Ruins of Wildwood
The Wildwood do i dare disturb the universe? - Printable Version

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do i dare disturb the universe? - Bornnan - Dec 24, 2010

Borrnan felt the question echo through his mind, dancing and swirling throughout so many of the other thoughts, feelings, emotions, expressions, that were caught in the chaotic muddle of thought. The young vagabond picked his way through the depressive destruction of the Wildwood. He saw the potential of new growth that would spring into life in this neck of the forest. His beige-white pelt stood out against the birch trunks and the brown bracken, but it seemed to be an expression of him. Contrast. Bold. Rebellious. Dominant. Bornnan stopped and paused, nipping a burr from his coat with glittering fangs.

Bornnan was obviously not native to these parts, and crossly unfamiliar with all of the different undergrowth. There was a look of smugness on his mouth, but instead he was confused. He had lost everything. His home. His life. His family. His sister. Indrui. Bornnan lifted his head sharply, eyes narrowed, as if something had called to him. Indrui, his sister. She had been lost too, though for good, he did not know. Since their northern, arctic pack had scattered, he had lost track of all around him. He was shameful to admit that he had felt fear that day when he was running from the hunters, and tumbling into unfamiliar territory. He had traveled farther south until he had landed in this lush region.

Now, he was alone. Utterly alone. He stood, alone, in the Wildwood, with furious confusion on his handsome, white face.

do i dare disturb the universe? - Corinna - Dec 30, 2010

OOC: I Hope you don't mind if I put Cori in this thread. I haven't posted in a while, so this might be rough going until I get used to her. =)


Gone Tomorrow

She was less than dithyrambic, in fact, she was terrified.

It had been almost three months since she had set paw in the forest of Relic Lore. Three months since she had been "escorted" from the Swift River territory by Indru Tainn. Three months since the water had dried up and any and all semblance of life had disappeared. She had struck off on her own, headed north. But, she had been a forest wolf her entire life - the world of arctic tundras and blistering snowfalls were not for her. So she had turned tail and come back, leaving behind the harsh winter of the north for this one, which was relatively more mild. Snow still clung to everything, as it would at the end of the year, but the low temperatures did not permeate through her thick winter coat, and for that, she was thankful.

Despite that though, she was nervous as anything. She had no idea what would have transpired in Relic Lore since she had left. For all she knew, all the wolves in the forest could have left, seeking out water sources. But, the water was back. She had found a river half frozen, and followed that back to the forest, veering away from it only when it brought her close to the Swift River territory. She wasn't sure what had happened there, but the place contained a not nice memory for her, so she wasn't going to investigate it...yet.

No, instead she followed the river into The Wildwood, at the very center of the forest. She left the frozen river bank only when an unfamiliar scent of another wolf hit her full on. At the time, she had thrown caution to the wind and had sped off, following the unknown male's scent. However, as she came into view - a white ghost in a white forest, she pulled up fast, coming to a stop. What if he was unfriendly? What if he was just like Indru? Oh well, nothing she could do about that now. Striding forward, she broke through the undergrowth, which while had thinned during the cold winter months, was still a formidable barrier. Coming into view, she kept her distance and her stance neutral. "Hello there," she said, offering a single dip of the head in greeting.
