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Fireweed Rise Time Changes All - Printable Version

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Time Changes All - Teketa - Jun 06, 2013

@Arlette - Sorry it took me so long to get it up! I was much more exhausted this past week than usual. :( I hope the location is okay - I'm not sure how far she wanders but I figured this would be a safe place for Tek too. And I made it AW so if anyone else wants to join in they may buuuuuut I can change that too if need be. :) On a final note it's safe to assume Teketa is actually a member (or at least something) of Whisper Caverns; that thread is kinda... paused at the moment though. xD



Clear — Current Temperature: 55° F/13° C


How long had it been since the last time he was here? Teketa wouldn't pretend he didn't know; he wouldn't pretend he didn't remember, in perfect detail, the events that had altered his way of living so drastically. Just when he believed his life was at least livable, it sank into hadal depths darker than his fur.

The black wolf had been moving steadily - if a little slowly - up the rise. He limped steadily; his left foreleg was healing well, but even so, muscle could not be easily mended. His limb was weak... but he couldn't complain. It was usable. @Sloane and his pack's healer had seen to it that his forelimb would heal. They had seen to his survival... he owed Whisper Caverns his life. But at heart he still was not comfortable. At heart... he wondered if he shouldn't cross the mountains. He remembered the words, so many moons ago now, of a white she-wolf, welcoming, beckoning...

Perhaps that was why he was here, at the foot of the mountains. Or perhaps it was to remember that day. It was on this very rise where he had been wounded. Where he had been unjustly attacked by a foul woman calling herself Vittani. She claimed it was mercy... but her attack intended to kill. She had maimed him and left him for dead with scarcely a word. He would never forget.

Teketa seated himself on the hillside. At least it didn't look the same. That almost made it easier. He'd almost say it was beautiful - there were flowers blooming now where there had been nothing but mush and brown grass before. But he'd never be able to quite enjoy this scenery or location again. Downtrodden, he dipped his head to look at one of those red flowers - bright as his blood had been that morning - and then pressed his nose to the fragile darling. He huffed softly and watched it sway to his breath as he mused: how could anyone be so very wicked? How could he ask himself that however, knowing what he knew? Nose crinkling with bitterness, he withdrew from the blossom to regard the blue sky overhead.


RE: Time Changes All - Arlette - Jun 11, 2013

it's okay. :3 I know I was not very quick. >.> Yeah it can be AW.


A r l e t t e

So, I'm writing the future,I'm leaving a key here.

The white wolf was upon her back, facing the sky that had slowly turned from dark blue, to a grey, to a bright yellow from the blinding arrival of the sun at last. Then she had let it warm her, let it drive her memories away.

Now, she stared at the familiar light blue, seeing not a single cloud. Something that shouldn't bother her, but it did. It was too perfect. It meant for a hot day ahead.

Sighing, she scooted back a little, knowing there was a rock beneath her somewhere prodding her side, but she was much too lazy to inspect. She had had to get away from the forest, away from all the pack lands and she had ended up here in the night. It was not the escape she had wanted, the fiery landscape was cruel. It had to remind her too much of a pair of friendly eyes. Blankly she stared past them. Many times she suffered for that, tumbling when her toe clipped a fairly large rock she wouldn't see. That was why he had flopped to her side, rolling over, smooshing the damn things, and staring in the dark till it had change.

While she did not want to think how long she had been awake, the time was much more than sleep. Being tired seemed to go hand in hand with her melancholy.

It was hard not to let herself drown in self-pity. It would be much easier to let it consume her, let her waste another day over her what ifs. Silently she scolded herself over those regrets while she gazed at the sky. How long she was there, she wasn't sure. She was so absorbed in her own she didn't know she had company or she would have mashed herself tighter into the folds of the earth.
