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come little children - Printable Version

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RE: come little children - Asriel - Dec 06, 2013

Unlike other times, when he was able to dominate his younger, smaller brother, Asriel did not feel snide or patronizing when his brother consented to his lead- even if it was reluctant. Instead, he felt pleased- he felt pride, not for himself, but for his brother who had reigned himself in in order to cooperate with their hunt. It would have been incredibly frustrating for him to have to vanquish both the badger, weasel- whatever it was- and his unruly brother. Even if he was reluctant to work with his brother, it brought out the brotherly fondness that Asriel felt on scarce occasions for Skoll. Despite his temper and wildcard nature, he could still be useful. For this, Asriel was incredibly grateful. Now was not the time for sibling rivalry- Asriel was the boss of the situation, and it had been accepted.

He and his brother worked beautifully in tandem- when Skoll moved away, Asriel angled himself so that he too could keep his brother in the corner of his eye, so that between them there existed a space, within which Morganna was free to roam, so that the three could form a triangle...He wanted to surround the creature, but they had to find it first. Skoll moved closer to him and he could feel the questioning gaze of both siblings as he heard a rustle coming from the flora before them. His head lowered, and he gave a flick of an ear, a slight twitch of his muzzle. He moved with calm, quiet footsteps, moving forward and away from Skoll and Morganna, so that the three could create a span with which they could surround the creature. With the males on either side of it, and the small but quick Morganna between them, it would be fail-proof.

What Asriel hadn't been prepared for was the creature's ire. What he'd suspected to be a frightened, helpless and injured creature was, instead, a snarling, angry, savage beast. It had sensed that it had been followed and had been in wait- until the trio got just close enough. Its only other hope was to defend itself, and it used surprise to lend strength to its ferocity. Even while injured, the woodchuck moved quickly as it bolted toward them when they reached the bush beneath which it had been hiding. Its horrible teeth were revealed menacingly, chattering and snapping and grinding together. He flashed a look to his brother, now that they had it cornered. It'd take team work- and they'd have to break it down bit by bit before going in for the kill- it was too dangerous to simply make a go for its neck. So, with a snarl, he led the first of a volley of attacks, lunging forward to snap viciously at the creature's hind quarters, and leaping back just as it whirled to reciprocate- thereby exposing its hind quarters to his two siblings.


RE: come little children - Morganna - Dec 11, 2013


sola bona quae honesta


Those things only are good which are honest

It seemed fate that the girl would find herself positioned between her brothers, flanked on either side by her ever loyal guards. As always, she felt secure within their embrace, regardless of what distance they kept, and it helped to ground the girl, sapping away some of her nervous energy and focusing it on the far more important task at hand.

Rustling ahead bought her ears to point forwards, twitching minutely to pin-point the location of their prey. The scent of blood was still thick in the air despite the threat of rain overhead, and she watched closely as @Asriel moved into position. The savage snarls and clicks set her heart racing as a furry hindquarter was presented. Caught slightly off-guard she hesitated a moment before she lunged, catching instead a flank and allowing the creature to catch her cheek in retaliation.

Her sharp yelp pierced the air as she dragged the creature further from it’s meagre shelter and with a flick of her head sent the creature skidding towards @Skoll. The sharp sting radiated warmth as the first heavy drops of rain struck the ground before her, an ominous rumble sounding from the clouds overhead - though whether the sound was one of approval or not, the young child didn’t bother to question. She was hungry, she was hurt - and the woodchuck would cure at least one of those ailments just as soon as the woodchuck was dead.

template base by GINNYSAURUS | image by GREY

RE: come little children - Elettra - Dec 11, 2013

She was alert, tense as she watched the hunt unfold. Her body stiffened, her tail raised straight out, high like a banner, her body making quick jerks each way her children moved, eyes darting about to catch every movement. A Leader had been taken, Asriel claiming the throne this day. There would be other hunts and one day her other children would hold the opportunity to take charge. Soon they formed a triangle around the brush where the injured woodchuck was hiding and once fully aware he had been surrounded, the prey would retaliate. Her children would then knit-pick at the prey, firstly Asriel snapping at it, providing enough distraction for Morganna to snap at it's flank, getting enough of a hold to fully drag it out of it's hiding place and dragging it towards Skoll's direction. Her daughter's sharp yelp sends Elettra's fur on end, a spiky display of black, grey and golden hairs as a deep growl echoes from parted lips in anger. She takes a few quick steps forward, accessing her daughter's wounded cheek though still remaining out of the fray. A litter of pups first time hunting would not go without fault and so far as of yet, they had managed to form a solid foundation amongst one another despite the snap of sharp incisors Morganna had been inflicted with. Elettra's attention then would quickly fall to her second born son, as he held the floor now. Perhaps now that the woodchuck was fully out in the open, the pups would be free to fully surround it and take it down.

