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Bitter - Rhysis - Nov 11, 2013

Yes, it's mostly recycled from a dead thread but I only have 10 minutes before the baby wakes up! *rushes*

The sky grew darker, not only from the fading daylight but from the thick grey clouds that hovered above. Having made it through the boggy lands of the Cladstine Brook he had travelled north. His encounter with Sagacity still on his mind, hurt by the way he had to leave things and confused that he had yet another son in the world. That was what, 5 children he knew about and 2 he didn't - all of which assumed he was dead. Nice. Most likely it was better off that way, he was no role model nor did he ever claim to be, but it was still a pretty sore subject to think that he had spawn walking the earth and no way to access them for his own bidding.
He glanced to the mountain in the distance. The place he used to call his home. Used to, because he had not been there in so long. He had very little doubt that the pack would fall with his vanishing act. Naira would lead them and though it pained him to admit it, even to his own mind, she’d have done a good job of it too. He had no reason to think that the pack would have fallen into disarray, after all, with the affair he had been having with Sagacity, the pack scout at the time, he had kept to himself and the pack borders rather than involving himself in the community. Heck, even his son Datura didn’t know he was his father and they had spent weeks together then just ignoring one another. Adonis knew the truth now, and Rhysis believed that the young boy had made his way back home after all this time. The boy was depressing but he was his son, a clever boy, so there was little doubt that the boy had become lost upon the way and had delivered the message of what had happened, that they had been ambushed and he and Valiant had been taken prisioner to a pack of wolves, crazed with rabies and blaming Rhysis for it. Yeah, load of crazies that they were. And yet… no rescue mission had come to find him. No sights or smells of his loyal pack had some to his aid which left him with two conclusions – that Adonis had not made it home or that they had not wanted to see him rescued. In truth it stung to think that they would abandon him to a fate worse then death but he would most likely have done the same. The loss of one life made more sense then the loss of an entire pack… but it still scorned like a bitch and he would one day make his way back there to find out just what the hell had happened to his rescue team.

Back in the here and now, the lanky wolf looked worse then he ever had in his life. Half starved and running only on sheer willpower and adrenaline after making his escape but a week ago, he had managed to find his way back into the lands of lore. The current weather however was making life more and more difficult and being the smart wolf he was, he knew he would not have much time left fending for himself. He was weak, sick with a fever, ravenous to the point of madness despite the meal he had a few days ago and torn and bruised in places he didn’t even know he had. He hadn’t feel in such bad shape since he was a puppy and he had dared to question his father’s madness. What was it with all the crazy wolves in his life? Bitches be crazy. Father’s be crazy and even friggin’ strangers be friggin’ crazy.

The levels of the land began to ebb away as he finally found himself on slightly higher ground, moving alongside what looked like a creek through the border of trees. Though the dim light was thick, he could make out the expanse of a flat water, riddled with rocks and valley's - a pretty place, even with the harsh winds which blew and destroyed the waters surface. Around the edge the trees were thick, with deep roots. One of those trees would make a perfect place to take cover in the storm and wait out the terrible snow which would soon fall, only to wake and hope to find a decent meal. With what energy he could muster, he took a step towards the pack borders, unbeknown to him that another pack lived here. His nose still filled with the dirt of the hole he had been jailed in, his stomach groaning beyond all distraction and dulling his most basic senses, not to mention the delirium that came with being half starved and having spent the last four or so months in a hole in the ground.

He was no longer a Nomad, but instead a nomad.

With a final push of energy he stepped heavily across the crispy leaves and headed towards the trees which lined the creak. His eyes scanning the shadows for any place which might fit his body so that he might rest his head for just a moment.


RE: Bitter - Phineas - Nov 12, 2013


He moved across the snowy terrain -- the frigid temperatures that consumed Relic Lore caused his paws to crunch ankle deep in to the snow. It was a fresh snow, and while the regal would have much rather been home playing in the storm with his children, @Hypatia was still weary of him, and @Kyros had been reclusive as of late. Still, if he was going to try to coax them in to play, if only to show them the wonder of winter rather than just the fear -- but first, duty called to him.

