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Home isn't always where the heart is - Printable Version

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Home isn't always where the heart is - Rosealia - Sep 02, 2013

[[ 795 Words ]]


How long had she been gone? Four months? Three..? A lifetime, more like. Two lifetimes. Oh her dear Karpos and Adsila! What had become of them both? Where was her “beloved” Shade, knight in shining armor, at? Miss Rosealia Slayer was a sheepish girl indeed; a few scuffles with a certain bastardly aunt, one who blamed her for the cease of her father’s heartbeat, turned her world completely topsy turvy.

It filled her with some kind of uncharacteristic rage that anyone, especially her very own blood, would think she had anything to do with his death, and then abundant, dizzying, yet well called-for disappointment in no one but herself piled into the remaining gaps left in her heart. It was like a slap to the face, because if she had any say in it, obviously, her sire would be standing at her side this very moment! Without a shadow of a doubt. Hell, she would most definitely want him--her father--to still be around in order to meet and converse with her darling, healthy cubs. To be proud of her huge accomplishments. To congratulate her on her milestones.

All of this—these numerous baffling achievements--and what does Rose get in return? Some sophisticated bloody she-bitch trotting up to her doorstep, requesting a playdate? Revenge for her “fallen” littermate? That hellbound woman broke up a family. Ruined Rose’s entire chance of a clean slate; some grand new beginning on the other side of the mountain..completely and utterly soiled before it even began. It seriously wasn’t supposed to happen this way. It was supposed to be no Willow Ridge, no haunting, depressing dead dad, just Shade and the two brand new bundles of joy. Karpos and Adsila. Her priorities.

Now what? Where is she to go? After patching up her wounds, metaphorically, and setting her head straight, Rosealia wobbled back into the Lore. This place isn’t even familiar anymore, to be honest. There are so many new scents wafting over her nose, all so overwhelming. It’s obvious that there is a pack nearby, though Rose is not sure which. Her brain buzzed as it processed this new information. Her body was in no shape to drag on, might as well make “camp” right here. Fuck the pack right now, they can do whatever they want with her.
This territory is eerily silent, cluttered with flora and teeming with insect and prey life. She’s hungry, though her frame is far from bony. That adventure was not her first. Her first rodeo wasn’t as bad, though, that time the circumstances were admittedly something easier to cope with. THIS is something she doesn’t want to do over again, but she has a feeling that she’ll have to. She doesn’t know really anyone anymore, her sense of direction is alarmingly askew. You could say that it’s pretty much annihilated for now.

The only good situation that crosses her mind is the instance of friendly natives who may or may not know of her family’s whereabouts. Assuming all three of them are alive and well. Hope for the best. Knowing Shade as well as she does, Rosealia is positive that he has things under control. He always does! Well.. The pups were left without the necessary nutrition to survive…Shade would have had to find another female bearing milk. Shame washed over her as she realized again, not for the first time, that she followed the same path as her own mother. Letting out a solemn, mind-clearing huff, Rose plopped her rump down beside a mammoth, mossy rock and waited patiently for someone to cross her path. Won’t take too long, she figured, this land is crawling with wolves of all shapes and sizes and personalities. The only thing she doesn’t want mother nature to hand to her is a Willow Ridge wolf. Simply put, that would be one unfortunate coincidence, seeing as they could be keeping a keen eye out for Shade and her. Being as she suspects that she is on the opposite side of the mountain, she sees that there is no need to fret.

Their abrupt “betrayal” wasn’t exactly seen heroic or worthy of respect, but it HAD to happen. There was no alternate safe or ideal way around their romantic elope. All in all, it was for the absolute best. Had they revealed their game plan—secret--to Elettra, it would’ve been fatal. Besides, they both actually wanted to raise a family together, as a pair, and a pack was soon to follow.

Glancing to the sky and peering through the holes in the canopy, Rose noticed the gray-tinted clouds and shifted in her seat. She briefly prepared herself for the rain, but only expected a light, friendly drizzle. The trees would mostly protect her, anyways.