RE: come little children - Skoll - Dec 20, 2013

dun dun DUN...

Sköll grew still, allowing only his silvery eyes to gaze upon Asriel's face. He had heard it. It was with eager, hungry eyes that the second-born watched his older brother stalk forward, perfecting the shape of the triangle the siblings' positions created. Just like that, their injured target struck, causing an uproar that made the white-muzzled prince's hair lift in surprise and thrill. Instinct kicked back in as Asriel lunged, making the defensive woodchuck spin about to counter-attack.

Morganna seized the opportunity and Sköll watched in displeasure as his beloved sister was unable to dodge a lightning-fast assault to her cheek. She cried out and Sköll instantly reacted, the tunnel vision in his gaze focused on his target as it hurriedly limped blindly in his direction away from the two cubs that had advanced on it. His muzzle wrinkled, his gangly legs urging him forward as to snag the woodchuck's uninjured leg between his teeth. It screeched and chattered, curling up over itself as it nipped at the boy's ivory bottom lip. He dropped it once from the initial sting of the bite, but was quick to try and recover it.

Sköll dug his canines into each side of the vermin's spine, biting down to keep his prey from wriggling from his grasp. He had thought he had bitten down hard enough but the rodent, now with an additional injury to a couple discs in the small of its back, made a getaway. Much like a frolicking fawn he drew close to it again, tossing caution to the wind as he tried to wrap his head around how to kill it. Saliva and blood, both his and the woodchucks, dribbled down his chin and it was with selfish desire that he pounced on his quarry, just as he had done once upon a time with his once-loved white maowse.

As the assumed victor of the hunt, he stepped over the still twitching body, lowering his soot-black nose to sniff it and graze his tongue over the place where he had punctured its side. Without a second thought, he cast a blackened stare to his two siblings, his hackles and tail rising into the air. As the rain began to come down in large drops, he flashed his teeth, a growl as terrible as the thunder that accompanied the storm sounding from the depths of his chest.



RE: come little children - Asriel - Dec 21, 2013

Lawlz. Co-operation? OVER XD

Having been found and rousted out from its cover, the angry and now injured animal set on defending itself with everything it had in it, even though it was surrounded by three wolves with an adult who was also within killing distance- she'd been the one to track it down and injure it in the first place, so it would be nothing for Elettra to do so again, especially now that it was even more injured. But it would not simply lay down its life because the pups were hungry- like any wild beast it chose to fight back and in doing so, inflicted a sharp, clean cut on his sister's cheek before it was cast over toward Skoll. Asriel growled and moved forward, protectively placing himself closer to his sister, should it strike at her again- and he had every intention of making the killing blow once Skoll had had a chance to main it as well.

But his brother didn't seek to simply disarm the creature- instead he grabbed it by its spine and did his best to hang on while it screamed and writhed, eventually getting away from him. Being nearer to the creature, Skoll was first to reach it first, pounce and make the kill. Asiel skidded to a stop, just long enough to see his brother halt, turn and snarl in a way which was far too much for Asriel. Skoll was declaring his dominance- and he would be challenged.

Outraged, Asriel charged his brother with his head down and jaws snapping. His brother would learn better than to simply take possession of something they'd hunted together. He didn't cast a thought as to whether Morganna would fight back as well, or if their mother would step in and pull them apart- but Asriel was not going to let his brother win. Not that Asriel wanted the meal to himself- he simply didn't want Skoll to take over it completely. He needed to put his unruly brother back in his place0- so he moved forward with the intention of scruffing him and forcing him to the ground to submit.


Re: - Spirit of Wildwood - Dec 21, 2013


Look Out!

Water is beginning to freeze and some fish are trapped. Hunt Opportunity


RE: come little children - Morganna - Dec 21, 2013


sola bona quae honesta


Those things only are good which are honest

Adrenalin still coursed through her veins, dulling the bite to a mere annoyance. She could feel her mother moving closer but all of her attention was focused on the creature now well within reach of Skoll. As her brother grabbed the writhing creature by the spine she inched forward, ready to take another snap at it but before she could it was off again, with her brothers in hot pursuit. Her head lifted momentarily as Skoll delivered the killing blow, but as he stepped over the creature and snarled her ears laid back and her lips peeled to reveal her own teeth in response.

Asriel, as was in his nature, took the display far more personally. While her oldest brother charged, she decided to take and entirely different approach. She had seen enough of their scuffles to know that were Asriel’s blow to strike they would be too consumed in their own little scuffle to notice her at all - and she would use that to her advantage. Quickly moving out to the side so as not to be in a direct line of sight, she waited with one forepaw raised, ready to strike just as soon as the opportune moment presented itself. Let the boys squabble while she escaped with the prize.

