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Nomads Pass vindicated - Printable Version

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vindicated - Chulyin - Aug 05, 2013

@Mapplethorpe; Partly Cloudy — Current Temperature: 81° F/27° C (sunset)

It had only been a few days since his arrival to Nomad's Pass, but the man was feeling quite at home already. That being said, it did not imply that the dark man was taking liberties or relaxing or being much different then he'd been just a few more days before, but personally, he was feeling better. He had been reunited with Naira and found himself quite comfortable in the role that had been given to him. No longer did his paws drag with exhaustion, for he'd taken the proper time to rest and had been sleeping rather soundly at night, and was even beginning to fill back out, after many weeks of malnutrition.

But there was one thing weighing heavily upon his mind, and that was the watchful eye of Mapplethorpe. He wondered if the man trusted him, or perhaps it was simply a precautionary measure. If it was the latter, then Chulyin understood and could hope that, in time, the weight of his leader's yellow gaze could lift from his shoulders. But if it was the former, Chulyin needed to know why and how he could correct whatever grievous error he'd made. Maybe to some, Chulyin's ways were strange, but he took his duties seriously. His displays of affection towards his sister upon his meeting of her had been based on nearly two years of estrangement, something uncontrollable. Even if he'd tried to constrain himself...But the moment was past now. She was his queen once more and Mapplethorpe the queen's consort. He would respect and obey them both...But he could only hope that he'd one day be able to have the trust and respect of the consort.

As the sun began to set on the day, Chulyin rested outside his own den site, perched upon the rock that served as a protective entrance. He didn't frequent the small space much, preferring to sleep right outside of it, out of the grip of the wind, but not choked by the tight space. He was not far from the sleeping quarters of his sister, which was quite how he preferred it. What kind of knight would he be if not within range of the one he was sworn to protect? The sun reached the horizon and began to darken the lands. When the sun had disappeared, he would wander to the borders and tread along them until his eyes were heavy with sleep. But until then, here he would perch, thoughtful and watching. <b style="color:#a51919">


RE: vindicated - Mapplethorpe - Aug 06, 2013


jurare in verba regina
Another day had come and gone and, Mapplethorpe, though he had merely spent the day taking care of himself - bathing in the Cold Water Creek well south of the Pass - had finally returned home. His feet were tired and his limbs and elbows were aching but the trip had been very much worth it... Naira would not be sleeping next to a dust-covered, mud-soiled, flat-coated Advisor tonight. He had just been on his way to check out his old tree when he spotted a peculiar shape silhouetted against the skyline. There, not far from the Queen's personal den, was that Chulyin... settled perfectly on top of a shapely boulder that he had once considered adopting as some sort of watch post.

He made a face that suggested his still-standing suspicions and immediately turned his head to look elsewhere while lifting his tail arrogantly. Mapplethorpe was close to just walking right on past the newly-christened Guardian but even the upward tilt of his tawny muzzle couldn't deter him from at least acknowledging the dark-pelted man. After all, for all Mapplethorpe knew, Chulyin, by the looks of it, could have been dutifully sitting there all day keeping watch over the pack territory. A reluctant sigh slipped through his lips and he turned around, somewhat dragging his paws along the stony ground.

"Good evening," he hailed the man in a low, gravelly tone. "Didn't expect to see you on high alert. Has something happened while I was away?" In the way he gazed at his liege's sibling, one might have discerned a hint of curiosity underneath the intensity of his low-brow scowl. He might not have fully trusted Chulyin yet, but there certainly wasn't anything to prevent Mapplethorpe from at least trying. After Rhysis, Tenzin, and Valiant, Mapplethorpe was simply not willing to let this long-lost sibling come waltzing about near and around his beloved monarch. Not without proof that he really had his head and heart in all the right places.

template base by GINNYSAURUS

RE: vindicated - Chulyin - Aug 06, 2013

His rock top watch had not been day-long, but it had taken up a good portion of his afternoon. It was a nice equivalent to actual sleep. A loop had been made around the territory, a few zig zags here and there, to further acquaint himself with this place. The circuit, with slight variations each lap, lasted most of his morning and into the early hours of the afternoon. Little respite was found when he'd chosen then to hunt, which had proved quite difficult as it had been some time since his paws had found themselves upon mountainous rock, and so his quarry was little. What little he'd managed to retrieve from the rocks was added to the pack's cache, before he picked something minute for himself and had settled somewhere distant to eat.