The snow had tapered off for now, though his pelt was dusted with flurries. His fur blended well with the fallen snow, spare for the bits of ebony and cinnamon that coursed along his back. Part arctic wolf, there was a part of the Argyris male that felt entirely at home during the winter months -- the cold air somehow refreshed him each time he stepped out in it, while the endless snow could be taken also as a game. Yet the logical side of him knew this year was one he would worry about far more than others, if only because it was the Magnolia Glen's first winter as an established pack.. and none of them knew what to expect in terms of the herds and resources they would keep during such a harsh season.

The grey clouds rolled overhead, nagging at his aching worry. Winter approached fast this year, and with aggression. His eyes studied the clouds momentarily, inhaling sharply at the thought of what was to come. Of course, in doing so, the scent of another came t him just then, and as if revived and alert, Phineas straightened himself, pausing in his thought.

Quickening his pace now that there was a potential threat to his home, the Leader prowled toward the pack borders, his eyes darting across the blanketed terrain with a keen gaze. It was then that a figure of ebony came to view -- a male wolf making his way to a tree. He was much to close to the pack borders for Phineas' comfort, and with a growl mostly to gain the attention of the stranger, the pale beast strode forward, pride entirely written across his stance. "State your reasons for being on my pack borders," he rumbled, his baritone vocals laced with wariness.

RE: Bitter - Rhysis - Nov 12, 2013

So close. He'd been so close to the small gap between a set of thick tree roots and what appeared to be an old, used fox den which had long been dug out. It was going to be a squeeze but so long as he could curl up he was certain he could have remained unnoticed throughout the night. Yet as he made his final approach he realised he was not alone. As if from no where a burly white male appeared. He might have missed him at he not announced his presence, what with his nose on the fritz and the white wolf having the luxury of blending with the snow that fell around them. With his back to the male, he rolled his eyes, took a deep breath and turned somewhat awkwardly to reveal his face. It was show time.

Recognising the dominant stance with which the male carried himself, he didn't need to listen to the words to know that this chap was in charge around here. It was his own fault for not paying attention to the borders; though he had not yet trespassed he figured he was pretty close for the guy to have sought him out so swiftly. As reluctant as he felt, after all he was more of a king then this guy, he lowered his ears (or what was left of them) to his skull and lowered his body towards the cold floor. It hurt like a bitch, but it was a nessecary move. He would not survive the winter alone. He'd done it once, but he had been younger then and not in such bad shape. He was smart enough to know he needed shelter before the snow got worse and it could be weeks before he run into another pack. No, he had to impress this guy enough so that he might take shelter here for the winter, recover his strength before the spring came and he could finally have his revenge and Naira's tongue for a trophy.

"Sorry mate, I think they've busted up my nose." he muttered, his usual strong southern drawl was more of a croaky whisper thanks to a very bruised wind pipe. "I didn't mean to stray so close without introducing myself." he continued, ensuring to avert his gaze to the floor as not to seem a challenge. "My name is Caleb." he said, the lie falling with ease from his tongue; he could not give his real name after all and could only hope that this pack was far away enough from those who really knew him to call him out on the lie and if they did, well he'd have to play dumb - maybe he could be an imaginary twin or something. One thing at a time; he had to get accepted first. "I'm here in search of some place to call home."


RE: Bitter - Phineas - Nov 14, 2013

Crap post is crap but I don't want this waiting. <3


The swarthy figure of the stranger lowered itself carefully to the ground -- the submissive stance pleasing the regal side of the leader. His fiery eyes held nothing back as they swept over the intruder, calculating and nearly cold despite the warmth of their color as he paused more upon the stranger's face than anything. Judgement came so swiftly in these meetings when a lone wolf stumbled upon his borders, and the ivory wolf could not help but think that it was never a good sign when the inquirer looked like they'd had their ass handed to them.

"Phineas," he introduced in turn, his voice indifferent as the brief explanation was given to him. "Leader of the pack you're so very close to." Shifting his weight, the alabaster regal prowled closer, his eyes still sharp upon the more youthful wolf as he inspected him silently. "Who busted your nose and what for?" Pretenses allowed the Argyris man to care very little about these details -- Caleb, after all, was not his problem. Yet the man ahd stated he was interested in joining a pack, and if he changed that statement to joining Phineas' pack, then he would damn well know what the ebony male had gotten himself in to.

