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Whisper Caverns The Mighty Have Fallen - Printable Version

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RE: The Mighty Have Fallen - Simaea - Dec 16, 2013


"Dammit!" Simaea cursed and spat expletives as she untangled herself from the dead bush she managed to gen snared in. There had been green leaves beneath it which had just turned out to be frostbitten mint and totally useless. Minka's call had sounded halfway through her ordeal, and Simaea had to fight extra hard to get free and make it to the meeting. It sounded important and the she wolf did not want to be absent. She snarled loudly as the last branch tor a clump of fur off of her hide. Not enough to bleed, but plenty to sting like fury. With a final glare at the demon bush she ran full speed towards the call. Dodging all the other dead undergrowth with extra caution.

At last the healer arrived and settled herself in time to here Tokino suggesting that Minka challenge Narime for leadership when she returned. While Simaea didn't agree with the notion, she had to admit, Inali's words were true. "Minka!" Simaea called out from where she sat, calling complete attention to herself which caused a squeak and shrinking of her body, only to straighten her shoulders and speak. "From the standpoint of a leader I have to say that I'd rather there be no fighting or challenging this winter as I have a very limited supply of herbs. However I must admit that what Inali says is true. I do not feel she needs to be taught a lesson, but If you feel like she cannot lead her pack then by all means, assume control. I will follow."

A pointed look was sent in Kino's direction. Simaea was emphasizing in her own way that he needn't make Nari look like a child, even if he was her family. They always seemed to but heads when they were around one another, it was quite remarkable, for Simaea found she didn't hate him, but respected him, even if they almost NEVER agreed. The Caverns Healer turned back to Minka and awaited further conversing among the pack.


RE: The Mighty Have Fallen - Minka - Jan 16, 2014

ooc. Unless any of the wolves bring up another issue that needs to be addressed feel free to have either Inali or Tokino pp her leaving with them.

The pups were upset and this much was clear to see, their emotions were tangled with the matter of leadership and their parents. The situation had to be handled delicately, this Minka had known from the beginning she could only hope that with time the children would adjust. Listening in silence to each and every member the woman's expression was serious as she took to heart everyone's opinions, her golden eyes holding steady on whomever was speaking at the time. A few moments of silence fell over them after Simaea had finished speaking before Minka stood, "I appreciate everyone coming and I value each and every member of this pack and what they have to say, as for Narimé's return and what to do then this is a matter that will have to be discussed when she returns, but for now I will lead in her place." Her tone left no more room for discussion, this would be how it was, at least temporarily and the woman looked once more upon Yuka, whose gaze she held steady for a moment. Addressing him directly she answered his question, "As for Sloane's imput, I have tried multiple times to meet and discuss with him, none of my attempts have met any response from him, I believe he spends most of his time out of territory searching for your brother and mother." This brought her to what she had wanted to address next in the meeting.

Knowing that what she was about to say would not be met with happiness from the youngster's the new alpha sighed slightly, her eyes wary. "Until Titan has returned border patrols are to be doubled, and no pup is to leave the territory without an adult, every sign speaks of danger and I will not have another pup disappear." Her voice was stern as her gaze switched from Malia to Yuka and back again, making sure they were absorbing this information. The dark pup had been missing for a few days and if not found soon the chances of him surviving were not great, which was why she was determined to find him before then. Minka fell silent now, allowing the other members of the pack to have their say or merely take their leave, she had said her piece.

Re: - Spirit of Wildwood - Jan 16, 2014

There is a family of deer nearby. Hunt Opportunity

RE: The Mighty Have Fallen - Inali - Feb 13, 2014

Sorry I took so long! I think we only need exit posts now. @Yuka @Malia @Tokino @Simaea @Minka

I think I got everyone..



The petite woman watched Yuka strode up so that he was a few feet away from Minka. His voice was steady and challenging as he spoke. This time Inali was not torn on what to do. Yes, she loved Yuka very much, but Minka was his elder, not to mention his new leader. He had no right to speak at her in that manner. There was still much for Yuka to learn concerning pack etiquette. When he reached adulthood, insubordination would not be tolerated in any pack, no matter how unhappy you were about a situation. At least he showed a physical response of respect, bowing his head, so that cooled her slight irritation.

Simaea didn't take long to enter the picture, agreeing with her. Minka spoke, responding to each of them in turn, and as usual Inali listened. Minka finished and Inali turned her head to the small gathering of wolves around her. No one spoke and after silence consumed them all for a time, Minka ended the meeting. Inali moved to leave with her friend, hopefully able to have some alone time. Which would probably not happen, since Minka had leader duties and inali had...well, she'd find something to do. She couldn't really keep still for long unless she was asleep.

Looking back, she sent a quick smile to Yuka and flicked her tail. Her way of silently saying we'll talk later. Turning back so she faced forward, Inali walked along with her leader. In the end, they only got a few words in before they had to seperate. Minka to her leader duties, and Inali to the borders. At least there she could stretch her legs.
