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Will You Dance With Me? - Printable Version

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Will You Dance With Me? - Neith - Sep 16, 2013

@Inkheart Set before going to SW

Walking along she had a smile to her face. The day seemed somewhat better for some reason. Keeping a steady pace she came upon a forest like area. It seemed to still be teeming with life even in the fall. Ferns covered the area along with tall trees. Such a beautiful place to be taking a break she found a spot to rest. Neiths' tall heavy body sunk like an anchor to the ground. Smiling at the relief she felt after all the weight was lifted off her paws. The area around her was like a mystery land. Full of wonders and secrets. All to herself, or at least that's how it seemed. With a forest so big it was hard to doubt that someone else was not here with her. Maybe even right behind her.

Neiths' tail wagged as a small little rabbit ran past her. Instead of going after it she let it live for another day. Watching another life that was so small and precious was quiet pretty. Maybe if she took more time to realize what she was hunting she would have saw that her prey had a precious life too. But that's just the way things work. It's the circle of life. The wolves would hunt the deer and rabbits. The bears would hunt the wolves. Everything had something it hunted. Well some animals preferred to eat the plants, but not Neith, she like to have meat. Just like all wolves should. It was unnatural, in her mind, to be a wolf who eats plants.

RE: Will You Dance With Me? - Inkheart - Oct 19, 2013


I am still having a really tough time writing for Inkheart, so bare with me if my replies are slow <3 I know I'm super late on this reply! :(

<b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; color:#FA2F00;">

Many things had begun to circle around within the inky knight’s head, bewildered him and leaving him unaware of his surroundings. Once upon a time all he had ever wanted was power and he hadn’t cared about anything else but he had been happy. Now, he thought he was happy. He had Magnolia Glen, a friend or two, along with a new role in the pack that consumed a lot of his time but unfortunately he didn’t quite feel as though he was completely happy. Another unfortunate thing was that he had no idea what to do to fix this.

Throughout his life he had always done what came to mind without anyone worrying about him or telling him what he should do, so now he was simply at a loss. It wasn’t until too long that his body began to knock upon his brain, telling him that he was trekking a little farther than necessary and that his paws had led him way past the Glen borders. For a second he felt alienated as though he didn’t know where he was but as far as he had become lost he was found again. This was Red Fern Forest, a place that was not too far from the Glen but certainly a trek that he had not intended to take.

Eyes watched the area curiously, bewitched upon the changing of the leaves that awakened the area just enough before winter would send them back into a deep slumber. It was paying attention to the details that brought his attention to another wolf not very far away, a woman he guessed, moving along the foliage. Idle he watched, unsure as to whether she wished for company or to find solace in the refuge of the trees.