He knew nothing of the other's thoughts -- as far as he was concerned, the male before him made a stupid mistake -- whether by enticing someone to smash his nose up, or by waltzing so close to his pack borders. Either way, his motive was not questioned as much as his intelligence was, and thus the skeptical glance the older male gave his companion.

RE: Bitter - Rhysis - Nov 14, 2013

Phineas. He'd never heard of the name, but it was only over the last year that he had begun to travel further and further east. There were plenty of strangers here it seemed and that was good. It meant there was less of a chance of running into someone who knew all about him, the likes of Triell or Nina; perhaps even Athena. He could not face being outed just yet. He needed shelter before the snowstorms got worse. A meal in his belly and a cache to raid when he felt unsatisfied. For the time being, he was no longer a King. Though he was sure he would reclaim his throne soon, for now he would accept his role as skivvy and allow himself to be this fellows pawn. So long as he was accepted of course. Looking at the alabaster male before him, he was fit, well fed and strong. He had a good quality of life- something Rhysis wanted in on.

"I didn't catch their names. There was a group of them; I think I counted five in total. Bunch of adolescant nomad's thought I looked like good sport." he saidwith a shrug of his shoulders and a tip of his head. It was so wrong, how effortlessly his lies came. Once his mouth opened they began to stream out, one after the other, building up a story that even he might have believed were he not the one spinning the tall tale. "You think I look bad? You should see what I did to them." he remarked with a smirk; knowing full well that he would have been no match for five youths. He would assume the other male would realised that too and see his vain attempt at a joke to lighten to the mood about his situation. However he never had been very good at jokes, but he figured his alter-ego would find them amusing. If you were going to be in character, you might as well do it well.

He decided to play himself more friendly then his usual personality, but not overly so that he might fall into the goody-two shoes category. He was a male who did as he was told, kept himself busy and made a well timed comment once in a while. Yes, it would be easy enough to keep up and different enough so that no ties to his true identity would be made.
"I'll cut to the chase 'cos I don't like to mince words and I know you're a busy man. I need a place to stay. Granted, I'm not in good shape right now, but I can assure you my skills are sound despite my current...ah, condition. I can be an asset to your pack in exchange for food and shelter and I'm happy to pull my weight and follow your law." he said, succeeding in not grinding his teeth, despite the urge, at the words only because he knew how desperate he was to get into the white wolf's pack and starting to heal himself. Revenge was pointless if you were too dead to claim it.


RE: Bitter - Phineas - Nov 19, 2013


The alabaster regal listened intently – a light frown married his features at the description of five nomads – would that not make a pack? Still, he doubted that was the last thing on his newfound companion’s mind, given how beaten he looked for the moment. Scrutinizing, his eyes regarded the ebony wolf, once more looking over the wounds. Borlla was injured herself, but Caleb at least looked like he could still partake in hunting and border duties. Perhaps Eek would take a look at him and offer some relief to any physical pain he felt.

If anything, the Glen wolf could at least appreciate the quick conversation that led to the other’s real interests. His fiery eyes drifted back to the horizon, knowing full well the pack would benefit with another addition to its ranks – especially with winter so quick upon them now, and the season had barely started.

Phineas might not have chuckled at the small attempt on a joke, but it was not that the effort was unappreciated. Instead, he considered the intent of the other male, and at least found him to be decent. After all, he had allowed Albireo to remain within the ranks of his pack, despite their rocky start and the looks the subordinate had given his three legged son. This wolf had already proven himself to be a better asset.

“If you can pull your weight, then you have a home with us,” he decided with a rumble, his muzzle giving a nod behind him and toward the heart of the pack lands. “We have a healer.. @Eek. I suggest you seek her out if your injuries continue to bother you. But first I need to inquire.. What happened to your last pack?”

RE: Bitter - Rhysis - Nov 19, 2013

Success. Inwardly he was rubbing his hands together and cackling, on the outside he held his composure and nodded at the invitation. He would not have to survive this winter alone as he had done two years ago now. He would take what he needed from the pack and head out in the spring to take his former mates life. It was a very good plan. Sure, he might leave this guy scorned when he upped and left but well, he would just add him to the list of wolves who wanted to see him hang. Afterall, things might change. Maybe they'd bond over stories of heartache, hug it out and be BFF's forever - doubtful but you never could tell what would happen in the future. Besides, with Valiant gone, he needed at least one ally he could count on. Time would tell.

