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Thicket of Secrets Let Me Break My Chains - Printable Version

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Let Me Break My Chains - Silver - Dec 02, 2013


@Miccah, @Hollow and @Nina

The scent of borders drifted into her nose. She had made it this far. Now she just had to be able granted permission to join this family. Silver stood at a respectful distance from the borders. Lifting her head to the sky she let out a bellowing call asking for someone to come speak with her. At this point she didn't care if it was the Alphas or just some Member. As her call was cut off the dark female stood low with her tail tucked. Not a complete submissive stance, but just enough to let anyone she was far from a threat. If anything she would see them as a threat.

Patience was all she would have to have. Sure, it would take time for her to heal from her heartache and regain a healthy weight but if the pack took her in she would stay with them for as long as she could. She needed a new family and her loyalty was never ending to those who helped her in a time of need. So either this family would gain her loyalty for as long as she could give it, or she would be rejected and she would have to move on. One of the choices was easier then the other but she didn't have a word of what went down with the Alphas. It was their choice. Not hers.

Silver Shadow
I'm friends with the monster that's under my bed, get along with the voices inside of my head...


RE: Let Me Break My Chains - Miccah - Dec 02, 2013


Miccah had been patroling the borders when he heard the call. Waking up to walk around the borders had become a daily regimen. The Gaurdian in the making was serious of his work. He had sworn to Hollow that he would protect these lands and the people within it, and Miccah was no liar. He would not fail his newfound King.

The call was not urgent, but Miccah found himself quickening his steps anyhow. He wanted to be the first to see and know if this loner was a threat or not.

His large, bulky frame weaved through the thickets much more smoothly then it had when he had first joined. Of course, he was no expert. Sometimes he had to retrace his steps because he was still learning the land he now could call home.

His unusual blue orbs roved up and down the female, assessing her. Her posture was not completely submissive, but it was clear by it that she meant them to know she was no harm. Her figure was a bit gaunt, for clearly she had lost weight.

His own posture was something different. His ever present confident aura was still there. It showed in his stance, and how he held his tail upwards so it showed his high ranking second position. Even though his stance seemed cocky, though he never was, his eyes glowed with warmth and his smile was kind.

He looked at the woman again, and decided to speak. Proper tongued as usual, he questioned her politely. "Hello Ma'am. May I inquire who you are?" He did not think this woman was a threat, but you could never judge by looks. And if she did end up being one, Miccah would make sure she didn't get far if she tried to infiltrate pack lands.


RE: Let Me Break My Chains - Silver - Dec 02, 2013


When a figure came into view Silver slowly sunk down. "I'm Silver. Before you ask I came here seeking acceptance into this pack. My previous pack had crumbled, you could say. I promise you and your family no harm." Her words were swift and to the point of things. She didn't want to play twenty questions but she knew she would probably end up doing so no matter what. It seemed that when you were alone you didn't have much of a choice but to just go with the flow of things.

Stealing a swift glance at his posture it was easy to tell he was high ranking. The man carried himself tall and bold like he owned the place, which he might but Silver couldn't tell for sure. She had just met the man so she had nothing to go off of. Perhaps she should ask, "If you don't mind me asking, what is the name of your home?" It didn't even faze her that she hadn't asked for his name. Hopefully he would address that without her having to ask. It would be quiet awkward talking to someone and not knowing their name, don't you agree? Though for now she would stay silent until spoken to again. Silver had to make a good impression if she wanted to even try to get into the pack. This meant being quiet and staying low so that they knew she would not harm them.

Silver Shadow
even my memories cannot drown me


RE: Let Me Break My Chains - Hollow - Dec 02, 2013

He's being a little weird, since Azariah's gone. More formal than usual.


The cry echoed across his borders and Hollow heeded. He moved silently through the thicket, knowing now that there was another whom should have been near the cry, if he was correct he would find Miccah there. If he wasn't and did not see Miccah once, through the encounter he would be very disappointed. When he arrived however it was apparent that he was correct in his first assumption, there was Miccah, already there, loyally guarding the borders of Secret Woodlands. Hollow was very satisfied with his work so far, and so long as he kept it up, Hollow would also be sure to speak with Nina soon about Miccah's title within the pack. Hollow approached his tail high, stance radiating power and confidence. There was no doubt whom the Alpha was as he approached.