RE: Home isn't always where the heart is - Karpos - Sep 02, 2013

[Couldn't help but throw Karp in! Note to self: Before Shade's return to PPT lands]


Karpos Slayer
i lost my heart along the way

Karpos had been venturing as he awaited his da's return, thinking about things, what he could do to help around. He had just ran into Silver, the pack Scout, and he was headed back towards home from where he was when a strangely familiar scent caught his nose. He hadn't seen his mother since he was just two weeks, and although he remembered her scent clearly, he didn't know what she looked like. Karp had assumed that her coat matched his father's because both him and Adsila had darker coats. Boy was he wrong, he hidden in some of the bushes near the wolf he knew, but could not put a name to. His eyes were watching her, unsure quite where he knew her from, the scent was so familiar, but it had changed slightly from what he remembered.

Then his eyes widened with surprise when he finally figured out a name for the female before him. It was just an hour ago at most that he had been crying to Silver about this wolf. That was his ma, his birth ma, not adoptive mama Ana. But what was she doing here? He thought that she had been taken by some mysterious force, or that he had done something wrong and so she left. But she was there, alive and somewhat well, though in his eyes she appeared to be distraught. Perhaps she had to leave for another matter than he originally thought? He slowly and cautiously padded out of the bushes that he hid in, pretending not to know her... until he could get more information though he doubted that she wouldn't recognized her own child. Whatever the case, he asked one question in a somewhat shaken voice. "Hello?" Then he decided, no, she had the right to know about everything, but that would come in time.

"Why?" He asked again, these one word sentences making himself clear in his confusion as to why she was back. He assumed something tragic had prevented her from seeing them ever again, clearly he was wrong and that was not what had happened. All the same, he had a small wag to his tail, though his head was cocked to the side in pure confusion. He had so many questions to ask her. He made perfect sense in his mind, though the execution was off. He asked why, though if for a reason she didn't remember him, she would have no idea what he was talking about. Oh well, he would have to wait and see.

table by mimi

RE: Home isn't always where the heart is - Rosealia - Sep 02, 2013

Rose’s gaze averted to the small cub shape sliding out of the bushes. The familiar, somewhat altered scent filled her nose, and then it finally hit her like a ton of bricks. She didn’t move; she didn’t breathe, and her dulled-down, tired eyes widened a little. Her body went completely rigid. Her muscles tensed, and her head snapped to the pup sharply upon hearing his tiny, boyish voice. Her yellow orbs studied him as she held her breath; she observed his dark, slender face in particular. So much like Shade. She appeared to be having a deer-in-the-headlights moment.

What was he doing here? The heck? Her light fur bristled only slightly, it took her a handful of confused, alarmed moments to breathe out that word,"Karpos!" Her English accent distorted the name, but it didn’t matter. Her ears flattened, pressing against her skull. She had so much to say to him now. She had no idea where to begin, though. At a loss for the moment, Rose heaved herself into a standing position and ducked her head down a little to lap at the area next to his ear. She emitted a tiny whine.

"My baby! I’m so sorry. I’m an awful individual. So, so, so very sorry." She just kept repeating apologies, though her tail began to wag a little in greeting to her long lost son. “I don’t know, I have no idea. But I can explain, let me explain. I wouldn’t have left you if I had a choice in the matter, dear.”


RE: Home isn't always where the heart is - Karpos - Sep 02, 2013


Karpos Slayer
i lost my heart along the way

Well she did remember him... Karpos had a small smile to him after she said his name, but she looked timid, as if she wasn't sure. Perhaps it was just Karp's imagination. Her recognizing him made him know she was no threat, and as she kept ranting her apology about how sorry she was, and how she had no choice, Karpos ran up to her, nuzzling her with tears almost floating from his eyes. "I missed you so much ma! What happened? Why did you disappear? Did I do something to make you mad?" His questions rattled off as he buried his muzzle into the tan coat that was his Mama Rosealia. "There is so much that you've missed ma, we're near here, Adsila, da. But da's over the mountains right now, visiting a friend of his. Lady Spectre went after him and Ana is with the pack. Ana took care of us when you disappeared." He rattled off all he saw important.

