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i will play until the sky is black - Printable Version

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i will play until the sky is black - Eek - Oct 28, 2013








Magnolia Glen had only been her home for a week now, but already she was determined to keep this haven as her home. She did not acknowledge this feeling as perpetual, the exact same notion that overcame her whenever she intended on settling down. Instead she enabled the emotion to register as something special, novel. As though this were the home fate intended for her.

It was near around midnight now, and the moon was full, paling the stars and sky and illuminating the valley in a silver light. Not a single cloud attempted to hinder this effect, despite the storms that plagued the lore this autumn. Still the river swelled, and the grass below her paws was thick and slick with dew. The trees had lost nearly all of their flowers, and came closer to barren with each gust of wind. The remnants of their beauty folded under paw, each petal catching the light of the moon and reflecting every ray like fallen stars.

A creature built to blend in with the gloom, Eek for once stood out. It felt as though the illumination of the moon kept even the shadows just a shade away from being as dark as her, a void of pure onyx pierced only by the silver pools of her eyes. It was an odd feeling, like she was detached from the world, and she was enjoying it. This was what she wished to keep. This vale was bewitching.

Eek lingered at the perimeter, soaking up the spectacle. She twisted through the trees, felt the autumn mist curl her fur, and mildly contemplated how to cement her place within the pack.


RE: i will play until the sky is black - Thanos - Nov 11, 2013


Thanos had been unable to sleep, maybe it was because the moon was high or the fact that something was bothering him. Something was missing from his heart. It was as if someone cut a hole into his heart. As much as he wanted to say he was happy here, part of him wasn't. Part of him wanted to leave, change his name, even go pack to the pup he found on the mountain. Serve her and her parents. The little queen (Who's name he knew not) seemed so happy to have Thanos serve her, and it made him feel whole. It made him feel whole because he had served a purpose and made someone happy. Just maybe he could disappear before the deep winter set in to go back to those beautiful mountains to serve the little queen. Just maybe.

Coming back to reality the youngest Argyris spotted a black beauty in the distance. Walking up carefully to not startle her Thanos spoke in a smooth deep tone "Beautiful night isn't it? The moon is high, the stars are out, such beauty can only be found in the night." He had learned all his charm from Aeolus. The tawny man had learned his ways from his older brothers. Smiling softly with his pearly teeth he took a seat next to the woman. Hoping that maybe she would talk back to him, give him the attention that he craved. Sense Thanos had always been an attention hog. It was just the way he was.

Re: - Spirit of Wildwood - Nov 11, 2013


Look Out!

A fight broke out between two male mountain goats. Hunt Opportunity


RE: i will play until the sky is black - Eek - Nov 12, 2013


Something traveled through the air and curled around her snout, disturbing her solitude. Ceasing movement, she turned her head to catch sight of a man coated in earth tones. He was headed directly toward her, a set of dark honey eyes transfixed upon her. Eek reclined, easing onto the ground and awaiting his arrival. There was something in those eyes of his, a hunger that she was very familiar with. Selfish and unnatural as she may be, she would not deny him her company and attention. It was serving needs such as his that made one strong, even blind, allies, and Eek was always in need of those.

"Night time is my favorite," she agreed, her words soft spoken. "Especially here in the glen."

Silver outlooks hovered upward, taking in the light of the moon. She truly felt this way, but it would be the last statement given honestly, even though she would deliver each syllable with verisimilitude. After a brief moment of silence, her gaze once more fell upon her companion. Eek was sure to keep his gaze trained with hers, to give him her full attention. Her goal now for the night was to make this boy like clay under her paws.

"I am Eek; why haven't we met before? Seems I've been missing out."