And now here Chulyin sat, physically exhausted, but mentally quite happy. Watchful and thoughtful now. He quietly hoped for Naira to appear from somewhere; they could chat. But as if unconsciously summoned by the man's past thoughts, the Advisor appeared. He looked a bit better kept then he had when they'd initially met, and Chulyin made a note to do the same in the future. His time spent in water for any extended period of time during his journey had been essentially naught, and he'd only his tongue with which to bathe. Certainly he was in no glamorous state.

The dark knight took in a breath, head turning at the freshly groomed man came around the rock. Chulyin bowed his head and slid down from his post, tail settled in a subordinate position. <b style="color:#a51919">"It is, sir." Chulyin answered in his usual deep tones. He betrayed little emotion, as usual, save for a clear alertness, obviously in the wideness of his eyes and the perkiness of his ears. He would not let on that he had worn himself down today, not in front of this man, not when he was so intent on pleasing his sister's Mapplethorpe. Perhaps one day they could jest and argue in a forgivable manner, allowing Chulyin to let himself free, but today simply was not that day. He shook his head stiffly, <b style="color:#a51919">"Nothing at all, sir." He spoke in such a way that could assure anyone of anything. He kept himself quiet for a moment, thinking out a plan of action before letting loose his tongue. The voice that spoke now was a bit less restrained and loud, an attempt at being casual perhaps, but casual was probably not the right word at all. <b style="color:#a51919">"You're looking groomed, Mapplethorpe." <b style="color:#a51919">


RE: vindicated - Mapplethorpe - Aug 06, 2013


jurare in verba regina
It was with skyward ears that the Advisor took in the knight's reply to the evening being a good one. His scowl barely lifted but only when he learned that everything was all right, that nothing had occurred while he was absent from the Pass' borders did his face relax. Even the lines beneath Mapplethorpe's eyes fell from his cheeks to where they normally belonged. With Chulyin on level ground before him, he tried his best to continually loosen up. If he kept his guard up around this fellow, there was a chance that his intimidation tactics would no longer be effective... and Mapplethorpe presently heavily relied on them. No use in exhausting and garishly brandishing his dominance displays when it was starting to become apparent that Chulyin acknowledged him as a superior...

A moment of silence swept between them and the masked man turned his attention to the scenery that the Guardian had supposedly been staring at. All was quiet as twilight was starting to rush in and nothing could have pleased him more than to know that Naira's realm remained well-kept and calm. For now. Turning to briefly check out the den to the side of the large stone, one of his russet ears twitched as Chulyin complemented him... Actually made an attempt at executing a bit of small talk... pleasantry.

In the few months that Mapplethorpe had spent serving the Aquiila's no one had even bothered to make a crack at such a thing. @Sagacity and Asta might have had some bits of conversation with him but on the male side of the hierarchy, none of the men under Naira's reign had even expressed any interest in him, not even if he tried to make a connection. In all honesty, he had actually liked it that way, but now that he was the most dominant male of Nomads Pass, the current circumstances spun a different story altogether. Trust became quite an outstanding issue. Mapplethorpe had trusted @Rais to continue his endeavors as the pack's Scavenger just as Rais trusted Mapplethorpe to look after him - in a sense... With Naira's brother, it would be the same.

The ear that had twitched atop his skull turned towards the knight before Mapplethorpe fully turned his head. A small smile twisted his facial expression into one that suggested his amusement. "Thank you," he quickly uttered, all sarcasm and sternness gone from his tone for the sake of encouraging the man to open up to him even further. "Figured I might as well tidy up; been a bit busy..." His full plume of a tail wagged slightly as he let out a very short chuckle, "Was somewhat sure you wouldn't approve of someone courting your sister if they had an unkempt coat. I certainly wouldn't allow any of my sisters to even look at them in such a state." His jaw involuntarily clenched and he quickly averted his gaze, careful to keep his skull level to maintain the nobility in his poise. "But, um," the ear facing Chulyin rotated to sit at a more natural angle. "You've found her," he quietly stated, his calm and solemn tone creeping back into his voice as he kept his eyes focused on one of the few cotton candy-like clouds on the horizon. "What are you planning to do next?"