He knew enough about feelings to not mention that his da had a new mate, it might hurt his ma and scare her off and she might just end up disappearing for good that time. That was something he could never let happen. He had so many more questions, like why she seemed to be so worried and if she was gonna come back with him to the pack. Maybe she could even be alpha beside his da! He was worried that his da might not accept her.. no, it was obvious that his da loved her so he had to take her pack. The pup was so excited to see her, he couldn't stop crying. He couldn't help but wonder if @Silver was in the area still, watching him.

table by mimi

RE: Home isn't always where the heart is - Silver - Sep 03, 2013


Silver had been following him around wondering what Karpos her little prince had been following. Listening to him carefully she heard is voice off in the distance. Following near her tail was held high and so was her head. It was a scent of another wolf near by. Prowling forward she growled at the other female. Karpos seemed to be buried into her but that did not even click to her. A somewhat bark came out at the she-wolf with such force "State your business at our borders and back away from the pup.".

Not enjoying this woman next to her little prince she took another step forward with such pride and glory gleaming on her. Silvers' tail was curled but she let her head stoop down a bit to keep an eyes on Karpos. It concerned her how Karpos might now this wolf. She didn't even think about it and how this might be his own real mother. If it was why would she have such a bold move on her part to come and see the children that She abandon? It was quiet confusing to her. She just was Hoping that this was just another lone wolf. Maybe a friend of the pack and nothing more.

Waiting for a answer from the older she-wolf Silver tried to hold any and all anger to attack and take Karpos away from the woman at bay. She had to stay calm for the sake of the pack. Ace was waiting for her and Spectre was her friend in the pack. Somethings just aren't worth risking.

table by Whisper


RE: Home isn't always where the heart is - Rosealia - Sep 03, 2013


Rose jerked away from the little boy whom she considered her little prince as well. When she spotted the other female, a girl much younger but larger, a weak, soft growl escaped her, and she took yet another step backwards. Her cowardice did not last for long, though, and within moments she was baring her teeth and raising her tail. Her fur bristled as she moved forward again, standing her ground.

Law and order and different perspectives barely crossed her mind. She wasn’t thinking about how this appeared out of context, especially to another wolf from Karpos’ very own pack. “Where’s Shade at? Where the hell is my bloody mate?" She craned her neck towards this black wolf a little, raising her hackles and showcasing those shiny yellow fangs. She needed to calm down. This was doing no one any good.

She took a single deep, soothing breath and waited patiently for her tan hairs to fall before continuing, “Will either of you do me a favor? Be dears. Fill me in. Unless you’d rather gather around for story time, I’ll merrily tell you quite the cub’s bedtime tale,” it was hard to tell if her words were genuine or sarcastic, they came out flat and bland. Her ears remained on her head, and she lowered herself back to a normal size. Which wasn't very big, anyways. Her tail fell to where she was in a gray zone, neutral and not-as-threatening.

She forgot to give her name, but it didn’t come to her since she was so caught up in getting her own lousy answers. She wanted to piece this together for herself, regardless of everyone else’s views on the event.



RE: Home isn't always where the heart is - Karpos - Sep 03, 2013


Karpos Slayer
i lost my heart along the way

Karpos was shocked when the black female named Silver arrived and told his ma to step away from him. Perhaps Silver simply misunderstood what was going on and did not realize that the lone wolf before them was his ma. "Auntie Silver, its ma... real ma not Ana. She had to leave, she didn't want to leave us!" He said with a bit of shocked expression at his aunt's behavior. When Rosealia asked them to fill her in, he shufled his paws, he didn't want to tell her about da having a new lady friend... it would hurt her feelings, but he could never lie to his ma.

"Ma, when you left, da found a new ma to care for us named Ana, and they weren't mates or nothin, just she cared for us, and she warrived because da met Uncle Lachsies and Uncle Lachsies brought her to us. Aunt Pella disappeared a while ago and Uncle Ace is still here. We had a ton of new wolves in the pack, and we live in Pitch Pine Trail now! It's less than a day from here. But da was so sad that you had left, he tried to fill the hole in his heart with this new lady wolf named Spectre, but I know deep down it was just because he was tryin to forget about you because he was upset that you disappeared and he had no way of knowing you were coming back. But Ana is super upset because this Spectre wolf demanded to be alpha instead of Ana. Adsi is quite fine too, though she really misses you like I do. Auntie Silver is the scout and she just returned from a mission to talk to a wolf named Narime over the mountains! I thinks that is all." He said with a small smile, he had no idea that his da had just arrived back at Pitch Pine Trail lands with a wounded neck.

