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Drooping Willows tigers on a gold leash - Printable Version

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tigers on a gold leash - Anneliese - Oct 28, 2013



The mountains were her goal. She had yet to climb a range so tall the peaks appeared to be made of pure ice. She knew it would be a challenge, and that only made her all the more excited to try. And what would it be worth if she took an easy route, rather than approaching the highest precipice? That was her reason for being so close yet still so far away; she was skirting the range, dodging between its gray slopes and the boundaries of Willow Ridge to get to Mount. Dire.

She was not familiar with the packs within this region, and did not wish to insult anyone who had made a home nearby. However, this route was the quickest, and she would risk a trifle to keep on her path. Still she made the attempt to stay away from the scent markers that occasionally penetrated into the forest of willows. There was stealth in her steps, and she kept her head low. From her moral ground, there was no transgression, but Anneliese knew well that this did not mean others would view things the same ways.

ooc: hopefully i don't have the topography wrong, but in case i do this is short and almost nondescript soo. x:


RE: tigers on a gold leash - Muerda - Nov 10, 2013


Muerda had been keeping an eye out on the lands sense winter was approaching. She knew it wouldn't be strange for someone to try and sneak in steal their food. Though if Muerda was on watch there was no way she would let someone get past her. And it seemed as if someone was trying to come close to them right now. So moving forward at a swift pace her eyes landed on a white girl with green eyes. Growling deeply the rusty woman walked right up to the loner.

"I will not hesitate to attack if you take a step closer." Her voice was stern and solid. Muerdas' own emerald eyes looked over the light colored woman. She was to close to the borders it seemed like, or maybe Muerda was just exaggerating, though she was doing it to keep the pack safe. It was her job to keep the pack safe. She had made a promise to work hard to do so. So why would she neglect the loner in front of her? This loner had came to close and she would have to pay the price for messing with Willow Ridge.

"Who are you and why do you think you have a right to wander so close to Willow Ridge borders?" Muerda demanded an answer and would not leave the pale loner without one. For she wouldn't simply let the woman wander off like everything was fine, because everything wasn't fine when you messed with Willow Ridge.

Table by PuppyThief