Hollow heard the tail end of Silvers question and spoke for his subordinate. "Secret Woodlands." Hollow spoke clearly and loudly but with no ill intent it was merely a display of power so that he would not have to title himself. For his body spoke the volumes she needed to assume he was alpha, his voice merely confirmed it. "My name is Hollow Nite." He spoke not knowing what the she wolf was asking, he did not know whether or not she was here for acceptance and so his guard was up. As it should be after all of the betrayal he had faced, he was still standing and now stronger than ever. Now that he had learned the truth of life, the truth that everything you loved died, or left you in the end.


RE: Let Me Break My Chains - Nina - Dec 03, 2013


She was in the depths of her kingdom when the call sounded at the edges of her territory, her emerald eye snapping in the direction of the call. Raising her head, she took off in the direction that the call had sounded, hoping that she did not step on any thorns. She snorted as she went along trying to clear her nostrils so that she would be able to breathe better. Hopefully others would beat her to it, as she was in the back of the territory and she highly hoped that the wolves throughout her territory were loyal enough to go to a call even though it was clear that whoever was on her borders were calling for alphas only. When she arrived, she was not disappointed as Miccah, one of their newest and Hollow, her new long standing partner. Nodding to both of them, she walked up to Hollow’s side that would protect her blind one and looked towards the loner in front of her. It was obvious that she was hungry and had probably been a loner for far too long.

Lifting herself taller, she let a soft growl slip past her lips, "State your reasons for being here." The alpha was not taking a kind approach to this new loner. Now that it was winter, Nina knew she needed to find more wolves with backbones that would stick with them, and if the wolves that showed up on her borders could not show such and would prove to her to be disrespectful and not hard working then she would have no problem turning them down. She needed wolves that would work to ensure the safety and health of the pack and its children. They were one of the things that mattered most in Nina’s mind. Narrowing her single eye in what could have been suspicion, she waited to see the reaction of the loner on her borders.


RE: Let Me Break My Chains - Silver - Dec 04, 2013


I have permission to skip Miccah.

It wasn't long until Silver realized who the real Alpha was. The Alpha was a dark male by the name Hollow Nite. Sinking lower then before her eyes were glued onto the males' paws. Before she could speak another wolf appeared. A female this time, who had lighter colors then the two males and herself. It was quiet obvious that she was the female Alpha. "State your reason for being here." There was an easy answer for that. "I'm here seeking acceptance into your home." Nothing more and nothing less was said. She kept it straight to the point of her business.

Holding herself down all she could look at was the both of the Alphas' paws or the snow. Neither were very interesting but Silver didn't have a choice if she wanted to seem worthy of them. It was an interesting process to say the least. Silver became worthy of their presence, she found work to do, and finally she made a home with them. Except that wasn't always the case. The female had no idea how they ran their pack and didn't know if it would exactly be that easy. All she could do was hope and wish. In fact, that was all she had left. A sliver of hope. Some of that hope coming from the three wolves before her and her friend she left back in the snow. Silver just had to move on. She could no longer linger in the past. It was an unsafe and dangerous place, not somewhere she wanted to be.

Silver Shadow
even my memories cannot drown me


RE: Let Me Break My Chains - Hollow - Dec 15, 2013

Lulz, even Hollow might turn into Ash XD


Hollow smiled to himself as Nina approached, ever faithful. His friend, she had not left, hopefully she never would, for if that happened then what? Would Hollow be able to hold the pack up on his own, would Iopah step and take control. But that didn't solve the problem of the pups. If Nina left it would be disastrous, as Hollow knew that they would remember more of him at this point than their actual father, what if their mother left too, then they would have no one. He could not fill that void at all, especially now that such a large one had opened up in himself. Generally the Woodlands leader was not this forward, nor this demanding of respect, but he felt like now, he had to make sure no wolf would ever dream of leaving Secret Woodlands again.

Hollow had to show strength now so that it would appeal to all. He looked down upon the wolf piled under himself and Nina. "Join our pack." Hollow echoed softly while his eyes lit once more with the pain of loss. "What can you offer to our pack? Do you specialize in anything, or are you just an empty belly for me to feed?." An almost shocked look crossed the dark male's face at his own words. He had thought that but not meant to speak it aloud. Hollow Nite did not insult those beneath him, had he not told Sloane that he would protect everyone as he never was? He took a deep breath and steadied himself once more and spoke again. "Do you have any special skills?" He repeated with a much more sound voice, and solid mask.


