a place to call home. It simply wouldn’t be where she ended up. If one wasn’t friendly then what was to say that the pack itself was any different?


RE: breath of life - Mercury - May 21, 2013



I'm so sorry for the wait! :-( | Words. 426


She was kind, this pale woman, Mercury deduced simply from the smile in which she greeted him with. Warm golden eyes assessed the movement of muscles in her lips and silently wondered if he could manage his to mirror the amiable gesture. Or at the very least mimic it. Even then, Mercury did not attempt it, not so certain he truly knew how to smile anymore. The joys of his life had been abruptly and cruelly ripped from him and Mercury was a mere echo of what he’d once been. The proud, friendly man that did not look the part. Intimidation had always been Mercury’s strong suit, but his personality did not match his bulk or his strength. He was too laid back, too friendly, too peaceable to start a fight. Let go. Holding on was doing nothing but making him miserable and he knew that, he understood. Just let it go, Mercury. Mercury realized that she was speaking to him once more, likely answering his question and so he tuned back into what she was saying, focusing upon the words that left her lips, ears thrusting forward to detect the sounds of her words. Her admittance brought a small frown to the Frostfur’s lips as he contemplated what, exactly, he was going to do now. “Oh,” He could not help his small surge of dissapointment, despite that it wasn’t her fault that she, like him, appeared to be a newcomer. So, how did one deduce a native from a newcomer?

She perked his interest once more though, sparking attention back within him when she spoke of knowing a little bit about a pack she called Willow Ridge that lay off to the South of their current position. It was, at least, a start and Mercury would take what he could get. Lips parted as salmon pink tongue flicked across his lips in contemplation as he wondered if she could offer him even a little insight on this Willow Ridge. A little was better than what he previously had which was a big fat bag of nothing. “Would you mind terribly sharing what you know of this Willow Ridge?” Mercury wished to hear of what she could offer him information wise before he decided either to peruse it as a viable option or disregard it entirely. “Ah. I must have forgotten my manners,” A ghost of his old self sparked to life within the golden depths of Mercury’s eyes. “I am Mercury Frostfur.” He introduced with a gentlemanly dip of his crown in her direction.


RE: breath of life - Anastasia - May 21, 2013


<b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; color:#EC487E;">
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Though her past had been unnecessarily unkind she had reason to believe that anything she came across in her future would always be greater. Everyone was kinder, no one looked down upon her because she was female—they seemingly treated her as an equal, and sometimes as the lone wolf that she currently was. It would make no difference whether she was a loner now because she would soon be so much more. So far, she could feel within her that this wolf was a quiet one—reserved and fair played, but she didn’t mind. Anastasia could talk to anyone, say anything and it was by their choice if they decided to continue talking or to simply walk away. She would not be offended if he did so, as she did not have the appropriate information that he might desire.

<b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; color:#3F7240;">“The wolf that I talked to was irritatingly vague but she said that it had been around for a year, that they were a tight-knit family and that a woman by the name of Elettra is the Alpha.” Wow, not until she had given the male the information she had did she realize just how unhelpful that really was. That was barely anything to go off of and most certainly would not help anyone or anything. Then again, there probably wasn’t enough information to really tell about the pack other than who the leader was and where it was located. <b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; color:#3F7240;">“I am sorry that I am not of more help,” she apologized genuinely finding that she had no purpose other than to breathe and wait for him to be satisfied.

Then, he gave her a name. It was a very nice name, it sounded like it came from a very long line—Frostfur. He certainly did have frosty fur, didn’t he? Anastasia smiled, something that she had a habit of, and gave her own name in return. <b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; color:#3F7240;">“Anastasia Starklen, but you can call me Ana.” Though her last name reminded her of the family she had back home, it certainly did not harm her. In fact, she was proud of herself for continuing with her name because she could reshape it—make it something better, not something worse.