template base by GINNYSAURUS

RE: vindicated - Chulyin - Aug 06, 2013

They were in some sort of strange dance, trapped within some delicate shell of mistrust. Of course, the shell was delicate, so very easily broken, but neither wanted to break it for whatever reason. Chulyin felt it natural to trust the man, but without the same "courtesy" shown him, could he entirely trust his queen's consort? His eyes were trained on every slight movement of the smaller man. The lessening of a scowl and then it's total dismissal. It gave Chulyin a bit of a lift. Had it been his reassurance that everything was fine that had caused Mapplethorpe's scowl to dissipate, or had it been the simple news that nothing terrible had befell Nomad's Pass? Either way, his words were trusted, were they not? His tail slid free of its stiff position between his legs and lifted just slightly to give a faint wag of pleasure. It was very slight, almost cautious, and though not supplemented by a smile, was an honest enough attempt at a friendly gesture.

HIs pale gold eyes fell as the advisor's gaze turned away from him. The grass around him was getting darker as the sun sank lower and lower, shrouding the mountain in darkness. His eyes did not linger long upon his paws though, his complement still hanging in the air. The words had been strange in his mouth, but a careful tap of an eyetooth against the delicate shell that currently housed their "relationship". It was an effort, just like the wag had been, but it was one he was willing to make. They both had their reasons, certainly. Chulyin's knightly demeanor told him that camaraderie was allowed, but it had to be earned. One could not just assume that they could laugh among their packmates. It was a sign of weakness, in his opinion. Cavorting around with anyone was a distraction.

Mapplethorpe's yellow eyes were upon him again, complete with a smile. It was a little stunning. Perhaps he'd expected a thank you or a nod, but a smile? Chulyin swallowed and blinked, as he did then receive a "thank you" from the man, seemingly devoid of any previous roughness. The knight shifted on his paws, and though his tail had stopped wagging a few moments ago, it took up the motions again, as careful and even as always. His leader's own tail began a swifter, jovial wag. His ears were alert, almost startled by the word's of the consort, and it was enough to make the man chuckle, the flat line that was his mouth pulled taut, threatening a smile. His eyes dropped for a moment, bashful. <b style="color:#a51919">"Well, I'd say you are certainly worthy sir." Chulyin bowed his head in a quick motion, and allowed the smile loose. It was slight and amused, but a smile.

It did not last very long however as Mapplethorpe's own amusement seemed to leak away back to solemnity, so did the knight's and in proper form, his tail returned to its resting place between his legs. Though Mapplethorpe was looking skyward, Chulyin kept his eyes upon the advisor. His words had a serious nature to them. <b style="color:#a51919">"I will serve her pack until the day she says she no longer needs me." In the end, his loyalty was to his sister and those also in her service, should they be her children, her subordinates, or her king. But should the day ever come where Naira found her home outside of these mountains, he would follow her. <b style="color:#a51919">


RE: vindicated - Mapplethorpe - Aug 06, 2013


jurare in verba regina
The second acknowledgement of Mapplethorpe as "sir" made the older man inwardly gloat. For months he had waited for some sort of recognition as a high-ranking wolf and now he had it from both sides of the pack hierarchy. He had counted Rais at one time, but now that he was no longer a yearling, a secondary assessment of their relationship was long overdue (especially when he assumed that @Rais often came and went as he pleased, presumably both doing his duties and as he pleased simultaneously). He found in Chulyin the near-concrete, mutual respect between a "Leader" and a subordinate, and it was here, the he briefly nodded.

He could feel the man's eyes on him, no doubt trying to read him just as he had tried to do only moments before when he had been sitting on his perch. What Naira's brother had said shouldn't have surprised him but, oh, it did... and it only made sense to him now why he had been so initially put off by his somewhat sudden appearance on the borders of his home. Chulyin, in his present state of mind, reminded him of the man he had once been under Rhysis' reign. He was well-behaved, loyal, courteous... It wasn't to say that Mapplethorpe wasn't the essence of those attributes now (he did still serve Naira when it came down to the bottom line), but in shifting priorities, one might have noticed the subtle change in the fact that the Advisor had grown quite comfortable in his lofty rank and role.