table by mimi

RE: Home isn't always where the heart is - Silver - Sep 03, 2013


Silver let herself relax a bit more "If what Karpos says is true Ma'm it's a honor to meet you. I'm sorry about my behavior, just watching out for the pups." she had to trust him and take his word. If what was going on was true then so be it. She had to accept whatever was thrown at her. Whether it be good or bad. But it would be hard to accept the fact that Karpos wasn't hers' he was this womans'. It made a small whimper escape from her. Made her think that maybe she just wasn't mother material and that having a family with @Ace wouldn't happen soon.

A tear streamed down her face. Silver was still hooked up on how Karpos' mother had returned. What brought her back to them? Was it the worry of them? Or the reality that she had something to take care of? Not somethings, someones. Karpos and her sister Adsila. Who she hadn't met yet. Of course she was sure that the little girl wass in good care just like Karpos was. Everyone watched over everyone in Pitch Pine. At least that's how it seemed, as Silver was still missing a few wolves to meet. She thought she had met the majority of them though. Everyone seemed caring. So there was nothing to worry about.

Her tail hanged low now showing she was no longer a threat, just a pack wolf with mixed emotions. So confused on this situation. It was somewhat unbearable too.

table by Whisper


RE: Home isn't always where the heart is - Rosealia - Sep 06, 2013

Rose watched her babbling son intently, pausing to soak in every word. There it was. She was a teeny bit hurt that Shade supposedly found another mistress. He started the pack with a female by the name of..what.. Spectre? Not that she blamed him for that decision since he had every right to make-well..she sort of did completely, indefinitely blame him. Not just that, but she hated the thought of having someone else stand at her..ouch.. ex-mate’s side. Someone else got to be his darling, his world and his heart. His true love. They got to nuzzle into his chocolate chest and confide in him. The sadder thought was that he did the same to that other girl. He loved her just the same.

So, was this “Spectre” more charming; alluring; pleasant than Rose? Did Shade think of her as a more compatible mate? She was sure that he had found things about Spectre that he enjoyed and never discovered in Rose. Her eyes flickered to the other adult wolf, the scout, Silver. She blinked a few times, although the words were fuzzy in her head, and she blocked them out. She simply disconnected herself from the world--the mossy, vivid, overwhelming environment was closing in on her. She closed her eyes and sat down.

Suddenly, in the darkness, she felt nauseated and heated. Her eyes squeezed shut while she tried to control her breathing, which was already stable, but she just thought she was going to vomit. Admittedly, she wasn’t a big fan of this feeling. She was replaced, for Christ’s sake! Re-freaking-placed. Nothing she could do about it, either. She just couldn’t get over this. Now what would happen to her?


RE: Home isn't always where the heart is - Karpos - Sep 09, 2013


Karpos Slayer
i lost my heart along the way

Karpos was scared to lose his mother again, his eyes teared up a bit before he looked up at her tan and white fur. "Ma, your going to come home with me right? Your gonna come back to Pitch Pine Trail and be with us and da right? I'm really worried about him, he disappeared over the mountains to visit some friend named Nari and he was always talking about some enemies that you guyyyys had over thar and I'm just scared." He said in a panicked voice to his mother, surely she would understand and come home with him, he needed her. His tail drooped and his face was buried in his mother's fur. It was a good thing that Silver had dropped her hostile approach at least.

He then looked to Silver and asked her a question. "You can help me drag her back if she doesn't wanna come with us right Auntie Silver?" He asked, making sure that his ma was staying with them, and if not that he would at least had the wolf power to drag her back to Pitch Pine Trail against her will. He would kidnap his ma if that was what it took to have his family back together. He didn't care what went on in the adult world, it just didn't really matter to me. He hoped his ma saw that the easy way was better than the hard way. "Ma, this Spectre wolf is just a lady friend of da's, surely he could neva replace you!" He said with a bit of an attempt to comfort his ma, he knew he shouldn't have told her about Spectre. That wold was nothing but trouble.

table by mimi