RE: Let Me Break My Chains - Nina - Dec 21, 2013


Her ears flicked forward when she heard the female begin to speak. Keeping her answer and submission in mind as she assessed the body of the woman in front of her, Nina narrowed her single eye slightly. She seemed to be n good condition for the most part and would gain a few pounds within the pack eventually, as long as she did her fair share of work. Just as she was about to let a question slip out of her jaws, Hollow spoke for her, almost as if he wasn’t thinking about what he was thinking and acting irrationally. Shocked by both his tone and that of his question, Nina’s head snapped towards the Guard, her single eye widening slightly before she returned to her former pose of glory. Flicking her tail against Hollow’s flake in a silent promise that they would talk later she turned her attention back towards the loner, awaiting her answer.

The question had been a necessary one, even if the second time he tried to ask the question had been much more appropriate. Miccah stood nearby silently and Nina didn’t doubt his presence, but it made her wonder what her other pack mates were doing around this time. Somewhere in her head, she silently wished that they were trying to find what food they could, whether it be berries or meat, it didn’t matter. Maybe even @Ashanti would be teaching the pups something, or at least keeping her eye on them. Speaking of pups, Nina had not seen her lovely @Bane in quite some time now and made a mental note to check in with him sometime soon and see how he had been faring. She just needed this small encounter to be over with soon.


RE: Let Me Break My Chains - Miccah - Dec 26, 2013


It didn't take long for Hollow to arrive, and soon after that, Nina. Things were still a bit iffy between her and Miccah, but Miccah was sure he could win her over in time. The interrogation thus began, beginning with Hollow introducing himself, and Nina backing him up by asking the loner, Silver, why she was here. Well, not really asking. She more like demanded.

His eyes revealed nothing as he watched the proceedings. So far, he had no opinion of the girl. Good or bad, his mind wasn't yet determined. His eyes showed slight surprise when he heard his alpha speak, and his eyes quickly flickered to Hollow before turning back his attention to the woman in front of them.

Miccah did not know of Azariah, nor did he know that Hollow and her were well on the path of becoming mates, when she had just left. It had not been his time, so it was surprising that Hollow was acting

The man didn't really know how to describe his alpha's tone. But who was Miccah to speculate? It was not like him and Hollow were the best of friends. The only time he had spoken to the man was at his own joining. But maybe that was the key. The tone in Hollow's voice now, was different than when Miccah joined. His manner of speak as well, he hadn't been so forward, from what Miccah could remember.

But it was not his burden to bear. He hoped his alpha would confide in someone soon. In one of his friends that he knew he could trust. A leader had strong burdens always on their shoulder, and the lifestyle was hard--something Miccah was glad he had never had to bear, as selfish as the thought was. Waiting patiently in the background of things, he awaited his alpha's decision of whether this woman was deserving to be a part of their pack and their trust. Miccah hoped she would not break it.



RE: Let Me Break My Chains - Silver - Dec 26, 2013

Silver Shadow

OOC here!

A bit taken back by the male Alphas' tone she didn't let it bother her any more then just shock. "I can scout very well, though if needed I can surly pick up hunting quickly." Silver and her old friend Spectre had been hunting together, though she had never really done group hunts. She had missed one while being on a scouting mission for her ex-Alpha. Shade. She missed him dearly but now and here was not the time to mourn over his death. Sure, it was a great loss for the whole pack but they all needed to move on. Everyone had left each other giving Silver a new start. This start would not be about mourning the loss of the Trail.

Her golden gaze did not travel farther then the ankles of all three wolves. She knew all three of them had kept a close eye on her and any move she would make would majorly impact her effect she made. It was her first time having to impress three at once. Silver was much better with one on one interactions. Which might partially explain why so many thoughts were running around her brain. Cramming themselves against one another. Stacking up horribly high for her head to hold in. Perhaps she just needed to calm down and relax. Tell herself everything was going to be okay, even if things wouldn't be okay. Something she always did. Hell! She even told Karpos everything would be okay. But things just weren't okay. For once she wanted this place to be the place that saved her, that made things okay.