After all - possession is 9/10th’s of the law...

template base by GINNYSAURUS | image by GREY

RE: come little children - Skoll - Dec 22, 2013

Skipping Mother Dearest as per Vami's request... though I s'pose she could hop in after me? Lil' brat-prince didn't stand a chance, hahahaaaa.

It came as no surprise as Sköll watched his brother rise up to his daring dominance display. What did was the fact that Asriel charged him when in past encounters, the brothers jaw-sparred and did little more than pile themselves on top of one another when they still had yet to grow out of their roly-poly builds. With a staggering difference between them in weight, Sköll was swept off his feet, rolling over once only to find his brother's newly-acquired adult teeth deep in the ruff of his neck. With the groundhog out of mind and out of sight due to a wall of midnight-black torso, the second-born Archer growled once in retaliation then fell silent.

The wrinkles formed on his muzzle smoothed out and his ears went back against his neck as he tried to take deep breaths. He poked his tongue out between his teeth a number of times before sealing his lips, hesitantly laying still in the rain-kissed grass while waiting for Asriel to release him from his grasp. He blinked, counting in his head the number of seconds it would take before he would be let free. In his head he was making a riot - snorting, huffing, snarling, and barking all at once. If his eldest sibling had only waited, he would have witnessed a side of his brother not so often seen - if it had ever been seen at all before. The reason he had claimed it before the fire-eyed prince could even try was because Sköll wanted to have Morganna have the first bite. At this rate, it seemed he had succeeded (he could only just hear his sister's movements nearby, the rustling in the grass that could only mean that she was, indeed, taking the kill for her very own), but his impulsiveness had cost him the privilege in being second in line to eat.

The ghost-eyed royal tilted his head in a failed attempt to catch his brother's eye. He let out a rather pathetic whine, a front to which he hoped Asriel would eat up so that he could regain his own, albeit wounded, pride, "Truce!"


RE: come little children - Asriel - Dec 22, 2013

*Pets Skoll* lawl, they're kids- either one of them would've been able to pull a one-hit-win.

The combination of his velocity plus his weight gave him enough of an advantage over his brother that he was able to more or less knock him from where he'd stood protectively over the woodchuck and flatten him to the ground. For a few moments, Asriel held him there, not feeling the rain as it fell down on his back and trickled past his ears and down his snout as he glared down at his brother, teeth bared and growling. A rumble of thunder drowned them both out, but his brother recognized the position that he was in and called for a truce. One additional growl was given to his brother- simply as a reminder- before he reluctantly stepped back, allowing him to get up- though he watched his brother carefully for any sign of retaliation.

One black ear flicked back when he heard quiet movement just behind them and he turned his head only slightly, just enough to see that Morganna, the opportunistic one, had crept toward the meal. Though he had no doubts that he could easily vanquish her as well, he was a boy who was growing up under the impression that while a woman could fight, her true power lay in a different area. Her smarts, her wit- these would be her teeth and claws against others, thus why Asriel did not engage his sister in battle. Like his brother- though Asriel never would have expected the same from Skoll- he'd intended to give his sister the first choice of cuts from their prey.

His eyes became more docile as he approached her, tilting his head to the side in a benign way as he moved close enough to lick her cheek, where she'd been scratched. He felt sorry she'd fallen to injury under his watch. Skoll's cuts and scrapes went ignored, but this was the way it was meant to be- Skoll was a boy, and wouldn't be coddled. Asriel would expect the same, had he been injured. Their sister was to be nurtured and protected from ailment and injury, and so long as Asriel could help it, he'd never see her in want of anything. "You first, sister," He said, and settled down to wait until she'd eaten what she wanted from it.


RE: come little children - Elettra - Jan 02, 2014

There was a beautiful laughter which danced through the thunderous skies as she watched her children. Skoll was swift and smart and although he did not use his words to do the talking for him this time, he was able to take the killing blow to their catch. His dominance was true, having accomplished this feat but quickly smashed by the larger brother who was sure to make it clear that Skoll did not dominant anyone here. Asriel was larger (though by no means tanking in size) then his more stream-line brother built more on stamina and his power rang true with his quick grip to Skoll, pinning him into the ground. Their squabble was quick and Elettra allowed it, forming their hierarchy amongst one another as Morganna's tactics came to light. A shifting of her steel gaze would see the silent predator, quite and agile with intent to steal away the food for herself. Though her brothers had every intention of allowing her to feast firstly. She was the woman and, being children brought up by only a mother, they seemed to make sure that 'their women' were cared for firstly and promptly.
For a bit of time the mother sits, watching her children feast within the rainfall which washed away the crime scene of fear, blood and death. The thunders rolled on and soon, lightening flashed the lands in bright shocks of light. Elettra's bark at her children was deep and commanding for their attention. "We should get back to the den for shelter. The storm is only growing stronger." Lifting, she waits for her children to grab the remainder of food before trotting off in lead back to the safety of the den.