If he turned to look over his shoulder, to face the dark knight, he was certain he would be staring back at his younger self, emaciated and determined to do anything in return for a decent meal. He kept his eyes away from him for the time being until he was sure that he would not find a reflection of himself standing there at his shoulder. "I'm pleased to hear that," he said quietly. "I' said that to the King of the Pass once..." And look at me now... Mapplethorpe withheld the additional statement for fear of suggesting that Chulyin might find himself in his place in the next few months. As far as the pack was concerned, he was ready to do everything in his power to keep himself close to Naira and to ensure that she was well-guarded and kept safe from the harm and scars that future betrayals might leave on her already burdened heart.

"He didn't stay," he said after a lengthy pause. "None of the other men did, except for Rais. He is different, though; he came into the adult ranks with us and has proven himself to be loyal to Naira." Another pause, another couple of seconds to collect his thoughts and construct the sentences that he really wanted to say... It made no sense to compliment Chulyin in his wit, to praise him for being smart in saying that he would serve Naira instead of him. She was his sister, both blood and bond held precedence there. "She will need you," he disclosed. "These past few months have been both kind and cruel. As I take care of her, the pack goes about unsupervised; as I lay down the order of things, she grows to become neglected."

He slowly angled his head as to face his prospective accomplice, partially relieved that he was still the same coal-pelted brute instead of the vicious wraith he was likened to in the previous seasons. "Are you ready to take your oath then?"

template base by GINNYSAURUS

RE: vindicated - Chulyin - Aug 07, 2013

Besides Mapplethorpe and Naira, Chulyin hadn't yet acquainted himself with the rest of the pack. He felt as though he was neglecting another part of his duty, for the rest of the wolves that lived within these borders were Naira's as well, he had a duty to them! But he was only one wolf and had decided that he could truly only take one duty on at a time. He had the beginnings of the lay of the land mapped out in his mind. Certainly he would become more familiar as he got to know his pack mates. But perhaps he would be more trusted if he first found the trust of his male leader. He almost didn't dare close the space between himself and Naira again until it had been sorted out either. It was why his den was so far from her own.

Chulyin shifted uncomfortably on his paws, hearing Mapplethorpe's words. They were hefty phrases, and it took a bit of self-control to keep himself calm. How many had betrayed their queen, his sister? How many throats should he have ripped out for their treason? It was a terrible thought what she'd been through in his absence...Was there anything he could have done? His jowls twitched in displeasure, though it didn't go past that mere twitch. <b style="color:#a51919">"I am sorry to hear what you have been through, what Naira's been through." His eyes fell, the tip of his tail twitching now, taking the brunt of his frustrations as he muttered to the dirt. <b style="color:#a51919">"I should not have taken so long..." He would do whatever it took to help his king bear the burden that had been left behind by so many departures.

Though his head, muzzle down, did not move, his eyes lifted towards Mapplethorpe as the man's own gaze finally found his again. <b style="color:#a51919">"Yes, sir." He hadn't been aware of this oath, but he would do whatever was needed. <b style="color:#a51919">


RE: vindicated - Mapplethorpe - Aug 07, 2013


jurare in verba regina
Of course it was only natural to say "sorry," to apologize, when one heard of something terrible... but it certainly wasn't Chulyin's fault he had arrived when he had. The way Mapplethorpe saw it, Naira's brother had turned up exactly when he needed to. He was no "wizard", per se, but it seemed to the Advisor that he had come at the perfect time. He was ready, able, and dutifully prepared to do whatever was requested of him - regardless if it was under Naira's command or his. Perhaps it was in Mapplethorpe's best interests that he learn to trust the dark knight after all. He had no need to be so suspicious and skeptical in the first place. Especially after Chulyin verbally confirmed that he was, indeed, willing to take an oath that he had spent the past few months composing in the back of his mind.

"Repeat after me then," he instructed, his yellow eyes raking up and down the man's figure again, attempting to read his dark face while he could still pick out the important contours and wrinkles in what was left of the dimming glow of descending sunbeams.

"I am the keeper of Nomads Pass. Only in secrecy am I truly safe; keeping the world in oblivion makes me invulnerable. Untouchable. I vow to keep @Naira Aquila safe; she is my priority, first and foremost; I will keep all the markers, safeguard all Her subjects, misdirect all the truths, and alter all the lies. The name of Aquila will not be spoiled or marred beyond its splendor and power. I will ensure their welfare and the continuation of their legacy. Without them, we would not be where we are. Everyone who isn't us is an enemy; and, all who are loyal to the Queen are my brethren. Should I uphold these words, Death will be my only undoing. For as long as I pledge my life and honor - we survive, we thrive, and we take what is ours..."