"I'm most grateful." he replied with a nod before he followed the white man's averted gaze and he looked towards their homeland. Now the trail had been pointed out the scent was clear - like a yellow brick road that would lead him to his winter residence. Noting the path, he noticed just how close it was to the water of the creek. With the falling snow, he figured he should high tail it out of here before it began to melt. He didn'tmuch fancy drowning.

The offer of a healer was very kind, but he wouldn't make use of her. He could heal himself just fine now he wouldn't have to wander the lands aimlessly. A few days of rest and good food would see him well. Most of them were cosmetic rather than life threatening. It appeared his kidnappers had wanted him to suffer for a long time, rather then ending him quickly. No point offing him before they had their fun.

The male didn't lead him home though, like he had been expecting. The guy wanted to chat. To pry. Nosy bugger. His question made him inwardly smirk. His pack? Which one? He'd been a part of five packs since his birth. Six if you included his most recent residency where he played prisoner. Still, he had to cut all ties to his old life. There was no going back now. "I just outgrew them. I lived with my family up until a few months ago. It was just time to move on out I guess." he replied with a roll of his shoulder. The guy had better get a move on. He was sick of grovelling on the floor and he wasn't exactly a lover of small talk. He knew he had a part to play, and he would play it, but that didn't mean he enjoyed it.


Re: - Spirit of Wildwood - Nov 19, 2013


Look Out!

A fight broke out between two male mountain goats. Hunt Opportunity


RE: Bitter - Phineas - Nov 25, 2013


It was an interesting answer, but seemingly honest. Many youths broke away from their packs at a promising age to seek a mate and establish a pack of their own – Caleb could have been categorized under this assumption, and perhaps simply decided to wait for the winter to pass before continuing this search. While the Argyris demanded loyalty, he also understood the desires of nature, and would not stand in the way of a wolf this wished to answer these calls.

Answering the ebony male with only a quiet nod of understanding, the alabaster wolf began to lope once more in the direction of home. He awaited for his companion to follow him, pausing his pace to allow the injured wolf to catch up before his shoulder would brush against the others, passing his scent upon the newest member of the Glen. The pack would not question him with the leader’s scent upon him, and while he would need to familiarize himself and rest, it was likely he might run in to another before finding the solace he likely wanted.

An echo of clashing stirred his attention, causing his eyes to drift back to the direction they had come from. Two mountain goats were fighting, and as the Argyris male witnessed one head of a goat crack in to the shoulder of his foe, the male gave a soft shake of his muzzle before turning back, continuing on his way. He wouldn’t lead an injured male who required rest to a hunt right now, but perhaps if he came across one of his fellow pack mates he would lead them back. “You’ll find a place to rest this way,” he offered, his paws quickening in pace now.

RE: Bitter - Rhysis - Dec 02, 2013

Fwee, internet is back so we get to wrap it up! I think its one more from you for 10 posts. <3

The deed was done. He had shelter for winter and as the snow continued to fall around him he felt a weight lift from his shoulders. Rhysis was above all else, a survivor and the crook always found himself back on his feet. It was one of his best qualities; being desperate and not proud enough to lower himself to grovel. He would play his part in the pack and bide his time. Its not like anyone was out looking for him. His run in with Sagacity had left the only link to his past and for some reason he knew she wouldn't not speak of him, not when she had so much at stake after revealing he had yet another son in the world. He had something to black mail her with should she reveal his location and he doubted that Naira would care to hear how the packs second had her wicked way with her mate... or that her son had been lied to that his biological parents were dead. Heck, even he thought that was twisted- poor kid.

As the fitter male stood, he followed in silence. There wasn't much else to talk about, on his part anyway. He braced himself as their scents mingled; hating the smell of another on his skin and not the other way around but there was plenty of time for that. He had learned the hard way that good things came to those who waited. He might have been knocked from his throne again, but he would climb back on there as soon as the time was right. For now, he was part of the creek wolves and under his hidden identity he would attempt to fit in. Not his usual style but it appeared he was short of a pack to watch his back. Maybe this Caleb persona would be more likeable and when the time came, he could march up the mountain with blind followers... Time would tell.