Confident that Chulyin meant every word that was repeated, he looked the swarthy Guardian over once more. "Rise." With one last calculating gaze, he bore into the dark tones of the man's pelt, "Do you have any questions, aquili frater?"

template base by GINNYSAURUS

RE: vindicated - Chulyin - Aug 07, 2013

When his siblings had left him at home nearly two years ago, Chulyin should have found fury rather than fear. His patience told him to wait for their return. They would all come back to him soon. But days turned to weeks, and then weeks turned to months. Months eventually turned to a year. His hope flickered, but dreams of Naira and their games haunted his mind while he slept, a hand cupped around a flame. While they grew away from home, he grew within. A lone brother, growing alone. Any openness he'd had slowly began to close, and he tried to focus on home, the family he still had, honing his skills as a knight, closing himself off. While her image began to fade in his mind, her memory did not. But it was when he found the contours of her face to be fading, he knew it was time to go. Though the man held no formal title, no true knighthood, he was a knight, pure and true and no one could take it from him. And he knew it was time to return to his queen, find her and protect her homestead, whether it was a den of dirt, or a place as expansive as Nomad's Pass.

And he'd found his home and perhaps more. The fact that she had not been alone all this time pleased the man, though the thought of his sister being abandoned by those who might've taken this very oath caused his teeth to grind. With a strong and steady voice, he spoke after Mapplethorpe, word-for-word, each word giving his cause more fire. Oath or not, he would have served Naira, protected those she loved and wished protected...But the words he spoke could only prove his loyalty to this man. Falling to his haunches, he bowed his head before the consort of his Queen.

<b style="color:#a51919">""I am the keeper of Nomads Pass. Only in secrecy am I truly safe; keeping the world in oblivion makes me invulnerable. Untouchable. I vow to keep @Naira Aquila safe; she is my priority, first and foremost; I will keep all the markers, safeguard all Her subjects, misdirect all the truths, and alter all the lies. The name of Aquila will not be spoiled or marred beyond its splendor and power. I will ensure their welfare and the continuation of their legacy. Without them, we would not be where we are. Everyone who isn't us is an enemy; and, all who are loyal to the Queen are my brethren. Should I uphold these words, Death will be my only undoing. For as long as I pledge my life and honor - we survive, we thrive, and we take what is ours..."

His jaw set as the final word fell, and he freed what air was left from his lungs. With a full breath, he rose to his paws, gaze and head lifted. He felt tense, yet free at the same instant. Although he did not understand the final two words that Mapplethorpe spoke, he felt as though it was some moniker of respect. <b style="color:#a51919">"None, sir." <b style="color:#a51919">


RE: vindicated - Mapplethorpe - Aug 09, 2013


jurare in verba regina
Word for word, Chulyin took up his oath, every syllable sealing his fate in relation to the pack and proving his loyalty. When the dark man declared that he did not have any questions to ask, Mapplethorpe released a short breath through his nose. "I will let you know now that we do not openly welcome wolves who come across our borders," he stated slowly. "We cannot openly trust, as you must now realize, with just how many members have left us thus far. Any wolf who declares themselves members of Poison Path or Swift River are to be regarded with caution if not directly and immediately chased off. I trust that you have your sister's interests at heart, and I both know as well as hope that you will effortlessly exceed her expectations."

"If anyone manages to give you trouble," he went on, his mind suddenly darting to any threat that @Crowe might still possess, "You let me know and I will see what I can do. I will let you know though that I do not play favorites, and your actions here in the face of others readily reflect your rank." Still standing, he met Chulyin's eyes again, a rather slick smile gracing his graying muzzle. "I believe you'll do well regardless," he revealed. "In my time as Naira's Advisor, I have never been wrong; I can only hope that you will not let me down."

Slowly, he started to walk away, turning around as to begin heading towards the pack den. "If you will excuse me, I have to relay my nightly report," he announced. "And, I'll let you be. If there is anything, feel free to summon me, I won't be far." His smile softened to a point where it was no longer cunning or sharp, but actually somewhat uncharacteristically kind. "Good night."

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